Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
maya14belle wrote: | ||
How was he nicer? |
maya14belle wrote: | ||
more like stupider he has no planning to his training its just firing attacks at each other ash himself training just goes doing anything not thinking about it. oh yeah i remember a episode that ash tried to think about his battling and he fell asleep along with his pokemon. his stupidity astonds me.
coolrapper wrote: |
This episode was definitely worth it! At least, I now know that Paul's cruel behavior was driven from his older brother Reggie. Reggie won a battle against every gym leader in the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh region, but not at the Battle Frontier (as he was missing only 1 more symbol). Paul says that his brother always emerged victorious in his battles, but he threw it all away and became a Pokemon breeder (Brock's aspiration). I'm presuming that Paul looked up to Reggie when he was still young, but Paul was driven upset when Reggie didn't even bother continuing his duties as a trainer after that one loss. I think Paul must have done his training through an act of self-hatred, he wants to surpass not just any trainer (including Ash), but to surpass his brother. Some users might have already known this, but at least Paul's degrading comments and insults are not as bothersome as they used to be anymore! At least we have a clue on what drives Paul to the edge of being so cold-hearted to both trainers and Pokemon alike! |
I just caught this episode yesterday on Youtube and I must say it is GREAT! I mean, we finally did get to see Turtwig evolve and I felt quite sorry for the little..I mean big guy now! Having lost its speed and its confidence........And did Paul like have to act All MEAN AGAIN???? Is everyone liking him and his EVIL comments or something like that? Sorry can't help that!
Anyways well, if I could I would like totally do something that would make Paul sorry!! What about you? For me, probrably MAYBE infecting him with Uroboros and hopefully it rejects him.......
Also, I was surprised that Paul's Toterra was willing to help Grotle with its fighting style. It may have lost its speed but it gained something as well!! Don't forget that Grotle!
Heard it was the 100th episode of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and I must say it is GOOD! Hope you guys enjoy!
Rating: 9.0
From: jonathan0993
maya14belle wrote: | ||
In my opinion, your comment explains well why Paul trains hard and trys to win every badge. But it does not give Paul a good reason to be cruel to his pokemon. |
coolrapper wrote: | ||||
I wasn't saying that this was the main reason of Paul's cruel behavior toward his Pokemon, but Paul's explanation did provide a clue on why he wants to become the strongest among all trainers. Overall, I'd say we (the viewers) only got a hint of what drives Paul to train harder than Ash. |