I've started a new Pokemon Slowpink save after beating the game with Pikachu as my starter. This time, I'll be using the game mascot, Slowpoke.
Friday, February 21, 2025: I have 1:11 of playtime so far, and I haven't beaten any gyms, but I do have a solid team of five Pokemon in Slowpoke (Lvl 11), Pichu (Lvl 9, met in Petalburg Woods), Weedle (Lvl 5, met on Route 102), Caterpie (Lvl 5, met in Petalburg Woods), and Rattata (Lvl 4, met on Route 104).
Saturday, February 22, 2025: I was able to defeat the first gym leader. Roxanne, handily, one-hit KOing both of her Geodudes and taking no damage from her Onix thanks to my Slowpoke's Yawn and barrage of water gun attacks. As I left the gym, I noticed a fellow with blue hair getting chased by a Devon Corp reseacher. That fellow turned out to be James of Team Rocket, holding a Pidgey hostage with Jessie in Rusturf Tunnel. I easily wipe their Ekans and Koffing with my Slowpoke's Confusion, and I retrieve not only the Pidgey but Devon's goods from Team Rocket. To thank me, the CEO of Devon Corp, Mr. Stone, gives me a PokeNav, and he also gives me a new mission: deliver a letter from him to Steven in Dewford Town. As I head back to Petalburg City with my new hardware, I'm stopped by my rival, May. Despite how easily I took down Team Rocket, I can't beat May and her Pikachu as easily, and my team gets wiped by her yellow menace. As I lick my wounds, I return to Petalburg City and meet Mr. Briney, whose Pidgey I had just saved from Team Rocket. Briney offers to take me to Dewford Town to deliever the letter, and it's an offer I can't refuse. Once I land in Dewford Town, I end today's playthrough at the 2:10 mark.
Monday, February 24, 2025: I spent most of today's run in Granite Cave. Killed lots of Zubats. Got a letter from Steven then returned to Petalburg City and got an Exp. Share. My Kakuna evolved into a Beedrill on the way back, and I replaced the crappy Rattata in my party with a Geodude, who I expect to be huge for my team during the third, fourth, and fifth gyms. I still have the second gym to worry about, though, which I've died in more times than I want to admit in the past. I'll tackle it tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025: With Slowpoke and Spearow leading the way, I didn't struggle too much against the trainers in Dewford Town's Gym until getting to Brawley, who turned out to be even trickier than I thought he would be. I took out his Machop with a few Aerial Aces from Spearow, and I tried poisoning Machoke with Beedrill, but it took not one, not two, but six poison stings for me to do it. Once I poisoned his Machoke, I only needed to let nature take its course, as he easily OHKO'd my Beedrill, but Geodude was able to tank a hit thanks to Sturdy, and a Bulldoze combined with Machoke's poisoning was enough to take him out. Finally, I had to fight Mankey, and my plan was to use a Yawn from Slowpoke to put him to sleep and then knock him out with Confusion, but Mankey's Vital Spirit ability made Slowpoke's Yawn ineffective. After that, I spammed Confusion as Mankey spammed Bulk Up, and once I got Mankey's health low enough, he knocked out my Slowpoke with Reversal. I then put in Spearow, hoping his Aerial Ace could outspeed Mankey's Reversal, but that didn't happen. I then put in Igglybuff, knowing he'd get OHKO'd but using the opportunity to use a Super Potion on Geodude. After Igglybuff got knocked out with Reversal, I put Geodude in, and despite Mankey's super effective Reversal, I was saved by Geodude's Sturdy ability once more, and I was able to knock out the Mankey with a Bulldoze. Now with two badges and 3:45 of playing time, I can return to the seas for the next part of my adventure.
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Credit to PocketKyu7 for the Pikachu in the header and below and Golduck's Pokemart for the overall design.