It was just revealed in the ninth HeartGold/SoulSilver chapter of the Pokemon Special/Adventure that Crystal went through a wardrobe change and is now wearing Lyra's clothes.
Now this is rather interesting. Now there has been questions about whether Lyra was Crystal or a completely new character, and none of the official sources are willing to say yes or no, at least for the games. In the anime it's confirmed they are two completely different characters, thus many believed this was true in the games (though that leaves the question where is Crystal in the games). But now with the manga saying that they are the same character, the question whether Lyra and Crystal are the same or different character(s) seem to be up for debate once more.
Personally I was hoping that they would have made Lyra a different character. I rather Crystal's old clothes and also Silver does need a love interest being Gold has Crystal and Red has Blue (Japan)/Green (U.S.).