tenacon wrote: | ||
In what Game? R/S/E? Or D/P/Pt?
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
tenacon wrote: | ||
I was talking to the guy that "Quoted" you.
Good News, I found out why I had to use the : ), : lol : to make the Smilies, why I could not directly post pics, use Bold, Italics, & Underline. I went to "My Preferences", then went to Board, then changed the "something" Editor Option to Yes, Standard or Yes, Advanced. Before, when I made a message at the forums, there would be no Bold, Italics, Smilies, Picture, etc Options, but now there is.
tenacon wrote: |
DPt. LOst sappire, got scale fromv emerard. |
tenacon wrote: | ||
The only ways to get a DeepSeaTooth is:
1. Get it from Captain Stern after finding the Scanner on the Abandoned Ship (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)
2. Find it on a wild Carvanha or Sharpedo (Diamond/Peal)
3. Buy it for 14,000 Poke Coupons (Pokemon Battle Revolution)
Here is method I can think of. Both requires you having the National Dex though:
1. Have a Pokemon that Ability "Compound Eyes" and the Move "Thief" be first in your party and fish with the Super Rod on Route 222. Each time a Sharpedo appears, have the Pokemon use "Thief" to see if it has an item. If it does, keep using "Thief" until it steals the item from Sharpedo.
2. Have a level 51-54 Pokemon with the Ability "Vital Spirit/Pressure/Hustle" and the Move "Thief" be first in your party and fish with the Super Rod on Route 222. Each time a Sharpedo appears, have the Pokemon use "Thief" to see if it has an item. If it does, keep using "Thief" until it steals the item from Sharpedo.
robin_jordon wrote: |
is togepi rare? I just wanted to know |
As rare as Eevee are. To get a Togepi you needed to:
Gold/Silver/Crystal - Hatch the egg Professor Elm gives you in Violet City.
FireRed/LeafGreen - Hatch the egg a Gentleman gives to you in the Water Labyrinth.
Diamond/Pearl - 22% of encountering a Wild one on Route 230 using Poke Radar.
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - Get from Hordel (It'll be a Shadow Pokemon).
Platinum - Hatch the egg Cynthia gives to you in Eterna City.
Togepi are hard to brred becaure thet are more likely to be males then females, 1:7 to be more exact.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
As rare as Eevee are. To get a Togepi you needed to: Gold/Silver/Crystal - Hatch the egg Professor Elm gives you in Violet City. Togepi are hard to brred becaure thet are more likely to be males then females, 1:7 to be more exact. |
Thank God for Ditto.
ps: I have a question that brings back an old question of mine concerning the Platinum Pre-Order Date. In Serebii, it says to pre-order Platinum, so it is available for pre-order? Then I went to the Serebii Forums & some guy that lives just miles from me pre-ordered it & yes its in the US. Just wondering because it seems like a game that is capable of getting sold out.
BAC510 wrote: |
I have a question that brings back an old question of mine concerning the Platinum Pre-Order Date. In Serebii, it says to pre-order Platinum, so it is available for pre-order? Then I went to the Serebii Forums & some guy that lives just miles from me pre-ordered it & yes its in the US. Just wondering because it seems like a game that is capable of getting sold out. |
I went to Circuit City's website and they are accepting pre-orders. I don't know whether it'll sell out fast or not, but I'm sure if you pre-order you'll get a bonus gift and a garunteed copy when you go to the store to buy the game.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
I went to Circuit City's website and they are accepting pre-orders. I don't know whether it'll sell out fast or not, but I'm sure if you pre-order you'll get a bonus gift and a garunteed copy when you go to the store to buy the game. |
Circuit City not that far from home but my I will have to pay the gas so someone can take me, I hope Game Crazy will be accepting them soon because I called just minutes ago & they still haven't yet.
BAC510 wrote: |
Chaining in Diamond is a pain. Here is the deal, in Route 207, which I think its the grass route above Oreburgh City. I finally get a Shiny Gligar about 2 months ago & in this same area, Phanpy swarm here. So I chain Phanpy and I get a chain of 4, which is far from a Shiny(though its still possible). So after walking 50 steps and reseting it, a grass from 4 Up, 1 right shakes. So I know going Up 4 breaks the chain and going to the right or left 3 grass bushes from this Bad Grass Bush is the safest bushes to keep chains going. So I go up 3, then go to the right 1, then another Up 1. Then the chain breaks? Pisses me off! Why did it break if I went to a Safe Bush?![]() |
If you're in a big area of grass, it is usually recommanded that you go to a patch of grass that is usually four steps away. The PokeRadar's range goes off screen sometimes, and the next batch of shaking grass is most likely to happen after you defeat/capture the Pokemon that is in the grass patch which is four walking paces away.
As a general note, if you don't like how the patches of grass shook OR there weren't that many patches of grass that shook, you don't have to reset. Instead, just walk back and fourth in a direction which you'll know you won't run into a Pokemon which might be counted as part of the chain until you did about 50 steps, and use the PokeRadar again. Hopefully you'll get the shaking results you want and your chain will most likely not have broke.
Just remember, you might need to use a lot of Max Repels.
tenacon wrote: |
1st, thanks Pikachu#######, I got the tooth and just need to trade. Secondly, should I raise a lucario or a Heracross 1st? I want both, but which do you say is better? |
pikastatic100 wrote: | ||
During the time in between q/a, I made these. Enjoy.
Lucario is the better choice. It's total stats are higher (525 compared with Heracross' 500), doesn't have a 4x weakness and what it is weak to aren't that common (Heracross is 4x weeak to Flying-types, a very common type), has 9 resistants with a few being 1/4 (Heracross has 5 and all are 1/2), and has an immunity to Poison. Stat distribution wise, Heracross is a but better in everything except Special Attack and Speed, but that stats are close to each other enough to not really have it make much of a difference. Heracross also has a better moveset and naturally learns stronger moves more often and earlier then Lucario, but Lucario has more attack type variety.