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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: A Connoisseur's Revenge!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jun 11, 2011
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    Episode turned out to be better than I thought, although Burgundy is annoying.

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  • Avatar of ImNotDarioUAre


    [2]Jun 11, 2011
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    I think Sawsbuck would look better if it changed colors with the seasons like Deerling does. Spring could be a magenta or burgundi, Summer could be a dark green and fall could be a scarlettish color. Winter would stay the same I guess.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [3]Jun 11, 2011
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    Yeah, I too wondered why Sawsbuck doesn't change color with the seasons the way Deerling does. Awesome episode, though!

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [4]Jun 11, 2011
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    It was fun to see Burgendy get attacked by all of Ash's Pokemon, she deserved it. Same for getting crushed by Cilan in battle. It'll be interesting to see her again in the future.
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [5]Jun 11, 2011
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    Cilan is defenitely one of my favorite characters now

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [6]Jun 11, 2011
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    This was a great episode!

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [7]Jun 12, 2011
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    It was an a-okay episode. Glad to see the newPokemonthough (:

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [8]Jun 12, 2011
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    Aaerni wrote:

    Yeah, I too wondered why Sawsbuck doesn't change color with the seasons the way Deerling does. Awesome episode, though!

    They do change form with the seasons. Mostly their antlers.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [9]Jun 12, 2011
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    Yeah, but they don't change COLOR the way their pre-evolution does.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Jun 16, 2011
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    A "rare" episode with a humorous fragrance (or in non-Connoisseur terms, an alright episode which was quite funny). While heading to Castelia City for Ash's 3rd Gym Battle, Ash & co. stumble onto a grand opening of a new Poke Mart. They decide to check it out and eventually find a Connoisseur Shop which offers compatibility tests and Ash decides to see how compatible him and Sewaddle is. However after getting on line he's called into another "Connoisseur Shop" where a young Connaisseuse (a female Connoisseur) named Burgundy says she can do compatibility tests. Much nonsense ensues and Burgundy declares that none of Ash's Pokemon are good and he should replace his entire party just as Iris and Cilan finds him. However Burgundy seems to recognize Cilan and though at first confused Cilan too remembers who Burgundy is. Who is Burgundy and what is her history with Cilan? Will Ash be forced to replace his entire party, including Pikachu? Did Iris provide any significance to this storyline besides from some side comments? And did the writers just forget about Team Rocket like they did with the GS Ball, Pidgeot, and Jigglypuff? Well besides from the last two questions (didn't I say I was going to start putting the non-sense questions somewhere other then the end last episode?), there is only one way to find out the other two:

    Taking The Word "Connoisseur" A Bit Too Far:
    On the road to Castelia City, Ash & co. find a brightly colored and decorated building which Cilan says is a new Poke Mart (I thought those are now combined with Pokemon Centers?) and they decide to check it out. Inside they're amazed by its size as Iris runs ahead and Ash and Cilan talk on what Poke Marts usually contain but this one is more extensive. Iris heads over to a jewelery stand as the clerk offers her a Dragon Gem for Axew (obviously not directly mentioning that after one Dragon-type attack is vanishes ) but Iris turns the offer down and the clerk tells them to look around. Ash walks on by and sees a line outside of a curtain and Cilan tells him that's a Connoisseur Shop where a Connoisseur tells you your compatibility with your Pokemon.

    Ash: Wow, so you're not the only Connoisseur?
    Comment: ...maybe when he was in the Nacrene Gym he should have read on of the Connoisseur books Cilan got excited over... and if not that then maybe he should have been smacked with one.

    Cilan starts explaining Pokemon Connoisseurs to us: They're ranked by the Pokemon Connoisseur Association with C, B, A, and finally S class. For a Connoisseur to perform a compatibility test they need to be A class or higher, such as Cilan who says that he's an A class. We go inside to see the Connoisseur running the Connoisseur Shop doing a compatibility test between a boy and his Minccino saying they have a close bond and asking for next in line.

    Ash: Hey, it's a girl.
    Comment: Stupid and sexist, this is a whole new side of you Ash that I don't think you want anyone knowing.

    Cilan explains that female Connoisseurs are called "Connaisseuse" (why?) and Cilan says that Ash should get a compatibility test saying that it's good to have feeback from someone else one in awhile (true, but Cilan you're easier to make fun of). Ash decides to see his compatibility with Sewaddle (I don't need to be a Connoisseur to tell you that it needs some work) and gets on line as Cilan heads over to the food department. Getting to the back of the line, Ash notes how long it is when someone behind a makeshift blue curtain in the corner calls him over saying she's also a Connaisseuse (I've heard of back back alley operations, but never of mart corner compatibility tests) and Ash, of course, completely believes her and goes in.

    Ash is quickly seated down and the Connaisseuse introduces herself as Burgundy and after Ash introduces himself she says in addition to compatibility tests she also gives advice on Pokemon food, battle strategies, and accessories (being Cilan just explained how the ranking goes, who wants to bet Burgundy is a C class?). Ash says he wants to know his compatibility with his Pokemon and Burgundy quickly assumes he's talking about Pikachu reminding they're rare in Unova and after taking a sniff saying it has a rare fragrance (actually that's just ketchup (I wonder how many who'll read this will get that...)). Ash says he's not here for Pikachu as he knows they're a perfect match but is there for Sewaddle and sends it out which has Burgundy start dancing around as she takes out an analysis device and then starts to jump around examining Sewaddle and Ash. Ash asks what does Burgundy think and she yells it's the worst ever explaining Sewaddle's Ability is Swarm and Ash would do better with one that had Chlorophyll, but when Ash asks why she says "because" before screaming if he's questioning a Connoisseur (Connaisseuse) recognized by the Pokemon Connoisseur Association (I'm changing my bet to she flunked out of Connoisseur school ). Burgundy says that you can find Bug-type Pokemon everywhere and Ash should go out and get another one, advice which Sewaddle doesn't agree with and so uses String Shot to wrap Burgundy's head as Ash quickly returns it. Burgundy angrily says she has had enough of Sewaddle and demands to see another of Ash's Pokemon but Ash says he had had enough for today but as he tried to leave Burgundy grabs him by the shoulders and says that if Ash wants to be a Pokemon Master he need to have all his Pokemon evaluated and Ash gives her a suspicious okay.

    Ash sends out Snivy and Burgundy sniffs it saying it smells like black peppers and its eyes are too sharp like kitchen knives and before she could perform a "taste test" Snivy decides it had enough of this and gives her tongue a Vine Whip (now I'm betting she didn't even go to Connoisseur school). Next up is Tepig and after shots switching between it and Burgundy she says it's no good having Ash demand what she means and she says that Tepig justs sits there with a goofy smile and is too good-natured for a battle, a statement Tepig decides to prove wrong with an Ember. Oshawott decides its turn is up as Ash asks why it keeps popping out of its Pokeball as it rubs against Burgundy's leg which she says is too childish and it has an "old, musty" smell and thus a waste of her time which Oshawott gives her Water Gun soaking. Last but not least is Scraggy (Woot! You all owe me 100 Pokedollars!) and Burgundy says it smells like an old shoe (please Headbutt her) but before she completes her analysis Scraggy lifts its "pants" up but it slides down and she says it should be ashamed of itself and it finally does headbutt her. Burgundy angrily says that Ash's Pokemon are too acidic and are hurting her tongue (actually that's just Snivy) and Ash says he has no idea what she's talking about and points out before she said Pikachu was rare and had a rare fragrance which she says "rare" doesn't mean "good" and is not as cute as pictures she has seen. Having its mascot alarm go off, Pikachu finishes "Ash's Pokemon Insult Attacking Extravaganza" with a Thunderbolt and Burgundy yells all of Ash's Pokemon are horrible and he needs to make a complete party change (oh come on, you haven't even been attacked by Pidove's Air Cutter yet) but Ash says she's wrong.

    Burgundy: Then you don't mind being a loser?
    Comment: Actually no, Ash has never minded being the loser, I mean this is his fifth league he's competing in...

    Burgundy goes on to scream that Ash isn't going to be a Pokemon Master, collect the 8 Gym Badges, and go to the Unova League and Ash asks if she's serious as she once again says she's a Pokemon Connaisseuse but just then Iris and Cilan pull apart the curtain saying they've been looking for Ash. Burgundy turns around to see Ash & co. only to get a shocked face and points to Cilan leaving Cilan confused at first but he then recognizes her as Ash asks when did they meet. Cilan says that Burgundy challenged him at the Striaton Gym but lost and she says she's been waiting for her revenge. Cilan asks her what does she need to take "revenge" for and she says that it's not only because he defeated her but because of the "mean and hurtful" things he said about her Pokemon. Cilan says he is a Pokemon Connoisseur (so he's agreeing he said mean and hurtful things?) and we get a flashback (obviously by Burgundy's POV) of her holding an Oshawott (And she challenged Cilan? Has anyone in Unova ever heard of "type advantage"? They let you pick who to battle!) as Cilan says the mean and hurtful things. Cilan says that he said no such thing and Burgundy says it was close enough and she vowed she'd be a greater Connoisseur (Connaisseuse) then him through aroma (why?) and got evaluated and accepted. However when she went back to the Straiton Gym she was told that Cilan had gone on a journet which Burgundy said he knew she was coming and thus ran away.

    Cilan says he's sorry that Burgundy went back for "revenge" but they can't have a Gym Battle here but Burgundy reveals she had always won the Trio Badge by defeating Chili (oh, NOW you went for type advantage!) and now all she wants is to defeat Cilan which will somehow make her the greatest Connaisseuse and she can open up her own Connaisseuse Shop (is it possible to jump somewhere further than conclusions?). Ash asks if that means this isn't Burgundy's Connaisseuse Shop getting her nervous as Cilan asks her what class is she and she reveals to be a C class (well, my original bet was correct). Cilan says that C class Connoisseurs act as assistants to A and S class Connoisseurs and Ash says she was lieing about his Pokemon's compatibility which she says she wasn't and any Connoisseur would have had said the same thing which Cilan proves her wrong by saying Ash has a strong bond with his Pokemon and there is a problem with her evaluating method.

    Burgundy: What'd you say?
    Cilan (What we hear): The relationship between Pokemon and trainer is a complex one, you can't alwasy make a good judgement evaluating by the manual.
    Cilan (What Burgundy hears): YOU SUCK, MUAWAWAWAWA!
    Comment: Is it odd that I agree more with the Cilan which Burgundy hears?

    Burgundy says she doesn't need Cilan to lecture her (okay then, how about the Connaisseuse in the Connaisseuse Shop, you know, the one you're probably suppose to be assisting and learning from?) and challenges him to a battle which Cilan accepts surprising Ash and Iris.

    Like They Would Ever Replace Pikachu:
    After a "Who's That Pokemon" which probably has revealed what has happened to Burgundy's Oshawott, we're outside of the Poke Mart and Burgundy tells Cilan it's a 2-vs.-2 single battle.

    Ash: This is a real Connoisseur battle! I've never seen one before.
    Comment: Probably because they're just like normal trainer battles.
    Iris: Well if you ask me I think this battle is going to be a bit of a pain.
    Comment: Takes one to know one.

    Burgundy sends out Dewott (*in a dull surprise voice* oh my god, I'm completely surprised, it's not like "Who's That Pokemon" spoiled that your Oshawott evolved) and Cilan pretty much says that as Iris says Water-types are weak to Grass-types and Ash says it'll be the perfect time to use Pansage... so with that saud Cilan sends out Dwebble. Burgundy "evaluates" Dwebble though just says that her Dewott has the type advantage and Cilan's "battling sense has spoiled" and Cilan does his own "evaluation" (gah, I now see what Iris means by this being a bit of a pain) but just says they'll see just what "taste" they have to offer. Burgundy says that if is she wins it proves her evaluating method is correct and Cilan says that'll never be the case. Burgundy goes on to say if she wins Ash will have to replace all of his Pokemon (or all of Ash's Pokemon come out to send Burgundy blasting off) and Ash says this battle has nothing to do with him. Burgundy points out that her and Cilan's evaluations are completely different and Ash asks Cilan to say something but Cilan says there is nothing to worry about accepts Burgundy's conditions. Ash yells that Cilan can't promise he'll change his entire party but Cilan tells Ash to relax.

    Cilan: The word "lose" does not exist anywhere in an A class Connoisseur dictionary.
    Comment: Then what do you call losing to Ash's Oshawott who had a type disadvantage to your Pansage?

    Ash complains about being dragged into this as Iris says Cilan is a different person when it comes to evaluating and when Ash asks what happens if Cilan loses Iris says she's know a few places they can hide a body... okay, she says that if she knows Cilan then he has a foolproof plan. Burgundy says her evulations are never wrong and she'll show Cilan the power of a fully mature Pokemon (um, Dewott isn't a fully evolved Pokemon) and does a Water Gun which Dwebble uses a Protect to have it bounce off. Dewott does a Fury Cutter as Dwebble uses Protect again (oh come on, in the games that Protect would have failed) as Iris says Dwebble is only defending and Ash says a Bug- and Rock-type isn't a good type to go up against a Water-type (at least the Rock-type part isn't) but Iris still wonders what Cilan is planning. Dewott stops using Fury Cutter and Burgundy says defending a pretty dull for an A class Connoisseur and choosing Dwebble is the worst choice Cilan ever made and has Dewott "finish" this with a Water Pulse which hits. However Dwebble isn't down yet confusing Burgundy as Cilan reveals Dwebble's Ability is Sturdy which Iris says was Cilan's plan and Ash notices that Dewott is exhausted. Dwebble does a Shell Smash followed by an X-Scissor as Dewott uses a Razor Shell having both attack collide but jump apart to show Dwebble is fine and Dewott couldn't take it and faints as Burgundy returns it.

    Ash cheers on Dwebble and Iris says when Dwebble dropped its defense it's attack got stronger as Cilan asks Burgundy if she sees his method and explains that he knew Dwebbles's Sturdy would keep it from fainting from a strong Water-type attack. Burgundy asks is Cilan chose a Pokemon with a type advantage to teach her a lesson and Cilan says she still hasn't learned the true nature of evaluating and a Connoisseur's job is to judge a Pokemon on its own quality. Of course this just makes Burgundy more angry and says the battle isn't over yet sending out a Sawsbuck which Burgundy calls her "premium brand" and wants to see what evaluation Cilan has for them as he recalls Dwebble and sends out his "premium brand" Pansage. Cilan says Burgundy's recipe blends strength and courage but needs refining but Burgundy says all the "recipe" talk is making her more angry and hungry as Sawsbuck uses Horn Leech but Pansage dodges it with a Dig. Burgundy says she sense a secret ingredient in Cilan's recipe but doesn't know what it is when Cilan says they'll explore the full depths of battle and his recipe revealed as Pansage surfaces behind Sawsbuck. Sawsbuck does a Jump Kick but Pansage Digs before it could land (though despite Jump Kick missing Sawsbuck didn't get damaged which it should have) and Pansage starts surfacing all around Sawsbuck hitting it with Bullet Seed (including a rather painful looking one from behind...). Burgundy yells at Cilan that was sneaky and Cilan says sometimes you need to attack from the back as confusing it part of the puzzle as Burgundy notices Pansage is about to surface and tells Sawsbuck to use Megahorn. Pansage surfaces and uses a SolarBeam and a standoff occurs but is broken when Cilan says victory is his and Sawsbuck faints meaning Cilan is the winner and superior Connoisseur (oh, and Ash doesn't have to find a place to hide a body replace his Pokemon).

    Burgundy checks on Sawsbuck but seeing it's alright she returns it as Ash and Iris says they never realized how strong Cilan was (what, him being a GYM LEADER wasn't indication enough?). In the afternoon we Burgundy about to walk down the road when she's stopped by Cilan who tells her that she has what it takes to be a great Connoisseur but needs time to develop it but she tells him she's sick and tired of his lectures and she'll become an S class Connaisseuse and show him how strong she really is. Cilan says he'll look forward to it which slightly startles Burgundy but gets angry again saying she'll have her revenge for sure before running off with Iris stating how fast she is and Ash saying that couldn't have been easy for her. Cilan tells Ash and Iris that passing the C class Connoisseur evaluation isn't easy and you have to admire Burgundy's spirit.

    Ash: Hey Pikachu, I say we show as much spark and spirit as Burgundy and give it all we got at the Castelia Gym!
    Comment: So you what to lose and by whiny about? Okay, if that's what you want Ash...
    Narrator: After meeting Burgundy, it appears Ash has learned a bit more about what it takes to be a Pokemon Connoisseur.
    Comment: Like he even cares. Well this is a first, but no need to start up another paragraph so I'll just end this review right here.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [11]Jun 18, 2011
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    Cilan was awesome this episode.

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