Ever notice how everytime Ash loses in the Championship Rounds he gets better each time. In the first season he lost to Richie in the Top 16 Round. The Orange Island doesn't really count because it wasn't a tournanment. In the Silver League in Johto he was in the Top 8 when he lost to the guy with the Blazekin. And then when he lost to the Meowth in Boots in the Ever Grande Championship he was in the Top 4. So does this mean that in the Battle Frontier Competion he will make it to the final round and lose?! And then the league after that the will win?! Could this be the end of Pokemon?!
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No the Battle Frontier is a filler so he will obviously win. As for the next Region he should make it to the final 4 or 2, but who knows he might win after all.
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