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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: A Real Rival Rouser!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Jan 8, 2011
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    Buizel down, Staraptor down, Torterra down and all in only 7 minutes

    Ash's record from last ep was destroyed in only a manner of minutes tsk tsk Ashy Boy

    Well next week is the epic conclusion of Ash vs. Paul

    And inconsistencies, inconsistencies everywhere

    Since when can Toxic Spikes and Hail be cancelled by that?

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2]Jan 8, 2011
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    Well, this battle is definitely good. My only problem is Paul's team line up. Sure, winning against Paul is a big goal for Ash, but it doesn't seem like a real victorty unless Ash beats Paul at his best, and that means his best team of Pokemon. I just hope that his last Pokemon is at least Electivire or Torterra.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [3]Jan 8, 2011
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    Awesome episode! The battle between Ash and Paul continues!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [4]Jan 8, 2011
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    Well, this battle is definitely good. My only problem is Paul's team line up. Sure, winning against Paul is a big goal for Ash, but it doesn't seem like a real victorty unless Ash beats Paul at his best, and that means his best team of Pokemon. I just hope that his last Pokemon is at least Electivire or Torterra.

    As I say every time. Beating Paul is an accomplishment no matter what Pokemon he uses. It's Paul's training and strategies that makes him a strong trainer, not just his Pokemon.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [5]Jan 8, 2011
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    Plus, Paul's Drapion managed to take out three of Ash's Pokemon in a row, thus proving that Paul's team in this battle is just as good as the one that he used in their last battle.

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [6]Jan 8, 2011
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    I missed it this morning...but I saw it on Y.Tube. It was really good. I loved how Team Rocket was cheering for Ash. Cant wait for the EPIC CONCLUSION!!! (:

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [8]Jan 8, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    EddyBob15 wrote:
    Well, this battle is definitely good. My only problem is Paul's team line up. Sure, winning against Paul is a big goal for Ash, but it doesn't seem like a real victorty unless Ash beats Paul at his best, and that means his best team of Pokemon. I just hope that his last Pokemon is at least Electivire or Torterra.
    As I say every time. Beating Paul is an accomplishment no matter what Pokemon he uses. It's Paul's training and strategies that makes him a strong trainer, not just his Pokemon.

    Still, I think it would make the victory more satisfying if the last Pokemon of Paul's Ash has to defeat is Electivire. Cpuld someone at least let me know that it will be him? I don't want to know how the battle outcomes, I just want to know if Electivire's in it or not.

    Edited on 01/09/2011 9:25am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [9]Jan 8, 2011
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    It is.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [10]Jan 9, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    It is.

    Thank you.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Jan 9, 2011
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    Wow, Paul sure turned this battle around quickly. Then again, for some reason the anime thinks that Drapion is on an uber/overused tier (and for those wondering, on Smogon's Tier list it's Underused tier). I have to say the biggest disappointment was Torterra and being Ash had Gliscor it seemed that Torterra really got shoved out of the limelight. But speaking of Gliscor, any of Torterra's lost limelight went to it and boy it didn't waste it and it was awesome! Despite some of my nitpicks, this was a great episode and this is turning out to be a great battle, hopefully part 3 can continue this, especially with Paul having one unknown (though not really) Pokemon... Oh, right, here are the comments:

    Trained So Well They Don't Follow Rules:
    00:22 - Misfires? Drapion stopped Buizel from using SonicBoom.
    00:46 - Is Mr. Goodshow okay? He has barely moved and hasn't said a word since we saw him. You'd think that at least during on of Ash's battle Mr. Goodshow would have mentioned to Cynthia that he remembers meeting Ash in the Kanto, Johto, and Heonn league.
    01:06 - Oh come on James, even you, Jessie, and Meowth must know by now that Ash has to at least defeat one of Paul's Pokemon before Paul shows any expression other than... anger? Disgust? What expression is Paul often displaying?
    01:21 - Huh? Why is Buizel getting hurt by Toxic Spikes? Toxic Spikes only activates when Ash sends out another Pokemon, Buizel should technically be safe from them.
    01:55 - Actually Barry, Toxic Spikes will remain on the field until the end of the battle or unless Ash is able to get rid of it or is able to ignore them like sending out...
    02:19 - Staraptor! Wow, Ash actually sent out the best Pokemon for the circumstance!
    02:29 - And you may also want to be careful of those two big pincers in front too.
    02:58 - I would mention that Aerial Ace cannot miss, but then again in the anime all moves have a possibility of missing (even if it's stated a certain attack can't miss in the anime).
    03:20 - And once again, even though Staraptor touched the ground, it's Flying-type so Toxic Spikes still shouldn't effect it (Cross Poison however still does). That's like 3 game rules the anime has broken in 3 minutes! Is a new game rule going to be broken each minute?
    03:55 - Torterra? Even though it's Ground-type cancels out its Grass-type weakness to Poison-types, Drapion is still resistant to Grass-type attacks and Ash's Torterra, ironically enough, doesn't know any Ground-type moves. Wait, why was Paul expecting Torterra?
    04:17 - Unfortunetly Brock I don't think Ash brought Bulbasaur or Muk, but even if he did how would that have gotten rid of Toxic Spikes?
    05:34 - Yes Ash, like Paul is going to give Torterra time to heal. Wait, Paul IS waiting for Torterra to fully use Synthesis... why?
    06:06 - Oh come on! Okay, I know Torterra is weak to Bug-type attacks, but Torterra JUST HEALED ITSELF! At least have it get hit by several Pin Missiles before having it get knocked out!

    Sixth Pokemon Surprise:
    06:50 - Paul, Aggron and Gastrodon only gave you move information on Ash's Pikachu, Infernape, Staraptor, and Buizel, and if you got anything from that it's Ash only has short term plans and then mostly wings it from there.
    07:35 - So that's what happened to the Ninjask we saw Paul capture in the flashback where he catched Chimchar in DP051 "Glory Blaze!".
    00:54 - HOLY MILTANKS! Wait, that got rid of Toxic Spikes? Game rule broken count up to 5 (Gliscor getting poisoned was number 4 incase you were wondering). Oh well, at least Toxic Spikes is now gone.
    02:48 - Not quite Dawn, Paul knows all of Ash's Pokemon yet Ash still doesn't know what Paul's other two Pokemon are. Also Paul still has Drapion, meaning he can bring back Tocic Spikes.
    03:06 - AND Ghost-type Pokemon, though still too bad Infernape had to take a rest, it would have been good for this battle... as long as it used it's Fire-type attacks that it.
    05:34 - Once again, how? However I'm not going to count this as a game rule broken being Hail only lasts for 5 turns so it's plausible that it just ran out as Pikachu attacked Froslass (or the limited amount of turns translated to Froslass needing to maintain it).
    07:20 - Team Rocket, being you stopped going around selling food to watch Ash's battle you're going to have to charge Jessie more then that.
    09:21 - I get it, the Air Battle Master must have taught Gliscor that after doing Giga Impact to recover from it by spinning about wildly in the air, very clever.
    09:59 - Stone Edge got your attention? What about Giga Impact, that did way more damage then Stone Edge did, considering it was able to hit.

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [12]Jan 13, 2011
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Well, this battle is definitely good. My only problem is Paul's team line up. Sure, winning against Paul is a big goal for Ash, but it doesn't seem like a real victorty unless Ash beats Paul at his best, and that means his best team of Pokemon.

    I agree. If Paul used Ursuring or Torterra, it could have been different but the writers needed Ash to win, so they gave Paul a different set up as an excuse for his defeat.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [13]Jan 13, 2011
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    The outcome of this fight won't be as any different no matter who's using what

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [14]Jan 13, 2011
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    This episode was fantastic; action packed and filled with epic-ness. I do feel though that they made Pin Missile and Toxic Spikes overpowered, and it's a bummer that Torterra had to go down so easily. Nevertheless, the battle was still very exciting, and I'm really looking forward to Part 3.
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [15]Jan 13, 2011
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    And that's the sad part. Gamehack Ash :[
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [16]Jan 15, 2011
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