Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
This was a pretty nice episode, something that'll hold us over till the Fantina Gym Battle. Ash once again meets up with another Elite Four member, this time Aaron. So so far this makes Cynthia, Lucain, and Aaron the Sinnoh Champion/Elite Four he has seen only leaving Bertha and Flint. Ash will probably see Flint in Sunyshore if they follow the game but for Bertha your guess is as good as mine (though I think it might have something to do with Agatha). However I already mentioned this among other things in my review. What review? Well this one right below:
Crawling Into Town:
* Hmm? Certainly going to be an interesting episode whenever there is a big line for something in a small town.
* And not only that, but also needs Officer Jenny there to keep everything organized. But with Jenny comes Brock, and with Brock comes Croagunk.
* Aaron, as in Aaron of the Sinnoh Elite Four? Wow, Ash is seeing a lot of Elite Four and Champions in Sinnoh: Cynthia, Lucian, Wallace, and now Aaron.
* Surprised Ash doesn't know who Aaron is, especially since Lucain told him who the Sinnoh Elite Four and Champion are. But why is Aaron on Pokesheak? He's a trainer not a coodinator.
Who Said Girls Don't Like Bugs:
* And here is Aaron's Drapion and Vespiquen and... Skorupi? Guess Aaron must be planning on getting another Drapion.
* We already went through who the Sinnoh Elite Four Officer Jenny, btw you forgot to include Champion Cynthia. Anyway Ash and co. will probably meet Flint in Sunyshore but Bertha is a wild guess, if he does meet her at all.
* Don't know Aaron was that popular, though in Platinum he does get a more "interactive" room and a cooler sprite (he jumps down from the top instead of sliding in from the side).
* I think Officer Jenny is a fangirl of Aaron (like how that Nurse Joy judge in the Wallace Cup was for Wallace)... Aaron challenged Cynthia? I think he'll put up a good fight but will still lose (he is the first Elite Four you fight).
* LOL, very professional Officer Jenny, I wonder who has more fans, Wallace or Aaron?
* There's Team Rocket! They couldn't even steal Buizel who couldn't beat Lucain's Bronzor, how do they expect to steal Aaron's Pokemon, or any Elite Four's Pokemon in that matter?
* Fun Trivia: Aaron's signature is actually of his Japanese name: Ryo. I guess since it was in script PUSA was hoping no one would notice.
* Become an Elite Four? Nah Ash, I think you would be better at being a Frontier Brain then an Elite Four, I mean you already have a spot reserved for you to become a Battle Brain (He may have turned it down but Scott did say it would still be open for Ash if he changes his mind).
* Knowing the League Champion sure comes in handy. So I guess Aaron was putting on a show for the crowd more then actually training.
* Gee, I wonder why Aaron built his training facility here, I mean it's only filled with a few dozen BUG-types! Aaron, we already saw Drapion and Vespiquen, where is your Beautifly, Dustox, Heracross, Yanmega, and Scizor?
* Aaron, if you're gonna work out then you might as well try to build-up some muscle, eat some meat you look like a... a... I can't think of any flat Pokemon.
* A picture of a young Aaron and a Wurmple. He certainly likes that haircut of his, and I bet that Wurmple in the picture is either his Beautifly or Dustox.
Getting Them Creeps:
* Great idea Team Rocket, put honey on a tree where there is DOZENS of Bug-types hanging around... or a Munchlax. Now the Munchlax's trainer should come, apologize, and give them 10 pieces of Poke Snack... oh wait, wrong game.
* Oh, Jessie didn't use honey but rather Pancake Syrup, but looks like Beedrills aren't specific on whether they like Honey or Syrup... And a good chase...
* *Sigh* Brock, Ash overdoes everything, you should know that by now.
* That was certainly a very nice Wurmple, letting Aaron sit on it while it crawled down from the tree. I guess a friend in need is a friend indeed.
* Oh yay, Ash's first Pokemon was Caterpie (and now is a Butterfrre as Ash mentioned), nice to see a cameo of it, though I do wonder what it is doing now. They should of had a Pokemon Chronicle episode about that.
* Oh, I guess that Wurmple isn't Aaron's Beautifly or Dustox afterall... looks like Team Rocket decided to go after Pikachu, Piplup, and Skorupi instead... err... change that "instead" to "as well".
* You know, every time Team Rocket appears in front of a character that doesn't know them, that character doesn't notice they have a talking Meowth. No big deal really, but still.
* So Team Rocket were able to steal Aaron's Pokemon afterall, well at least for now. Shouldn't take too long for them and Pikachu and Piplup to break out... See?
They Metamorphosis So Fast:
* Whoa, calm down Aaron, you can be angry but don't forget they also have Ash's Pikachu and Dawn's Piplup. So that's what happened with your Wurmple, I got to admit you were kind of a jerk to it.
* But when does learning the language of the Bug Pokemon come in handy? Oh, um, nevermind, time to go to Team Rocket's crashed balloon. *shifty eyes*
* LOL! Pikachu, Piplup, and Aaron's Pokemon just burst out and keep walking away, until Seviper came out.
* And this goes to show that even an Elite Four Pokemon can be taken down by sneak attacks. Luckily Ash, and co. (+ Aaron) got there just in time.
* This certainly isn't looking good, but if they broke out of that thing once they can do it again, all Meowth did was put a giant bandage on it... Whoa, where did that Solar Beam come from?
* Oh, from a Beautifly. Okay everyone, let's take a wild guess on why that Beautifly is there for. Remember, you only get one chance but I'm sure you wouldn't need more anyway.
* Now time for Aaron to defeat Team Rocket with his re-united Beautifly, and then blast off Team Rocket. At least Pikachu wasn't the only one who did the launch off this time.
* And with that we end this episode. Wonder if we'll see the Aaron and Cynthia battle, even if it is the last round on the TV like they did for the Cynthis VS. Lucian battle. But enough Elite Four and Champion stuff, Ash still needs to defeat Fantina for his 5th badge.