And we end the Sinnoh Grand Festival with a predictable yet disappointing result. I will say the battle was interesting, much like with the Zoey vs. Nando battle, finally giving a battle where the writers had to have Dawn flat out obviously cheat or only show snippets of her battles, unfortunately it was the battle she lost this was done with. Also to the end of this we also come to the end of Pokemon Contests altogether. It was a nice show, but the games takes overall precedent over everything else so if Pokemon Contests are going out, so must the anime throw them out too. Hopefully Pokemon Musicals fills that void nicely, though I can only see that being a Pokemon Contest with song and dance and just being a giant appeal round to be honest. And you all know my problem with Zoey, and this just adds onto my list. Want further comments? Well that is what the below is for:
You Can Just See Things Beginning To Set-Up:
01:17 - Piplup and Togekiss, Dawn's first and most recent Pokemon, do you think the writers did that on purpose? Oh, Zoey's Kirlia must have evolved.
01:49 - Toughest opponent? You know, I always knew Dawn would be facing Zoey in the Grand Festival, but not in the Finals, let's not speak anymore about this until the end though.
02:44 - Brock, Dawn faced against a lot of Pokemon she didn't before... Johanna! Brock, Ash, would you two sit down, your drawing attention.
03:06 - Not true Johanna, Dawn had used Piplup and Togekiss enough times for Zoey to see, however we don't know about Zoey's Gallade.
04:13 - How come only Dawn lost points? Usually both would have lost points but Dawn would lose more as Zoey countered.
05:17 - Jessie, James, how many times has Meowth said it spent most of its experience learning to talk and thus it can't learn Pay Day. what does this have to do with Fake Out? Well if Meowht can't learn Pay Day then I take that as it can't learn any new moves.
05:45 - Oh, NOW you make both lose points? And again after the Whirlpool moves collided which Dawn was the one countering (meaning Zoey should have lost more points then Dawn).
07:44 - Or Dawn is trying to make Zoey lose points after Zoey's head start at the beginning.
08:34 - Ah, so Zoey was planning all along to get Glameow on Togekiss's back. Maybe Dawn should have tried an Aura Sphere, you know, a SUPER-EFFECTIVE move against a Normal-type like Glameow.
09:17 - Advance Technique? Zoey used one Pokemon to make make her opponent think she was going to use the other Pokemon but the original Pokemon was her main focus, it's just a double fakeout!
09:50 - SAFEGUARD DOES NOT PREVENT DAMAGE! The only thing Safeguard should be preventing is Thunderbolt's paralysis effect, otherwise Glameow should be able to continue using Thunderbolt.
So Much For Setting Up A Rivalry:
00:43 - And of course, it looks like it's time for the cameos of the coordinators or other people who aren't at the Grand Festival who had given her experience and inspiration throughout her journey.
01:41 - It caught Whirlpool with its tail? 0_o
02:14 - Oh, looks like we just entered into a music number. Oh, an Togekiss and Piplup must be using SKY ARMOR! 
02:44 - So Dawn caught up with Zoey huh? This would be the turning point in the battle... if it wasn't for being the Finals...
02:56 - You perfectly know what this scene looks like (or more specifically what position Gallade is in) so I won't comment any further.
03:53 - OH THAT'S TAUROS MULCH! I mean yay, obviouslly Zoey was going to win as the protagonist can't never win any official big contest, but at least have Dawn's Pokemon like trip when then landed or something to show that Dawn made a slight mistake!
05:01 - EEK! Well there goes Jessie's Jesselina disguise, and being there is no Pokemon Contests in Isshu I guesss Jessie's contest days are over... unless she begins participating in Pokemon Musicals...
05:31 - You know it's right here when I realize that now Dawn pretty much will always be considered second best to Zoey as now, unless un-officaly Contest battles, Zoey and Dawn will never verse each other again in a Grand Festival as Zoey has already won one.
07:11 - ... That will ditch you once they head over to Isshu! Unless the writers decide to have Brock leave and replace him with the male playable character... but then again Isshu doesn't have Pokemon Contests so it was nice knowing you Dawn! 
07:56 - Alright, Ash's Gym Battle with Volkner! Oh calm down Ash, save some show for the Sinnoh League.
08:58 - Oh yay, Nando is also in the Sinnoh League! So Nando needs one more badge too? He might as well go with Ash & co. to Volkner's Gym, with his Grass-type and Altaria he shouldn't have that much trouble winning.
10:17 - No, Dawn's story is pretty much over, what the narrator should have said while Dawn's story has ended, Ash's is just about to start once more.
Edited on 10/10/2010 8:25am