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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Jan 31, 2009
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    Now that the Summer School Arc is over, I'm mostly looking forward to the Celestic Town episodes. Hopefully this episode will at least be decent.
    Edited on 01/31/2009 6:26am
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  • Avatar of tvmasterdoodles


    [2]Jan 31, 2009
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    ahh the old days, back when Team rocket built machines that were just sooo pathetic beyond words! oh and their first mech actually got eaten by weedle as I recall not electrified.
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [3]Jan 31, 2009
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    At least they brought back the old motto, classic Team Rocket. But I thought when they were fat, they looked hillarous. Lucky for them, they lost the weight before they had a run in with Butch and Cassidy, they would never hear the end of it, if they knew.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [4]Jan 31, 2009
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    Enjoyed hearing the Pikachu's Jukebox, which had Team Rocket's Song! For a filler, brings back good memories.
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  • Avatar of pinkcrazy2


    [5]Jan 31, 2009
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    this was an awesoe episode! now i cant wait for celestic town. when they were fat that was funny and the old motto was awesome to hear again!
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [6]Jan 31, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Enjoyed hearing the Pikachu's Jukebox, which had Team Rocket's Song! For a filler, brings back good memories.

    agreed. i thought it was an awsome ep!

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  • Avatar of honorableninja


    [7]Jan 31, 2009
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    i loved this episode it reminded me why i used to love team rocket so much before they became too overused and annoying loving hearing team rocket rocket and the the first motto i was almost surpised Pikachu didn't blow up the pokemon center taking them out that would have really gone back to basics my only regert is that they should have deicated this episode to Maddie either before or after the credits for she made team rocket or least meowth one of the most iconic characters on tv i really hope we see a in loving memory of Maddie soon.
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [8]Jan 31, 2009
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    they said the original motto!!
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [9]Jan 31, 2009
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    warnerbroman wrote:
    they said the original motto!!

    Duh, ever since the Original Version of episode aired, it was predicted that TR would use that Motto.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [10]Jan 31, 2009
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    Ah, this episode was kind of boring at first, IMO, but the old, classic Team Rocket motto turned it around for the better. That sure brought back happy memories, awesome. Can't wait to see
    Is it just me, or did some of Pikachu's original chubbiness return with the old TR motto?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Jan 31, 2009
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    Now this was a good episode! Not only did Team Rocket use thier old motto and battled to their Jukebox song, but, for at least this episode, they did put up a pretty good fight... until Meowth's attention to detail blew back up in their face. As for Ash and co., Dawn seriously needs to stop blaming herself for everything. Not only was Piplup just tired and at no risk of injury, it also was the one who overworked itself, Dawn just watched. Well to the review and other thoughts:

    Round And Bubbley:
    * Dawn is doing some Contest Training I see with Piplup, but isn't Piplup able to make a Bubblebeam Piplup without using Peck?
    * This is odd, for some reason while Team Rocket read "A Lean Mean - Machine", Ash read the "Team Rocket" part.
    * Ah one final Peck finished it off, bet Ash and Dawn wished that they could do that in battle... um, what's wrong with Piplup?
    * Jeez, how many times has Piplup fallen ill? And speaking of ill, Team Rocket doesn't look very fit or sound quite right either.
    * No way they could have gotten fat just from being at the Summer School, they did just as much work as eating and sleeping.
    * Over exhausted itself just from doing Bubblebeam and Peck? Looks like Piplup has what Team Rocket has, minus the roundness.
    * And back to Team Rocket, I think we just found out why they're fatter then usual. Meowth better put a life preserver on his Charm or he just might lose it in his own head.
    * Well I don't think the Summer School alone did this too you, I mean eating all this food didn't help. And Meowth, I'm pretty sure that Giovanni doesn't have a Mew or a Celebi.

    Working On The Basics:
    * See Dawn, Piplup is perfectly fine like Nurse Joy said, so stop beating yourself up... Poetry man? Is that the only way you can identify Professor Oak or Gary?
    * Ah, so Ash called Professor Oak for some Gliscor training tips. Though I think he's just making up poetry as a treat to Dawn.
    * And there goes Dawn getting Pokemon Contest advice. Kind of reminds me of the games where you can walk up to about anyone and they tell you what's on their mind, lol!
    * A Machoke training video... well if you're going to get into shape you might as well try for a body of a Machoke I guess. And looks like all of Team Rocket's Pokemon got fat.
    * Back to Ash and co., Brock is trying to impress Nurse Joy by helping her out and somehow conned Ash into helping, at the small price of making everyone starve.
    * Brock, you just thinking about Nurse Joy gets you too over excited that only a Poison Jab can knock you out of. Maybe Croagunk could use Poison Jab to make Brock cook some food now...

    Playing The Old Jukebox:
    * Team Rocket got thin pretty fast, and as it just so happened they are stealing from the Pokemon Center Ash and co. are in! I mean how coincidental is that? Though what's with the body armor and masks?
    * Wow, Team Rocket is actually doing a pretty good job for once... at least until Carnivine coughed up the Poke Balls and woke Piplup up.
    * What's the point of putting on a disguise that no one but Piplup saw and then tearing off a few seconds later... OMG... it can't be... but it is! THE OLD TEAM ROCKET MOTTO! A good ol' trip down memory lane indeed! ^w^
    * If Team Rocket REALLY wanted to get "back to the basics" Jessie should have used Serviper being a snake-like Pokemon like Arbok. Hmm, don't know what the remote Meowth looks like, usually it's modelled after a Nintendo controller/handheld.
    * How did they fit an entire robot into that small car? Even transformers have a limit of how big they can get... OMG! Team Rocket's Rockin'! They sure are bringing out all the old Team Rocket songs! ^w^

    Problem In The Details:
    * Whoa, Team Rocket is really wrecking the Pokemon Center! Though being the front of the car is the robot's head, shouldn't it have some kind of window washing?
    * Oh for crying out loud Meowth, you wanted to go back to basics so much you decided not to make the machine electric proof? Though since there first mech is the Meowth Hot Air Balloon, Meowth is technically right.
    * And to finish off this episode, we even have some of the old "the day is saved" music play. Thouhg better becareful Brock, you'll be crying in physical pain too if Croagunk gets Poison Jab happy.

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [12]Jan 31, 2009
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    i missied there old motto it brings back sutch good memorys of the old days of season.1 so i give this episode a 10/10.
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [13]Feb 1, 2009
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    With Piplup being exhausted from being overworked, it's like the writers literally took a page out of Pikachu Shocks Back #4 when Ash was overworking Pikachu, minus the whole R&R in the country.

    * Whoa, Team Rocket is really wrecking the Pokemon Center! Though being the front of the car is the robot's head, shouldn't it have some kind of window washing?

    In the first ep TR showed up in, the Pokemon Center was blown up due to a combination of Pikachu's electricity and Koffing's gas.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Feb 1, 2009
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    In the first ep TR showed up in, the Pokemon Center was blown up due to a combination of Pikachu's electricity and Koffing's gas.

    I perfectly know that. This episode was suppose to mirror Team Rocket's first appearnace, which is why I said Jessie should have used Serviper being it was her only snake Pokemon like her Arbok.

    Edited on 02/01/2009 7:10am
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [15]Feb 1, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    In the first ep TR showed up in, the Pokemon Center was blown up due to a combination of Pikachu's electricity and Koffing's gas.

    I perfectly know that. This episode was suppose to mirror Team Rocket's first appearnace, which is why I said Jessie should have used Serviper being it was her only snake Pokemon like her Arbok.

    Speaking of which, what exactly happened to Jessie's Arbok? And does Jessie still have Seviper?
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [16]Feb 1, 2009
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    nicknameless101 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    In the first ep TR showed up in, the Pokemon Center was blown up due to a combination of Pikachu's electricity and Koffing's gas.

    I perfectly know that. This episode was suppose to mirror Team Rocket's first appearnace, which is why I said Jessie should have used Serviper being it was her only snake Pokemon like her Arbok.

    Speaking of which, what exactly happened to Jessie's Arbok? And does Jessie still have Seviper?

    I believe that in the episode "A Poached Ego!" (Season 6), Jessie released Arbok (and James released his Weezing) to protect other Arbok/Ekans from a poacher.

    As for Seviper, Jessie still has it.

    And if I messed up horribly, you can always count on Pikachu to clear it up.

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  • Avatar of yugiohfan99


    [17]Feb 1, 2009
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    I couldn't believe that the old motto, and the jukebox song were used. Epic episode based on those 2 things alone.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [18]Feb 1, 2009
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    yugiohfan99 wrote:
    I couldn't believe that the old motto, and the jukebox song were used. Epic episode based on those 2 things alone.

    Agreed, those two things from the olden days of Pokemon were enough to make this episode total pwnage.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [19]Feb 1, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    yugiohfan99 wrote:
    I couldn't believe that the old motto, and the jukebox song were used. Epic episode based on those 2 things alone.
    Agreed, those two things from the olden days of Pokemon were enough to make this episode total pwnage.

    The next episode: "Highlight Below"-

    Fantina finally appears & can't wait if PUSA will have her French vocabulary like in the games or even a foreign language at all. Just can't wait!! At least we see Buizel get defeated by a measly Drifloon!

    As for this episode, 10/10 for bringing back good memories & thanks God that PUSA didn't f' Up the episode!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [20]Feb 1, 2009
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    "Team Rocket's Rockin'"....best part of the episode.
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