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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: A Breed Stampede!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]May 16, 2009
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    And DP: Galactic Battles' second episode brings the evolution of Dawn's Piloswine... as well as Charizard deja vu.
    Edited on 05/16/2009 7:20am
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2]May 16, 2009
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    I'm surprised there weren't any referrences to the 'Charizard' incident. After what Ash went through with that flying fire-breather, you'd think he'd be more help to Dawn now that she's having a similar crisis.

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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [3]May 16, 2009
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    For once it is Ash and company that start the conflict, instead of Team Rocket.

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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [4]May 16, 2009
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    Awsome ep!
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [5]May 16, 2009
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    nyfan wrote:

    For once it is Ash and company that start the conflict, instead of Team Rocket.

    Technically, it was Piloswine who started it by sending Team Rocket blasting off when they hadn't done anything wrong and stealing their food.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [6]May 16, 2009
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    It's about time. I'm been waiting for Mamoswine.
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [7]May 16, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    nyfan wrote:

    For once it is Ash and company that start the conflict, instead of Team Rocket.

    Technically, it was Piloswine who started it by sending Team Rocket blasting off when they hadn't done anything wrong and stealing their food.

    Yeah, but Dawn is the one responsible for Piloswine. Like if your dog caused damage to the neighbor's house, who is going to held responsible for that? You the owner.

    It was a great chance of pace, for once it was "our heros" that made the inital contact with Team Rocket.

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [8]May 16, 2009
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    this episode felt ok but til it got to that pokemon friendship something that team rocket had cooked up to catch the twerps pokemon that part felt a little childish and piloswin just evolb from swinub not that long ago so now thay evolb him agin but it was pretty cool to see a mamoswin in the anime i only seen one in the movie and in the game so now mamoswin is gunna be the new charizard on dawn's team neet.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [9]May 16, 2009
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    Another good episode.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]May 16, 2009
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    Did I ever mention how it seems like the Pokemon Company are repeating plot lines? Anway, if you ignore that it's a pretty good episode. Dawn has her work cut out for her, though at least once she does get through she'll have a newly evolved and very powerful Mamoswine at her disposal! But until then, Ash and co. better get good at jumping out of the way of a few ton wall with tusks charging at them.

    Pumped Up For Contests And Gyms:
    * Kenny and Nando sound to be doing quite well collecting Ribbons, infact Nando is almost done.
    * Chocovine Town has the next Contest huh, I guess it's a no brainer where we'll be heading next... after Ash's 6th Gym Battle... hopefully.
    * Err, I'd becareful with using a newly evolved Pokemon in a Contest Dawn, remember Ambipom's first Pokemon Contest right after it evolved?
    * Scratch? Ash, in a Metal-type Gym, I think Chimchar's Fire-type attacks are what you should be working on. Looks like Gliscor is getting impatient though.
    * There we go with Flame Wheel, and being Grotle is a Grass-type, we can see how effecitive it's against types that are weak to Fire.
    * Hey Dawn, I know you want to train Piloswine but Gliscor has been begging Ash to train with it a bit. No training practice cuts.

    Like Training The Deaf:
    * Err... there is nothing mentioning Piloswine are lazy though they do look like the sort that would be. Sadly Piplup, your help isn't as useful as Pikachu's calming Gliscor down.
    * Dig? Err... yay... is there any food that might be underground? Piplup goes to check things out and... OH MY ARCEUS! IT USED TAKE DOWN ON PIPLUP!
    * Gah! Piloswine just isn't listening to Dawn! I don't think a Poffin... or two... of five... okay, now I know what's wrong, Dawn is spoiling it!
    * EEK! Piloswine is ATTACKING Dawn! Its on a Take Down frenzy (and hit Piplup again)! And now it's firing Ice Shard (I think) while chasing Ash and Dawn!
    * Lol, sorry Gliscor, but being a Ground/Flying-combo, Ice-types aren't really a good type to battle for you.
    * Piloswine froze half of Grotle! Looks like it's Gliscor time to shine and... nevermin... fire? Oh, Gliscor knows Fire Fang! That should be good against Piloswine.
    * Oh, Gliscor used the Fire Fang to free Grotle. Piplup, try a Water-type attack... too late. Thankfully Gliscor flew up and caught it. Can anything stop Piloswine... oh, apparently Happiny can.
    * If it wasn't listening to Dawn normally, I don't think it'll listen to her in battle. Forget spoil, I think Piloswine is going through the "inferior trainer" phase a certain Fire Lizard/Dragon we know and love went through with Ash.
    * I've got to give Piloswine this, like Grotle it is acting like a pretty decent tank. Oh, and is also learned Ancient Power... wait, doesn't it evolve when it knows that attacks?

    An Unfair Blasting Off:
    * Oh no, I guess that "smoke" we saw pass by its nose was actually a food scent. Hope it's not a trainer who has the food... Team Rocket! This is going to be interesting.
    * Team Rocket, you better get to eating it rather then arguing about fair shares because... Piloswine is here and did a blast off over a Sponge Cake. One of the few moments you feel sorry for Team Rocket.
    * Dawn, maybe you should use another Pokemon for the Chocovine Contest until you got this thing with Piloswine fixed. Ash used Charizard in the Indigo Plateau during this phase and lost because of it!
    * And of course, Team Rocket isn't going to take having their food being stolen lying down. Well, they sure got to a plan quick. You know, those disguises look kind of like the ones they wore in EP045 "The Song of Jigglypuff"!
    * Wow, two costumes change in one episode, and they hooked in Ash and co. hook, line, and sinker. Um, where did Team Rocket got the money to make a whole obstacle course?
    * Ash & Grotle and Brock & Croagunk are doing fine, but looks like Piloswine isn't exactly in a team spirit mood, at least the worst that happened is that Dawn just got soaked.
    * Lol! Grotle looks funny trying to follow the position patterns as well as Piplup who is trying to get Piloswine to do them using its ears.

    Now A Fair Blasting Off:
    * Trainers in one circle and Pokemon in another, this has pit trap all over it.
    * Oh, only pit trap for Ash and co. (and not a very deep on at that) and a cage for the Pokemon. And Dawn, do you really want an answer to "How did you trick us"? ;-_-
    * Grotle and Pachirisu didn't do anything, but it looks like Piloswine didn't like the static from Pachirisu and began rocking the cage, and now all the Pokemon are doing it!
    * On the ground again and man, Team Rocket are really being evil today. Poor Piloswine, I know it disobeys but it doesn't deserve being hit attack after attack after... glowing?
    * Took it awhile to do so, but being it knew Ancient Power it was no doubt it would evolve into Mamoswine (kind of like with Jessie's Yanmega).
    * At least it broke the cage, though it sent everyone in the cage scattered in all direction. However by the look on its face that's the least of its worries, and the most of Team Rockets.
    * LOL! I love Meowth's comment on how they are talking while frozen through ice, but like with Piloswine before, Team Rocket suffer through another (but this time deserved) icy blast off!

    Owning Your Very Own Self-Mobile Battle Ram:
    * Oh man, I guess Mamoswine must still be angry about Dawn having no more of her Poffins. And poor Piplup is once again bounced off like a ball.
    * If they could have used a Pokeball to stop Mamoswine from charging, then why didn't they do that with Piloswine earlier in the episode?
    * Mamoswine is definietly going to need some special training to at least have it keeps its cool. Ash, maybe you can provide some advice since you went through the exact same thing with Charizard.
    * Speaking of fire types, Chimchar better get ready, because apparently Byron is back from Iron Island (I wonder if Barry is with him so he can watch Ash's battle)!

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [12]May 17, 2009
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    Definitely an interesting episode to say the least, and it was awesome to see Mamoswine.

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    * I've got to give Piloswine this, like Grotle it is acting like a pretty decent tank. Oh, and is also learned Ancient Power... wait, doesn't it evolve when it knows that attacks?

    It doesn't always happen right away in the anime. It was the same with Aipom, it didn't evolve as soon as it learned Double Hit, but later on in the episode like Piloswine did.
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  • Avatar of BradyTheRandom


    [13]May 17, 2009
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    Actual quote from Ash: "If you put it in battle, it'll HAVE to obey you!"

    Really...did you REALLY just say that? Didn't you lose in the Top 16 of the Indigo League because Charizard wouldn't obey YOU in battle? Honestly...
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [14]May 18, 2009
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    BradyTheRandom wrote:
    Actual quote from Ash: "If you put it in battle, it'll HAVE to obey you!" Really...did you REALLY just say that? Didn't you lose in the Top 16 of the Indigo League because Charizard wouldn't obey YOU in battle? Honestly...

    Somebody should also remind Ash that any trade Pokemon you get won't obey until you get the right badge.

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  • Avatar of yugiohfan99


    [15]May 18, 2009
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    Piloswine evolved fast. Just like Ash's Charmeleon.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [16]May 18, 2009
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    Awesome episode! It was so cool to see Dawn's Piloswine evolve into Mamoswine. And yes, as many others have said, the evolution of Dawn's Piloswine/Mamoswine reminded me a lot of Ash's Charmeleon/Charizard.
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [17]May 18, 2009
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    Poor Dawn... She now has to cope with her disobedient Mamoswine. Onto the review:

    Obviously the main point of interest is the focus of characterization of Piloswine (and now Mamoswine), and how Dawn will have to cope with its disobedience. Not a bad episode at all, but not really anything I'm going to remember in a couple of weeks. Slightly stupid regarding the Pokémon Friendship School and how gullible the twerps were. Overall, a decent and fairly "plain" episode.

    "A Breed Stampede!" revieves an 8.2

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [18]May 18, 2009
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    BradyTheRandom wrote:
    Actual quote from Ash: "If you put it in battle, it'll HAVE to obey you!" Really...did you REALLY just say that? Didn't you lose in the Top 16 of the Indigo League because Charizard wouldn't obey YOU in battle? Honestly...

    Somebody should also remind Ash that any trade Pokemon you get won't obey until you get the right badge.

    Badges do nothing except symbolizing defeating a Gym Leader in the anime, been like that since Day 1.
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  • Avatar of Oathkeeperriku


    [19]May 19, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    BradyTheRandom wrote:
    Actual quote from Ash: "If you put it in battle, it'll HAVE to obey you!" Really...did you REALLY just say that? Didn't you lose in the Top 16 of the Indigo League because Charizard wouldn't obey YOU in battle? Honestly...

    Somebody should also remind Ash that any trade Pokemon you get won't obey until you get the right badge.

    Badges do nothing except symbolizing defeating a Gym Leader in the anime, been like that since Day 1.

    So that means, Anime has it better than the game sometimes?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [20]May 19, 2009
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    Oathkeeperriku wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    BradyTheRandom wrote:
    Actual quote from Ash: "If you put it in battle, it'll HAVE to obey you!" Really...did you REALLY just say that? Didn't you lose in the Top 16 of the Indigo League because Charizard wouldn't obey YOU in battle? Honestly...

    Somebody should also remind Ash that any trade Pokemon you get won't obey until you get the right badge.

    Badges do nothing except symbolizing defeating a Gym Leader in the anime, been like that since Day 1.
    So that means, Anime has it better than the game sometimes?

    Lets answer this by comparing how you battle in the games and in the anime:

    Games: Turn based system where you are restricted to just 4 pre-set moves from before you begin the battle. Other factors to also include would be your Pokemon level, stats, abilities, and hold item. Also type adventage, resistance, and what items you have may also come into play.

    Anime: Pokemon are able to run around, jump, dodge, do combos, without ever needing to attack or while they are attacking. They can also beat a Pokemon that are on a "higher level" which would be normally undoable in the games. Plus a trainer's bond with the Pokemon can make it keep on going by the trainer simply calling out the Pokemon's name while it is stunned. However no items can be used.

    I think the anime has a jump on the games comparing what you can do in the anime that you can't in the games. However you can't control what direction the anime takes so the games are still better as YOU'RE the one in control in the games.

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