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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

AAML Club #1: Is all she want a bike?!?

  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [61]Aug 2, 2006
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    PM me as well. I really hope this is true.
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  • Avatar of PokeshipAAML


    [62]Aug 2, 2006
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    Bluemt, Keep trying on my web address as should Cheap and tmp! It works sometimes Weird!
    Edited on 08/02/2006 10:13pm
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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [63]Aug 3, 2006
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    PokeshipAAML wrote:
    Bluemt, Keep trying on my web address as should Cheap and tmp! It works sometimes Weird!
    Did you try the website i sent, its pretty good!! its pretty in pink!!

    Once i take my web development and design course this year, ill make an AAML page!!!

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    [64]Aug 3, 2006
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    Yeah but I can't put the button I want on my sig can  U help. Please. Here is the link how do you put it in HTML form? <a href=http://devoted.to/ashandmisty><img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/tpc_guild/shield5.jpg border="0"></a>
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    [65]Aug 3, 2006
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    Okay, first, if you have paint, save it in paint. Then open a photobicket account and upload it there. Then when you finally get it uploaded, there will be three boxes under the pic, copy the IMG one and paste it into your signature in your prefs!! Got it!?!
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    [66]Aug 3, 2006
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    blueMnM415 wrote:
    Okay, first, if you have paint, save it in paint. Then open a photobicket account and upload it there. Then when you finally get it uploaded, there will be three boxes under the pic, copy the IMG one and paste it into your signature in your prefs!! Got it!?!

    Now all I have to figure out is how to get it into photobucket!
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    [67]Aug 3, 2006
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    Check it out I made an AAML website! http://www.freewebs.com/aaml4eva/
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  • Avatar of msinuyasha


    [68]Aug 3, 2006
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    [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
    Edited on 08/03/2006 8:34pm
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    [69]Aug 3, 2006
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    Hi, I really love your website, think it's cute. plz keep working on it. I think they really do need to bring misty back. I think May is okay but sometimes she seems a little clueless to me. but Misty kept the guys in check...
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  • Avatar of PokeshipAAML


    [70]Aug 3, 2006
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    Thanks. I think this club needs a little support! 

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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [71]Aug 4, 2006
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    For the hints part you can go back and use the wonderful list i made, im going to use it when i make my site, but you can use it!!!! Its on the first page, us AAML fans gotta stick together!!
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    [72]Aug 4, 2006
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    blueMnM415 wrote:
    For the hints part you can go back and use the wonderful list i made, im going to use it when i make my site, but you can use it!!!! Its on the first page, us AAML fans gotta stick together!!

    Go check it out now...
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    [73]Aug 4, 2006
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    Here is the list!!!! I love the list!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our List of Ash and Misty goodness!!! wrote:

    1x03: M-my bike...
    1x03: He really does love Pokemon..
    1x09: Misty's Jealousy(Giselle)
    1x12: The Purple Hair
    1x14: When two people fight, they really care about each other!
    1x19: The kimonos, the hair, they dance!
    1x22: A late night ride
    1x22: Open your eyes
    1x22: So Misty you were really worried about me!?!
    1x42: Ash compliments Misty on her singing
    1x49: The Princess Festival
    1x51: not Pikachu, I’m worried about Ash
    1x55: The Hot Springs
    1x59: Swinging to safety
    1x67: Just turn around
    1st Movie: When Ash "died"(I was crying too!!]
    1x73: Take your best shot Team Rocket
    1x75: He calls her "Mist"
    2x02: Looks like we have two lovebirds in the cage!!
    2x12: What about me?!?
    2x19: Hey, thats sounds just like you and Ash!
    2x19: Do you think people change when they get kissed?(followed by a blushing Misty)
    2x20: Ash carries Misty because she can’t move
    2nd Movie: He's a boy and he's a friend, but he's NOT my boyfriend!
    2nd Movie: Well, you are a girl and you are his friend... isn’t that right?!?
    2nd Movie: Oh, you'll get used to it. It's just something you'll have to work on when the two of you get married.
    2nd Movie: Ash is never really alone cause he's got.... me.
    2nd Movie: Misty swims out to save Ash(I was SO hoping for CPR to follow!!]
    2nd Movie: The look Misty gives him at the end.
    2x22: You’re a very lucky guy Ash!!
    2x24: The blanket
    2x29: Thanks for being so nice while we were sick.
    3x16: We'll find her.... I hope.
    3x21: The storm
    3x39: Its Misty!! Its Ash!!
    3x39: Its good to have you back.
    3x39: Thanks Ash, I missed you.
    4x28: What a little cutie! What!!!(glares)
    4x41: Misty - Take it from me; It's a lot easier to like someone who likes you then to like someone who doesn't. Brock - How do you know? Misty - *blushing* Well, that's what I've heard...
    4x41: You and I will be married someday too...
    5th Movie: Ash helps Misty up after the machine hurts her.
    5x08: Title: The Perfect Match!!
    5x44: Brock - Could it be that I'm the only one who hasn't found love yet?
    6th Movie: Misty drops Togepi when Latias kisses Ash
    5x64: Now I know how you feel about me Ash Ketchem...
    5x64: Misty - Will I ever see you again? Ash - You will, I swear.
    5x64: How could Ash talk to me like that, after all we've been though, like it ment nothing to him...Worst part, he isn't even sad about us having to split up...
    7th Movie: A good friend left me once, and I miss her every day.(pause)But I know we’ll always be friends!

    And sadly, we then had to say goodbye to our dear and beloved Misty!! But, nun-the-less we will ship AAML FOREVER!!!!

    Edited on 08/04/2006 10:25pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [74]Aug 6, 2006
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    hehehe, i was watching Pokemon Chronicals on CN, and it was the one with the guy that wanted to date Misty. And when he asked to go out with her, she was just like "No, im sorry, i cant!!", and i was doing comentary the whole time !! I was just saying, "I cant date you because my true love is away........ but i will see him again"!!! I was having way too much fun!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Avatar of PokeshipAAML


    [75]Aug 7, 2006
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    Lol! I just thought of it today, what do you guys think would happen if Ash and Misty got married? No I don't mean that...  I mean like if Ash became a gym leader (I still think Ash will become one) would they live in Cerulean or Pallet. Or their kids, what do you think they would look like?
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    [76]Aug 8, 2006
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    They would probably live at the Cerulean Gym cause Misty is the Gym leader. There first child will be a girl and will be named Ashley !! She will either have jet-black hair with lite blue eyes or bright orange hair with chocolate brown eyes. She will love pokemon just like her parents and be very much like her dad!!! Im not sure for other kids, definitly atleast two kids, but im not sure for the second one. Pikachu wouldve found a mate and have lots of little baby Pichu's and Togetic wouldve come back to live with Misty!!! Thats all i got right now. I gotta get off the computer for a few minutes, my mom needs to get on, blech!!!

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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [77]Aug 8, 2006
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    Lol yeah in that Pokemon Chronicles Episode Misty said she coudln't because there was someone else. Casey accused her of liking Tracey and she said it was someone else. She thought Casey was going to say Ash. I think at one point she said the person she liked was out traveling and having Pokemon Battles, plus Tracey was there.
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    [78]Aug 9, 2006
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    I like those ideas! I could see the girl being alot like Ash too!

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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [79]Aug 9, 2006
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    PokeshipAAML wrote:
    I like those ideas! I could see the girl being alot like Ash too!
    Daddy's little girl !!! OMG, i need to go read some good fanfiction now, but i just had a thought:

    Can you imagine someone asking his daughter on a date?? (i think) Ash would just be like the really protective dad and be like "Sure go ahead, AFTER you defeat me in a battle!!"

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    [80]Aug 9, 2006
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    Misty's reaction would be something like this.

    Misty: Ash your going to scare off all her dates!

    Ash: Hey, if their going to go out with MY daughter they better have good pokemon.

    And imagen if Ash's daughter got togeter with Gary oak's? LoL!

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