I'm not actually going to quote you completely (since it was complicated last time), I'm just going to respond your bolded titles with numbers.
1. It's possible you may have misread an earlier post from a long time ago, because I remember, people wanted to Dawn's Cyndaquil to meet Ash's but like I said that didn't happen, because people were "upset" that Dawn didn't use Cynadaquil in this episode. Though as I will later point in a different part of this post, it would've detracted from the episode.
2. Perhaps it's not the league itself that's at fault. Remember, Professor Oak only has one of these machines (or can only do one at a time), perhaps that's why, the league was being courteous with one at a time. And there actually may be multiple stations, Ash and Co, just happened to go to Professor Oak's machine. While other people might've had other means. And chances are even if that's not the case that it's still a very short process. I'd say maybe 15 or so seconds per Poke ball, assuming the "teleporter" people aren't being slow. So I doubt you'd really have to wait very long, maybe 5 minutes at most per person.
3. Well remember, Team Rocket really like to gloat or can't help it but stay for a short bit, so if we assume that they weren't waiting for Ash, the reason they didn't start driving off is because it's totally in-character for Team Rocket to stay when Ash and co were "yelling" at them. Like I said, Team Rocket aren't very competent "crooks" but if they did wait for Ash and Co, I honestly doubt it was to catch Pikachu since they didn't even try to catch Pikachu and just sped off. Like I said they really like to gloat, which is one of the reason why they are so incompetent.
4. Well like I mentioned earlier, this whole thing seemed last minute. If only because I don't even know how Team Rocket got to be "fake teleporter people" in the first place, when that lady could've came in at any point. And Jessie didn't realize it was Ash and co until they used their voices, if I'm not mistaken it was something like "Is that the twerps" or something like that. I think the whole Team Rocket stealing Pokemon from the transporter plot was completely flawed when you look at all the things wrong with it. But I guess time wasn't on the writer's side so they took the quickest, and most easiest way they knew.
5. Perhaps they are marked, after all Barry was able to recognize his Poke balls in his debut episode in a "giant" bag filled with Poke balls. They just don't bother animating the marks. And with at least the Lure Ball, it made sense it was Ash's Totodile's Poke ball, because how many Sinnoh League participants use Lure Balls. I know that recognizing Poke balls contradicts earlier series, but maybe after Hoenn or something, Ash had Oak mark his Poke balls in some way (or the writer's realized that there should be some Poke ball identifier in case this sort of situation happened) . I'm pretty sure it's not the name that's on there, since Ash didn't know his "unsent" Pokemon was Bayleef until talking with Barry. Chances are they actually might be marked like Pikachu, with the Pokemon's type on the Poke ball. So Ash knows which is a normal type, or fighting type, etc, etc. And chances are because Heracross is dual typed it has two marks on it's Poke ball which is maybe why Ash knew something was wrong. Though you could argue, Dawn and Brock wouldn't be able to identify Ash's Poke balls. since they aren't as familiar to them as Ash is. But I go back to my previous comment on how likely is it that a random Poke ball on the ground belongs to anyone other than Ash, especially since the Poke balls were in close proximity to each other.
7. Skipping six, since there's really not much to discuss. Like I said in 5, maybe Heracross's Poke ball has two markings because Heracross is dual typed, unlike Bayleef which is only pure typed. We know that Ash didn't know it was Bayleef until he talked with Barry, so chances are the markings themselves are vague to probably just typing or notches.
8. I think that was a small joke on the writers. I don't know how they accomplished this in the Japanese version like they did, since I know in other languages, their order of words is quite different than in English, which makes translations I'm sure a pain in the butt. But like I said I think it was a joke, I think they wanted Bayleef to "glomp" Ash before Ash could fully say "Bayleef" probably an indication of how much Bayleef likes Ash.
9. Well like I mentioned in 1, certain things would detract from this episode, and episodes are only 22 minutes, so they have to be careful how they do things. And with the way this episode was written, Cyndaquil could not have evolved in any way then what happened, if in fact Snorlax was awake and did destroy Team Rocket's machine. Since you have to remember, they had a montage and a league opening to go through. One of the things I will argue is if an episode was written in a different way then yes, I can really see some of people's arguments/complaints/notices actually working, but with episodes written the way they are they don't allow very much "wiggle" room. As for Ash "not remembering" it probably had to do with the fact that Ash wanted Team Rocket to go "bye-bye" and it was in the heat of the moment. In fact I think the Japanese version really pointed out that Ash was using Snorlax as a last resort sort of way. Just the tone of "Satoshi" saying "Kabigon!" really makes it seem like "Okay I have no choice, I'm not sure what's going to happen but go Snorlax" since he seemed frustrated and desperate. It was just when Snorlax was sleeping Ash was like "Oh right, as expected." But that didn't stop Ash as he tried to wake up Snorlax, it really was a desperate situation.
Edit: Whoops forgot to cut off a lot of your post (was only using the whole quote as a guide).
Edited on 11/29/2010 3:28am