srebak wrote: |
2. The whole reason i brought up this Misty/May/Dawn pros and cons thing was because, like i said, after watching DP and rewatching the Advanced series, i began to think. It started to feel like the series started to get more exciting after Misty was dropped. Which makes it seem like the show was better off with Ash traveling with May, Max and Dawn than with Misty. Which i just don't want to believe, because even though Misty is only a "pop up every now and then" character, she was still one the show's original cast and that just sticks with you. Does this help explain my conundrum? Because even though i know you're making good points, it still aids the "May and Dawn were better than Misty" problem i'm having. |
That's more how the writers are now plotting the story than who Ash is traveling with. In addition with the writers plotting the story out more, the animation too keeps improving. May and Dawn only add in the Pokemon Contest journey which further shows off how better the animation has become and also gives the writers the opportunity to include another storyline.