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ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [381]Jan 13, 2009
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    Jinto11 wrote:
    i need to know are the writers of pokemon gonna make a interesting storyline anytime soon? all i see is ash goes to battle loses trying to act like hes the best because he can blast off jessie and james all the time it get pretty boring after a while and his rivals (other than gary) are very bad only prokvoking him not really a big challenge to the champions of the regions. Also is Domino from "Mewtwo returns' coming back? i thought that she was a good character being a top agent in the team rocket organization not like jessie and james who are both make team rocket look weak. i think that she should come back but Giovanni should give her a strong shady male partner that can accomplish missions and is such a great trainer that he can defeat even the champions. He would have some strong pokemon some suggestions are flygon, raichu (to rival ash's pikachu), dragonite, sandslash, and a quilava this is a awesome kick but team very strong and brings back some cool pokemon of earier seasons. They would make a great team also Domino should get some cute pokemon like eevee, butterfree, oddish, pichu, and nidoqueen since she liked one before.

    I seriously doubt any characters from the movies are returning. And what do you mean Ash doesn't have any other good rivals besides Gary? Paul is a very formidable rival for him. And Ash may lose quite a bit, but not all the time.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [382]Jan 13, 2009
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    Jinto11 wrote:
    i need to know are the writers of pokemon gonna make a interesting storyline anytime soon? all i see is ash goes to battle loses trying to act like hes the best because he can blast off jessie and james all the time it get pretty boring after a while and his rivals (other than gary) are very bad only prokvoking him not really a big challenge to the champions of the regions. Also is Domino from "Mewtwo returns' coming back? i thought that she was a good character being a top agent in the team rocket organization not like jessie and james who are both make team rocket look weak. i think that she should come back but Giovanni should give her a strong shady male partner that can accomplish missions and is such a great trainer that he can defeat even the champions. He would have some strong pokemon some suggestions are flygon, raichu (to rival ash's pikachu), dragonite, sandslash, and a quilava this is a awesome kick but team very strong and brings back some cool pokemon of earier seasons. They would make a great team also Domino should get some cute pokemon like eevee, butterfree, oddish, pichu, and nidoqueen since she liked one before.

    1. Anything involving future storyline is pretty much a big question mark as no one can predict what the writers will think of. I'm afraid that most of the time it is pretty much Ash and co. travelling around, helping people out, blasting off Team Rocket. However there are specials, Gym Battle arcs, the Sinnoh Battle Frontier, and the Sinnoh League to look forward too. And don't forget, Team Galactic is still at large and so there will no doubt be an arc involving Ash and co. helping thwart Team Galactic's plan.
    As for Ash's rivals just there to provoke Ash, Paul has pretty much decided Ash is a fool and he'll be no challenge if he verses him at any point in the future, so that only means that they will no doubt battle in the Sinnoh League.

    2. Domino can be looked as being a "character-of-the-day", most characters that appear in movies or specials never really appear again sadly.

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  • Avatar of jadenalover


    [383]Jan 13, 2009
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    will dawn ever get mamoswines complete trus t again likke ash did with his charizard i say that hsh ewill nad mamoswin ewill be a grea rhelp to dawn nin the next season if dawn srill travels an rumors as to the next epic seriws with new bad guysan d i'd love to see tema rocket be good at he end for good
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [384]Jan 13, 2009
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    jadenalover wrote:


    Edited on 01/13/2009 6:00pm
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  • Avatar of halozi10


    [386]Jan 13, 2009
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    there are many different legendary pokemon.is lucario one of them?

    a sandshrew appears in the episode "sandshrew's locker".is he the first generation 1 pokemon(not counting pikachu)to appear in diamond an pearl?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [387]Jan 13, 2009
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    halozi10 wrote:

    there are many different legendary pokemon.is lucario one of them?

    a sandshrew appears in the episode "sandshrew's locker".is he the first generation 1 pokemon(not counting pikachu)to appear in diamond an pearl?

    1. Right now, there are 35 Pokemon considered to be Legendary. Lucario and Rotom, despite popular belief, are NOT Legendary Pokemon. On that same note, despite popular belief, Phione is indeed a Legendary so it is counted (Making the total 35 like I said before).

    2. No, the first Generation I Pokemon that isn't Pikachu nor Meowth to be seen in the Sinnoh saga by the viewers goes to Magicarp, seen in very beginning of the intro of DP001 "Following a Maiden's Voyage!".

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  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [389]Jan 14, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Jinto11 wrote:
    i need to know are the writers of pokemon gonna make a interesting storyline anytime soon? all i see is ash goes to battle loses trying to act like hes the best because he can blast off jessie and james all the time it get pretty boring after a while and his rivals (other than gary) are very bad only prokvoking him not really a big challenge to the champions of the regions. Also is Domino from "Mewtwo returns' coming back? i thought that she was a good character being a top agent in the team rocket organization not like jessie and james who are both make team rocket look weak. i think that she should come back but Giovanni should give her a strong shady male partner that can accomplish missions and is such a great trainer that he can defeat even the champions. He would have some strong pokemon some suggestions are flygon, raichu (to rival ash's pikachu), dragonite, sandslash, and a quilava this is a awesome kick but team very strong and brings back some cool pokemon of earier seasons. They would make a great team also Domino should get some cute pokemon like eevee, butterfree, oddish, pichu, and nidoqueen since she liked one before.

    1. Anything involving future storyline is pretty much a big question mark as no one can predict what the writers will think of. I'm afraid that most of the time it is pretty much Ash and co. travelling around, helping people out, blasting off Team Rocket. However there are specials, Gym Battle arcs, the Sinnoh Battle Frontier, and the Sinnoh League to look forward too. And don't forget, Team Galactic is still at large and so there will no doubt be an arc involving Ash and co. helping thwart Team Galactic's plan.
    As for Ash's rivals just there to provoke Ash, Paul has pretty much decided Ash is a fool and he'll be no challenge if he verses him at any point in the future, so that only means that they will no doubt battle in the Sinnoh League.

    2. Domino can be looked as being a "character-of-the-day", most characters that appear in movies or specials never really appear again sadly.

    yeah that sucks but do u still think that my idea would spice up the series i have seen the pokemon series decline since the first couple of seasons becuase it stopped being interesting. I think it would be great for Domino to come back getting my character to have some head to head battles with the strong trainers or leader like cynthia, paul, Team Galactic leaders, and pokemon hunter j and win. Domino and my character could team up being sent on a mission in the Sinnoh region to stop team Galactic from conquering the world and set up team rocket in the region, because jessie and james have gotten old. They could lead squads it would be like a mission like idk socom so something like that and Domino would tell more about herself and her history since we dont know much about her same with the new character while they open up their secrets Domino would trust enough to start liking him adding a little love team since the pokemon series doesnt have much of that.

    i think thats a storyline that i think would interest more people wat do u guys think of that storyline?

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  • Avatar of jadenalover


    [391]Jan 14, 2009
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    will dawn travel with our heroes next season after the sinnoh league and will dawn ever meet delia ash' mom
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  • Avatar of bluefire001


    [392]Jan 14, 2009
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    jadenalover wrote:
    will dawn travel with our heroes next season after the sinnoh league and will dawn ever meet delia ash' mom
    Dawn might travel with the others depending on the authors, if they like Dawn, and the actor dosen't quit, then probably yes. Dawn will also probably meet Ash's mom in this season too.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [393]Jan 14, 2009
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    jadenalover wrote:
    will dawn travel with our heroes next season after the sinnoh league and will dawn ever meet delia ash' mom

    Future storyline so we don't really know. If I had to make a guess, Dawn will be in Ash's current travelling group until Ash heads to the next region. Dawn will most likely meet Delia during the Sinnoh League as she and Professor Oak usually travel to the Pokemon League Ash is participating in, usually during the ending rounds. Dawn will most likely stay with Ash's group through the Sinnoh Battle Frontier, but we don't know when that might be.

    However, for all we know, the writers might surprise us and next region replace Brock with the new male character (unlikely, but still a possibilty). Overall, we'll have to wait till the next Generation and region to be sure.

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  • Avatar of tenacon


    [394]Jan 15, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    jadenalover wrote:
    will dawn travel with our heroes next season after the sinnoh league and will dawn ever meet delia ash' mom

    Future storyline so we don't really know. If I had to make a guess, Dawn will be in Ash's current travelling group until Ash heads to the next region. Dawn will most likely meet Delia during the Sinnoh League as she and Professor Oak usually travel to the Pokemon League Ash is participating in, usually during the ending rounds. Dawn will most likely stay with Ash's group through the Sinnoh Battle Frontier, but we don't know when that might be.

    However, for all we know, the writers might surprise us and next region replace Brock with the new male character (unlikely, but still a possibilty). Overall, we'll have to wait till the next Generation and region to be sure.

    Does a Lucas-ype character appear in DP anime? (Ash doesn't count)
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [395]Jan 15, 2009
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    tenacon wrote:
    Does a Lucas-ype character appear in DP anime? (Ash doesn't count)

    Yes, Lucas does make a cameo appearance in the beginning of the 11th movie, Giratina and the Sky Warrior. He's in a middle of a battle with another playable character that never truely got a role in the anime, Brendan the playable boy character in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (a.k.a. May's male counterpart).

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  • Avatar of arryjan86


    [396]Jan 16, 2009
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    which one is better for my Diamond team(containing drapion,torterra,raichy,octillery and clefable)

    crobat or drifblim?

    can't decide

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  • Avatar of tenacon


    [397]Jan 16, 2009
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    Crobat is faster, has stronger physical attack, and defences. Drifblim was better HP and Sp. Attack. On Base stat total, Crobat is better. As far as Move roster, Crobat's natural movepool is more variety. Crobat seems a better pokemon for your team, due to its speed defict. However, Drifblim would be a fine choice as well.

    Whould my heracross use RockSlide or Earthquake as it's final move? It has Megahorn, Close Combat and Swords dance.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [398]Jan 16, 2009
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    Another reason why Crobat is better is because Drifblim's Deffense and Sp. Defense are pathetic. I learned that for myself and switched to Starapter as my Flying Type.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [399]Jan 16, 2009
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    tenacon wrote:
    Crobat is faster, has stronger physical attack, and defences. Drifblim was better HP and Sp. Attack. On Base stat total, Crobat is better. As far as Move roster, Crobat's natural movepool is more variety. Crobat seems a better pokemon for your team, due to its speed defict. However, Drifblim would be a fine choice as well. Whould my heracross use RockSlide or Earthquake as it's final move? It has Megahorn, Close Combat and Swords dance.

    Overall Crobat is better as its stats are better spread out, but if you need a Ghost-type then Drifblim would be the one you may want to gun for. Drifblim also has 3 immunities: Normal, Fighting, and Ground; the last one probably being the most useful of its immunities.

    As for what attack Heracross should learn betweem Rock Slide and Earthquake, go with Earthquake hands down.

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  • Avatar of bluefire001


    [400]Jan 16, 2009
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    Once my friend was talking about a game called Pokemon Orange, Iv'e never heard of it before and I think he's lying. Have you guys heard of it?
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