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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: A Pyramiding Rage!

  • Avatar of animation_luver


    [1]Oct 17, 2009
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    Well nobody has made the thread yet and its been 30 mins since the episode aired so i guess ill make a thread for it?

    Paul gets his but kicked by a battle frontier (so much for him earning every bit of mean he gave to Ash ), possible Team Galatic interference in the Snowpoint Temple, future zoey/candace battle and Ash/Paul battle.

    My take: i was partially right that there would be a battle this episode that would lead to a future battle and i was also right that Paul and Ash would fight before Paul fought Candace. Honestly im surprised that Paul lost so easily i thought he would at least stand a chance i mean his pokemon and battling style is a whole lot better than Ashs(minus the emotions part lol). To be honest im glad Brock didnt referee i think its stupid anyways when he refereees battles anyways unless the person is trying to be sneaky then a referee isnt really needed.

    Im pretty sure that Dawn has seen a Nidoking before so did she really have to Pokedex it AGAIN?

    Edited on 10/17/2009 7:02am
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2]Oct 17, 2009
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    I must say, I kind of wish Ash's battle with Brandon went like this one. True, Ash defeated Regice and won that battle, but to me, it didn't feel like a true victory because Ash didn't win against Brandon's full power.

    BTW, did anyone besides me gain a little respect for Zoey when she stood up against Paul?

    Sorry about that earlier mistake.

    Edited on 10/17/2009 1:06pm
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [3]Oct 17, 2009
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    Pretty good episode.

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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [4]Oct 17, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    I must say, I kind of wish Ash's battle with Brandon went like this one. True, Ash defeated Regice and won that battle, but to me, it didn't feel like a true victory because Ash didn't win against Brandon's full power.

    BTW, did anyone besides me gain a little respect for Zoey when she stood up against Brandon?


    but Paul got PWND!!!

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [5]Oct 17, 2009
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    You know, I was expecting Paul to make a big deal out of Ash succeeding where his brother failed, but there was never any mention of Ash's victory after the gang met up with Brandon. Still, the reaction on Paul's face when Reggie suggested a full battle between Ash and Paul and how quickly he agreed to it makes me think that believes he can obtain his ultimate victory another way.

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  • Avatar of animation_luver


    [6]Oct 17, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    I must say, I kind of wish Ash's battle with Brandon went like this one. True, Ash defeated Regice and won that battle, but to me, it didn't feel like a true victory because Ash didn't win against Brandon's full power.

    BTW, did anyone besides me gain a little respect for Zoey when she stood up against Brandon?

    yea and when she mouthed off paul but i agree he didnt beat brandon at full power but its pokemon and ash is the main character so he wouldve won anyways but what really surprised me was when stone edge broke i think it was electabuzzs protect? i thought only feint could do that O_O

    edmasterchaos wrote:
    animation_luver wrote:
    edmasterchaos wrote:
    Well, soon Paul will earn each and every single bit of mean he ever gave to Ash anyway....
    im pretty sure that youre eating your words after seeing todays episode
    Just wait a LITTLE bit longer. Also, remembber, when Ash finally won, Brandon used only one Regi.
    yea but paul couldnt even take down ONE of his pokemon

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [7]Oct 17, 2009
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    Even though Brandon said this in ths Dub but he said he would meet up with them. Wonder if he will show up? I liked the battle though. A Full Battle with Ash VS Paul sounds exciting!
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [8]Oct 17, 2009
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    Very intense episode and battle, I've never seen Paul so emotional before. Good to see Brandon again, and I can't wait for the Ash vs. Paul full battle. Cliffhanger ending!
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [9]Oct 17, 2009
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    animation_luver wrote:

    Well nobody has made the thread yet and its been 30 mins since the episode aired so i guess ill make a thread for it?

    Paul gets his but kicked by a battle frontier (so much for him earning every bit of mean he gave to Ash ), possible Team Galatic interference in the Snowpoint Temple, future zoey/candace battle and Ash/Paul battle.

    My take: i was partially right that there would be a battle this episode that would lead to a future battle and i was also right that Paul and Ash would fight before Paul fought Candace. Honestly im surprised that Paul lost so easily i thought he would at least stand a chance i mean his pokemon and battling style is a whole lot better than Ashs(minus the emotions part lol). To be honest im glad Brock didnt referee i think its stupid anyways when he refereees battles anyways unless the person is trying to be sneaky then a referee isnt really needed.

    Im pretty sure that Dawn has seen a Nidoking before so did she really have to Pokedex it AGAIN?

    It's only been shown 3 times in D/P. Once during her battle against Kenny in Floaroma Town, the 2nd was Paul's, and the 3rd is in an upcoming ep. Although the second one, I'd have to watch the ep to pinpoint when it shows up. http://www.serebii.net/anime/dex/034.shtml

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [10]Oct 17, 2009
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    What I dont get is why Lairon, Nidoking, Haryhama, Regirock, Registeel were scanned by Dawn's PokeDex but not Regice??
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Oct 17, 2009
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    This episode was AWESOME! Haven't seen an actual 6-VS.-6 battle since the Hoenn League (the battle with Cynthia doesn't really count since Paul forfeited). Then again, this was more like a 3-Vs.-6 battle as Brandon only used his Legendary Golems to wipe out Paul's entire team will little exert or effort. However with one full team battle over the promise of another comes about, and it'll be a rival VS. rival one. But we got 10 days until then and right now something is going on at the Snowpoint Temple which was Brandon's main reason for coming to Sinnoh, and we all know why.

    Changing How Someone Sees You:
    * Ash, why do you keep trying to make conversation with Paul only knowing he's just going to insult you and walk away?
    * Yay, on the outside Paul is mean to Ash because their rivals but on the inside Paul actually hates everyone and would love nothing more to prove his superiority over them.
    * Well Candice, with Zoey and Dawn they are experimenting with a "buddy rival" where the main character and their rival are friends on the outside of the battlefield. But with Paul they decided that Ash needed a jerk rival like Gary used to be, but we all know Gary will always be Ash's best rival.
    * Interesting direction to point a Flamethorwer Paul, any reason why you wanted to heat the sky? Ash, stop trying to tell Paul stuff, he doesn't care and will just insult you. Oh, just wanted to thank Torterra, but of course Paul returns his Pokemon and insults Ash for using Grotle in the Snowpoint Gym Battle. Paul, Ash didn't want your mouth, he just wanted to give a quick thank to Torterra who has shown to have more heart to you.
    * Zoey, Cynthia gave Paul a trouncing and some words of wisdom from the ancient word of Pokemon, and Paul still disregarded it, I don't think anything you said would have made an impact.
    * Reggie! Why is he here? If Zoey thought Ash and Paul were as different as rivals could get, her mind will probably break when she see the major differences between Paul's and Reggie's attitudes. :laugh:
    * What's going? An earthquake? No it's a flying... PYRAMID! But... but... but there is only one trainer that has a flying Pyramid... and being they are in Snowpoint I think I know why he's here...
    * And Ash releasing the bombshell of him beating the Battle Pyramid to Paul in 3... 2... 1...
    PokemonSurprisedPaul.png picture by Pikachu315111

    I Wonder How Much Mileage He Gets And Does He Have Frequent Flyer Miles:
    * Team Rocket, being I doubt the legendary temples/holding place of the Golem Trio were built in Kanto, I would think Brandon flew to Hoenn in it to catch them. And now he's here to finish the collection.
    * Oh, so that's how Brandon flies with the Battle Pyramid, a ship's steering wheel, I guess he has to be careful in turning being the Battle Pyramid looks like it could do a 360 in a few seconds.
    * As they drive over they tell Dawn about the Generation III Battle Frontier (though we still have no mention anywhere about the Generation IV Battle Frontier) and how Reggie battled but lost and then stopped against Brandon, which is probably annoying Paul even if he doesn't look it.
    * Should of known, Paul challenged Brandon to a Pokemon battle, and unless Paul re-did his team before Reggie drove them over, I think the only Golem Paul will be able to handle is Regice... who just so happens to also be the only Golem Ash defeated.
    * Here's Candice and she's excited to be meeting Brandon, but I do wonder how much authority Brandon does have in another region. I mean the Battle Pyramid is big and he does have to find a good clear place of land to settle it down. Where does he get permission to land and was the spot prepared for his arrivla or was it just so happened to be a cleared (which rises some more questions we won't get into)?
    * Who's this? Maria. Okay... why are you here? Apparently Brandon knows you and your dressed like you work at a temple or... oh... you're that girl in front of the Snowpoint Temple who won't let you pass until you beat the Elite Four in the games, aren't you?
    * *Sigh* Brock has gotten into flirt mode for Maria, send out the Croagunk signal! Good job Croagunk, you saved us about 10 seconds of Brock just singing poetry of praise.
    * Pfft, Brock, research is nice and all, but I have a feeling Brandon has one main goal in mind which lies a few basements below the Snowpoint Temple that he needs certain keys for... which he has.
    * Woah there Paul, ease your rage. Anyway Paul decided to take command and set the rules of it being a 6-vs.-6 battle, returns are allowed, and no referees... Paul means business.

    Battling Your Rage Out:
    * Paul starts with Magmar and Brandon starts with Regirock... and being this is a 6-vs.-6 Brandon might have all his Golems in this battle. Paul might want to switch out (if he has anything effective, unless he switched his team out Paul's current team might only be used to counter Ice-types being he was heading to battle Candice before this happened.
    * Oh, so Reggie was trying to become a Fronteir Brain too! I totally forgot about that Scott makes that offer when you beat the Battle Frontier. But unlike Ash who turned it down, sounded like Reggie was going to except but unfortunely...
    * I had a feeling Paul would return, infact I think that might have been the sole reason Paul said switch-outs were allowed. And now Paul throws out a Hariyama, a Fighting-type, which all the Golems are weak to...
    * Paul's Hariyama VS. Brandon's Regirock. Paul's Hariyama came out swing strong... but Brandon's Regirock quickly showed weakness isn't going to be the thing that takes it down.
    * Team Rocket, the last time you treked through the Battle Pyramid you got blasted away by Brandon's Pokemon, maybe going with Jessie's plans might serve you better... or at least have you blasting off in a different way.
    * Paul's Electabuzz VS. Brandon's Regirock. *Slaps face* Over 10 seasons and they still make that mistake... ROCK VS. ELECTRIC ARE EVENLY MATCHED! It's Ground-types which are immune and super effective to Electric-types! Case and point, all the Generation I fossils (Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Aerodactyle) were all weak to Electric-types despite being half Rock-types!
    * Anyway Elextabuzz also comes in swinging with a Brick Break, but not even using Protect against Stone Edge could stop Regirock, and a Hyper Beam K.O.'s Electabuzz.
    * Paul also recalls Regirock so that it doesn't have to suffer from Hyper Beam's recharge in the next match and chooses Registeel next... Dawn, are you going to use your Pokedex on every Pokemon in this battle?
    * Paul's Magmar VS. Brandon's Registeel. Going for type adventage and running straight into battle again, but Registeel takes Flamethrower, uses Iron Head, caused Magmar to flinch, and Paul recalls Magmar for...
    * Paul's Nidoking VS. Brandon's Registeel. Nidoking took a hit from Registeel but retaliated with Earth Power, a Ground-type move as expected. Then another Fighting-type move in Double Kick, but once again Iron Head is used and K.O.'s Nidoking.
    * Here's a change of pace, it's now Paul's buttons who are getting pressed! Paul is so stuck on his rage that Brandon is beginning to use it to put pressure on Paul to teach him a lesson. Dawn, I swear if you keep pulling out your Pokedex...
    * Paul's Lairon VS. Brandon's Regi... ce! Okay, Brandom is now playing around being Regice is weak to both Steel and Rokc-type which Lairon is! However I have this odd feeling Regice is going to be the only Golem he'll be able to beat. Did any else notice the order Brandon used his Golems was sorta the same he used them against Ash (not to mention Regirock was he first Pokemon he used against Reggie)?
    * That didn't last long... Paul's Ursaring VS. Brandon's Regice. A power collision later, Regice does Zap Cannon, paralyzes Ursaring, swtiches to Regirock and K.O.s Ursaring. So much for me thinking Paul would be beating Regice.
    * Paul's Magmar VS. Brandon's Regirock. Brandon knew Paul's only Pokemon remaining was Magmar so that switch out in the end was to get ready to deliver the finishing blow on Paul's team. Though I do wonder why Paul didn't switch out to Magmar against Regice.
    * And it's over, you can tell by the sad violin stringing... and the fact Brandon's Regirock Zap Cannoned and K.O.ed Paul's Magmar. Brandon teaches Paul the lesson to be learned, and with that mentions they'll battle again someday.
    * Team Rocket is still deciding what to do (don't know whats Jessie's "now I make you look" thing is all about), but that comes to an end when everyone exits out of the Battle Pyramid. Candice and Zoey run off and then Reggie ask for an interesting battle, an Ash VS. Paul 6-VS.-6 battle. Paul was definietly shocked by that idea.
    * With Brandon also encouraging the idea, Ash and Paul agree and Reggie says they'll battle at Lake Acuity in 10 days (so does that mean 10 episodes?). But as Reggie and Paul drive away, Maria and Brandon's assistant drive up with news something is happening at the temple (maybe battling with the Golems might have stirred a sleeping gaint maybe?).

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  • Avatar of animation_luver


    [12]Oct 17, 2009
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    animation_luver wrote:

    Well nobody has made the thread yet and its been 30 mins since the episode aired so i guess ill make a thread for it?

    Paul gets his but kicked by a battle frontier (so much for him earning every bit of mean he gave to Ash ), possible Team Galatic interference in the Snowpoint Temple, future zoey/candace battle and Ash/Paul battle.

    My take: i was partially right that there would be a battle this episode that would lead to a future battle and i was also right that Paul and Ash would fight before Paul fought Candace. Honestly im surprised that Paul lost so easily i thought he would at least stand a chance i mean his pokemon and battling style is a whole lot better than Ashs(minus the emotions part lol). To be honest im glad Brock didnt referee i think its stupid anyways when he refereees battles anyways unless the person is trying to be sneaky then a referee isnt really needed.

    Im pretty sure that Dawn has seen a Nidoking before so did she really have to Pokedex it AGAIN?

    It's only been shown 3 times in D/P. Once during her battle against Kenny in Floaroma Town, the 2nd was Paul's, and the 3rd is in an upcoming ep. Although the second one, I'd have to watch the ep to pinpoint when it shows up. http://www.serebii.net/anime/dex/034.shtml

    meh im over it i guess i shoudl get used to them pokedexing the same pokemon a billion times even if they have been doing it since season 1 =\

    @ bac i didnt even realize that thats funny

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [13]Oct 17, 2009
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    animation_luver wrote:
    Im pretty sure that Dawn has seen a Nidoking before so did she really have to Pokedex it AGAIN?

    It's been happening since they show began.

    EddyBob15 wrote:
    I must say, I kind of wish Ash's battle with Brandon went like this one.

    Not even going to get into this again. Ash would have never beat the Battle Frontier if their battle went that way.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [14]Oct 17, 2009
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    this was a pretty good episode iam glade zoey stood up to that jerk paul.
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [15]Oct 18, 2009
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    It was a pretty cool episode
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [16]Oct 19, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    BTW, did anyone besides me gain a little respect for Zoey when she stood up against Paul?

    Sorry about that earlier mistake.

    definitely, i like that side of Zoey. i loved the Paul/Zoey tension. it was a good episode but i think Pokemon is lacking good battles lately, but i'm just saying
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  • Avatar of animation_luver


    [17]Oct 19, 2009
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    EddyBob15 wrote:
    BTW, did anyone besides me gain a little respect for Zoey when she stood up against Paul?

    Sorry about that earlier mistake.

    definitely, i like that side of Zoey. i loved the Paul/Zoey tension. it was a good episode but i think Pokemon is lacking good battles lately, but i'm just saying
    well to be fair this is the only gym battle that sucked so far in my opinion anyways. my guess is theyre rushing things so they can get to the team galatic part and get to a more kick### battle (ash vs paul) but thats just a guess anyways
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  • Avatar of Boolia


    [18]Oct 22, 2009
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    animation_luver wrote:
    thec0mebackman wrote:
    EddyBob15 wrote:
    BTW, did anyone besides me gain a little respect for Zoey when she stood up against Paul?

    Sorry about that earlier mistake.

    definitely, i like that side of Zoey. i loved the Paul/Zoey tension. it was a good episode but i think Pokemon is lacking good battles lately, but i'm just saying
    well to be fair this is the only gym battle that sucked so far in my opinion anyways. my guess is theyre rushing things so they can get to the team galatic part and get to a more kick### battle (ash vs paul) but thats just a guess anyways

    Well Brandon is super stroung, leader of the frontier brains; so he IS tough to beat. Also Ash did say he beat Brandon to Paul. When Paul lost and Brandon told him to control his emotions; it got me wondering; will Paul stop being a cold hearted jerk and be nice to his pokemon and the people he meets?
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  • Avatar of animetion_lover


    [19]Oct 23, 2009
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    Boolia wrote:
    animation_luver wrote:
    thec0mebackman wrote:
    EddyBob15 wrote:
    BTW, did anyone besides me gain a little respect for Zoey when she stood up against Paul?

    Sorry about that earlier mistake.

    definitely, i like that side of Zoey. i loved the Paul/Zoey tension. it was a good episode but i think Pokemon is lacking good battles lately, but i'm just saying
    well to be fair this is the only gym battle that sucked so far in my opinion anyways. my guess is theyre rushing things so they can get to the team galatic part and get to a more kick### battle (ash vs paul) but thats just a guess anyways
    Well Brandon is super stroung, leader of the frontier brains; so he IS tough to beat. Also Ash did say he beat Brandon to Paul. When Paul lost and Brandon told him to control his emotions; it got me wondering; will Paul stop being a cold hearted jerk and be nice to his pokemon and the people he meets?
    its possible but i doubt it. ash has 7 badges and paul has not changed at all hes probably gotten worse. if he hasnt changed by now he probably ever will. unlike your rival in heartgold he has no character development whatsoever
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  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [20]Oct 25, 2009
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    animation_luver wrote:

    Well nobody has made the thread yet and its been 30 mins since the episode aired so i guess ill make a thread for it?

    Paul gets his but kicked by a battle frontier (so much for him earning every bit of mean he gave to Ash ), possible Team Galatic interference in the Snowpoint Temple, future zoey/candace battle and Ash/Paul battle.

    My take: i was partially right that there would be a battle this episode that would lead to a future battle and i was also right that Paul and Ash would fight before Paul fought Candace. Honestly im surprised that Paul lost so easily i thought he would at least stand a chance i mean his pokemon and battling style is a whole lot better than Ashs(minus the emotions part lol). To be honest im glad Brock didnt referee i think its stupid anyways when he refereees battles anyways unless the person is trying to be sneaky then a referee isnt really needed.

    Im pretty sure that Dawn has seen a Nidoking before so did she really have to Pokedex it AGAIN?

    wow paul really got pwned in this episode i was waiting for a person to pwn him because hes got that attitude that he can destroy anything and he is a great trainer, even though ash did beat brandon he lost to him a couple times if im not mistaken. i mean this is only the 2nd time we saw paul get destroyed the other time was by cythnia. regice, regirock, and registeel's power since they are legendary pokemon was awesome to see again, and paul got very frustrated how his pokemon's power was not able to give him the win.

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