Um, many of those Ash got through evolving his Pokemon, not catching them.
Technically, if you're talking about species alone, Ash has caught 28. But if you're talking about individual, then Ash has caught 57. Confused? Well here's a break down:
Butterfree (evolved from Metapod who evolved from Caterpie)(Species: 1 | Individual: 1)
Pidgeot (evolved from Pidgeotto)(Species: 2 | Individual: 2)
Bulbasaur (Species: 3 | Individual: 3)
Squirtle (Species: 4 | Individual: 4)
Charizard (evolved from Charmeleon who evolved from Charmander)(Species: 5 | Individual: 5)
Primeape (evolved from Mankey)(Species: 6 | Individual: 6)
Kingler (evolved from Krabby)(Species: 7 | Individual: 7)
Muk (Species: 8 | Individual: 8 )
Tauros (Remember, Ash has 30 of these)(Species: 9 | Individual: 38 )
Snorlax (Species: 10 | Individual: 39)
Lapras (Species: 11 | Individual: 40)
Bayleef (evolved from Chikorita)(Species: 12 | Individual: 41)
Cyndaquil (Species: 13 | Individual: 42)
Totodile (Species: 14 | Individual: 43)
Heracross (Species: 15 | Individual: 44)
Noctowl (Species: 16 | Individual: 45)
Beedrill (Species: 17 | Individual: 46)
Sceptile (evolved from Grovyle who evolved from Treecko)(Species: 18 | Individual: 47)
Swellow (evolved from Taillow)(Species: 19 | Individual: 48 )
Corphish (Species: 20 | Individual: 49)
Torkoal (Species: 21 | Individual: 50)
Glalie (evolved from Snorunt)(Species: 22 | Individual: 51)
Aipom (Species: 23 | Individual: 52)
Staraptor (evolved from Staravia who evolved from Starly)(Species: 24 | Individual: 53)
Torterra (evolved from Grotle who evolved from Turtwig)(Species: 25 | Individual: 54)
Infernape (evolved from Monferno who evolved from Chimchar)(Species: 26 | Individual: 55)
Gliscor (evolved from Gligar)(Species: 27 | Individual: 56)
Gible (Species: 28 | Individual: 57)
Incase you're wondering (and I know you are):
* Pikachu was Ash's starter and therefore given to him
* Donphan evolved from a Phanpy who hatched from an Egg given to Ash
* Buizel was traded to Ash for Aipom
* Raticate was traded for Butterfree which was then traded back
* Haunter was never caught
* Larvitar was never caught
* Other Pokemon Ash didn't own but belonged to another trainer or group.
But things only get complicated from here if you're talking about Pokemon Ash has access to, because several Pokemon like Charizard and Squirtle can return but not so easily. So factoring this in along with the Pokemon Ash has released/given away, right now Ash has 22-24 different Pokemon species and 51-53 individual Pokemon (though Ash only ever use one Tauros when he does use one).
BUT back to the main point of this post, should Pokemon end?
Well first off, we must keep in mind Pokemon will probably not stop as long as it remains one of Nintendo's biggest cash cows (or should I say Miltanks?). Pokemon is Nintendo's 2nd best selling franchise, only behind Mario but the gap between the two keeps on closing with each new Generation. Also it sounds like you're only talking about the anime, not the franchise itself, so therefore I will only discuss about the anime and not the games.
No with that said, I don't think Pokemon needs to end but rather it has to "refresh" itself. Ash has been a main character of a show for more then 10 (TEN) YEARS! No other anime character that I know of has been a main character for that long, some animes themselves ended before getting close to 10 years! And while it's not like Ash hasn't gone through any character development (Ash right now is very different from when he started out, even having moved onto a mentor role to May and Dawn and even Max), his character development is rather slow due to the fact he's been a main character for so long, and it doesn't help that they made Ash into an never-aging character (yes, after 13 years, Ash is still 10 like when he started his journeys).
Personally I think they need to wrap Ash's story up: they need to have him win a league, settle rivalries, and then have Ash obtain some position of power (personally I think Ash would make a great Frontier Brain, and being that he was offered to become one and that offer is still open further proves my assumption). Then what they need to do is a "generation jump" and then focus on a new beginning trainer who acts entirely different from Ash but not too different so we can still relate to him.
What's a "generation jump"? It's when a certain series ends but then it has a spin-off series which takes place a number of years after the original series storyline. A good example of a show which does this is Yu-Gi-Oh! or the second season of Digimon (though Digimon season 3 and beyond has been doing "dimension leaps", which is when they do to an entirely different dimension which has no relation to the previous series other then the basic theme of the show).
So to finish off, I don't think Pokemon needs to end but rather wrap up Ash's story and move on to a new trainer. And from there they can either have that trainer be the main character for several generation or (and this option I think is a better one) with each new region focus on a new trainer, so that way the series doesn't get boring with the same main character like it is now.
Edited on 06/14/2010 10:21pm