Jinto11 wrote: |
i need to know are the writers of pokemon gonna make a interesting storyline anytime soon? all i see is ash goes to battle loses trying to act like hes the best because he can blast off jessie and james all the time it get pretty boring after a while and his rivals (other than gary) are very bad only prokvoking him not really a big challenge to the champions of the regions. Also is Domino from "Mewtwo returns' coming back? i thought that she was a good character being a top agent in the team rocket organization not like jessie and james who are both make team rocket look weak. i think that she should come back but Giovanni should give her a strong shady male partner that can accomplish missions and is such a great trainer that he can defeat even the champions. He would have some strong pokemon some suggestions are flygon, raichu (to rival ash's pikachu), dragonite, sandslash, and a quilava this is a awesome kick but team very strong and brings back some cool pokemon of earier seasons. They would make a great team also Domino should get some cute pokemon like eevee, butterfree, oddish, pichu, and nidoqueen since she liked one before. |
I seriously doubt any characters from the movies are returning. And what do you mean Ash doesn't have any other good rivals besides Gary? Paul is a very formidable rival for him. And Ash may lose quite a bit, but not all the time.