phonzee101 wrote: |
If a pokemon forgets an eggmove can it remember it later. |
Only through the Move Relearner.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
phonzee101 wrote: |
If a pokemon forgets an eggmove can it remember it later. |
Only through the Move Relearner.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Only through the Move Relearner. |
when does black and white come out in the usa?
stui8 wrote: |
when does black and white come out in the usa? |
Believed to be around Spring 2011.
stui8 wrote: |
when does black and white come out in the usa? |
can't we at least wait until it comes out in japan first?
how to u get feebass's beauty up so it can evolve
feed it the right Pokeblocks or poffins
or give it massages everyday in HGSS and switch to a contest having game and then level it up
Will they make a Ruby & Sapphire remake in Generation V the way they made FireRed & LeafGreen in Generation III and HeartGold & SoulSilver in Generation IV?
Aaerni wrote: |
Will they make a Ruby & Sapphire remake in Generation V the way they made FireRed & LeafGreen in Generation III and HeartGold & SoulSilver in Generation IV? |
There is no way to know, and it's probably not even on the minds of the Pokemon Company or at least not getting an development started if they do plan on doing on.
You must remember first why the remakes were made: to get the older Generation Pokemon. Generation III is infamous for having severed the connections with the Generation I and Generation II games due to the Pokemon Company completely redoing all the mechanics of the Pokemon games now that the Gameboy Advance's cartridges provide more space to do so. Of course, doing this also meant that almost all the Generation I and Generation II Pokemon could not be obtained unless through a cheating device. So then several games (and events but that's another story) were made in order to help get the missing Pokemon, one of the biggest helpers being the remakes of the original Generation I games: FireRed and LeafGreen.
Now by the time Generation IV came, technically all the Pokemon have become obtainable or were at least obtainable at some point, so there really wasn't a need for anymore remakes. However being Generation was consider the best generation of Pokemon and it never hurts to provide another outlet to help players catch Pokemon (especially considering many of the Pokemon that players probably didn't have were from Johto). Also many things from Generation II could do with a little update, especailly the stock artwork, so they decided that a remake of the Generation II game wasn't such a bad idea and so we go: HeartGold & SoulSilver
And now we have come to a stop sign. Unlike Generation I and II, Generation III is somewhat compatible with Generation IV in the sense that you can transfer Pokemon from it to the Generation IV games (which will probably be the only games Generation V will accept backward trades from). Therefore you still had access to pretty much all the non-event Pokemon of Hoenn. Also nothing from Generation III really needs to be updated. The final nail in the coffin is that the Generation III Pokemon have been made available for capture in the Generation IV games (albiet for the Golems you need a special Regigigas but still you can catch them in Platinum if you have it). So a remake of Ruby & Sapphire would be purely for fan service.
So does that mean there probably won't be a Ruby & Sapphire remake, my answer is leaning towards yes, but there might be somethings which might help its case. For one thing Generation III was considered the worse Generation (though this was mostly due to people not able to transfer their Generation I and Generation II Pokemon onto it's games) and I'm sure the Pokemon Company wouldn't mind another whack at it. Also, though it isn't really a big issue, the Generation III Gym Leader, Elite Four, Champion, Frontier Brains, Syndicate Admins & Bosses, and other important characters don't have moving sprites. Plus it's the only Generation to not have been rendered in 3D. So while they aren't big gains, there is still a slimmer of a chance for Ruby & Sapphire remakes, if anything to render the region in 3D and make their Legendaries more easy to capture. Also if they do it could possibly confirm a new tradition in Pokemon (though this itself could be used as a negative point). So here's hoping in seeing LandRuby & SeaSapphire!
Fun Fact: Kanto has been featured in all Generations, whether being on its own or alongside Johto. But with the Generation I and Generation II remakes done and made, could Generation V be the first generation to not feature Kanto in any of its games?
pikastatic100 wrote: |
Okay, I've had about 450 Pokemon trading cards lying around gathering dust for years now, and I would like to sell them. The only problem is I'm not sure how much they're worth, so I would like to know how all the different symbols on the card (as well as the copyright date) can determine its value. I'm aware that a black circle in the bottom right corner means the card is common, a black diamond means its uncommon, a black star means it's rare, and a shining star means it's very rare; but that still doesn't tell me much about value, and there are still other factors to take into account, such as what Pokemon it is, whether the card is holographic or not, whether it's a first edition or not, whether it's an ex card or not, etc. There's also the fraction on the bottom right corner, but I'm not sure if that means anything when it comes to value. If someone could give me a detailed description on how to tell the $ value of a card, taking all symbols, fractions, shininess into account, I would greatly appreciate it. |
Well there is also the problem where you're going to sell them? I mean I can tell you that Beckett's Pokemon Magazine has a card price guide which gives you the rough estimate on how much they cost but the thing is not everyplace will buy the cards for that price (or they might not want to buy cards at all). And if the place will buy them, just make note that they'll first make sure the cards are in good condition and note every single scratch of bent and knock the cost down on the cards. Finally after all that being a store's intention is on making a profit they'll try to haggle down the price.
So all in all if you want to get a "starter" price, buy an issue of Beckett's Pokemon Magazine and check out its price list.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Well there is also the problem where you're going to sell them? I mean I can tell you that Beckett's Pokemon Magazine has a card price guide which gives you the rough estimate on how much they cost but the thing is not everyplace will buy the cards for that price (or they might not want to buy cards at all). And if the place will buy them, just make note that they'll first make sure the cards are in good condition and note every single scratch of bent and knock the cost down on the cards. Finally after all that being a store's intention is on making a profit they'll try to haggle down the price. So all in all if you want to get a "starter" price, buy an issue of Beckett's Pokemon Magazine and check out its price list. |
Wouldn't be pointless to buy the magazine.... as you would probably wont make much profit from the cards.XD
BAC510 wrote: |
Wouldn't be pointless to buy the magazine.... as you would probably wont make much profit from the cards.XD |
Are you saying it is pointless to the magazine or isn't?
Though honestly BAC10 is right, I'm looking through my Beckett magazine now and most cards don't go over a dollar. Heck, many non-holo rares are below a dollar.
From what I can see Uncommons are usually 25 - 50 cents and Commons are usually 10 - 25 cents. Oh, and before you ask, for Uncommon and Common cards "1st Edition" doesn't mean anything. As for rares, their prices are different so for those you're going to have to take a look.
thec0mebackman wrote: |
just heard the epic Kanto Champion battle music for B&W. is it true Gary/Blue will make an appearance & we battle him? |
The game has only been out for a few days, though a lot of details about it have been posted there is much more to be discovered! Ask me in about a month or so, all that needs to be discovered should be found then.
However I should note that sometimes beta data is left in either because they were either at one point planning to add it in or they were using it as filler until they came up with the tune they wanted. A good example of this is that you can find a redone version of Crystal Version's Legendary Beasts Theme in FireRed & LeafGreen despite those Pokemon not appearing in those games.