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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of tenacon


    [401]Jan 16, 2009
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    No. Probly a hack.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [402]Jan 16, 2009
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    bluefire001 wrote:
    Once my friend was talking about a game called Pokemon Orange, Iv'e never heard of it before and I think he's lying. Have you guys heard of it?

    It's a fake. It's a fan-made game based on the Season 2 "Orange Islands" saga.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [403]Jan 16, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    bluefire001 wrote:
    Once my friend was talking about a game called Pokemon Orange, Iv'e never heard of it before and I think he's lying. Have you guys heard of it?

    It's a fake. It's a fan-made game based on the Season 2 "Orange Islands" saga.

    Would be a good name if there was an actual Orange Islands Game. But overall, the game would seem to short because only 4 gyms and 1 leader. Not to mention that the second gym is more of a Ice Making, Sculpturing, and Racing, rather than battling. Maybe if it was more like Pokemon Ranger Graphics, it can be easier.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [404]Jan 16, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    bluefire001 wrote:
    Once my friend was talking about a game called Pokemon Orange, Iv'e never heard of it before and I think he's lying. Have you guys heard of it?

    It's a fake. It's a fan-made game based on the Season 2 "Orange Islands" saga.

    Would be a good name if there was an actual Orange Islands Game. But overall, the game would seem to short because only 4 gyms and 1 leader. Not to mention that the second gym is more of a Ice Making, Sculpturing, and Racing, rather than battling. Maybe if it was more like Pokemon Ranger Graphics, it can be easier.

    I've seen videos of it, and even though it is a fake it is a decent one. You can choose to either play as the generic Red or a fan made Misty (in her Kanto and Johto cloths) character. The Gym Leader events hold true as they do in the anime (for example, you do race against Danny in an ice toboggan). Other things like the Crystal Onix is also present , though no one posted a full playthrough so I don't know much.

    To be more exact, it's called Pokemon Naranja as it was originally only in Spanish but an English version has since then been released.

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    [405]Jan 17, 2009
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    Um... should I get Houndoom or Dusknoir first.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [406]Jan 17, 2009
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    tenacon wrote:
    Um... should I get Houndoom or Dusknoir first.

    This is a tough choice as both of their stats aren't that great. Houndoom has higher HP, Special Attack, and Speed; though is struggling with Defense. Dusknoir has higher Attack, Defense, and Special Defense; though is struggling with HP, Speed, and somewhat Special Attack.

    Their Abilities aren't anything to brag about. Houndoom can either learn Early Bird (wakes up early is put to Sleep) or Flash Fire (makes user's Fire attacks stronger and is not damaged from Fire attacks). Dusknoir knows the well known Pressure (makes the foe uses twice as much as PP when using a move). No real strategy here unless you want to use Dusknoir as a wall (which it makes a very good one with its Defense and Special Defense) and have your opponent use up PP, but that really isn't a wise strategy.

    Going by Weakness/Resistance/Immunities, Houndoom has 4 Weaknesses (Water, Fight, Ground, Rock), 6 Resistances (Fire, Grass, Ice, Ghost, Dark, Steel), and 1 Immunity (Psychic). Dusknoir has 2 Weaknesses (Ghost, Dark), 2 Resistances (Posion, Bug), 2 Immunities (Normal, Figting). By this chart, Dusknoir looks more desireable because Houndoom is weak against many common types like Water, Ground, and Rock.

    Now moving on to attacks, Dusknoir has a slightly better movepool, but being they all learn powerful attacks thanks to TMs this isn't really an importent matter.

    Despite all it's weaknesses, I would choose Houndoom because its HP is better. And with a high Speed, it most likely will also be attacking first so even if it may not be out for long, with the right attacks it would be a pretty good sweeper.

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    [407]Jan 17, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    tenacon wrote:
    Um... should I get Houndoom or Dusknoir first.

    This is a tough choice as both of their stats aren't that great. Houndoom has higher HP, Special Attack, and Speed; though is struggling with Defense. Dusknoir has higher Attack, Defense, and Special Defense; though is struggling with HP, Speed, and somewhat Special Attack.

    Their Abilities aren't anything to brag about. Houndoom can either learn Early Bird (wakes up early is put to Sleep) or Flash Fire (makes user's Fire attacks stronger and is not damaged from Fire attacks). Dusknoir knows the well known Pressure (makes the foe uses twice as much as PP when using a move). No real strategy here unless you want to use Dusknoir as a wall (which it makes a very good one with its Defense and Special Defense) and have your opponent use up PP, but that really isn't a wise strategy.

    Going by Weakness/Resistance/Immunities, Houndoom has 4 Weaknesses (Water, Fight, Ground, Rock), 6 Resistances (Fire, Grass, Ice, Ghost, Dark, Steel), and 1 Immunity (Psychic). Dusknoir has 2 Weaknesses (Ghost, Dark), 2 Resistances (Posion, Bug), 2 Immunities (Normal, Figting). By this chart, Dusknoir looks more desireable because Houndoom is weak against many common types like Water, Ground, and Rock.

    Now moving on to attacks, Dusknoir has a slightly better movepool, but being they all learn powerful attacks thanks to TMs this isn't really an importent matter.

    Despite all it's weaknesses, I would choose Houndoom because its HP is better. And with a high Speed, it most likely will also be attacking first so even if it may not be out for long, with the right attacks it would be a pretty good sweeper.

    Okay, back to tying to get WI-Fi to work.
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  • Avatar of bluefire001


    [411]Jan 23, 2009
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    Where can you get an Absol in Pokemon Diamond, other than transfering it from annother game?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [412]Jan 23, 2009
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    bluefire001 wrote:
    Where can you get an Absol in Pokemon Diamond, other than transfering it from annother game?

    Absol appears in Swarms on Route 213.

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    [413]Jan 23, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    bluefire001 wrote:
    Where can you get an Absol in Pokemon Diamond, other than transfering it from annother game?

    Absol appears in Swarms on Route 213.

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    [414]Jan 23, 2009
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    What is the exact speed stat for Palmer's: Heatran Cresselia
    Regigigas? I'm going face him next round agian if I luck out. This would help me set up my team.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [415]Jan 23, 2009
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    tenacon wrote:
    What is the exact speed stat for Palmer's: Heatran Cresselia Regigigas? I'm going face him next round agian if I luck out. This would help me set up my team.

    His Pokemon's specific stats aren't known (infact no NPC has their Pokemon IV stats known), however if we look at each individual Pokemon's general stat we can determine the range they are in: (NOTE: Being they are all at level 50, this will be the Speed range of these Pokemon at Level 50)

    Heatran is between 73 and 141.
    Cresselia is between 81 and 150.
    Regigigas is between 47 and 84 (first 5 turns)/94 and 167 (after the 5th turn).

    Because of Regigigas' Ability, it won't be much of a threat, so if you have a Pokemon that can out speed Cresslia's highest speed stat it could be, you'll probably be the one to always strike first.

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    [416]Jan 24, 2009
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    My Heracross is 135 !!! I can 1hko Cressesia and Gigigas, and Heatran will be left with one hp!!! Too bad I last in the 6th round... But I'm back in the 4th!!! Palmer is going down!!!!
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [417]Jan 24, 2009
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    tenacon wrote:
    My Heracross is 135 !!! I can 1hko Cressesia and Gigigas, and Heatran will be left with one hp!!! Too bad I last in the 6th round... But I'm back in the 4th!!! Palmer is going down!!!!

    Hate when that happens.

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  • Avatar of bluefire001


    [418]Jan 24, 2009
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    tenacon wrote:
    My Heracross is 135 !!! I can 1hko Cressesia and Gigigas, and Heatran will be left with one hp!!! Too bad I last in the 6th round... But I'm back in the 4th!!! Palmer is going down!!!!
    I usually get board of it after 10 rounds, but that's just me.
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  • Avatar of tenacon


    [419]Jan 24, 2009
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    bluefire001 wrote:
    tenacon wrote:
    My Heracross is 135 !!! I can 1hko Cressesia and Gigigas, and Heatran will be left with one hp!!! Too bad I last in the 6th round... But I'm back in the 4th!!! Palmer is going down!!!!
    I usually get board of it after 10 rounds, but that's just me.
    You are God's second son! I You have to tell me how you did that well!!!
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [420]Jan 25, 2009
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    You guys know about the 3 Options from Mystery Gift? Well, I have a few questions:

    1] For the: "Get from a Friend" option, if I own 2 DS's & a Diamond & Pearl, I can recieve Mystery Gift when I use both DS's?

    2] When there is a Nintendo Event, like the upcoming Shaymin & Regigigas Events, how do they download it there? Do you recieve it through Wi-Fi? If so, can't you choose the third Option from Mystery Gift to receive it from home, since I only live about 4-6 miles away from Toysrus?

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