Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
now lets wait for her to put away a few of her pokemon and get a chikorita (male I bet) a gen 5 pokemon and a few johto's
Piplup Buneary Pachirisu Mamoswine Cyndaquil *Censored*
and I bet Chikorita *insert gen 5 poke here* and a johto..
domo it's already been confirmed Kris (player girl in G/S/C) and Lyra (HG/SS)
are two completly different people
fyi everyone
It' khoury
not cory
good episode introducing Lyra (another girl character) who is actually a girl trainer with badges, which is a change since most of the girls in the series r focused on contests lol no offense. Also khory a young breeder joins the trio to learn from Brock on how to be a breeder, it will be interesting how the next few episodes go with Lyra and Khory joining them on their adventures.
Dawn gets a new pokemon Cyndaquil hatching from the egg which had its colors. i dont know why my posts on other episodes keep getting deleted can anyone answer that?
Remembering The Johto Saga:
* Actually narrator, I think they are being beckoned to go for lunch more than exploring.
* Marill? We already saw a Marill, are they already repeating Generation II Pokemon? Anyway Marill needs to go back to elementary school, a circle can't go thorugh a square.
* Pikachu and Piplup pull it out (with help of a Water Gun-jet for Marill) and as Brock checks it Dawn uses her Pokedex on it... even though SIX (6) episodes ago she scanned a Marill!
* Ly... Ly... Lyra! Wow, talk about promoting HeartGold and SoulSilver! Are we going to see Jimmy and maybe even Marine?
* Anyway Lyra introduces herself and right off the bat, after Ash & co. introduce themselves, Lyra pulls out the female version of the HeartGold & SoulSilver Pokedex to scan Piplup.
* Upon being told it's the new Johto Pokedex we also here there is a Johto Festival in town (why would there be a Johto Festival in Sinnoh?)... and looks like she already forgot Dawn's name (or gave her a nickname).
* Ah, and next we see a Johto Trainer's helping device, the Pokegear! Oddly enough the Pokegear was mainly absent during Ash's travel through Johto except in the 3rd movie.
* Anyway Lyra's friend Cory... huh?... what's that?... It's spelled Khoury?... Meh, whatever, Lyra friend called just to see where she went.
* So Lyra is travelling with the Johto Festival trying to promote HeartGold & SoulSilve... I mean the Johto reason... which in the terms of anime logic I must ask why? But before anything else happens Lyra appears on the giant TV screen.
* Yup, Ecruteak City, yay, I remember the Burned Tower, hey! Kimono Girl... though they don't look like the 5 Ash & co. met (the eyes are different).
* We continue with Goldrenrod City (HEY! You forgot to mention the Department Store and Game Corner!) and Olivine City... which I thought was famous for the Glitter Lighthouse which Ampharos helped light up, not Ampharos itself (they even show Glitter Lighthouse).
* Next is Blackthorn City and, hey, we see Clair in her HeartGold & SoulSilver clothes! But in the terms of the anime... she still has a Dragonair? Come on Clair, hasn't that thing evolved into a Dragonite by now?
* Is that the end of the video already? You're not even going to bother mention the Silver Conference? Ilex Forest Shrine? Slowpoke Well? Lake Rage? The Whirl Islands? If you're going to promote HeartGold & SoulSilver at least do it right!
Those Designs Don't Mean It Was Painted For Easter:
* Ah yes, Moo Moo Milk, from Olivine's Olivine Cafe (Which they forgot to mention too!). Anyway a careful viewer will also see the Berry Pots and Apricorn Boxes.
* Anyway manning the booth is Khoury and... hey, a Totodile!... pfft, a snobby Totodile. But after hearing it's refusing to eat any of the Poke food Khoury gives it Brock gets to work and throws on a powder which Totodile gladly will eat.
* And after being given a few scoops of Moo Moo Milk Ice Cream Ash & co. are informed every food item is for free, how convenient for the hungry Ash & co.. Whoa, calm down Ash, no need to finish your Ice Cream in all of one bite.
* So Lyra did indeed forget Dawn's name, who here thinks this will be a running gag throughout the episode raise your hand. *raises hand* Also the other guy is Khoury's dad and he's running the Johto Festival.
* Lyra has already won the Zephyr Badge and Hive Badge and yes, the calling Dawn "Dane" joke has indeed turn into a running joke. Totodile then brings to attention that the next show is aobut to start hich features... All the Johto Pokemon... COME ON! WE'VE BEEN SEEING THEM ALL LATELY!
* And of course we can't have an episode without Team Rocket, can we? However we just are given a quick scene of them enjoying the free food and also getting an idea (probably to steal the food).
* We also find out Lyra is from New Bark Town and we get a quick intro of the Johto Starters, and as well seeing Lyra has a Chikorita (So all we need to see now is a Cyndaquil. BTW, if they are talking about the Johto Starters, why isn't Khoury or at least his Totodile up there?). Anyway Lyra then challenges Dawn and Piplup to a Pokemon battle... very cheap Lyra.
* What do I mean by this? Because Chikorita is a Grass-type which is, you know, Strong against Water-types like Piplup! And now it seems like Lyra is making it a match between two regions so Dawn is pretty much battling in the name of Sinnoh. Though if Dawn wins Lyra mentioned she'll get a prize.
* The battle starts out with Chikorita hitting Piplup with a Razor Leaf attack but Piplup counters with BubbleBeam. But Chikorita uses Light Screen to reduce the damage in half, and plus being a Grass-type that means BubbleBeam is doing 1/4 of its normal damage. However Piplup bashes through with a Super Effective Flying-type Peck attack.
* But right after that Dawn has Piplup used BubbleBeam again... however it looks like the plan was to have Chikorita use Light Screen so that Piplup could use another Peck attack and... oh, that's it, Chikorita is knocked out and Dawn wins!
* As promised, Dawn is given a prize... a Pokemon Egg! And not any Pokemon Egg, cream bottom, bluish-green top, red circles around the border in the bluish-green section... it's a Cyndaquil Egg! So Dawn finally has a 5 Pokemon again... and being none are a Grass-type that means there is still hope Dawn will get a Cherrim!
* Wait and see what it is? TO FIGURE OUT WHAT POKEMON IT IS YOU JUST NEED TO COMPARE ITS DESIGN WITH THE JOHTO STARTER THAT DAWN IS STANDING IN FRONT OF (as if they couldn't foreshadow what it is enoyugh)!
* Team Rocket then appear stealing the food and upon seeing Ash & co. quikcly give their motto and then Meowth steals Dawn's Cyndaquil Egg and they fly off. And you know, it would have been one of their great escapes... if they were looking where they going as they hit a tree which bursts their balloon and they fly off into the nearby forest.
The More The Merrier:
* Lyra, if Khoury doesn't want to go you shouldn't force him, then again being he asked what should he do I guess Lyra was just answering his question.
* Oh, and instead of hurrying to fix their balloon or trying to get a head start, instead Team Rocket just sits around while Jessie eats her fill of the food they stole (and now looks pregnent). In addition they wonder what Pokemon is from the egg and jump to the Johto Legendart Pokemon... yes, because those Pokemon eggs would be given away as prizes.
* And now suddenly a Teddiursa appears and begins eating Team Rocket's stolen food and Jessie yells at it and takes the food back. Now I'll accept a Teddiursa appearing as we were shown prior to HeartGold & SoulSilver that Sinnoh does have a population of Ursaring... which, as you can guess, appears behind Team Rocket and begins shooting Hyper Beams at them.
* Ash & co. get to where Team Rocket was and decide to split up with Ash also having Staraptor (but of course, not Gliscor) look for Team Rocket.
* As Team Rocket run away from the Ursaring, Jessie drops the Cyndaquil Egg which Meowth and James go looking for while the Ursaring continues chasing Jessie.
* Ash & co. find James and Meowth who we cut to and see that the Egg quickly flashed, showing it's getting ready to hatch. Ash & co. quikcly lose where James and Meowth went (and Ash apparently forgetting what they were doing saying "It landed somewhere around here"), but Staravia points them to the right direction.
* Khoury (who has the male version of the Pokegear) calls Lyra they found Team Rocket. To fidn where the others are Lyra has her Marill use Water Gun up into the sky and Khoury has Totodile do the same (aren't they worry Team Rocket might also see the water spout thus alerting them they are nearby?).
* You know, instead of running parrallel of each other, why don't Lyra and Dawn head toward the water spouts obviously coming from Totodile? I mean they keep on shooitng off those Water Guns yet Lyra and Danw don't change their route.
* However Ash, Brock, & Khoury catch up to James and Meowth as Lyra & Dawn appear behind them and blocks them off. James throws out Carnivine and upon seeing it Khoury pulls out his Pokedex (obviously the male version) and scans it which Lyra tells him it isn't the time for that.
* As Carnivine attacks Ash, Brock, & Khoury, Totodile gets the Cyndaquil Egg back and they launch James and Meowth off who later lands near Jessie and are now surrounded by Ursaring wishing for a Blast Off (and being Ursaring Hyper Beam everything, that wish should be coming true soon).
* Back at the Johto Carnival, Lyra and Khoury ask Ash & co. if they could travel with them for a short while which Ash & co. of course accepts. And not to be left out, Dawn's Pokemon Egg begins to glow and "hatches" into a... *GASP* A CYNDAQUIL! Whoever could have guessed?
* Ash, you have a Cyndaquil, you should warn Dawn she shouldn't be holding her Cyndaquil with its back to her fac... nevermind, too late, Cyndaquil did a quick systems check and burned Dawn in the process... and somehow puffed up her air...
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Ash, you have a Cyndaquil, you should warn Dawn she shouldn't be holding her Cyndaquil with its back to her fac... |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||
True, but there was that Cyndaquil Professor Elm had which almost set Misty on fire.