Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
thec0mebackman wrote: |
how come they stopped making those cute, short Pikachu clips before the movie? like Pikachu & the Pichu brothers. (unless they did in DVD's, & I'm wrong). |
Actually, they are still being made, but most aren't being dubbed. This is probably because Pokemon Movies now go directly to DVD while before when they were in theaters they'd have them as a little added bonus. Though in Japan many are made for the ANA Nippon Flights (they have a Pokemon jet).
You can find a list of them HERE.
Where is the the pokemon series that had the conflict, battles, and the struggle between good and evil back in the early seasons with Team Rocket???
They need to focus less on Jessie and James (because im starting to think that they represent the evilness of TR) and focus on developing some background on TR characters yet still keep them involved in the storyline and development of the story.
An example is develop a elite trainer (age around 18 or 19) a shady and rough character based on how life has treated him living at a center bored with life so Giovanni sees his talent and recruits him offering him adventure and a family in TR but not telling him its an evil organization he is slowly molded into the perfect elite soldier taking orders from Giovanni. This character would conflict with Ash getting in the way of his missions for Giovanni.
Bringing back Domino (that blond girl from Mewtwo returns) who i thought could be a great character but there was no background or history on the character leaving a great chance to expand the point of view of the show (because we only see the world through the eyes of Ash a kid who journeys around the world with nothing to worry about) where as Domino you can explore through missions, inner conflicts, and the inner Domino being teamed up with the character describe above.
Jinto11 wrote: |
Where is the the pokemon series that had the conflict, battles, and the struggle between good and evil back in the early seasons with Team Rocket??? They need to focus less on Jessie and James (because im starting to think that they represent the evilness of TR) and focus on developing some background on TR characters yet still keep them involved in the storyline and development of the story. An example is develop a elite trainer (age around 18 or 19) a shady and rough character based on how life has treated him living at a center bored with life so Giovanni sees his talent and recruits him offering him adventure and a family in TR but not telling him its an evil organization he is slowly molded into the perfect elite soldier taking orders from Giovanni. This character would conflict with Ash getting in the way of his missions for Giovanni. Bringing back Domino (that blond girl from Mewtwo returns) who i thought could be a great character but there was no background or history on the character leaving a great chance to expand the point of view of the show (because we only see the world through the eyes of Ash a kid who journeys around the world with nothing to worry about) where as Domino you can explore through missions, inner conflicts, and the inner Domino being teamed up with the character describe above. |
The main point of the anime has been always to advertise the games. Let's get things straight, Jessie, James, and Meowth don't represent Team Rocket but should be treated simply as a separate group. With that said, being Team Rocket no longer exists in the games, they writers and animators aren't going to focus on them because there is no point to.
Also Pokemon was really never about good or evil, if anything that's the side plot. Pokemon is about, essentially, you gathering a strong team of Pokemon to defeat the 8 Gyms, Elite Four, and Champion. Now the games have expanded from there, but pretty much after you become the Champion the rest of the game becomes much more open and you can do other things like Pokemon Contest, the Battle Frontier, the Pokeathlon, etc. without being restricted too much.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
The main point of the anime has been always to advertise the games. Let's get things straight, Jessie, James, and Meowth don't represent Team Rocket but should be treated simply as a separate group. With that said, being Team Rocket no longer exists in the games, they writers and animators aren't going to focus on them because there is no point to. Also Pokemon was really never about good or evil, if anything that's the side plot. Pokemon is about, essentially, you gathering a strong team of Pokemon to defeat the 8 Gyms, Elite Four, and Champion. Now the games have expanded from there, but pretty much after you become the Champion the rest of the game becomes much more open and you can do other things like Pokemon Contest, the Battle Frontier, the Pokeathlon, etc. without being restricted too much. |
Well i know that Jessie James and meowth dont represent Team Rocket but they are shown so much as the villians that dont really have much success. I felt very interested of the team rocket organization getting to know the inside of the villain life im wishing that they go more into detail in characters like Domino so you can relate to their life instead of just knowing them as the enemy it gives a different point of view of the world because Ash doesnt see much conflict other than training his pokemon which isnt that huge.
True that pokemon is really based on training and beating the gym leaders and traveling around, but there is no conflict between the suppose hero and villains, you may say Team Galactic had their confrontation with the group but it wasnt really complete still without a backstory and their leader Cyrus had a bogus dream of making a new world for himself psychotic.
We need a new angle on the series as the villainous organizations always show up and then end, with new main villains to expand on going through experiences that change them and also build their relationship. I know pokemon tried something new with the contests but it doesnt really give the show much attention compared to new challenging adventures and battles.
Jinto11 wrote: |
Well i know that Jessie James and meowth dont represent Team Rocket but they are shown so much as the villians that dont really have much success. I felt very interested of the team rocket organization getting to know the inside of the villain life im wishing that they go more into detail in characters like Domino so you can relate to their life instead of just knowing them as the enemy it gives a different point of view of the world because Ash doesnt see much conflict other than training his pokemon which isnt that huge. True that pokemon is really based on training and beating the gym leaders and traveling around, but there is no conflict between the suppose hero and villains, you may say Team Galactic had their confrontation with the group but it wasnt really complete still without a backstory and their leader Cyrus had a bogus dream of making a new world for himself psychotic. We need a new angle on the series as the villainous organizations always show up and then end, with new main villains to expand on going through experiences that change them and also build their relationship. I know pokemon tried something new with the contests but it doesnt really give the show much attention compared to new challenging adventures and battles. |
Well we have the new region Isshu coming up and haven't heard much about that region's syndicate besides a possibly glance at their leader, so maybe you'll get you wish with Isshu.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Well we have the new region Isshu coming up and haven't heard much about that region's syndicate besides a possibly glance at their leader, so maybe you'll get you wish with Isshu. |
How do u know about this Isshu?? Yeah hopefully Team Rocket organization makes a comeback bringing back the executives and leaders.
Jinto11 wrote: | ||||
How do u know about this Isshu?? Yeah hopefully Team Rocket organization makes a comeback bringing back the executives and leaders. |
Well, there is this one interesting theory going around.
At some point in HeartGold and SoulSilver when you finally get to Kanto you'll find out there is a massive power outage and the reason is because a part from the Power Plant has been stolen. A guard gets a report that a suspicious person has been seen in the Cerulean Gym and send you to go investigate (*put joke here about sending a 10 year old instead of the local police force*). When you get there a Team Rocket members comes running out, he talks some Engrish, and then runs off. You found him at Nugget Bridge and have a quick battle with him where he tells you where the Power Plant part is and you alert him Team Rocket has broken up. Upon hearing this news, the Team Rocket member says he'll go back to his home counter (which me mentioned before was far away) and start up Team Rocket anew there.
Now I'm not saying anything other then that except that Isshu has been said was a place far away from where we've been to before. And before you ask, click HERE to see the whole above scene.
1. We've seen Ash and his friends encounter evil Teams that seek to control Pokemon for world domination. But what if there was an organization that sought to rid the Earth of all Pokemon?
2. After watching Diamond and Pearl for some time now along with watching a few "Advanced" Episodes online. I can't help but think of how Ash's adventures with May, Max and then with Dawn compare to his adventures with Misty. I liked Misty, though i'm notsure ifwasbecausei'm (more or less) officially a AAML supporter (i still considera Advanceshipping and PearlShipping) or if it's because i grew accustomed to her. But after seeing him work with May, Max and Dawn, i'm having mixed feelings.
So humor me on it, what were the pros and cons to Ash's travels with Misty then May and Max thenDawn?
srebak wrote: |
1. We've seen Ash and his friends encounter evil Teams that seek to control Pokemon for world domination. But what if there was an organization that sought to rid the Earth of all Pokemon? 2. After watching Diamond and Pearl for some time now along with watching a few "Advanced" Episodes online. I can't help but think of how Ash's adventures with May, Max and then with Dawn compare to his adventures with Misty. I liked Misty, though i'm notsure ifwasbecausei'm (more or less) officially a AAML supporter (i still considera Advanceshipping and PearlShipping) or if it's because i grew accustomed to her. But after seeing him work with May, Max and Dawn, i'm having mixed feelings. So humor me on it, what were the pros and cons to Ash's travels with Misty then May and Max thenDawn? |
1. Actually that was sort of Cyrus was trying to do with Team Galactic, he pretty much wanted to destroy the universe and create a new one without emotion and where he was in charge. However the other members of Team Galactic didn't know this (the Commanders may or may not, probably not the way Mars reacted when Cyrus jumped into "his" universe), were just his pawns in accomplishing it (thinking they'll be getting a seat of power in Cyrus' new world).
2. Well Misty's role and May & Dawn's role to Ash are different. Misty could be considered on of Ash's mentors as she has been a Pokemon trainer much longer then Ash (being she grew up in a Gym Leader family) and Ash just started out and she often was commenting ans criticizing Ash's way of training and battling. However by the time Ash met May and Dawn, he was the experienced trainer and May/Dawn were the beginning trainer, so now we had a complete role reversal with Ash becoming the mentor. Of course Ash still has plenty to learn himself which is why Brock is there to act as a mentor to both Ash and May/Dawn.
1. The reason i asked the first question was because, as some of you may have remembered, i attempted to post the idea of "TMNT"'s own Foot Clan and the Shredder as characters in the show. I just seemed to fit to me and frankly i still see ways to make it work. But the point is, i was trying to make the Foot clan and organization dedicated to destroying all Pokemon. That's why i asked
2. But what were the Pros and Cons to traveling with Misty? What did she do to make some fans like her, what did she do to make some dislike her? What did she ever do to make Ash's life better or harder? This is sort of a thing gnawing at my heels at this time.
srebak wrote: |
1. The reason i asked the first question was because, as some of you may have remembered, i attempted to post the idea of "TMNT"'s own Foot Clan and the Shredder as characters in the show. I just seemed to fit to me and frankly i still see ways to make it work. But the point is, i was trying to make the Foot clan and organization dedicated to destroying all Pokemon. That's why i asked 2. But what were the Pros and Cons to traveling with Misty? What did she do to make some fans like her, what did she do to make some dislike her? What did she ever do to make Ash's life better or harder? This is sort of a thing gnawing at my heels at this time. |
1. I'm sorry, I don't think the "Foot Clan" would work in Pokemon being Pokemon and TMNT are two very different shows.
2. Well all fans have different opinions so I can't really answer this and have everyone agree with me, but here is the best answer I can provide:
Pro: Misty was never afraid to speak her mind and openly criticize Ash when he needed it. Also being she was a mentor character her "quirk" (a trait which is mostly viewed as a negative of the character) doesn't really have that much impact how things went. Being from a Gym Leader family, Misty also was a experienced trainer and could stand her own in a battle. She was basically a character who didn't let anyone push her around and if they did she'll just shove back.
Con: As I said, Misty's "quirk", while doesn't really effect the show's or episode's plot, was that she was easily angered and anytime she saw a Bug-type Pokemon that isn't "pretty" she freaks out. She also sometimes gets easily jealous, but mostly whenever another girl gets a crush on Ash, but that is going into shipping territory so let's move on (BTW, we don't talk about shipping here mainly because we don't want a war to break out). Another Problem was Misty was a side character, and mostly stood in the background along with Brock. Some also see that when Misty got Togepi she got a bit slow on the draw as whenever something happens she first makes sure Togepi is safe before jumping into battle, and also she has calmed down in temper meaning while she might not become so easily angry, it also meant she was more willing to be pushed into the background while pre-Togepi she would be in the midst of things unless Ash as being taught a lesson. POKESHIPPING FOREVER!!!
Pro: With Ash now experienced, a few viewers might feel that there isn't really a character which represented "them" as in a trainer who is just starting out not knowing what to expect. May brings back that association as well as being a female character who was a main character, as Ash was on his journey to battle the Gyms, May eventually went on a journey alongside him to compete in Contests. She also has a slightly modified attitude of Misty's, actually more of a polar attitude. Sometimes she is very determined and other times she is relaxed, giving a feeling a character with multiple players, even if it is on the sides of two extremes.
Con: Replacement Scrappy aside, many don't like May because she seems to be in becoming a Pokemon Trainer just to travel around which she herself even stated in the first episode of the Hoenn saga which was also her debut episode, AG001 "Get the Show on the Road!". Now while she did eventually open up to the part about training Pokemon, she is often more willing to take in the sights and rest instead of continuing on through. Plus she is very polar at some points, sometimes she is hard-headed and when she comes up with a plan she sticks to it, and sometimes she is easily tricked and might follow "advice" in a Pokemon Contest which gets her into some trouble (though usually she manages to pull things together). Finally many say her Contest Journey is somewhat unbelievable. As with Gyms you just need to have strong Pokemon and a good strategy which you can get by just training them, Pokemon Contests in the anime are a bit more complicated yet besides from her first one she wins almost everyone she enters even if she is up against veteran Coordinators. CONTESTSHIPPING FOREVER!!!
Pro: Dawn has a completely different attitude then Misty or May, going for a sweet, cute, girl-next-door though she isn't afraid to play rough when she needs to. Also unlike May, Dawn had a set goal in mind and was fully intended on training Pokemon to compete in Pokemon Contests, giving her an actual goal to start out with. Also Dawn's Contest Journey is considered much more realistic then May's, with Dawn losing a good amount of her Contests which a starting out trainer would. Also she shows a lot of support to Ash with instead of sitting on a bench and cheering Ash on she gets dressed as a cheerleader (along with her other Pokemon) and do a cheering routine with pompoms.
Con: She is seen as being kind of bubbly and sometimes not thinking things through, especially for an Appeal Round routine. And while some do point out her not winning as much Pokemon Contests is realistic, many also complain that losing in two Appeal Rounds in a row and her going into a BSOD afterwords is a bit too much. Some also have a problem with many of her Pokemon being mostly "cute" (despite May also have a majority of her team being "cute"). And that cheerleader routine I mention above while is nice she wants to show her support, is also sort of awkward and embarrassing. Oh, and she has Piplup, which isn't exactly her fault it acts the way she does, however some do point out her reason for not evolving it makes no sense (Yay, Piplup didn't want to evolve which is just fine, but that wasn't why Dawn didn't want to not evolve Piplup). Yay, no idea which ship I support for Dawn, maybe PENGUINSHIPPING FOREVER?!?!?!
1. Alot of the people i showed this idea to thought it wasn't all that great. But because i don't want to start another arguement, lets just agree to disagree on my "Foot Clan on Pokemon" idea.
2. The whole reason i brought up this Misty/May/Dawn pros and cons thing was because, like i said, after watching DP and rewatching the Advanced series, i began to think. It started to feel like the series started to get more exciting after Misty was dropped. Which makes it seem like the show was better off with Ash traveling with May, Max and Dawn than with Misty. Which i just don't want to believe, because even though Misty is only a "pop up every now and then" character, she was still one the show's original cast and that just sticks with you. Does this help explain my conundrum? Because even though i know you're making good points, it still aids the "May and Dawn were better than Misty" problem i'm having.