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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: A Meteroic Rise To Excellence!

Did You Like The Running Gag OF Piplup Getting Hit By Draco Meteor?

  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [1]May 8, 2010
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    Well, this was certainly an interesting episode. Looks like Gible has taken an interest in Ash meaning we're probably going to be seeing more of it. That Piplup/Draco Meteor running was pretty funny, though with Gible now following our heroes, I don't believe we've seen the last of it.

    Edited on 05/08/2010 4:42am
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  • Avatar of IzzyDizko


    [2]May 8, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Well, this was certainly an interesting episode. Looks like Gible has taken an interest in Ash meaning we're probably going to be seeing more of it. That Piplup/Draco Meteor running was pretty funny, though with Gible now following our heroes, I don't believe we've seen the last of it.

    Haha, Gible is the new Jigglypuff! :3

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [3]May 8, 2010
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    I loved this one. Including the Piplup/Gible thing. [:

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [4]May 8, 2010
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    trust me

    in about 8 episodes it's gonna be the focus of an episode

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [5]May 8, 2010
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    Awesome episode! I thought the Gible/Piplup gag was so cool!

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [6]May 8, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    trust me

    in about 8 episodes it's gonna be the focus of an episode

    You know that's spoiler, right?

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [7]May 8, 2010
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    not really

    I said nothing about the episode

    only mentioning the draco meteor hits piplup thing

    it's not even the main point of the episode

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  • Avatar of GolfDude825


    [8]May 9, 2010
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    is it just me or did this episode's animation quality appear higher than previous episodes, as well as a sharp anime style technique in relation to their reaction shots compared to normal,,
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  • Avatar of zhangliao1


    [9]May 9, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    not really

    I said nothing about the episode

    only mentioning the draco meteor hits piplup thing

    it's not even the main point of the episode

    its taken a lot of work to keep up with american tv dont make me keep up with japanese tv as well please
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [10]May 9, 2010
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    GolfDude825 wrote:
    is it just me or did this episode's animation quality appear higher than previous episodes, as well as a sharp anime style technique in relation to their reaction shots compared to normal,,
    Yup it was, and you better have enjoyed it. I think maybe next week will also have whoever directed this episode's animation, but i'm not sure. I wish the guy in charge of this episode did more episodes =/
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]May 10, 2010
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    Now this episode was great! Not only did they add in something from the games but also provided plenty of comedy throughout the episode! Granted most of the comedy pretty much came from Gible, it was still funny and, well, let's admit it, we all just want to see Piplup suffer . But wait, that ain't all Gible did, and I'm not talking about it helping save Altaria and blasting off Team Rocket, as Gible is beginning to show certain "traits" you would relate to an Ash & co. Pokemon, especially it seeminly to now be following them. I'll let you think on that as you read through my review:

    It Ain't No Fourth Of July:
    * What a surprise, we start the episode with Ash & co. lost. Though instead of sending out Staraptor to look around, Ash decides to "charge ahead" until spotting... fireworks?
    * If that isn't the only mystery, after having ran toward the fireworks display the bushes shake to reveal a Gible! Maybe Ash will be able to catch this one, he does have room in his part now.
    * Getting there Ash & co. spot that it isn't fireworks but rather an old women who is having her Altaria using an attack, and from the title card it might be Draco Meteor... which Ash & co. begin having rain down upon them.
    * The move was indeed Draco Meteor and Ash & co. explain that they were lost in the woods when they spotted one. Brock, of course it was the work of a Pokemon, YOU SAW ALTARIA USE IT A SECOND AGO!
    * FUN FACT: The old women introduces herself as Grandma Wilma, and for anyone who had sought out a way to get Draco Meteor for their Dragon-types in the Generation IV game will know that there is a character named Grandma Wilma who is a move tutor that teaches Draco Meteor to a Dragon-type with high happiness. In Sinnoh she lives on Route 210 and in Johto she's in Blackthorn City.
    * If these were the games that'll mean Ash & co. are on Route 210... a bit far from Sunyshore City as Ash & co. would have to pass through Veilstone City and Lake Valor.
    * Enough game mechanics, Ash & co. talk with Wilma and learn about Draco Meteor and that the Altaria belongs to another trainer but it's just beginning to learn how to do Draoc Meteor since it can't control where the meteors land, thus why she lives in a desolate area.
    * Suddenly the Land Shark Pokemon Gible comes up to Ash & co. and Wilma. Wilma says it's interested in Ash & co. and as Ash greets it, Gible latches onto Ash's head via like Turtwig.
    * Pikachu and Piplup jump in to get Gible off Ash, only to have Gible switch over to Piplup's head. Wilma massages Gible and it looses its grip on Piplup. Then after trying to latch into Wilma who quickly dodges it, she sends it back off to the woods... so that whole Gible thing was completely pointless.
    * Team Rocket are peeking from a rock, they plan on catching Altarai, etc., etc.. Wilam then begins another Draco Meteor with Altaria which after doing I have to ask if Draco Meteor suppose to home in on its targets or does it always scatter around like that?

    Dragons Don't Like Penguins:
    * But wait, Gible appears again and performs a Draco Meteor of its own... sort of, just launches the energy ball which begins heading for Ash & co. and lands directly on Piplup. Critical hit!
    * Wilma reveals that Gible has been watching her and Altaria and been trying to also learn Draco Meteor, Ash then says he wants to give a shot in training Gible Draco Meteor (and if you do you BETTER catch it! It's a wild Pokemon afterall...).
    * Ash does exactly what Wilma had Altaria do... but it ends like how Gible's first Draco Meteor did, landing right back on Piplup who begins complaining to Gible. I half expected Gible to latch onto Piplup's hea... oh, nevermind, it latched onto Ash's head.
    * Well Brock, if it's anything like any of the other Pokemon that we know that likes attacking their trainer's, it usually means the Pokemon really likes said trainer. Wilam gets Gible off Ash and explain it takes patience and affection to treat Draco Meteor... and then rocks begin falling from the sky.
    * No Dawn, that's not Draco Meteor, if anything I'll say that would be more like Rock Throw or Rock Slide... except for the bubble capsule which just captured Altaria. As you can guess, it's Team Rocket (though I don't see how they were able to throw the rocks).
    * Pikachu, Piplup, and Altaria try destroying the bubble but it's no good and Team Rockets get away with rather colorful smoke bombs. But the smoke clears and Ash and Dawn chase after them with Brock (giving Wilma a piggyback, she's old afterall) right behind and Gible following via digging.
    * Unfortunely Brock isn't able to carry Wilma very far (even she says Brock is in bad shape) and he tells Ash & Dawn to go on ahead as Gible digs past them. Um Brock, why not have Happiny carry Wilma?
    * Ash and Dawn are about to lose Team Rocket but Gible appears and Dawn asks it to lead them through the forest. Gible begins digging through the ground with Ash and Dawn following behind... only to be lead to a berry tree Gible begins to eat. *sigh* Ash finally sends out Staraptor to look around.
    * As Gible tries to eat the tree itself, Dawn begins getting tired as both her and Ash come upon a cliff. They being to climb it but Dawn and Piplup falls off but Dawn quickly calls out Mamoswine to cushion there full. Yay, Ash, maybe you should have had Grotle use Rock Climb to help you guys out.
    * And if one life-threatening fall wasn't funny enough, Ash too begins to fall but sees Gible digging up the cliff and grabs onto it's fin as they speed up the cliff. Dawn tells them from below to go on ahead (why not have Gible also help Dawn up the cliff?) and Ash runs off saying "seeya" to Gible... CATCH IT! :angry:

    Stalker With A Munch:
    * Staraptor finds Team Rocket's balloon but it's actually a trap as Team Rocket are now in an Altaria Mech (with Altaria in the center for some reason) and speed off (though they don't even bother trying to also take Ash's Staraptor though they have tried at least once to catch it (though the actual plan involved capturing all of Ash & co.'s Pokemon).
    * But as they speed off it looks like Altaria's Ice Beam is beginning to stick to the bubble and form ice.
    * Ash finds Staraptor trapped under a net and for some reason can't believe Team Rocket would do this (why exactly? Their known for tricks like this! What I'm surprised is that they left Staraptor instead of also trying to steal it). Gible sees Ash struggling to free Staraptor and digs off.
    * Altaria eventually cracks the bubble as it has been doing the cool-down/heat-up weakening strategy with Ice Beam and Flamethrower (pretty good move set that Altaria has there) and tries to break through it somehow causes Team Rocket to lose control crash into a cliff.
    * Gible hears the crash from undergroudn and begins digging up towards it. As Team Rocket tries to stop Altaria from breaking the bubble (there's an error here, the Altaria Mech is on its side but the crack Altaria created it still upright) as Wobbuffet dances around with a role of tape.
    * Team Rocket "fixes" the cracks with the tape and notice Gible watching it and after telling it to go away... it latches onto Jessie's head. After getting Gible off of Jessie, Team Rocket watches as Gible eats the ENTIRE Altaria Mech except the the bubble Altaria is stuck in.
    * Jessie sends Seviper to attack Gible but it knocks it back by tackling a rock at it (Not to sure what attack that was) and begins a Draco Meteor. But we cut back to Ash as he meets back up with Dawn, Brock, and Wilma ho soon spot Gible's Draco Meteor from the distance (I was kind of expecting the Draco Meteor to head right to Piplup).
    * Yes James, because a normal meteor made of Dragon-type energy isn't very threatening at all . Anyway Gible does a Dragon Pulse but misses and eventually begins getting exhausted. But before Seviper could strike Gible, Pikachu Thundershocks Seviper .
    * With James sending out Carnivine, both attack but Pikachu and Piplup quikcly take care of Team Rocket's Pokemon and Pikachu frees Altaria with an Iron Tail. Ash thanks Gible for helping them and tells it to use a Draco Meteor which is pulls off successfully and sends Team Rocket blasting off.
    * But of course we can't leave Piplup out and Gible tries to do another Draco Meteor only to have it produce only one meteor which lands on the Penguin Pokemon.
    * Wilma points them toward the road which would lead them to Daybreak Town and Dawn's next Pokemon Contest when they notice Gible missing. Wilma says Gible probably went back to the forest and so they all say their good-byes and leave. So once again Ash seemingly forms a bond with a wild Pokemon he DOESN'T CAPTUR... Oh! There's Gible. Hmm, do I sense it following like Aipom did?

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [12]May 12, 2010
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    Great episode.

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  • Avatar of pokemon152


    [13]May 12, 2010
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    I don't know about you, but this episode is funnier, cuter, and a lot more hyper than most of their other episodes!

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