CheapYugioh wrote: |
I'm guessing you're talking about the Jaden and Alexis Club, right? Anyway I'm in. Let's start this one. |
Actually, i was talking about the Grissom/Sara Club, but whatever, not the point. Who else is in!?!
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
CheapYugioh wrote: |
I'm guessing you're talking about the Jaden and Alexis Club, right? Anyway I'm in. Let's start this one. |
Actually, i was talking about the Grissom/Sara Club, but whatever, not the point. Who else is in!?!
CheapYugioh wrote: |
Wow, imagine, Brock, married. You and I will be married someday, too. Yeah... HUH? Well, Ash Ketchum, finally, I know how you feel about me. |
Can somebody please tell me which two episodes these two quotes are from?? Because im trying, but i cant remember for the life of me!! And also, does anyone know where i can buy each season, cause i have most of season 1 on VHS but only up until the Pokemon League and i really want the rest of them!!
CheapYugioh wrote: |
The bottom quote is from Gotta Catch you later. Don't remember the top quote. |
Thanks, now i just need to find the other one!!!
ForevaX wrote: |
Orange League Islands was really good for pokeshipping, wasn't it? They should play them again. |
blueMnM415 wrote: | ||
Can somebody please tell me which two episodes these two quotes are from?? Because im trying, but i cant remember for the life of me!! And also, does anyone know where i can buy each season, cause i have most of season 1 on VHS but only up until the Pokemon League and i really want the rest of them!! |
Oh heck yeah. I agree with you.
The Ash and Misty forever is done like this. It's my thing, just look at my signature and ask anyone here, they will tell you I have been using and saying it forever.
- Ash and Misty forever! -
True true, but no matter how it looks or who has it, it is true. They do belong together and hopefully one day they will end up together.
CheapYugioh wrote: |
True true, but no matter how it looks or who has it, it is true. They do belong together and hopefully one day they will end up together. |
I so hope so, im actually writing an AAML story on fanfiction right now (that doesnt nessisarilly mean im updating or anything, but im trying
Jamboree615 wrote: | ||||
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally! A place for me. I SO want Ash and Misty together. I don't mean ANY offense to May fans but I could NEVER see Ash with her. My friend is a big MAAL (May And Ash Love) I know you all proabaly know that but oh well. I wish that in the next movie ther is some scene like this.
Brock: For all we know the world is going to end.
May: Oh no dad...
Ash: Well I guess...*Misty kisses him*
Misty: I love you Ash. I just wanted you to know that just incase we don't survive.
Ash: I love you too Misty. I just thought I couldnt tell you.
Rudy: Must kill Ash. The luck Bas...
Me: Rudy watch it!
blueMnM415 wrote: | ||
Oi. Oi. What is it with you people and pokeshipping? Am I the only one who actually supports palletshipping at these forums anymore? What happened to all the others, I wonder... Oh yeah. They left.
I suppose I should create a palletshipping thread, but it'd be kinda pointless considering there's no one to enjoy it with... Oh well.
And it's so nice to see you all again... :3