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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season


  • Avatar of silverfoxy8472


    [1]Oct 6, 2012
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    Ok I am sure this will be short. now simple question WHY HAVE THEY SKIPPED OPELUCID CITY AND THE BIG SECRET!!!!!? ahead of time to anyone who has answers thank you

    Edited on 10/06/2012 6:07pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [2]Oct 6, 2012
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    silverfoxy8472 wrote:

    Ok I am sure this will be short. now simple question WHY HAVE THEY SKIPPED OPELUCID CITY AND THE BIG SECRET!!!!!? ahead of time to anyone who has answers thank you

    Basically to advertise Black 2 & White 2. Many upcoming episodes will be having many references to things that will be in Black 2 & White 2 (PokeStar Studios, Virbank City & Roxie, the Junior Cup which is based on the Pokemon World Tournament, Humilau City & Marlon, The Kami Trio's Therian Formes, etc.). Remember the anime is meant to advertise the games, and since Black 2 & White 2 are going to be the newest games then they have to find ways to incorporate new things in those games into the anime. Thus why Ash is going to Virbank City to battle Roxie for the Toxic Badge, his 8th badge.

    HOWEVER that doesn't mean they aren't going to Opelucid City nor meeting Drayden. Though it has been hinted at before, it has been officially revealed that Ash & co. are going to Opelucid City and, not only that, but Iris will be battling Drayden!

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  • Avatar of silverfoxy8472


    [3]Oct 7, 2012
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    you mean it is IN POKEMON BLACK'S WORLD? oh come on !!!! i was hoping when they got to opelucid city iris would say SURPRISE!!!!that's right i am the gym leader.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [4]Oct 7, 2012
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    silverfoxy8472 wrote:

    you mean it is IN POKEMON BLACK'S WORLD? oh come on !!!! i was hoping when they got to opelucid city iris would say SURPRISE!!!!that's right i am the gym leader.

    Well the anime is separate from the games in term of storyline. Also Iris isn't a Gym Leader, actually from what I'm getting from Iris's story, the anime is going through the story on how Drayden chose Iris to be his successor.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [5]Oct 8, 2012
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    There's definitely something going on. Iris was happy when they decided to go to Virbank instead of Opelucid.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [6]Oct 8, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    There's definitely something going on. Iris was happy when they decided to go to Virbank instead of Opelucid.

    I think there's two reasons for that:

    1. The Village of Dragons is probably right on the way which no doubt Ash and Cilan would want to visit if they found out. Despite bein gone for a year, Iris has yet to fulfill what the Elder told her to do in order to start becoming a Dragon Master: Evolve Axew all the way to a Haxorus. Iris probably doesn't want to go back to the Village of Dragon until Axew has at least evolved to a Fraxure, or else it might reveal to the Elder that she's having difficulty on her quest.

    2. Remember, Drayden didn't only beat Iris with no problem, he also put Excadrill into a BSOD for a few years. Something like that probably shook her a bit in side thus probably worried about Ash facing Drayden. Also, as we're going to see in a few episodes, Iris probably also wants to re-challenge Drayden however at the point where Ash was planning on going to Opelucid Gym she didn't really have any Pokemon that could face Drayden in a 3-vs-3 battle besides from Excadrill. Of course, after their side tour Iris now has a Dragonite...

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  • Avatar of silverfoxy8472


    [7]Oct 8, 2012
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    i agree with SPDShadowranger iris was WAAAAY too happy to not be going toOpelucid. where (and this is my nickname for it) the temple of dragons resides. In many ways the anime may beseparatebut as seen in the first season it was easy to see TA DA!!! here is the world of pokemon yellow even though it was not out yet because otherwise he should have somehow gotten a starter( yes i know aboutcommercialappeal as well) but within the anime ash has always straddled the worlds never truly established which one of each gen it is but then again in previous gens there was NO ONEDEFINITIVEway to tell. HOWEVER this gen there was and now it seems they are saying HHFY(ha ha fooled you). I agree the village of dragons will be somewhere along the way but the quest and or task before iris would only be the first step on being a dragon master not a completion. Am I incorrect about that?. oh yes remind me what BSOD is.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [8]Oct 14, 2012
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    Maybe it's deciding which version of Opelucid to use. In Black/2, it's modern, while in White/2, it's older.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [9]Oct 17, 2012
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    Hope we get to see it soon.

    Edited on 12/10/2012 5:03pm
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