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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: An Elite Coverup

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Aug 21, 2010
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    Seriously meowth? what are the odds of a typhoon happening

    wow..armor...now only if it didnt look so lame it's be cool

    Torterra got owned...poor guy

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2]Aug 21, 2010
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    I'm surprised that after Ash took note that Torterra had taken a lot of damage that he didn't have it use Synthesis. Don't tell me that by evolving, Torterra forgot that move. After all the timets that move came in handy, Torterra goes and forgets it?! That's as ridiculous as Buizel forgetting Water Pulse after all the suspense of learning it in that battle with Lucario. Man, what is with these screwy writers?

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [3]Aug 21, 2010
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    For the millionth time, just because it hasn't used a move in a certain battle or for a certain time doesn't mean it has forgotten it.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [4]Aug 21, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    For the millionth time, just because it hasn't used a move in a certain battle or for a certain time doesn't mean it has forgotten it.

    Still, if the writer's wanted Ash to have a fair chance against Bertha, they should've at least had Torterra use Synthesis once or twice.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [5]Aug 21, 2010
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    Pretty good episode, and I liked Bertha as a character; it was a breath of fresh air to see someone who's actually intelligent about the world around them. If only Ash could act more intelligent, as well, he could do so much better in battle than he usually does... but that's probably not going to happen, at least anytime soon.
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  • Avatar of honorableninja


    [6]Aug 21, 2010
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    yeah i doubt ash will follow bertha adive neither will the others cause then team rocket wouldn't fool them anymore with thier disguses i could imaigne bertha calling them out of that saying just cause it clothed you should regoinze that meowth.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [7]Aug 21, 2010
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    Awesome episode! Bertha is so cool!

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [8]Aug 22, 2010
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    Writers are screwing Torterra by not making it use Synthesis. Torterra just fails now.

    Edited on 08/21/2010 11:05pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [9]Aug 22, 2010
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    yes because Synthesis would save it from being fire fang piledrived into the ground...........

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [10]Aug 22, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:
    yes because Synthesis would save it from being fire fang piledrived into the ground...........

    Technically, Fire Fang shouldn't have been able to do that much damage to Torterra. Remember, it's not just a Grass type anymore.

    Edited on 08/21/2010 11:28pm
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [11]Aug 22, 2010
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    @ the last post: While the Ground-type is super effective against the Fire-type, Ground does not have a resistance to Fire, so Fire Fang is still super effective against Torterra.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [12]Aug 22, 2010
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    Aaerni wrote:
    @ the last post: While the Ground-type is super effective against the Fire-type, Ground does not have a resistance to Fire, so Fire Fang is still super effective against Torterra.

    Really? I thought Ground was immune to Fire. Or was that Rock? Man, Rock and Ground are so similar it's hard to identify their resistances and what they're super effective against.

    Edited on 08/21/2010 11:46pm
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [13]Aug 22, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Aaerni wrote:
    @ the last post: While the Ground-type is super effective against the Fire-type, Ground does not have a resistance to Fire, so Fire Fang is still super effective against Torterra.

    Really? I thought Ground was immune to Fire. Or was that Rock? Man, Rock and Ground are so similar it's hard to identify their resistances and what they're super effective against.

    I think the word you meant to say was "resistant." Neither Ground nor Rock are immune to Fire. And yes, it's Rock that is resistant to Fire, while Ground takes normal damage from it (Fire). (Both, however, are super effective against Fire.)
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [15]Aug 22, 2010
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    Bertha is just awesome. Love the person who voiced here. And I'm glad they keep the somewhat eerie voice from behind the dust cloud. That was one of the best parts of the original version.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [16]Aug 22, 2010
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    though the echo wasnt as good as the japanese version

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [17]Aug 22, 2010
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    I thought it was fine. The Japanese was only better because you can't understand it IMO.
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  • Avatar of pokemon152


    [18]Aug 22, 2010
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    The episode was pretty cool. Bertha gives the best advice!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [19]Aug 23, 2010
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    Today's episode was very interesting, and for once we get a character who is actually competent inside and outside of battle! Not to diss Flint, but you have to admit that Flint is a bit of a hot head outside the battling game. Anyway we meet Bertha, the last Sinnoh Elite Four member which makes the Sinnoh Elite Four the second Elite Four where we have met all their members BUT the first to do so in their region's arc! Anyway before we get to the review, I have to ask exactly what as the point of Team Rocket's daycare scheme? From what it sound like, they were asking for weak, unevovled Pokemon since there "sale's pitch" was they'll evolve your Pokemon and teach it the strongest moves, indicating any Pokemon they'll be getting is un-evolved and know weak moves? Here's the rest of the review:

    Another Daycare Scheme:
    * Oh, we're starting today's episode with Team Rocket who have decided to run a "daycare center" saying they'll have a Pokemon fully evolved and knowing powerful moves in just two hours.
    * A kid with a Magby is singled out and Team Rocket said the cost will be free... GAH! Where did that fanfare music come from? I swore I heard it elsewhere on other then Pokemon...
    * What Team Rocket, you're not going to go the whole ten yards and say you'll evolve it into a Magmortar, you're just going to "stop" at Magmar? And once again we go into a Meowth boss fantasy of Giovanni "using" Magby to light up a grill for a BBQ, light up candles on a birthday cake, and light up a candle when a storm knocks the power out... all in front of the kid who even asks why they are singing.
    * Hey, look who it is, Ash & co.! Anyway the kid who just gave Team Rocket his Magby comes up to Ash & co. and says how cute Pikachu is (much to Piplup's dissapointed). The kid's name is Roland and says one day he'll have a Pikachu (Why? Just because he thought Ash's Pikachu was cute? Dude, you're a guy, guys don't get things because they are "cute").
    * Roland ask if he could play with Pikachu which Ash agrees to. Dawn suggests Piplup play with them too but Piplup is still bitter on Roland thinking Pikachu is cuter then it.
    * Roland thanks Ash for letting him play with Pikachu and then tells them he has a Magby (atleast he called his Maby "cool") and says he doesn't have it with him because he left it at a daycare to evolve it into two hours. Ash & co. find that to be a strange promise and head to the daycare to find it has closed up.
    * Roland then mentions he's going to have to tell Bertha, which is also the name of the Ground-type Sinnoh Elite Four member so you don't think... OMG! IT IS SINNOH ELITE FOUR BERTHA!
    * Brock tries to recall where he heard that name before but upon remembering Bertha quickly pulls him aside and asks Brock not to tell anyone. They come back with Bertha saying it's time for Roland's Pokemon training when Roland reveals it was stolen.
    * Bertha explains Roland is a child of a cousin (meaning Roland is Bertha's 1st cousin, once removed) and scolds him on how he's responsible for Magby and along with Ash & co. begin helping Roland search for Magby.

    What Is This "Observation" You Speak Of?:
    * They begin searching until Bertha brings up they have no clue where to start except for what Roland told them (three people, one female with long red hair, one male with short blue hair, one very short person and kind of looks like a Meowth yet is able to talk, and they own a Mime Jr. and Wobbuffet. Nope, Ash & co. NEVER met anyone fitting that description before ).
    * Ash spots a building with an observatory and they head to it. Roland looks through binoculars and finds but Bertha has to remind him to note the location before rushing off. Ash does just that and they head off.
    * Team Rocket has changed it to now "Wobbuffet's Daycare" (before it was Mime Jr.) as they get to them and Roland demands for Magby back. They first act as if they don't know what he's talking about but Jessie knocks the daycare set-up down by leaning against it and they pull off their disguises.
    * Jessie throws down a pink smoke bomb (with Bertha only the smart one to get out of the way) and Bertha points them where Team Rocket went. Ash adds in they shoudl split up with Bertha gives an aproving smile (which she has been doing whenever Ash does something smart which is actually kind of rare for him, guess he ate some smartios *gets hit for bad pun* OUCH!... for breakfast today *rubs head*).
    * They chase Team Rocket out onto a field of windmills (Quick! Get Don Quixote!) and are about to check each one until Bertha points out that one of them is not like the other. Upon getting a shot of all but one windmill spinning, Ash & co. (+ Roland) are still clueless and Bertha tells them which one doesn't belong (Bertha has now become one of my favorite Elite Four )
    * Bertha quickly gives them some advice to strengthen their power of observation (HAHAHA! With Ash & co.? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!) and Ash says he'll have to think about that (betcha 100 pokedollars he forgets that advice next episode).
    * Now one must wonder why Team Rocket just didn't hide in one of the existing windmills? Well I guess because they wouldn't have a "flashy" way of inflating their Meowth Balloon. Ash sends out Staraptor but it knock down by a robot Staraptor using "Aerial Ace".

    Little Old Lady From The Elite Four:
    * Bertha decides to give a little more help then she had been and shows that she had one heavy lead foot while driving (she's even wearing goggles!).
    * They find Team Rocket and Bertha sends Gliscor to knock them down with Guillotine, even bashing through Team Rocket's robot Gliscor (does Team Rocket even know Ash let his Gliscor go to train?).
    * A battle with Team Rocket ensues and this is when you know that Ash & co. don't think much of Team Rocket's Pokemon. Ash sends out Buizel and Dawn sends out Pachirisu, meanwhile James has Carnivine out. Not only that, Pachirisu is the one to defeat Carnivine using Spark. Yay, enough said...
    * Buizel does a SonicBoom on Team Rocket and that somehow causes Magby's Pokeball to fly out. Roland joins the battle and has Magby further overkill Carnivine with a flamethrower.
    * This next part has words escape me. Jessie activates a missile launcher which doesn't launch missile but, try to follow, armor up Seviper and Carnivine... even Ash points out how ridiculous this is!
    * The added armor gets Bertha mad and pretty much destroys it with Golem's Rock Blast. Nothing left to do but send Team Rocket blasting off and Roland gets the honor by using Magby's Fire Punch.
    * Brock blows Bertha's cover being one of the Elite Four and upon asking if she could do anything for Ash & co. Ash asks for a Pokemon battle which Bertha happily accepts (Because Ash getting Curb Stomp by one Sinnoh Elite Four isn't enough ).

    He's Learning, He's Learning... Oh, He Fumbles:
    * Bertha sends out Hippowdon as Ash sends out Torterra. Okay, Ash is atleast using type advantage plus a strong Pokemon. Of course Torterra tries a Leaf Storm which Hippowdon dodges by digging.
    * I like each time a Pokemon uses dig the defending group (in this case, Ash and Torterra) look around expecting the digging Pokemon to just appear on the opposite side of the field. Obviously Bertha shows what a digging Pokemon always does and has Hippowdon use Iron Head right under Torterra.
    * Torterra tries to do a Rock Climb but Hippowdon uses an Iron Head to intercept and cancel it. As dirt floats in the air Bertha begins lecturing Ash to improve his power of observation and pay attention to not only his Pokemon but his opponents and their attacks as well, also telling Dawn to listen to the advice.
    * Hippowdon digs once more but listening to Bertha's advice looks for moving rocks and not onlt dodges Hippowdon's Iron Head but also damages it with Leaf Storm! However the next time Hippowdon digs all the rocks begin moving leaving Ash clueless what to do once more.
    * Hippowdon hits Torterra with another Iron Head and then finishes off with a Fire Fang while slamming it into the ground, pretty much finishing Torterra off.
    * Kind of funny Bertha mentions that Ash has about the right knowledge for a trainer with 7 Badges, considering technically Ash has 21 badges (25 counting the Orange Island "badges).
    * And we end the episode with Bertha giving some encouraging words to Ash as well as telling him to keep on improving his power of observation. And so we end the episode with Bertha driving Ash & co. off to the next town as the narrator say they'll continue on with their journey... if they can survive the car ride.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [20]Aug 24, 2010
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    Pretty good episode.

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