I prefer Team Rocket's whole Hoenn squad to their Kanto/Johto pokemon, besides Victreebel. Arbok and Weezing were "straight" characters with very little in the way of personality that really interested me. I also couldn't stand Lickitung. Seviper, Cacnea, Dustox, Chimecho, and Mime Jr. all have very interesting personalities and degrees of cuteness that I've come to love.
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I prefer Team Rocket's whole Hoenn squad to their Kanto/Johto pokemon, besides Victreebel. Arbok and Weezing were "straight" characters with very little in the way of personality that really interested me. I also couldn't stand Lickitung. Seviper, Cacnea, Dustox, Chimecho, and Mime Jr. all have very interesting personalities and degrees of cuteness that I've come to love.
what about meowth
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I think that Seviper is pretty cool but Arbok was way better. However, I prefer Cacnea over Weezing, but it should evolve into a Cacturne. Meowth is OK. I liked it when Lickitung left for Wobuffet (sp?). I also thought it was funny when the two Victreebel went shrieking off into the sunset...(sigh) how romantic (lol).
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