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Diamond and Pearl Movie Trilogy

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Nov 21, 2009
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    Ok, so now the Diamond and Pearl Movie Trilogy is over. So basically, what are your thoughts on the trilogy as a whole?

    And, in case you needed a refresher, here are the three movies:

    The Rise of Darkrai

    Giratina and the Sky Warrior

    Arceus and the Jewel of Life

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [2]Nov 21, 2009
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    Well, they could've made the last movie much better, other than that, some of the best Pokemon Movies in a while.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [3]Nov 21, 2009
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    The Rise of Darkrai: A good way to start off the trilogy and my personal favorite of the three. It's the first movie to have the paired game's Legendary mascots (Red/Blue/Green don't count as Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur aren't legendary) appear and trying to blast each other to oblivion. In addition we get introduced to Darkrai who was portrayed in a great way and away from how the general public views him (Sure in Mystery Dungeon he's a villain and a psuedo-villain in the anime, but in them movie he's a good guy who is thought to be a villain). It was also interesting to see how Palkia's and Darkrai's powers mixed together to create a space where Pokemon who fell to sleep couldn't wake-up but their astro-projection forms can be seen and showing what type of nightmare the Pokemon we having. It definietly had the saddest moment of all the movies as when he got hit by both Dialga and Palkia at the same time and vanished, we didn't know if he was going to come back or not. Also instead of having one or two side characters getting involved in the plot, we had a whole bunch of them at least trying to do something useful (blasting their way through the barrier, hunting down Darkrai, protecting themselves from stray blasts, etc.). And Oracion is a nice peice of music, doesn't beat Lugia's Song, but it's still a nice piece of music. All in all, a good way to start off the trilogy but unfortunetly didn't get really topped by the next two movies.

    Giratina and the Sky Warrior: My second favorite of the trilogy, each part had some bits of action in each one but I didn't really feel like Shaymin did much besides saving Giratina and help fight Zero and the same can be said about Newton who really was just there to explain the Reverse World and who Zero was. Zero was a pretty good reason, the Pokemon movie do somewhat good in not having most of their human villain's reason for doing something because they want to take over the world or just capture a Legendary Pokemon. Zero's reason was because he disliked the mass pollution entering into the Reverse World and wanted to stop it... unfortunely this involved him wanting to destroy the world (which would have also destroyed the Reverse World but he didn't get that far into his thinking methinks). But it's Zero's battle ship at the very end that stole the show with it destroyed those viewing bubbles and glacier support arches to blast everyone around and cause the glacier to destroy the nearby town as well as out heroes. And finally it showed that Dialga's and Palkia's fighting as causing a lot more damage then we originally thought and now Giratina wants to tear them apart.

    Arceus and the Jewel of Life: Considering it has the Pokemon World's god in it, you'd think it would have been the best but that whole time travel thing kind of ruined it a bit for me. I like how they didn't make us wait to see Arceus in action and had him appear in the near beginning of the movie and then having the Dragon Trio, now having solved their issues with each other, now trying to take Arceus down but unfortunelty absorbs each one's attack by switching to its plate which counters that attack... all except for Electrical attacks meaning Pikachu was a big help until sent back in time with Ash and co. (+ Sheena). And now this is where I have sme issue with the movie. For one thing, the writers decided that they'll only have some bits of the future change even though theoretically a lot of the future they decided to keep should have also changed. Case and point, if Arceus got the Jewel of Life back in the past then how come he was still going beserk in the future? I mean as soon as Arcues began dying Ash and co. (+ Sheena) began to vanish showing what them changing the past would change the future as they wouldn't have come back in time unless Arceus went on his rampage forcing them Ash and co. to try and fix things. Now this would mean that if Ash and co. (+Sheena) did give Arceus back the Jewel of Life then Arceus wouldn't be in the future when they got back as Arceus would have no reason to have gone beserk which would have ALSO meant Ash and co. had no reason to go back in time! Yet when we did get back to the future Arceus was still rampaging until it remembered Ash meaning it knew of the past events which then brings the question why was Arceus rampaging in the future if it had the altered past's memory of it learning it wasn't Damos's fault and it got the Jewel of Life back? Their are just so many broken time loops and paradoxes that it's one main reason you shouldn't do a time travel plot unless you don't plan on changing the past. In Pokemon 4Ever they did the time travel plot correctly, but here they totally messed it up! Overall it's still a good movie but not having that much action except in the future where the dragons are fighting Arceus and the time travel fiasco kind of bring this movie down to last place in the trilogy.

    Edited on 11/21/2009 12:29pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [4]Nov 22, 2009
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    All of them were great.
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [5]Nov 22, 2009
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    Pretty good. I liked all three movies.
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [6]Nov 27, 2009
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    all 3 movies were good but i liked the 3rd one the most followed byt the first one. the second one was kinda meh but whatever. is anyone else wodnering why darkrai wasnt in this movie? i mean i know hes all about controlling dreams and stuff but i dunno i feel like he shouldve been in it
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [7]Nov 27, 2009
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    he was in the movie in the end credits
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [8]Nov 27, 2009
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:
    he was in the movie in the end credits
    he didnt play any important role though so it really doesnt count. just like hpwo in the beggning of the movies nowadays the show all the legendary pokemon that doesnt count either
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