Thought it would be an interesting topic, don't know if there is already a thread like this.
Gendre: (If it has one)
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Thought it would be an interesting topic, don't know if there is already a thread like this.
Gendre: (If it has one)
just one?
and that was 6 years ago..
take down, Razor leaf, Dig, Giga drain
The grass starter of the "..........." region
A tiny puppy with floppy ears and a grass collar, green fur
the females have shorter ears
Aromatheraphy, Giga Drain, Power whip, Fire fang
The evolved form of pupeed
Is larger and the cute features of pupeed have become more fierce, the collar has gained tiny unbloomed rose petals that give the impression of little bumps on it, a black stripe runs down it's back and to the end of it's longer tail and has two leaves on the tail....
The females have three leaves instead of two
Grass/ Dark (I'd love to see ash get this.......he does have all the grass starters)
Seed bomb, Frenzy plant, night slash, needle arm (dont even ask)
the final form of pupeed
It's face has become more fierce, the rose buds on it's collar have bloomed and have a thorn going through them making it look like a spiked collar (and it makes it look manly yet fierce..) it gains two more black stripes running down it's back and gained more leaves on it's long tail and it's once green paws have become black with claws usually unretracted...
The females have 6 leaves on it's tails instead of 5
Yep here you go this is the first pokemon I ever created and the only one I care about I would choose it....maybe I'll draw it and post////
i'll make my starters...
type: grass
moves: tackle, bullet seed, attract, screech
looks: cat like, has a leaf for a tail, white paws and brown fur, and green eyes
type: grass
moves: giga drain, stomp, leech seed, attract
looks: much more attractive than Weedcat. it has two tails instead of one. it has the same fur and paws and eyes as Weedcat.
and finally...
type: grass/poison
moves: frenzy root, stun spore, giga drain, toxic
looks: it is more beautiful than a Milotic. it's white paws have turned green. it's eyes are now white. the fur is an exotic violet now. it grew another tail, and they turned white
and now for the water ones...
type: Water
moves: pound, bubble, water gun, withdraw
looks: kind of like a trout, except that the the fins are round. it's skin is turquoise, and the fins are baby blue. the eyes are black.
type: Water/Fighting
moves: hydro pump, close combat, withdraw, water gun
looks: a trout like creature with muscular arms and legs, although, it has no feet and hands. it has the same colors as before.
and now... Codimach
type: Water/ Fighting
moves: hydro cannon, close combat, agility, assurance
looks: much like a shark, except the fins are in the shape of arms and legs. it still has no hands or feet. it's eyes have turned orange.
i'll do the fire ones later
Well, i was thinking about something really cool that could be done in HGSS, an 'extra mission' where you party up with Red who is back to being energetic rather than Mr. "..." and well, to skip details, he could use this pokemon:
Evolves From: Pikachu (Must have friendship at MAX, know Volt Tackle, hold light ball and some other requeriment that fill the quota of literally being impossible to do on a previous generation)
Gender: 50%/50%
Type: Electric
Attacks: Volt Tackle, Extreme Speed, Ice Fang, Earthquake
Base Stats:
70 HP
125 ATK
70 DEF
90 S.ATK
75 S.DEF
110 SPD
540 Total
Ability: Static.
Description: An alternate evolution for Pikachu, rather than counting on the Thunder Stone to evolve, this pokemon requires a very strong bond with his trainer. Very simple contrast, the easier evolution with Thunderstone gives an easy and fast power up, but, this evolution although notably harder grants a much greater power.
Looks: 4'01'' 100Lb. Slightly redder furr than Pikachu, but not as much as Raichu. Has 3 stripes on his back, all spiky, the first and last one are orange while the middle one is black. Much thiner than Pikachu or Raichu, has short legs. Has two tails that resemble a Raichu's tail, but the entire tail is golden and an additional "thunder line" on the end of both the tails. There's a black stripe on his belly that looks like a Pikachu-tail-shaped thunder. Has crimson circles on his cheeks. Black ears that look like sharper raichu ears.
well, I couldn't think of another one besides Felineforest. have any suggestions?
a cats scientific name is felis catus
a forest is also known as a wood, woodland, wold, weald or holt
so.......maybe try panterald
from panthera tigris (tiger) and's all I got
um.....could you delete that post and add it to the previous post?
it's kinda pointless to make a post right after another
and stands two legs eh? two tails......would this be a bakeneko by any chance?
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
here it is |
Or, you know, Espeon is based on it too.
Cat-like. Check. Long tail that forks. Check.