Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Forgive me Sir......I made a mistake
Yay Khoury! Got a Pokemon that ash was too stupid to realize he couldnt have on his team cause he has 6 pokemon and we all know the writers dont oak pokemon anymore unless he goes to a new region
Oh Lyra You and your matchmaking attempts...
Ok I'm going to punch myself having to listen to that laugh
*vomits* Please tell me I didnt see Giovanni in a Speedo........*vomit*
That Gible is male I assume Totoile is also male so............that was a test of machoness? More Piplup Comedy...
How did he make that while they was on the rock?.....
A dissapointed Trapinch...and Nostalgia (anyone remember Ash and misty yelling at each other ^_^) it just me or did The dig Family's voices get more annoying since season 1? Lyra's A little Tsundere eh?
Well, I have to say, I wasn't comfortable with some of the things Lyra was thinking in this episode, but for different reasons. Team Rocket was a bit off today. Sure, Giovanni would've like that Gible, but not for the reasons Meowth was thinking. Not to mention it wasn't the type of shark they were thinking! I do have to say I didn't like the way Ash was shown in this episode. They made him look like a total nimrod just to give an excuse as for Khoury to get Gible. So Ash has a full party? Big deal! That doesn't mean he shouldn't get more! 'cough'Rioluegg'cough. I guess those writers just don't see fit to let Ash have the super types like Psychic, Ghost, and Dragon!
EddyBob15 wrote: |
Well, I have to say, I wasn't comfortable with some of the things Lyra was thinking in this episode, but for different reasons. Team Rocket was a bit off today. Sure, Giovanni would've like that Gible, but not for the reasons Meowth was thinking. Not to mention it wasn't the type of shark they were thinking! I do have to say I didn't like the way Ash was shown in this episode. They made him look like a total nimrod just to give an excuse as for Khoury to get Gible. So Ash has a full party? Big deal! That doesn't mean he shouldn't get more! 'cough'Rioluegg'cough. I guess those writers just don't see fit to let Ash have the super types like Psychic, Ghost, and Dragon! |
All of Meowth's fantasies are convoluted. We know that any Pokemon they send to Giovanni would be used to battle either by him if they are rare/strong enough or by other Team Rocket members if they aren't to Giovanni's liking. But for some reason Meowth thinks Giovanni used them for everday activities.
Here is a list of Meowth's Boss Fantasies:
EddyBob15 wrote: |
Well, I have to say, I wasn't comfortable with some of the things Lyra was thinking in this episode, but for different reasons. Team Rocket was a bit off today. Sure, Giovanni would've like that Gible, but not for the reasons Meowth was thinking. Not to mention it wasn't the type of shark they were thinking! I do have to say I didn't like the way Ash was shown in this episode. They made him look like a total nimrod just to give an excuse as for Khoury to get Gible. So Ash has a full party? Big deal! That doesn't mean he shouldn't get more! 'cough'Rioluegg'cough. I guess those writers just don't see fit to let Ash have the super types like Psychic, Ghost, and Dragon! |
Stop obsessing with the Riolu business. It's more over then the GS Ball nonsense back in Johto!!!
I liked the episode. Dawn didn't seem to have a bigger reaction when Lyra told Dawn about Khoury being Dawn's BF then when Lyra told Dawn about Ash being Dawn's BF. Lyra is making it harder for me to not mention the dreaded "S" word on these Forums.
She'll be gone soon enough
but when I wont tell you ^_^
Another interesting filler with Ash for once actaully acting like a trainer and goes out to try to catch another Pokemon. But being it's a Gible (which evolves to the Uber Garchomp) and Khoury soon wants it, Ash was doomed of not getting it since then. However I suppose Khoury deserved it being he was the only one thinking logically in this episode. And Lyra seems to have fallen out of love with Ash and instead begins questioning her relationship with Khoury... meaning she'll probably now push Ash & Dawn together *sigh*. Anyway here's the review: POKESHIPPING FOREVER!!!
There Is Always Another Trainer:
* Another Pokemon Center, another Nurse Joy, another one of Brock's flirts. Khoury, don't be too impressed, because soon Brock is going to get an ache in his... Hi Croagunk!
* Now three kids with fainted Pokemon with Nurse Joy telling them they didn't try to catch "it"... No, Ash, they didn't mean catch a Pokemon, they meant catch a cold. Their Pokemon fainted from sneexing too much
* The story is that at this Mt. Shady there is a Gible beating up on any Pokemon it sees. And as Nurse Joy leaves Brock goes to help leaving Ash, Dawn, Lyra, and Khoury to... well I'm sure we can all guess.
* That's right, there gonna see it, or actually Ash plans on catching it! This should be interesting as Ash already has 6 Pokemon, and from what we have learned is Ash usually doesn't break away from that many.
* Great, apparently Lyra is a shipper and wants to ship Dawn with Khoury (probably so she could have Ash :roll. BTW, POKESHIPPING FOREVER!!!
* Dawn, if you don't want Lyra to ship you with Khoury then maybe you should be walking beside him... whoa, flying rock! I guess we found the Gible.
* Gible first shows off its Strength by throwing a rock and then uses Rock Smash to smash the... rock. Anyway after seeing it in action Khoury out of the blue now wants to catch Gible. Well it was a nice thought of Ash actually capturing more then 6 Pokemon in Sinnoh...
* Guys, while it's nice that you remember Ground-types are weak to Water, being Gible is also part Dragon-type that makes Water-type do neutral damage. Then again with the only types hat are strong against it is Ice & Dragon so you could do worse.
* Hm, I guess that was either Gible's Sandstorm or Sand-Attack (going for the latter) and now is using Dig. So apparently this Gible doesn't know any Dragon-type moves (though if it has Dig it should know Dragon Rage and Dragon Claw according to its leveling up moveset.
Doesn't Take A Geologist To Know The Difference Between Land and Water:
* And now we have Team Rocket who also want to catch Gible and give it to Giovanni... gah! Meowth, why do you keep putting Giovanni in a speedo? First was DP030 "Some Enchanted Sweetening!"... oh wait, that was cut from the dub.
* You know Ash, maybe instead of aiming for the fin you should be aiming INTO THE GRASS where Gible's actual body is. And now Gible is chasing after Ash & Lyra *waiting for JAWS theme to play*.
* Oh yay Ash, great idea, using Pikachu to Thundershock a DRAOGN/GROUND-TYPE! You'd have better luck throwing a rock at Gible! Anyway Gible knocks Ash & Lyra down with a Sand-Attack. Meanswhile Khoury plans on catching Gible with a fishing rod... in a middle of a tall grass field. Well if you can defeat Ganondorf with it why not?
* Khoury also has a fishing rod for Dawn and as they wait Khoury hooks... Piplup. Well at least it's a rare Pokemon. Now Ash & Lyra are hitting the grass with sticks to get it out and it does work!
* Yes Ash, brilliant advice, jump on the rock even though Gible WAS SEEN JUMPING SEVERAL FEET INTO THE SKY, oh, and you're already on land! Though it doesn't really matter as Gible just smashes through the rock Lyra was on.
* Hey, I hear a JAWS-esque theme playing! Anyways Gible heads toward Dawn & Khoury and just as Buizel & Totodile are attacking it jumps out of the way and now Buizel & Totodile are fighting each other. However Dawn has just hooked something... oh, it's just Piplup.
* Dawn & Lyra had gone with Khoury's strategy (okay, I understand two fishing rods, one for him and one for Lyra, but why was Khoury carrying four fishing rods?). Team Rocket are also fishing... in a lake... let's just move on...
* Dawn has hooked another bite and with Piplup eating some Poffins next to her it is indeed Gible she hooked. While Khoury helps Dawn reel it in Lyra just watches from afar further enjoying the ship she made.
* Speaking of ships, they better abandon before Gible... okay, it missed and now everyone is chasing after it. One transition later Khoury is using a stethoscope on the ground. Lyra throws out Marill and has it use its sensitive hearing find Gible.
* Back at Team Rocket, as they see Ash & co. run by they see a shark fin in the water and go after it... though I'm betting it's actually a Sharpedo.
Beating Yourself Up:
* Dawn & Khoury track Gible to a cave and sensing danger Khoury takes out his Poke Gear for no reason. Ash sees them heading toward there and rushes ahead of them only to fall into a Trapinch sand trap, but Khoury pulls him out... WHOA THAT WAS A HUGE TRAPINCH... or just did a bad job showing depth perception.
* Ash & Dawn begin to argue with Lyra now switching over to Pearlshipping (Jeez, pick a ship already) and then wonders is she and Khoury could be a couple. one last time, POKESHIPPING FOREVER!!!
* They split up once more and Ash uses Monfenro to start digging around. However Monfenro winds up disturing a whole bunch of Diglett & Dugtrio. And as Ash & Lyra are take away by the mole Pokemon, I'm annoyed they didn't have them sing the "Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig, Trio, Trio, Trio" tune! Missed Moment of Awesome!
* As Dawn & Khoury try to follow they soon lose track and begin getting chased by an Onix. However splitting up apparently confused the Onix enough for it to slam into the walls disturbing a whole bunch of Zubat which are now flying past Ash & Lyra. It's like a Rube Goldberg machine...
* After they split up Ash finds Dawn while Khoury contacts Lyra with through the Poke Gear. And after banging on the floor for awhile Khoury finds Lyra and Ash & Dawn finds them... with violin music playing. Anyway with Lyra now shipping herself with Khoury...
* They find their way out of the cave and meet up with Gible which Khoury begins battling with (Sorry Ash, but, you know, six Pokemon = full party). Khoury sends out Totodile and has it use Superpower to match Gible's Strength.
* And now Gible and Totodile are smashing rocks against their own heads. As you could probably guess, Gible pulls out a huge rock, smashes it against its head, and falls over. It tires to escape with Dig but Totodile floods the hole and soon after Khoury captures it.
* We get a quick scene of Team Rocket getting chased by a Sharpedo, we finish up with Ash & co. (+ Lyra, Khoury, Khoury's new Gible, & Nurse Joy) having I guess dinner and Dawn getting pumped for her next Pokemon Contest.
IzzyDizko wrote: |
Lyra is annoying, she just constantly gives pokeshippers more and more to talk about. -.- |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Only Lyra is interested in relationships, not the others. |