Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
I liked this episode. It was a fun filler. May returns and she is better than ever. I liked those resturant owners Roman and Kylie I believe are their names. Team Rocket eating like a bunch of animals that was funny and they actully won. Because once they ate the food, no one is going to take it back from them.
May and Dawn make a great team. Dawn should listen to May as a mentor, instead of Zoey.
I make my return with a review, as usual... So, let's see... May returns, blah, they wanna eat due to May's fat stomach , they battle, blast Team Rocket off, finally eat, and then proceed to prepare for the Wallace Cup. FIN
Longer Version: (where I nitpick)
It's great to see May, and I have to say her voice was so "refreshing". It sounded so young and vibrant, just like a 10-yr-old should, not before like a 40 yr old :/ So, mention about Max, Harley, Drew, blah blah Johto group from May is always nice, and of course May's Glaceon from Snowpoint City. Leave it to May to find the best food around, it's been known to happen before :p And with that statement here's another: Do not steal ANY food from May whatsoever! This leads us to Team Rocket, and yes, they blast off. Surprise, surprise! I'm surprised they kept in Haruka's Theme ~ I Won't Lose or whatever... So, that was nice... and yea basically that was it... A mellow, relaxing, "semi-filler" -ish kinda eppy.
So, what does this all mean? Well, with some great May/Current Co. chemistry/lines, some "more-than-amusing" battling, mentions of nostalgia left and right, and just plain ol' May, what's not to like? Sure, I mean we all wanna get to the Wallace Cup... but this is that leading into the whole setting up of it, I guess. Was this episode as good as " Borrowing On Bad Faith! " No... it wasn't, but it was a helluva lot better than say... " Sleight of Sand! "
"A Full Course Tag Battle!" recieves an 8.5!
Glad to see May again after awhile, and wearing her Emerald clothes is a little ironic if you think about it; Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May. Back on topic, thank goodness this eppie didn't have a lame pun for a title. I was rather suprised at Glaceon's voice, I'm not sure if I like it or not. It was also refreshing to see cute li'l Max again, even if it was a flashback. Kylie and Roman, those two are named after the Rich Boy and Lady in the Seven Stars Resturaunt in the game, but with Bonsly, Sudowoodo, and Pichu (more ironically are of the same family as Ash's Pikachu and Brock's Sudowoodo).Though I am disappointed when they showed a Munchlax using Giga Impact; afterall one of the last two episodes noted that the Pok*emon must be fully evolved to learn Hyper Beam which is the special counter part of Giga Impact. I totally laughed out loud seeing May, "turn into a fire-type," somethings will never change. The tag battle were pretty fast but awesome at the same time. Not only did Dawn and May hit it off nicely, but so did Piplup and Blaziken. All in all, this was a great set up episode for things to come. My rating: 9.5
BAC510 wrote: |
A good episode, & I was laughing when Ash & Brock defeated those Tag Team duo with 1-Hit! Since May was wearing a sweater/jacket in Snowpoint City, wonder if Ash & Co. will be wearing one as well? |
warnerbroman wrote: | ||
Platinum is already out.
So May returns and alerts us of what is currently happening with the main characters and rivals from Hoenn. It was a good episode, and May once again shows her fancy for food with a method fitting of a trainer. Well enough of that, onto the review, now with some Hoenn nostalgia:
From Johto, Comes A Friend:
* And just like they did when Misty was visiting thhme in Hoenn, they wait near the harbor for a travelling friend during Hoenn.
* Beautifly? There is only one person who has a Beautifly that is familiar with Ash... May!
* Luggage? Brock, May has the typical girl attitude, meaning those are shopping bags.
* May knows who Dawn is? Ash must of told her what has been happening in Sinnoh. However I think Dawn got a better gift (Piplup necklace) then Ash and Brock did (Wood Carvings of a Teddiursa and Ursaring).
* As anyone could probably guess, May is here for the Wallace Cup. Wonder why Drew, Solidad, and Harley didn't come?
A Passing Mention:
* So Max is back home, grooming Norman's Slaking with Brock's grooming technique. Think he should get Ralts and begin traning to become a trainer.
* Glaceon! So that's why May went to Snowpoint. But Eevee evolves into Glaceon by training on Route 217, not by touching the Icy Rock (which looks much more amazing in the anime).
* Three Johto Ribbons so far, they look nice but it woudl have been better if May told us which ones they are so we had some clue of how far in Johto you are.
* Drew and Harley are still the same, but no mention of Solidad. Also Drew's Roselia evolved into Roserade.
Food Fight Is Too Obvious Of A Title For This...:
* May always knew the best places to eat, but being this is the 7 Stars Restaurant they might get more then a meal.
* I knew it. So they must first defeat Roman and Kylie to even be allowed to eat.
* If they are not trying to steal Pokemon, you can always expect Team Rocket on planning/trying to steal food.
* First up it is Ash' Pikachu & Brock's Sudowoodo VS. Roman's Snorlax and Kylie's Munchlax. No type adventage here.
* LOL! That was certainly quick! Roman and Kylie must be better retaurant owners then battlers.
* May's Blaziken & Dawn's Piplup VS. Roman's Girafarig & Kylie's Drifloon. Nice to see Blaziken again, though Girafarig's Psychic-type and Drifloon's Ghost- and Flying-type might be a problem for it.
A Defeat Best Served Icy:
* Well Team Rocket was successful in stealing the food, but they forgot something about May: Don't get inbetween her and culinary cuisine.
* Ah, with two Munchlaxes... err... one Munchlax that loves to stuff its face, they'll tract down the food in no time.
* Team Rocket was actually smart for once, instead of battling for the food they quickly are it all... oh wait, nevermind, the fridge is behind them.
* May, this is Team Rocket, if you can expect one thing to never change it is them chasing after Pikachu.
* The Ice combo from Buneary and Glaceon is nice, but I wanted to see Blaziken in action!
* *Sigh* Buneary, your crush on Pikachu is so great that even May has to make a comment on it.
Big Bang And Splitting Ribbons:
* And for retruning the food, May and Dawn are of course allowed in, but they contineu their battle anyway so we get to see some Blaziken action!
* Roman and Kylie are putting a greater fight this time, though restricting Piplup seemed to be their downful.
* Well it wasn't a one hit knockout, but it ended much more flashy with a nice Fire/Water combo. And of course the food just so happens to be ready after they're done.
* Ash's and Dawn's Split Ribbon, nice they didn't forgot about it. Also looks like Ash has decided to enter the Wallace Cup.
I never thought I'd see one of Ash's old friends again...
yay the fusion of fire and water
anyway, to be honest I kind of thought that may's eevee would become an espeon. notice how she reacts when she sees lilians(or whatever the kanto host's name is) espeon and annabel's espeon. I think that there might have been one more espeon she saw and was overjoyed at