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Black 2 and White 2 Discussion (WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS)

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jun 20, 2012
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    Well, Black 2 and White 2 are out this week in Japan and news is starting to pour in so it's time for a new thread.


    There are too many images to post so head to Serebii to view them all.

    As expected, the first new routes in the region are 19 & 20. The new southwest area connects to Castelia City via boat and thus the rest of the region. Route 10 is seemingly gone. A new city and routes north of Lacunosa Town Town lead to the Pokemon League. The new area in the mountain on the eastern side of the region connects to Undella Town via a new route. There seems to be some kind of route crossing Undella Bay between Undella Town and the new town. There are dotted lines representing some kind of new paths between Castelia and Driftveil (probably that underwater tunnel, and one across Twist Mountain. Cheren's team is a LV11 Patrat and LV13 Lillipup and his TM is Work Up. Homika's team is LV16 Koffing and LV18 Whirlipede (totally predicted that), and her TM is Venoshock. C-Gear is given by Bianca after beating Cheren. Alder appears on Route 19. New Team Plasma are meet early in the game again. The forest where the Keldeo event takes place is called the Oath Woods and is located just outside Sanji Town which is between Houigi City and Tachiwaki City. And last but not least....Elesa is still very sexy.

    Edited on 06/20/2012 11:20pm
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [2]Jun 20, 2012
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    With Homika having Whirlipede, I'm predicting that Burgh will have Scolipede. I don't think there was any major trainer in-game B/Wwho used one.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [3]Jun 20, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Well, Black 2 and White 2 are out this week in Japan and news is starting to pour in so it's time for a new thread.

    There are too many images to post so head to Serebii to view them all.

    As expected, the first new routes in the region are 19 & 20. The new southwest area connects to Castelia City via boat and thus the rest of the region. Route 10 is seemingly gone. A new city and routes north of Lacunosa Town Town lead to the Pokemon League. The new area in the mountain on the eastern side of the region connects to Undella Town via a new route. There seems to be some kind of route crossing Undella Bay between Undella Town and the new town. There are dotted lines representing some kind of new paths between Castelia and Driftveil (probably that underwater tunnel, and one across Twist Mountain. Cheren's team is a LV11 Patrat and LV13 Lillipup and his TM is Work Up. Homika's team is LV16 Koffing and LV18 Whirlipede (totally predicted that), and her TM is Venoshock. C-Gear is given by Bianca after beating Cheren. Alder appears on Route 19. New Team Plasma are meet early in the game again. The forest where the Keldeo event takes place is called the Oath Woods and is located just outside Sanji Town which is between Houigi City and Tachiwaki City. And last but not least....Elesa is still very sexy.

    She is a model so it's to be expected. Apparently theres a help screen in battles to let new trainers know which moves are effective and you battle Alder a couple of times before you goagainst the elite four

    Edited on 06/20/2012 6:20am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]Jun 20, 2012
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    As SPDShadowRanger said, go to Serebii for any new information as I'll be trying to avoid story spoilers from here on in. HOWEVER I will still be posting some stuff, including this image:

    Wow, they really expanded and are using all the space they have, we won't be short of areas to go in this game! And I'll even bet you there are places behind that red sign too!

    EDIT: Badge order discovered! Here it is:

    Basic - Normal - Cheren
    Toxic - Poison - Homika (jp. name)
    Insect - Bug - Burgh
    Bolt - Electric - Elesa
    Quake - Ground - Clay
    Jet - Flying - Skyla
    Legend - Dragon - Drayden(/Iris?)
    ???? - Water - Shizui (jp. name)


    Edited on 06/20/2012 10:08am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [6]Jun 20, 2012
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    I'm beyond happy that Shizui is the 8th gym leader. Water-Type FTW!

    Don't know how I missed this...but Cheren's gym is the Aspertia Gym...so gym in your starting town. Also, the Musicals have not been replaced, they are still there. C-Gear has a redesign...looks cool too.

    Edited on 06/20/2012 10:55am
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [7]Jun 20, 2012
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    8th gym, huh. Didn't expect that.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [8]Jun 20, 2012
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    Hope it's absurdly cheap. Like. Dream World Politoad, Swampert, Gyarados and other good Water types.

    Riolu seems to be an early catch... no Heracross yet

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [9]Jun 20, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    I'm beyond happy that Shizui is the 8th gym leader. Water-Type FTW!

    Don't know how I missed this...but Cheren's gym is the Aspertia Gym...so gym in your starting town. Also, the Musicals have not been replaced, they are still there. C-Gear has a redesign...looks cool too.

    So this will be the 3rd Water-type 8th Gym Leader (first was Wallace and then Juan), meaning Water-types have been the 8th Gym Type the most.

    I was actually wondering if Cheren's Gym was going to be in Aspertia City or not. I mean from the screenshots we at least knew you meet him in Aspertia City. Hmm, I bet his gym is the Trainer School, considering he seems to be based off a scholar of some kind and gives out the Basic Badge, would make sense for his gym to be the place where your learn the "basics" of Pokemon Trainer, hahaha! *gets hit with a brick*

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [10]Jun 20, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    I'm beyond happy that Shizui is the 8th gym leader. Water-Type FTW!

    Don't know how I missed this...but Cheren's gym is the Aspertia Gym...so gym in your starting town. Also, the Musicals have not been replaced, they are still there. C-Gear has a redesign...looks cool too.

    So this will be the 3rd Water-type 8th Gym Leader (first was Wallace and then Juan), meaning Water-types have been the 8th Gym Type the most.

    I was actually wondering if Cheren's Gym was going to be in Aspertia City or not. I mean from the screenshots we at least knew you meet him in Aspertia City. Hmm, I bet his gym is the Trainer School, considering he seems to be based off a scholar of some kind and gives out the Basic Badge, would make sense for his gym to be the place where your learn the "basics" of Pokemon Trainer, hahaha! *gets hit with a brick*

    I don't think water has the most since Wallace and Juan were in the same generation (wasn't Juan a replacement). The rock and ice type gym leaders are better examples. if anything having the last gym leader use a water type sucks for those who didn't choose Grass.

    note you can't use the word to express tallying numbers for some reason

    Edited on 06/20/2012 4:09pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Jun 20, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    I'm beyond happy that Shizui is the 8th gym leader. Water-Type FTW!

    Don't know how I missed this...but Cheren's gym is the Aspertia Gym...so gym in your starting town. Also, the Musicals have not been replaced, they are still there. C-Gear has a redesign...looks cool too.

    So this will be the 3rd Water-type 8th Gym Leader (first was Wallace and then Juan), meaning Water-types have been the 8th Gym Type the most.

    I was actually wondering if Cheren's Gym was going to be in Aspertia City or not. I mean from the screenshots we at least knew you meet him in Aspertia City. Hmm, I bet his gym is the Trainer School, considering he seems to be based off a scholar of some kind and gives out the Basic Badge, would make sense for his gym to be the place where your learn the "basics" of Pokemon Trainer, hahaha! *gets hit with a brick*

    I don't think water has the most since Wallace and Juan were in the same generation (wasn't Juan a replacement). The rock and ice type gym leaders are better examples. if anything having the last gym leader use a water type sucks for those who didn't choose Grass.

    note you can't use the word to express tallying numbers for some reason

    Why would it suck? If anything having a Gym Leader being last should mean you should at least have the type advantage over them. Water-types are weak to Grass- and Electric-types, plenty of those type of Pokemon around. And that's not taking into account the dual Water-type Pokemon and any weaknesses that might result from that.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [12]Jun 20, 2012
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    True I just dislike the idea of the last gym leader being a water type. Ithink it was better in the first one when the first gym leader had a specific advantage. I'djust ratherDrayden be the Last leader and this guy be the seventh.I wonder what the team will be. If anything, it would be better if he has a Samurott. The last league had Gardenia using a Turtwig and Flint using an Infernape

    Edited on 06/20/2012 10:15pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [13]Jun 20, 2012
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    This isn't the first time this has happened so I don't get why you're so bent out of shape. It's the final gym, if you don't have a team to cover type disadvantages by then (hell by the 4th gym) then that's your problem not the games. Not to mention, Giovanni had an advantage to the Fire starter and Volkner had a advantage to the Water Starter.

    Just got a better view of the new Unova map. There's rumors that the ice may not actually be real while others say it is...so still no idea lol. Not kidding, freaking excited. So many places to go. Pokewood is in Virbank City and you have to participate in it following the gym battle with Homika. I'm really excited to see what has happened to the gyms in Striaton, Nacrene, and Iccirus.

    Edited on 06/20/2012 10:38pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Jun 20, 2012
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    People (in Japan) have started getting their copies of Black 2 & White 2. Though the recent magazine revealed much about what happens in the first part of the story, eventually we'll probably be getting into spoiler territory. As I said, I won't be posting any here as I'm going to try my best not to read any spoilers. Hopefully Serebii will put any major spoilers in a hidden tab.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [15]Jun 20, 2012
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    If you want news right NOW then i'd suggest following this twitter.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [16]Jun 21, 2012
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    Burgh's team:

    Swadloon (LV22)
    Dwebble (LV22)
    Leavanny (LV24)

    You've got to be kidding.....then again, they did this to Gardenia too.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [17]Jun 21, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Burgh's team: Swadloon (LV22) Dwebble (LV22) Leavanny (LV24) You've got to be kidding.....then again, they did this to Gardenia too.


    Now for the real reason I'm posting. I want to remind everyone (I'm doing a lot of reminding today...) that the Global Link is back up with its new design! The Dream World is also back to working and, at least for me, everything I had in the Dream World before the change was there when I got back (though for some reason Fennel did feel she had to explain EVERYTHING again ). In addition, a batch of new furniture has been added though you can't buy them now because they require Berries which aren't available yet though probably will be once Cool Hole is activated. Also if you have a Pokemon that was asleep before the update and are having problems accessing the Dream World just wake the Pokemon up and put another to sleep, that should fix it.

    So what are you waiting for? Get Global and Dreaming!

    (It sort of looks like this except you can understand it)

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [18]Jun 21, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Burgh's team: Swadloon (LV22) Dwebble (LV22) Leavanny (LV24) You've got to be kidding.....then again, they did this to Gardenia too.

    Thanks to pikachu I see the problem now

    Don't get bent out of shape who cares how many levels they increase their pokemon by. The story is probably going to be a strong part there. Also for the record Charizard is part flying type so the ground attacks won't work.

    I suppose the type advantage is a lame reason still feels weird that the last gym is Water idk.

    On a side note I noticed Burgh had a Sewaddle in the anime guess we now know that he uses it for battles

    Edited on 06/20/2012 11:50pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [19]Jun 21, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Burgh's team: Swadloon (LV22) Dwebble (LV22) Leavanny (LV24) You've got to be kidding.....then again, they did this to Gardenia too.

    Thanks to pikachu I see the problem now

    Don't get bent out of shape who cares how many levels they increase their pokemon by. The story is probably going to be a strong part there. Also for the record Charizard is part flying type so the ground attacks won't work.

    I suppose the type advantage is a lame reason still feels weird that the last gym is Water idk

    Actually I think SPDShadowRanger's point was that if they're going to bother to increase his Pokemon's level by 1 measly level they might as well do other things with him, like say, give him a new sprite and some non-Unova Pokemon.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [20]Jun 21, 2012
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    Pretty much, and that's not getting bent out of shape at all. The only reason they replaced Whirlipede was so that Homika could have one. But really, they should of done a non-Unova Pokemon.


    Emolga (LV28 )

    Flaaffy (LV28 )

    Zebstrika (LV30)


    Krokorok (LV31)

    Sandslash (LV31)

    Excadrill (LV33)

    You will obtain Fly, Cut, and Strength by the time you reach Nimbasa. Early use of Fly is awesome. I don't know what it is yet, but the development on Route 4 is an area on the map.

    The world tournament is held in Driftveil City on the site of the former Cold Storage.

    Drayden is the sole Gym Leader of Opelucid City. No mention of what happened to Iris.

    You receive a Zorua that formerly belonged to N in Driftveil City - Level 25.

    You can continuously use repel until you run out in your inventory. No need to keep selecting it after the first one wears off. - AWESOME!

    Edited on 06/21/2012 1:13am
    Edited 9 total times.
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