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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: A Marathon Rivalry!

  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [1]Jun 19, 2010
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    Another interesting filler episode. Not much for me to say, except it's a shame that Ash didn't win.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [2]Jun 19, 2010
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    ugh..they ruined the pokeathlon in this episode

    also more HGSS promotion in this episode (even meowth does it)

    also anyone see that massage robot? theres a reason why she calls it mk II

    it first appeared in the legend of dratini (banned episode) and makes it's first appearance in america in this episode

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [3]Jun 19, 2010
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    Ash clearly won. James's voice was the best.
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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [4]Jun 19, 2010
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    Snorlax's belly? Pikachu's paw was ahead of Snorlax's paw. That should be the deciding factor, it isn't Pikachu's fault he's not a big, fat pokemon. I was surprised Ash didn't win, usually when someone goes like "Oh, we all know who's gonna win..." the underdog would win instead. Oh well.

    It was interesting seeing the way the anime does Pokeathlon after I've played it on my DS, but really other than that, this episode wasn't too great.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]Jun 20, 2010
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    Though it might be hard to tell, this episode actually shares a fair bit with a Johto episode EP140 "Wired For Battle" where a trainer uses a computer to battle for him and Ash having to show the trainer that the bond with your Pokemon is stronger then using "science" to win... of course in this episode the results go a little bit different. Anyway it was pretty much a bland filler episode to further advertise HeartGold and SoulSilver... which at this point makes no sense since we supposedly stopped the advertising when Lyra left back to Johto. Anyway here's the review:

    All That Exercise And It Still Didn't Lose That Gut:
    * A trampoline... That's a bit of a random object to find in a fores... HOLY MILTANK IT'S A FALLING SNORLAX! Honestly I was expecting Dawn to miss catching Piplup.
    * Funny we have a Snorlax jumping on a trampoline, even the Pokedex stated when it's full and asleep you can use it as one. Hm, who's the guy in the lab coa... OMG It's Weevil Underwood... and he dyed his hair brown...
    * Okay, so the guy's name is Daniel and he owns Snorlax... and trains it using the latest of scientific methods... yay, I don't know either.
    * Back at Daniel's lab, he shows Ash & co. his "scientic training methods" by putting it on a treadmill and blinding it with a helmet which Daniel uses to sync his movements with Snorlax and begin jumping hurdles.
    * Daniel, are you sure you aren't checking Snorlax's heartbeat? You strapped a wire to Snorlax's chest and then began talking about synchronization.
    * Ash says him and Pikachu are synchronized by their heart, but after Daniel mentions he prefers to be synchronized with Snorlax by science Ash gets offended and challenges Daniel to a battle.
    * Odd, all this time we're told a trainer is always synced with thier Pokemon, yet Daniel says that it doesn't through battle but he does know one competition which it does.
    * Wait... speed, jumping, skill, stamina, power... aren't those the five performance stats for the... yup, the Pokeathlon (though kind of odd he pronounces the "a"). And look, they kept in the Japanese letters!
    * It started in Johto? Really? I couldn't tell being there is only Generation II Pokemon featured on the poster... seriously, I thought we were done with the HeartGold and SoulSilver advertising?
    * WHAT? Okay, I can understand Brock knowing about the Pokeathlon being he actually reads books... but Ash can't know about the Pokeathlon because of his previous journey through Johto... IT WASN'T INVENTED YET! Surely Ash would have tried competing in it if it did exist when he was travelling through Johto!
    * Huh? How does Dawn what events are going to be held? Didn't Daniel just say the 3 events are randomly chosen? Ash shows interest in competing but Daniel gets offended... even though it sounded like he was going to challenge Ash to participate!

    I Thought Massages Increased Happiness Not Energy:
    * While going to the Pokealthon Daniel brags he'll win since he uses science and not feeling, but Ash notes that Snorlax looks a bit tired which Daniel didn't notice... okay, I see where this is going (actually I saw it after Ash got "offended").
    * Daniel checks Snorlax with his computer and does indeed find Snorlax losing energy and wonders how Ash figured it out. And here is Team Rocket and... LOL! Wow, could Jame's voice get any squeakier? Anyway they lead Daniel and Snorlax to a place to give Snorlax a "scientific massage".
    * Team Rocket's robot begins massaging Snorlax as they send Daniel off with Team Rocket doing their usual rhyme... so are they planning on stealing Snorlax? How do they exactly know about Daniel's Snorlax?
    * And not to leave Ash out, Team Rocket (or more like Meowth and James) also convince Ash that Pikachu needs a massage and... whoa Pikachu, those were some pretty loud neck cracks, do you stretch at all? Anyway Team Rocket then takes Pikachu.
    * The first event is Disc Catch and Ash is using Monferno while Daniel is using Hitmonlee. Was it just me or did it begin skipping when the discs fired? But the result ends in a tie with Ash and Daniel getting 20 points each.
    * Next event is... well I'm not too sure. We see a Spoink doing a Lamp Jump (everyone is going to get a creaky neck like Pikachu if they keep nodding their head liek that) yet Ash and Daniel are running to get Pikachu and Snorlax for the Hurdle Dash.
    * Of course when they arrive Team Rocket reveal themselves (why did they wait until Ash and Daniel were right in front?)... but are stopped because Snorlax is too heavy to lift. However Jessie decides to do something which is actually smart and cuts the rope letting them float away with Pikachu.
    * Ash sends out Staraptor to cut Pikachu loose, yet decides to fly around Pikachu instead of cutting the rope using Wing Attack. Though this gives Meowth enough time to attack Staraptor by having giant robot hands, I kid you not, poke it mercilessly.
    * However Snorlax begins jumping on the trampoline (Where did it exactly come from? Does Daniel have the same power of Brock to pack large objects into small carrying space?) and has it pretty much jump into Team Rocket's balloon (it dodn't do an attack, it just jumped into the Meowth Balloon).
    * As Pikachu falls Ash isn't going to make it where Pikachu is going to land (which shouldn't hurt it too bad as it fell from taller heights before and hit the ground) but Snorlax runs past Ash and gives Pikachu a soft landing on its belly. With that Team Rocket then blasts off.

    Draw, Miss, And Win:
    * Okay, apparently Ash and Daniel weren't competing in the second event as the third event is the Hurdle Dash (I guess there is no penalty for missing an event).
    * Ash and Daniel get to the event on time and like how Daniel trains with Snorlax it uses the goggles to have the trainer see the hurdles first and when thye jump it sends a signal to their Pokemon to jump... okay, why now include the trainers in the event when before in the first event the Pokemon did all the work?
    * Pikachu and Snorlax both jump all their hurdles and as they reach the finish line it was decided Snorlax won by a belly, having Daniel win the Pokeathlon. Though what is confusing here is that the finish line was the same for everyone... yet each Pokemon started off at a different line.
    * So Daniel wins proving science is the best way to train your Pokemon and connecting with your Pokemon using your heart isn't... wait what? Whatever, kind of funny how Snorlax has to wear the laurel lopsided over on ear. :laugh:
    * However Daniel then admits he should be relying on his Pokemon's feelings more then "science" so the above comment is negated (except for the Snorlax wearing the laurel funny part). But I guess this is for the best being it sounds like Ash would have to go to Johto to compete in the Pokeathlon and miss the Sinnoh League. And we end it being reminded of Dawn's upcoming Contest.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [6]Jun 20, 2010
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    since when do they use japanese characters in the show (as in stuff on posters)

    isnt just gibberish? or am I missing something (and yes I know katakana kanji and hiragana)

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [7]Jun 20, 2010
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    It's been used quite a lot. 4Kids used to leave it in the show until AG, and then they started removing it. TPCi leaves it in the show now, been that way since Season9.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [8]Jun 20, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    * Okay, apparently Ash and Daniel weren't competing in the second event as the third event is the Hurdle Dash (I guess there is no penalty for missing an event).

    Um, I think that thing with Spoink was the second event/half time show.

    Edited on 06/20/2010 10:41am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [9]Jun 20, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    * Okay, apparently Ash and Daniel weren't competing in the second event as the third event is the Hurdle Dash (I guess there is no penalty for missing an event).

    Um, I think that thing with Spoink was the second event/half time show.

    Well that doesn't make much sense, if the Lamp Jump was just Spoink doing it alone then it's a half time show, not an event. You can't have a first and second event where everyone competes but the "2nd event" is just last year's winner doing it. Also they said Spoink was just demonstrating how it worked.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [10]Jun 20, 2010
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    Pretty good episode; it was interesting to see how the writers made the Pokeathlon work in the anime. I must admit, though, that I expected Ash to win, and I was surprised when Ash and Brock said they heard of the Pokeathelon when traveling through Johto... even though it didn't exist back then.

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    okay, why now include the trainers in the event when before in the first event the Pokemon did all the work?

    Trainers were included in the first event, as well. Their job was to jump on the mini teeter-totters to give their Pokemon a jumping boost.
    Edited on 06/20/2010 6:37pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Jun 20, 2010
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Pretty good episode; it was interesting to see how the writers made the Pokeathlon work in the anime. I must admit, though, that I expected Ash to win, and I was surprised when Ash and Brock said they heard of the Pokeathelon when traveling through Johto... even though it didn't exist back then.
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    okay, why now include the trainers in the event when before in the first event the Pokemon did all the work?
    Trainers were included in the first event, as well. Their job was to jump on the mini teeter-totters to give their Pokemon a jumping boost.

    But you have to admit in the third event the trainer's participation became more important as the trainer was constantly responsible in jumping for their Pokemon. Yay in the first event the trainers jumped on the teeter-totter, but many Pokemon could jump that high without the boost and once in the air the trainers were no longer involved.

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