Surprised no one made this....
I missed it, but hopefully you guys didn't.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Surprised no one made this....
I missed it, but hopefully you guys didn't.
I saw it. It was a good episode!
the writing was a little better in this episode i liked it alot. to be 100% honest though i kinda wanna see team rocket blast of again every now and thenits becomign a bit unrealistic how they escape from every attack unharmed
I'll admit even I miss "we're blasting off again!" just a little.
pokemonmonmon wrote: |
the writing was a little better in this episode i liked it alot. to be 100% honest though i kinda wanna see team rocket blast of again every now and thenits becomign a bit unrealistic how they escape from every attack unharmed |
Was I mistaken, or was that Vic Mignogna in the role he said he was going to be in?
I liked how this episode showed Cilan's more scientific side. It's cool that he not only has knowledge of food, but also science. If only Iris wasn't so negative about it. Also, the relationship between the professor and the Elgyem was sweet; I'm glad it decided to stay.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||
I liked how this episode showed Cilan's more scientific side. It's cool that he not only has knowledge of food, but also science. If only Iris wasn't so negative about it. Also, the relationship between the professor and the Elgyem was sweet; I'm glad it decided to stay.
if you want me to be 100% honest i agree with iris. cilan can be a bit annoying the way he acts like a know it all and makes food analogies out of everything. btw this isnt the first time weve seen his scientific side nicknameless101 wrote:
Yes, he also showed it in the episode when the three of them went into the supposedly haunted museum with the Yamask. I just think there's nothing wrong with being passionate about food and science. Ash could read a scientific book, if he really wanted to.
i agree with you 100% but he doesnt have to act like hes a master at everything. i mean how many cooks do you know in real life that make a food analogy out of everything? it gets old lol
i mean connoisseur isnt even a real job and hes misusing the word.connoisseur means someone who is an expert or at least has very high knowledge about a certain subject. cilan is one of 3 gym leaders of the first gym and from what ive seen so far, id say he was a foodconnoisseur not a pokemonconnoisseur. if anything one of the professors like prof oak should have that self proclaimed title but meh.
Awesome episode! Elgyem is a really cool Pokemon!
This episode was interesting. Also because this post is too long I'm just skipping my intro for this time:
Are We Going To See Any Nosepass Interceptor Cannons:
*Talks in a whisper* Shh, We start this episode at night with Ash & co. sleeping as a soft chime version of "Emotion" plays. However the table (you would think Cilan would have been neater and put that away, he even left a filled cup out) starts to shake as well as the trees which wakes up everyone.
Comment: *speaks normally* Well that would have woken everyone up, also good job there sneezing on Pikachu.
The table starts to shake more violently and leaves start being shaken off the tree as Cilan asks what is going on and Ash answering he doesn't know. Suddenly a huge bright light flashes on them which Ash declares is a "UFO" (those silly Clefairies, this is Unova not Kanto) which gets Iris's attention as the "UFO" flies away.
Iris: Did you see what I saw?
Comment: Being Ash was the one the said it was a UFO, yes, I think they also saw what you saw.
Ash tells Iris which direction it flew off to (once again, I think everyone saw that) and Cilan first looks calm before smirking and saying it's "Science Time" (if there is no Bill Nye I'm not interested). Ash and Iris stare at Cilan in confusion as Cilan says that whenever people see "UFO"s their often mistakes but he's sure that wasn't a shooting star or manmade satellite. Cilan also says it couldn't be a plane because there was no blinking lights (plus planes don't hover and are made of light) and Ash says he knows a lot which Cilan explains he's not only a Pokemon Connoisseur but also a Science Connoisseur (a.k.a. a NERD!). Cilan begins to explain if one witnesses a supernatural event there will be a rational explanation (99.99% this "rational explanation" is it's a Pokemon yet no one seems to figure that out right away) and getting to the bottom of such things is what a Science Connoisseur does (I reiterate: NERD!).
Iris: Why, wow do I feel I'm going to get annoyed?
Comment: Because that's how we feel when you go on about something supernatural, sucks being on the other foot, don't it?
Cilan asks if Iris saw the "UFO" though Iris says she isn't sure but Ash says he saw it and says it has space aliens (not to be confused with Earth aliens) which Cilan says has a "unscientific aroma" to it. After the opener and title screen Ash & co. go to a local diner in typical cliche fashion where they'll do doubt meat a few yokels who said they got probed.
Cilan: WE'RE IN AREA 28!
Comment: Someone call Area 51 and tell them one of their aliens flew 23 areas away, I mean Arceus forbid our secret alien research facility does it's job and keep their aliens contained.
Ash asks what Area 28 is and Cilan tells him it's a poorman's of Area 51 place famous for its UFO sightings and he had read all about it. Ash asks the barkeep diner owner that saw a "UFO" fly east over the mountain and Iris says they'll like to know what's over there. The owner says there is nothing interesting over there but the only other customer just so happens to know there is a strange scientist that lives there who researches UFOs named Professor Icarus. Cilan says he finished reading one of Professor Icarus's books not to long ago titled "The Truth Behind UFOs And It's Excellent" (though Cilan might have added those last 3 words in) and saw him a TV show about UFO sightings. The owner says Professor Icarus is weird though that reminds him that he knows a mailman who suddenly got a headache and started seeing things (oh that's not alien's doing, those are Unown's doings) which the customer added the "things" were scenes from outer space. They owner and customer got concerned they went into a flashback where they took the mailman to Professor Icarus and asked him if he was doing any experiments explaining what the mailman (which is owner's brother) experienced. Professor Icarus denies he knows anything and the owner says everyone is getting concerned what he's doing and the customer said they want to see what he's doing but Professor Icarus told them no and to leave. The owner tried to convince Professor Icarus otherwise but both him and the customer got struck with a harsh headache and had to leave before finding out anything.
Cilan wonders what this could mean and even as their walking through a route he's still trying to figure out what could it mean and Iris asks if he's still figuring out what caused the terrible headahces. Cilan says that's part of it but wonders why the mailman saw outerspace and theorizes someone of something transmitted those images into his brain and Iris asks if that's possible which Cilan brings up they know Psychic Pokemon can do this (*gasp* Did Cilan just use his brain to come up with the obvious answer?). Cilan says they got to investigate this by going to Professor Icarus's lab and seeing it for themselves but Iris reminds Cilan about what happened to the men in the -bar- diner however Cilan says supernatural events have a rational explanation (except when they don't ).
Cilan: Applying science to understand them is a job of a Science Connoisseur.
Comment: "N" to the "E" to the "R" to the "D"! NERD!
Iris: Applying, try annoying.
Comment: You would know Iris.
E.T. Wants A Spaceship To Home:
They get to where Professor Icarus is living, with an unexcited Iris but an excited Ash, and they start crossing the bridge however they're being watched by an Elgyem (come on, you could have hid it a bit better before the big reveal) from the house. Elgyem sees a damaged plank of wood and as Ash & co. are crossing, who note how the bridge is a bit unstable, they're sent an image of Ash falling through the bridge. Cilan tells Ash what he saw and Ash and Iris both say they saw the same thing and Ash taps the wood plank in front of him which falls apart (why did it show Ash falling though, wouldn't Cilan be the one falling as he was ahead of them?). Iris asks how did they see what they saw and Ash says they saw the future which Cilan says was sent to them. Elgyem then slips out from under the stairs and teleports away however didn't go unspotted as Team Rocket are watching from a cliff.
James says catching a Pokemon that knows teleport will be tricky but Meowth says he'll track it's movements patterns and then analyse the data. Jessie says the rumor of an outerspace Pokemon were true which James says they'll catch it for the "glory of Team Rocket" and Meowth adding "and the bosses eternal gratitude".
At the front door, Cilan asks if Professor Icarus is home and Professor Icarus comes out asking what do they want. Cilan gets excited and starts shaking his hand saying it's an honor to meet him and quickly tells him they saw a UFO that flew in his direction and if he saw it. Professor Icarus asks what time it was and Cilan says it was 12 midnight and Professor Icarus says it wasn't a UFO but then tells them to forget it and leave. However Cilan says he read Professor Icarus's book about the science needed for a UFO to fly (how would he know? Aliens will most likely have very different technology then we do and unless he has some of that technology there is no way of knowing how a UFO flies) and says something about "aroma of science and truth" (N. E. R. D. What does that spell? NERD!) before finally asking how his research has been. Professor Icarus says that if you can manipulate dark matter you can fly a UFO at any time (ignoring what dark matter is, by the way he said it wouldn't that be more of a power source then how the UFO is flying?) and Ash asks if "Dark Matter" is some kind of Pokemon but Cilan corrects him that dark matter is a substance related to gravity. Iris asks what would happen if you manupilate dark matter and Cilan says you'll be able to make a flying saucer immune to gravity and asks if Professor Icarus has found a way to manipulate dark matter. Professor Icarus says he has which shocks Cilan but goes on to say it'll take 30 or 100 years to prove it (why? If you found a way that should be proof enough) and proving theories take a very long time and involve a lot of work. Cilan says any revolutionary theory must be questioned but in order to move forward one must be able to experiment even in the face of ridicule saying those are Professor Icarus's words from his book and saying they're very moving words. Professor Icarus smiles and says he doesn't know and invites them in for a snack and inside Cilan says what he likes about Professor Icarus's books is that he takes techno babble and put it into easy to digest words.
Ash says he wants to read it but Iris tells him to forget about it calling him a kid saying he wouldn't be able to get past page 1 which Ash responds with a "come on" (like you'll fare any better Iris?) Cilan says he hasn't seen Professor Icarus discussing UFOs on the TV recently and Professor Icarus says he gave that "trivial" up and UFOs aren't his main interest anyway. Suddenly everything becomes negative, we see two yellow towers with electricity come from them exploding, and Professor Icarus starts running out of the room yelling "Oh no!". Professor Icarus enters a room hich leads to a ladder leading down to a metallic basement as Ash & co. follow him and they come into a room where there is a UFO. Ash says he's seen it before asking if that's the UFO they saw and Cilan says he can't be sure but it looks like it then asking where Professor Icarus is. Iris points over to the machine they saw in their vision with Professor Icarus typing away on it and after Cilan points that out Professor Icarus tells them they have to leave at once. Cilan says they can't just leave him and Professor Icarus frustratedly agrees quickly tells them to pull off the cable connected to the saucer which they do but Cilan says the cable feels to be locked on tight (just jiggle it, it'll pop right out). We then see Elgyem's "fingers" light up which unlocks the cable letting Ash & co. pull it out which seems to bring the machine back under control as Professor Icarus says just that. As Ash and Iris are massaging their arms (wimps), Cilan asks about the red and yellow (and green) lights they saw just as they spot Elgyem which Ash calls a space alien but Cilan corrects him saying it's a Elgyem. Ash scans Elgyem with his Pokedex as Elgyem hides behind Professor Icarus's leg though Professor Icarus reassures Elgyem that Ash & co. aren't bad people. Cilan concludes Elgyem must have sent them the image of the explosion and Professor Icarus also says thanks to it his research is save. Iris then says Elgyem must have also been the one that them the image while crossing the bridge which Professor Icarus wasn't aware of.
Professor Icarus works on the UFO and Cilan asks him how long has he been building it and Professor Icarus tells them he became fascinated with UFOs when he was 8 when he saw something in the sky dart around. Professor Icarus enjoyed learning about space and became a professor of astrophysics though he never gave up his dreams to create a saucer-shaped flying craft which had him eventually quit the university to focus on his work. Professor Icarus finally did make a small flying saucer which Cilan says is incredible but Professor Icarus says it wasn't really as UFOs fly at light speed using dark matter (HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT), and by extension gravity, but all he did was install propellers into a saucer-shaped body. Professor Icarus picks up a remote and a small flying saucer flies by which Iris says "that's it" which Professor Icarus says it is saying he's been testing the miniature prototype while building a full scale model. Cilan says that would explain all the UFOs sightings and Professor Icarus admits they have been of his work including the one they saw but goes on to say Area 28 have had UFO sightings long before. Continuing the flashback, Professor Icarus says 6 month ago he heard a crash (though it looked more like his mini saucer crashed) and ran after it to find a knocked out Elgyem and tried to wake it up worried that his saucer might have hit it. Professor Icarus brought Elgyem back to his house and healed it though upon waking up it teleported behind a box possibly afraid of the man who hit it on the head with a saucer though it hung around and watched Professor Icarus work on his experiment and quickly became friends. One day as Professor Icarus was looking into the sky with a telescope he suddenly got a vision of space similiarly to the one the mailman got.
Professor Icarus: What in the world was that? I never seen a strange vision of space before.
Comment: Compared to the normal visions of space you've gotten before?
Professor Icarus sees Elgyem looking at him and asks if it sent him that vision and he starts to think that if it did send him the vision and its predecessors did come from space then that means Elgyem wants to go back to space. Professor Icarus asks Elgyem if that's true however he doesn't understand it and figures he'll have to learn to communicate with it before he can get any answers. Professor Icarus explains that scientists have tried in the past to understand Elgyem's light flashes though no one has been successful though later when he saw Elgyem using telekinesis to move objects he began doing research to see if it has anything to do with dark matter (or it could just be a Psychic-type Pokemon) and did so quietly and in secret. Professor Icarus wraps things up by saying the visions and headaches the villagers have gotten was Elgyem trying to protect him and Cilan says it makes complete sense while Iris says Elgyem was lucky to meet a professor with a love for space.
Be It Ever So Earthly, There's No Place Like Home:
The door bell then rings as Team Rocket in business suit disguises ask if anyone was home and that they're from the space agency surprising Professor Icarus. James says they just built a machine which is able to manipulate dark matter and Jessie says because Professor Icarus is the foremost researcher on the subject they'll like to present it to him first. Professor Icarus says he'll be thrilled to see it as Elgyem watches from under the stairs as Jessie explains their machine can find hidden Pokemon and catch them within their magnetic fields as James continues saying it traps the capture the Pokemon by disables its powers. Professor Icarus asks why would they want to do that (instead of asking what does this have to do with dark matter) but Jessie says when their machine is actived people are frozen motionless as she drops a box and Ash & co. (+ Professor Icarus) stupidly watch it as it activates and ties them up with blue electricity. Elgyem teleports before the electricity reaches it but Jessies says it's teleporting pattern got analyzed and yellow electricity shoots out and captures Elgyem trapping it in a glowing yellow box as James gloats about it working.
Professor Icarus asks who they are as a Meowth piloted helicopter-jet-aircraft flies out from the canyon and Team Rocket start to recite their motto though Meowth cuts it short saying they know the rest. Ash says he should have known it was Team Rocket (*insert paper disguise joke here*) and Cilan explains who Team Rocket is to Professor Icarus as Team Rocket flies off with Elgyem (hm, with Pikachu and Axew also disabled you though they would nab them too). Professor Icarus says they got to disable Team Rocket's machine and Cilan rolls a Pokeball out of the machine's range sending out Dwebble who does an X-Scissor and destroys the machine. Ash & co. start planning on how to get Elgyem back and Professor Icarus says he'll have to use the flying saucer he's been working on. Cilan asks to take them with him but Professor Icarus says he really shouldn't (what's this, an adult who doesn't want to put children in danger?) however after some begging that they want to help he allows them to come with him. Ash & co. (+ Professor Icarus) take off on the full scale saucer (complete with collapsible garage) and immidietly catches up to Team Rocket who turn their aircraft around and Jessie sends out Woobat.
Ash sends out Tranquill and Woobat starts with a Gust which Tranquill counters with its own Gust which proves to be the strongest and blow Woobat away. James sends out Yamask who uses Shadow Ball which hits Tranquill (I repeat, the Ghost-type attack hit a Normal-type Pokemon) but Axew uses Dragon Rage which sends Yamask flying. This leaves Cilan who sends out Pansage who uses Bullet Seed to free Elgyem who Teleports back to Professor Icarus. Ash has Pikachu use Electric Ball to destroy Team Rocket's aircraft though Team Rocket fly away on their jetpacks "taking payback notes" and James has Yamask use Night Shade to damage the saucer. Professor Icarus says they have to get back to the lab and start flying the saucer toward that direction but the propellers start shutting down and they fall into the canyon but Elgyem uses Telekinesis to fly the saucer out of the canyon and land in front of Professor Icarus's house. Professor Icarus thanks Elgyem and Cilan asks about his saucer he says he can always build another saying it really wasn't that important.
Cilan asks what Professor Icarus will do when his new saucer is completed and Professor Icarus says his first order of business is to return Elgyem to space surprising Ash & co. as he says though he might be incorrect the only way to find out is to make the trip (yeah, you may want to get a space suit too... and make it so that you're not on the outside of the ship as you fly into orbit). Ash & co. says that sound awesome as Professor Icarus asks Elgyem what does it think and it sends images of it and Professor Icarus spending time together which Iris says mean it's happy. Ash asks why would Elgyem send them those images and Cilan says that maybe Elgyem would prefer to stay with the Professor Icarus instead of travelling into space which Professor Icarus ask Elgyem if that's true and Elgyem responds with flashing lights. I guess the flashing light means yes as Professor Icarus says for now being housemates sounds good and Elgyem flashes lights again which I guess is in agreement. Later that afternoon Ash & co. say their goodbyes and Professor Icarus says they can come visit anytime and with the narrator talking this reveiw is ove... huh? Could it be that the UFO Ash & co. saw wasn't Professor Icarus doing afterall? Well the speeding light "blasts off" and the narrator ends it, and so shall I.
I guess it was pretty good though the relationship between the professor and Elgyem was sweet (as was finding out how to actually pronounce Elygyem)
neoyamato_pi wrote: |
I guess it was pretty good though the relationship between the professor and Elgyem was sweet (as was finding out how to actually pronounce Elygyem) |
It's pronounced like LGM (Little Green Man), I personally think it's kind of clever.
Elgyem's my new favorite pokemon
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
It's pronounced like LGM (Little Green Man), I personally think it's kind of clever. |
haha, I see. Didn't think of that. Indeed pretty clever.