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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Oct 15, 2011
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    Long title is long.

    Yay. More fishing.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [3]Oct 15, 2011
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    Good episode.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Oct 15, 2011
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    Awesome episode! Cilan enters a fishing competition, catches a Basculin, and then releases it!

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [5]Oct 15, 2011
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    God I love Cilan. Good eppie, should of been aired in the right order though. The writers kind of trolled us with the Frillish, it sort of felt like Ash or Bianca might catch it.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [6]Oct 15, 2011
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    It did just fine in this order and there was nothing to suggest anyone would catch the Frillish.
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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [7]Oct 15, 2011
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    It still felt noticeably out of place, and the way that Frillish took an interest in Ash made it plenty seem that way.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [9]Oct 16, 2011
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    It only felt out of place because you knew this wasn't originally in this order. It fit perfectly in. And All she did was cling onto Ash, which she also did to Iris and Cilan, that did not make it seem like he would capture it at all.
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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [10]Oct 16, 2011
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    Well with Ash's amount of captures, at the beginning before the opening it felt like an indication. And it was out of place because they were in a town that looked exactly like Castelia, Bianca showed up randomly, Ash didn't know about Cilan's fishing skills, Yamask was looked up on Ash's Pokedex, and I just don't understand why the original one wasn't just dubbed and put after the gym match instead of having to go by the Japanese order.
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [11]Oct 16, 2011
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    UnovaChampion wrote:
    It still felt noticeably out of place, and the way that Frillish took an interest in Ash made it plenty seem that way.

    Ash wouldn't have caught that Frillish. Trip already has the male form.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [12]Oct 16, 2011
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    UnovaChampion wrote:
    It still felt noticeably out of place, and the way that Frillish took an interest in Ash made it plenty seem that way.

    Ash wouldn't have caught that Frillish. Trip already has the male form.

    Which means absolutely nothing considering they both have a Tranquill and Trip's is most likely male.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [13]Oct 16, 2011
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    The only standout of the city was the pokemon center. Otherwise it could have easily been any city with skyscrapers. Bianca has shown up randomly before so that point doesn't work. Ash looks up pokemon more than once many times, not just Yamask.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [14]Oct 17, 2011
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    @TKnHappyNess/Shiny Missingno: Trip also has a Servine and Ash has a Snivy, so if Ash caught teh Frillish, then Trip would have 3 Pokemon/Families of Pokemon that Ash also has, which would have made Trip just like Ritchie. You remember Ritchie (the trainer whom Ash lost to in the Kanto League) and how he had many Pokemon and Pokemon Families that were the same as Ash's, right? That's probably why the writers didn't have Ash catch teh Frillish. They want Trip to remind people of Paul/Gary, not Ritchie!

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [15]Oct 17, 2011
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    Not bad. These [x] Connoisseur Cilan episodes are pretty funny, since he appears to do it sort of a lot.

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  • Avatar of pichu121


    [16]Oct 20, 2011
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    Aaerni wrote:

    @TKnHappyNess/Shiny Missingno: Trip also has a Servine and Ash has a Snivy, so if Ash caught teh Frillish, then Trip would have 3 Pokemon/Families of Pokemon that Ash also has, which would have made Trip just like Ritchie. You remember Ritchie (the trainer whom Ash lost to in the Kanto League) and how he had many Pokemon and Pokemon Families that were the same as Ash's, right? That's probably why the writers didn't have Ash catch teh Frillish. They want Trip to remind people of Paul/Gary, not Ritchie!

    and haven't seen that Frillish since it's first appearance....for all we know it could be a jellicent by now!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [17]Oct 22, 2011
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    This episode was okay, it's a Cilan episode though I liked BW019 "A Connoisseur's Revenge!" a bit more. Ash & co. get a crash into hello by Bianca who tells them there is a fishing competition which they all decide to enter, especially Cilan who seems the most excited by it. However we soon see the competition is being run by Team Rocket and there scheme is to have the competitors catch a whole batch of Water-type Pokemon for them and run off soon after. Will Ash & co. be able to stop Team Rocket's scheme before they lift anchor and go? Why is Cilan so excited about a fishing competition (isn't his brother Cress the Water-type trainer?)? Being a fishing episode will need fishing rods, will I be able to resist making some immature jokes? All these questions are answered below, yes, even the last one (and it's the answer you probably think it is):

    All These Cities Look Like Castelia To Me:
    We start this episode with Ash & co. coming from the Pokemon Center and Ash asking how close are they to Nimbasa City and Cilan using the Town Map to see it's just a straight walk up (unfortunately Ash & co. have always had a problem walking just straight). As they walk down the street with Ash getting excited for his next Gym battle, a familiar voice yells at them to get out of the way and when they turn around they see Bianca tripping over herself and accidental knocks Ash into the river they were walking next to. However Ash is alright and after we see a female Frillish (and for those thinking it, Trip has a MALE Frillish, hence why I mentioned the gender) watching them we cut to opener and title card. Having gotten Ash out of the river and started a small camp fire to get his clothes dry (remind you they're in a middle of a city so Ash is on the sidewalk in his underwear in front of a campfire. Why didn't they just go back to the Pokemon Center for Ash to change clothes?), we go through the usual Bianca apologizing and everyone saying "Oh Bianca". Ash asks Bianca why she was running so fast and she takes out a flyer with someone fishing on it which gets Cilan excited and he grabs the flyer asking if they're having a fishing competition. Bianca says he's right and she was in a hurry to not miss entering it and Ash asks if Bianca was a fishing pro which Bianca says this will be her first time. Bianca goes on to say that when she was home she wasn't allowed to do anything but now that she's not she can do anything she wants (meanwhile Cilan is sitting on the sidewalk staring at the flyer as if it told the meaning of life).

    Ash says he has fished before and maybe he'll enter to catch some Pokemon which Iris tries turning into a competition (which it already is) saying Ash can't catch more than her but that's when Cilan stands up and looks to be getting ready to explode. And he does... with excitement as he declares it's "Fishing time" (Cilan, if you say you're a "Fishing connoisseur" I'm going to slap you)! Cilan says fishing isn't as easy as they think it is and "only a slender fishing like connects you to a Pokemon beneath the waves in a battle of wits" and says, no, declares he's going to enter the competition and win it! Ash asks what's gotten into Cilan and Cilan tells him he's a "Fishing Connoisseur" (*SLAP*) and Bianca asks if there is such a thing as Ash looks impressed and Iris just smiles and nods saying "who knows" (actually the correct answer is there isn't).

    Fishing Up Some Continuity Errors:
    They get to the Fishing Competition and head to the Registration Booth where we find Team Rocket in disguise are hosting the competition telling everyone they need to fill out the registration forms. James spots Ash & co. though before Team Rocket would usually panic instead they're glad to see Ash & co. (and especially Pikachu) are entering as further inside the tent Jessie says it looks like they have "quite the turnout" and Meowth explain their scheme is to have the competitors catch Water-type Pokemon for them and send the best ones to Giovanni and also make Unova theirs somehow. Ash & co. (+ Bianca) hand in their forms which James says everything checks out as Jessie hands everyone their "Fishing Pokeballs" explaining pretty much how to catch a Pokemon (BTW, anyone else notice Cilan giving the Pokeball an odd, almost seductive-like look?). James explains they can catch any kind of Water-type Pokemon and whoever catches the biggest will be the winner and Jessie finished saying the grand prize if a golden fishing rod (which Cilan also gives a almost seductive-like look too. Cilan, I don't know what's running through your head but you might need help). We go through another "Ash's stupidity moment" saying he wants to use that rod in the competition with James telling him he has to use a normal fishing rod and Iris saying he obviously can't use the fishing rod prize followed by "What a kid" (okay, that time Ash does deserve it).

    At the fishing rod racks Bianca is about to choose a fishing rod when Cilan stops her saying that's "the worst for a beginner" and he picks a fishing rod for her (and you don't know how much I was holding back excluding the word "fishing" and filling the sentence with little giggles. Actually, I will do that! REWIND) At the rod racks *giggle* Bianca is about to choose a rod *snort giggle* when Cilan stops her saying that's "the worst for a beginner" and he picks a rod for her *is holding back laughter*. Okay, back to being (somewhat) serious, Ash asks if Cilan has chosen a fishing rod yet and Cilan says he has taking out the "pen rod" (FUN FACT: this was suppose to be the episode reveal Cilan is a good fisher as well the reveal of his "pen rod", not BW032 "Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!". But due to the Earthquake which recently happened in Japan this episode was pushed back which causes a few other confusing things which I'll point out) and Iris adds her excuse for a "snark" of "why should fishing be any less annoying" (in what context made Iris say this? Was it to Cilan's behavior? She wasn't specific).

    Ash & co. (+ Bianca) walk over to where they're fishing and we see it's just a small pier (so who's going to take the long walk?) where you fish for a Pokemon in the front and right sides and the left side has a battling field (do they really need to have a specific place for battling?). Bianca starts flailing her fishing rod around as everyone else gets to fishing though Bianca soon hooks something, unfortunately for her and what she hooked it's Ash's hood and she starts pulling as Ash tries not to be lifted off telling her she hooked him.

    Bianca: I don't think it counts if I catch you Ash.
    Comment: To the shippers it does. (and for those wondering, ImaginationShipping)

    Cilan unhooks Ash and Bianca apologizes saying she's clueless on what to do so Cilan tells her to watch him and how the "pros" do it as he explains how to cast off (overhead or sidearm) but they first need to calm their heart rate which he does and calls out for an overhead cast saying that not their battle has just begun. Cilan then explains about reeling in your line to attract the Pokemon saying it's like "aging a fine cheese" (what?) when Cilan gets a bite. Ash and Bianca encourage him to reel it in immediately but he tells them you have to wait until the time is right and right now the Water-type Pokemon is just tasting the bait until it takes a real bite, which is just so happen does. Cilan starts reeling in the Pokemon gently and it finally jumps out of the water to reveal it's a Blue-Striped Basculin which Ash scans with his Pokedex. Bianca says it looks like it's about to get away however Cilan says it's only part of the "dance" that is fishing which everyone questionably repeats and Cilan explains you match the Pokemon's every move until finally he lifts the Basculin out of the water and into the batting field.

    Cilan examines the Basculin saying it's "quite the prize" and sends out Pansage saying its "Catching time" though Basculin seems to disagree knocking Pansage into the water with a Water Gun. Basculin speeds toward Pansage and uses a Bite clamping down on Pansage's foot before letting go and finally using an Aqua Tail (if it knows Aqua Tail shouldn't it be using Crunch instead of Bite?) as Iris tells us the attacks it used (which is how I know it used Bite instead of Crunch) as Ash says Basculin has the advantage in the water. Pansage jumps out of the water and uses Bullet Seed which hits and starts swimming as soon as it falls back in with Basculin right behind it and after a close chase Pansage flips onto one of the platforms in the water which Basculin hits and is sent flying over it. Pansage finishes the battle with a SolarBeam leaving Basculin on a platform flopping around and Cilan throws the "Fishing" Pokeball and catches the Basculin! Cilan celebrates his capture while Ash and Bianca look upon in amazement (though Bianca says she didn't know what he was saying half the time so ultimately he failed what he was initially trying to do) but Iris gets annoyed saying he won't be ahead for long (what got into your hair (beside Axe)? It's one thing to say Cilan's behavior is annoying which it kind of is but now you're acting a bit like a b****).

    The fishing competition goes on as we see other kids catching both kinds of Striped Basculin (shouldn't there be a war going on underwater if both Stripe Basculins are in the same river?), Alomomola, and... that's it (Unova doesn't really have that many Gen V Water-type Pokemon you can fish up) as well as everyone handing in the Pokemon they caught to Team Rocket. Iris says there is no way Cilan is going to catch a bigger Pokemon then her though time passes and with no sign of bite (you'd think over time seeing their fellow Water-types being lifted out of the water that the Water-type Pokemon would stop taking the bait) Iris decides she'll catch a Water-type Pokemon how she usually does. So how does Iris usually catch a Water-type Pokemon? By going in and catching the Pokemon with her own hands (This week on "Dragon-billy Handfishin'"...) and grabs onto a rather giant Blue-Striped Basculin but James blows a whistle and holds up a yellow card telling her that using a fishing rod is mandatory and Iris lets go of the Basculin.

    Cilan hands in his Basculin to Jessie though when he sees her put it into a box with the other Pokemon he asks isn't she going to measure it and she says they'll measure it after the competition which Cilan takes offense to as he thinks he already caught the biggest Pokemon (Wow Cilan, I guess Iris isn't the only one with a superiority complex). Jessie tells Cilan he can just relax until the competition is over and goes in inside the tent saying they're being handed Water-type Pokemon by troves as James says they'll reach their quota sooner then they thought. Jessie asks Meowth if he's sure they can escape out of there fast and Meowth says he already planned their escape route.

    Ash is with Bianca though he's the only one fishing when Iris walks up next to him complaining about having to use a fishing rod and Bianca remembers she also has a fishing rod and joins in. But as soon as Bianca's lure hit the water she gets a bite surprising Ash and Iris and is about to be pulled in until Ash and Iris grab onto her as Bianca goes on about it being the biggest one (watch it be a small guppy Basculin ). Cilan sees Bianca got a bite and grabs onto the fishing rod explaining how to reel it in as she follows his instructions and pulls out that female Frillish that was watching them before! The Frillish leaps out of the water and heads straight for Ash knocking Pikachu off his shoulder and grabbing onto him (*insert tentacle joke her... wait Ash is a boy, nevermind) as everyone stands back and watches (though Bianca does use her Pokedex to scan it). Ash demands the Frillish to let go of him though the Frillish holds on and they fall over as Cilan, Iris, and Bianca decide to help though Cilan and Iris too get wrapped up (and unfortunately for Iris she's a girl so... *insert tentacle joke here*). Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on them and though its hesitant to do it at first Cilan and Iris tell it to go ahead and Pikachu shocks them (meaning it's perfectly okay frying Ash 6 ways to Saturday but not other people. Ash and Pikachu are best friends?) which forces the Frillish to let go and swim back into the river.

    You Sunk By Stealing Scheme:
    All the other competitors are looking over to Ash & co. (+ Bianca) as well as Meowth up above who then gives a sinister smile and glare. Jessie also hears the commotion outside and Meowth rushes into the tent to tell them Ash & co. just got attacked by a Frillish which Team Rocket decide is a perfect opportunity to getaway with James noting they should have enough Pokemon to make Giovanni happy and they all state soon Unova will be theirs (how will giving Giovanni Water-type Pokemon make you conquer Unova?). Team Rocket runs out the back as Meowth shows them their get away boat but before they could reach it it starts floating away and soon find it's Frillish's doings. Team Rocket yell at Frillish for stealing their get away boat but Ash & co. (+ Bianca) and the other competitors are just up the stairs above them and asks if everything is okay. Jessie says everything is fine and James tells them to get back to their fishing but Bianca notices the bags filled with Pokeballs and Ash asks what are they going to do with the Pokemon everyone caught as Team Rocket take off their disguise and recite their motto. Jessie says they plan on giving the Pokemon to their boss which Jessie says will lead them to conquering the Unova region (HOW? I mean the next Gym is an ELECTRIC one, they can probably take on the WATER-type Pokemon you caught) as Ash states the obvious their Team Rocket... which makes Bianca think their rocket scientists which Ash immediately corrects her (though they have build and flown a few rockets so...). But wait, something amazing is about to happen! James asks Jessie if she wants to capture Pikachu too and she says, get ready for it, no as it's not on their to do list (I think the reason Ash is getting dumber is because Team Rocket is taking all the character development quota and then some)!

    Jessie says what is on their to do list, though, is to escape and she throws out Woobat and James throws out Yamask and... for some reason they make special note of Yamask and Ash scans it (FUN FACT 2: This was suppose to be the episode which revealed to Ash & co. that Team Rocket caught a Yamask. The dub does try to make it sound like Ash is scanning it for Bianca's sake however it still sounds Ash is surprised by it). Cilan tells Team Rocket they'll pay for mocking the sport of fishing and throws out Pansage as Ash sends Pikachu into the battle as well. Pansage uses Bullet Seed however Yamask blocks it with its mask while Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt which also gets blocked by Yamask's mask. Pikachu tries an Iron Tail and Pansage a Bite which manage to hit with Iron Tail knocking Yamask back and Bite hitting Woobat. Meowth says they should take the bags and run but find them gone and all the Pokeballs have been opened except for one which we see Frillish open to free a Blue-Stripped Basculin which Cilan caught. Frillish turns around to everyone and smiles as Iris says Frillish must have wanted to save its friends and Ash says it wasn't a bad Pokemon after all though is still a bit confused by it (oh come on Ash, I think its Iris who would be bothered by Frillis... WAIT! Frillish was female! So I was right the first time: *insert tentacle joke for Ash (and Cilan, too!) here*). With Team Rocket upset their scheme has failed, James has Yamask use Haze as they run past everyone to inside the tent, equip their jetpacks, and fly off as Ash & co. (+ Bianca) are looking for them and tell them that Pikachu will one day be theirs before flying off causing the tent to fall apart.

    Ash: They got away with their rocket jetpacks.
    Comment: As opposed to their steam-powered jetpacks?
    Bianca: So they really are rocket scientists.
    Ash: Not exactly.
    Comment: As I said before they did make and fly rockets before not to mention other robots...

    Iris asks where Cilan is and they seem him looking through the broken tent for the golden fishing rod only to find it was an Old Rod painted gold.

    Ash: They cancelled the whole thing thanks to Team Rocket.

    Ash say he's glad everyone made it out in one piece and Bianca asks where are they going next and Cilan says to Nimbasa City which Ash says he'll challenge the Nimbasa Gym which makes Bianca decide to "catch up" and go get more Gym Badges and runs off as Ash & co. set off themselves (FUN FACT 3/FINAL: Due to this episode being pushed back, the episode that was suppose to follow this was DW024 "Emolga the Irresistible!" and in the original ending of this episode Bianca decide to travel with them for a little while which explains why she was suddenly with them in the beginning of that episode and have to be told they met up with her. Obviously this episode ending was changed to try and make sense to where it is now). And with the narrator here, I'm off too!

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