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A New Pokemon Game May be on the Way

Which Pokemon Game May be on the Way?

  • Avatar of BAC510


    [1]May 2, 2009
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    Check ou bulbapedia's topic on this. I will try to summarize it but I will probably leave stuff out.

    * A popularly discussed game may be arriving but on May 10th, when Pokemon Sunday Airs in Japan, it will ALL unfold. The title will be revealed, so be on the lookout guys. The Gold & Silver Remakes MAY be on the way!!! If they were to end the Series with the Remakes, I am happy.

    Bulbapedia seems slow by the way, which is why I can't access it right now.

    Edited on 05/02/2009 2:32pm
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  • Avatar of terminoob


    [2]May 2, 2009
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    I'd say it's a pretty safe bet it's either the remakes, or a random game. It's too early to make a gen 5 game, but it wouldn't be impossible, just highly unlikely. Since the DS gets the games pretty often, I'm thinking it's going to be a game for the Wii, but if it's a Gold/Silver remake FOR the Wii, I'm going to be really mad, I'd be mad anyway if it was a remake for the DS, just because Japan gets it first and we have to wait months to get it, but oh well *crosses fingers for a G/S remake for the DS*
    Edited on 05/02/2009 2:43pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [3]May 2, 2009
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    Copied from another board which BAC510 posted this:

    BAC510 wrote:
    Check out bulbapedia for an upcoming video game(s) for the Pokemon Franshise!!! Gold/Silver Remakes.....possibly.

    Just to say it, Bulbapedia didn't exactly say what game it was, just that in the upcoming month a new Pokemon game will be announced. Here's what it exactly says:

    Bulbapedia wrote:

    Several media outlets have revealed that the announcement of a major, popularly-discussed Pokemon game will be made later this month. Pokemon Sunday is set to unveil the title May 10.

    The show's official Web site describes the contents of next week's episode as "a worldwide first announcement and a worldwide first big scoop". The upcoming issues of CoroCoro and Nintendo Dream, which are Japanese magazines, have likewise been disclosed and are known to contain information regarding a "much-talked-about big title", although it is not directly stated that a Pokemon game is involved. Both magazine issues will be released after the airing of Pokemon Sunday.

    Based on the fact the game is said to have been the center of much speculation, many fans believe that the announcement will pertain to two titles: the Pokémon Gold and Silver remakes. It is also theorized that Junichi Masuda will appear on the show to make the announcement, since he did so both last month and the month prior in regard to other game-related scoops.

    However I noticed that they only said it was one game, so if it is a Generation II Remake instead of having two games for Gold and Silver they might have one for Crystal as it was the first third version game to have the same storyline except more indepth (Yellow was made to be like the anime, so therefore it is not really a third version like Crystal, Emerald, or Platinum).

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  • Avatar of BradyTheRandom


    [4]May 2, 2009
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    I'm hoping it's the GS(C?) Remakes.

    I REALLY want the 4th Generation to last a good bit longer, so we don't have to move on yet. If it's something other than a 5th generation game, that means the 4th generation will last AT LEAST 2 more years in the U.S., and AT LEAST 1 more year in Japan.

    Other than that, I've love to tour Johto in true color.

    Still though, it could be just about anything, depending on your interpreation of "popularly discussed." Maybe GS(C?) Remakes. Maybe 5th Gen (though I HIGHLY doubt it). Maybe new Stadium-like title. Maybe even new Ranger. Heck, it might even be a new type of spin-off.

    Edited on 05/02/2009 3:58pm
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [5]May 2, 2009
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    Just read the article, and I also really hope that it's for the Gold and Silver remakes. But like Pikachu said, the article only mentioned one game, so it could be a more in-depth version of Crystal instead. Either way, it would be totally awesome. Of course, as said in above posts, it could also be a Gen. 5 game (highly doubt it, though), or some other sort of Pokemon game. We'll just have to hang in there until May 10th to find out; can't wait.
    Edited on 05/02/2009 4:44pm
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  • Avatar of NYGBRIAN246


    [6]May 2, 2009
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    Rumors leaking about G/S/C remakes has been known about for a long time now.................................
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]May 3, 2009
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    NYGBRIAN246 wrote:
    Rumors leaking about G/S/C remakes has been known about for a long time now.................................

    Actually it was mostly fan speculation as newer Pokemon games have plenty of references to older games, obvious or not.

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [8]May 3, 2009
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    This little bit must have been edited into the article since you copied it, Pikachu.

    "...The most recent episode previewed the annnouncement by showing two balls: one gold and one silver."

    This, and the "major, popularly discussed" bit say to me second gen remakes!!!! Yay!
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  • Avatar of dannyranger7


    [9]May 3, 2009
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    I'm really hoping it's G/S(or C) like everyone else. And with we just getting PLatinm, I highly doubt there will be a 5th generation.
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  • Avatar of yugiohfan99


    [10]May 3, 2009
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    98% sure it's GSDS. The party ball picture screams it.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [11]May 3, 2009
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    Not to mention that new Johto Starter figures are being released in Japan in September. As much as I want these remakes, they should have done what they did last generation and released them between D/P and Platinum. Either way I hope we get remakes.

    If we do though, does this means next generation we get Ruby/Sapphire remakes?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]May 3, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Not to mention that new Johto Starter figures are being released in Japan in September. As much as I want these remakes, they should have done what they did last generation and released them between D/P and Platinum. Either way I hope we get remakes. If we do though, does this means next generation we get Ruby/Sapphire remakes?

    Well of course, don't be silly now! Why should Hoenn be left without a Generation IV remake? Oh, and then, when Generation V comes out, they can come out with a Generation IV remake! And after that is done, they can release a console game which is a remake of Generation I, II, III, IV, and V games and you can travel to any of the regions including other places like the Orange Islands!

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [13]May 3, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Not to mention that new Johto Starter figures are being released in Japan in September. As much as I want these remakes, they should have done what they did last generation and released them between D/P and Platinum. Either way I hope we get remakes. If we do though, does this means next generation we get Ruby/Sapphire remakes?

    Well of course, don't be silly now! Why should Hoenn be left without a Generation IV remake? Oh, and then, when Generation V comes out, they can come out with a Generation IV remake! And after that is done, they can release a console game which is a remake of Generation I, II, III, IV, and V games and you can travel to any of the regions including other places like the Orange Islands!

    Rly?! =D?

    Although, a Gen 5 Console Game that is a recompilation of all Handhelds with the oportunity to let's say 'fuse' your characters of all the 5 games so that once you finish the last one, you got all pokemon you captured in all games as you explore a much harder version of all the regions along with the extra ones so the extra stuff in all games gets more interesting and challenging would be an interesting idea.
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  • Avatar of BradyTheRandom


    [14]May 3, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Not to mention that new Johto Starter figures are being released in Japan in September. As much as I want these remakes, they should have done what they did last generation and released them between D/P and Platinum. Either way I hope we get remakes. If we do though, does this means next generation we get Ruby/Sapphire remakes?

    Well of course, don't be silly now! Why should Hoenn be left without a Generation IV remake? Oh, and then, when Generation V comes out, they can come out with a Generation IV remake! And after that is done, they can release a console game which is a remake of Generation I, II, III, IV, and V games and you can travel to any of the regions including other places like the Orange Islands!

    Rly?! =D?

    Although, a Gen 5 Console Game that is a recompilation of all Handhelds with the oportunity to let's say 'fuse' your characters of all the 5 games so that once you finish the last one, you got all pokemon you captured in all games as you explore a much harder version of all the regions along with the extra ones so the extra stuff in all games gets more interesting and challenging would be an interesting idea.

    That would be interesting. My guess of how the game would take place would be something like...

    You start off in Kanto, choose a starter, journey throgh, beat the Elite Four.

    Then, you go to Johto, but are made to leave all of your Pokemon behind to go there and choose a new starter. However, you can travel back to Kanto at any time to get all of your old Pokemon back, but must leave them again to go back to Johto.. (Let's say there's a Storage System for each region)

    Then, you can sail over to Hoenn, but must leave all Johto and Kanto Pokemon behind, getting yet another new starter. However, you can travel back to Kanto and Johto at any time, where the Kanto and Johto PCs are now one and the same.

    Then, you go to Sinnoh, again, leaving all of the Pokemon behind and getting a new starter. As always, you can travel back to Kanto, Johto, or Hoenn to use all of your old Pokemon, and all PCs are now combined. Then, you go maybe the Generation V location and do it all again.

    And so on..

    Then, after becoming Champion of ALL of the regions, you can challenge the Pokemon World Elite Four, and Champion. (Who are the Elite Four and Champion of the whole world).

    After beating the game, you can go to Battle Frontiers, Contests, etc in all the regions. Not to mention, you'll get the "True National Pokedex" and can now catch all of the Pokemon and Legendaries (Yes, all 493 Pokemon could be found in this game). Wow...that would be pretty cool.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]May 3, 2009
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    WHOA!... Hold your Rapidash everyone! I was just kidding around...
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  • Avatar of terminoob


    [16]May 3, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Not to mention that new Johto Starter figures are being released in Japan in September. As much as I want these remakes, they should have done what they did last generation and released them between D/P and Platinum. Either way I hope we get remakes.

    If we do though, does this means next generation we get Ruby/Sapphire remakes?

    With the DSi, R/S remakes are pretty much a given...
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  • Avatar of BradyTheRandom


    [17]May 3, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    WHOA!... Hold your Rapidash everyone! I was just kidding around...

    My post was a SUGGESTION, not SPECULATION. So I know.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [18]May 3, 2009
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    terminoob wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Not to mention that new Johto Starter figures are being released in Japan in September. As much as I want these remakes, they should have done what they did last generation and released them between D/P and Platinum. Either way I hope we get remakes. If we do though, does this means next generation we get Ruby/Sapphire remakes?
    With the DSi, R/S remakes are pretty much a given...

    There isn't in chance in Hell that there will be R/S Remakes. Then there will be a superior gaming system and IF there is a 5th Generation, then there would be D/P Remakes as well and so on...............

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [19]May 6, 2009
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    I hope there will be one.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [20]May 7, 2009
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    So apparently within the last few hours some information surfaced on some official Japanese site, and it seems that we are indeed getting Gold and Silver Remakes titled HeartGold and SoulSilver.
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