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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: An Old Family Blend

  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [1]Nov 20, 2010
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    I decided to take care of this one. This is certainly one that alot of fans can enjoy. Glad Ash learned from his mistake in Hoenn and decided to use some of his veteran Pokes. Not only that, but Cyndaquil evolved! Guess it's never too late to evolve, huh?

    Edited on 11/20/2010 9:53am
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [2]Nov 20, 2010
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    Awesome episode! It was so cool to see Ash's Cyndaquil finally evolve, as well as to see Ash's other old Pokemon!

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [3]Nov 20, 2010
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    I loved this one!~

    I'm happy they put in some of Ash's old pokemon (:

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [4]Nov 20, 2010
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    This episode was awesome! I was happy to see that Ash's other pokemon weren't forgotten!

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [5]Nov 20, 2010
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    they're in the opening too

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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [6]Nov 20, 2010
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    I love reunionepisodes, and this one was great~ Cyndaquil evolving was a nice surprise, but I'm not too sure if I like its voice as Quilava... Seems a bit strange in my opinion.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [8]Nov 21, 2010
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    A great episode!

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [9]Nov 21, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    I decided to take care of this one. This is certainly one that alot of fans can enjoy. Glad Ash learned from his mistake in Hoenn and decided to use some of his veteran Pokes. Not only that, but Cyndaquil evolved! Guess it's never too late to evolve, huh?

    What mistake? Giving his Hoenn Pokemon each their moments in the League? If you don't get what I mean, see the Johto League, Cyndaquil & Noctowl had one battle in the entire League and they lost without a win. Quilava might get its redemption here but there was no mistake in the Hoenn League.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [10]Nov 21, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:

    EddyBob15 wrote:

    I decided to take care of this one. This is certainly one that alot of fans can enjoy. Glad Ash learned from his mistake in Hoenn and decided to use some of his veteran Pokes. Not only that, but Cyndaquil evolved! Guess it's never too late to evolve, huh?

    What mistake? Giving his Hoenn Pokemon each their moments in the League? If you don't get what I mean, see the Johto League, Cyndaquil & Noctowl had one battle in the entire League and they lost without a win. Quilava might get its redemption here but there was no mistake in the Hoenn League.

    Well, it wasn't my thoughts. Many people have gone off on how it was stupid of Ash to only use his Hoenn Pokes and that he's finally doing the smart thing here.

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [11]Nov 24, 2010
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    Haha, Quilava sounds like Stitch. Glad to see the writers finally let it evolve after 10 years. Too bad, Totodile didn't.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Nov 24, 2010
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    I want to say this was a great episode, I mean Ash had decided that unlike in Hoenn he'll be using his reserves, but the beginning of this episode felt a bit slow. I don't know why, but they way they talked didn't really fit right and there was many points where I don't think there was background music making the scene even more dull. However it does pick up near the end. Also I would have liked to see more hi-jinks from Ash's Pokemon when they were running around (and maybe even have a scene where Ash's Sinnoh Pokemon interact the first time with Professor Oak and his reserves causing havoc there). But of course the main focus of this episode was that one of Ash's un-evolved Johto Starters finally evolved... no, not Totodile, Cyndaquil into Quilava! But we can get more into that with my comments, as well as other issues I've had (namely with Team Rocket in this episode):

    Surprises In Every Scene:
    00:45 - Of course Brock, I would think a Pokemon League tournament would attract much of the Pokemon media's attention.
    00:57 - Ash, calm down, people are staring...
    01:49 - Is that a Heatran? Does that belong to a trainer? Well that's interesting, it would make it the first Legendary in a Pokemon League tournament.
    02:24 - Where did the line behind Ash go? Did thye get weirded out by Brock's flirts with Nurse Joy? Well you can't really blame them...
    02:36 - There's that Heatran again, and being it's on line I guess it does belong to a trainer. Wonder if Ash is going to battle him. Oh wait, time for Team Rocket.
    02:50 - ... Is Ash and co. ever going to move out of the line? They've been standing there for about 10 seconds now.
    03:18 - CONWAY! Wow, one of the few non-rivals of Ash's (wll not specifically to him, though to Dawn he's more of a stalker) that actually gets to battle in the Sinnoh League!
    04:00 - Wait, Professor Oak sent you a basket of flowers? Did your mom atl east sign the card? I'm also goign to guess this means Oak and Delia aren't coming to watch the Sinnoh League matches in person?
    04:36 - Wait a second, Dawn, didn't you once see Ash's Cyndaquil after having gotten yours? Shouldn't you already have known about Ash's reserves, or after only seeing Cyndaquil you didn't bother asking?
    04:45 - Ash is depositing ALL his Sinnoh Pokemon! Wow, well I guess Ash just wants to get the reserves he plans on using a bit of exercise to get them ready for action.
    04:51 - Hmm, I don't know but I have a strange feeling Muk might be one of them Ash gets out, if anything to give Oak a break from it.

    Don't Steal And Run Away Or Anything:
    05:10 - Wait, wait, let me take a guess of today's plot *closes eyes* Team Rocket is using a fake transporter to steal Pokemon, incluidng Ash's, and they have to find and defeat Team Rocket to get it back.
    05:27 - Why only one Pokeball at a time? Shouldn't the Transport Machines, at least the Sinnoh League ones, be able to handle a transport of an entire team of 6? There is probably a line of trainers waiting to use the machine.
    05:35 - Lure Ball? TOTODILE! Hey, maybe in this episode Totodile can FINALLY evolve and get Ash his first evolved Water-type Starter.
    05:54 - So wait, Team Rocket didn't rig the machine this time? Instead they just plan on walking out of the Pokemon Center with the Pokeballs? Wouldn't that mean this plan would only work once? At least with the rigged machine you might have some time before a trainer does call out his Pokemon to train them only to find it's a dumy ball.
    06:30 - ... Team Rocket actually waited for Ash & co. to realize they stole Ash's Pokemon... WHY? You have 5 of Ash's Pokemon, are you trying to catch Pikachu too? Repeat after me: 5 in the hand for 1 extra on the shoulder.
    06:57 - In addition to that Meowth didn't give them any protection for Pikachu's electrical attacks! What, did the episode go out of its way to have my prediction be wrong no matter how much it doesn't make sense?
    07:24 - How do you know? I mean, yeah, it's probable Ash's, but unless you release what Pokemon is inside you can't be 100% positive. And guys, instead of pointing and looking at them why don't you go grab them?
    07:36 - Oh, they're empty, I guess Team Rocket were smarter then they acted? Oh nevermind, they're just running around on the loose. First up is:

    Getting The 2nd Generation Old Crew Together:
    07:47 - Corphish! Oh, and Totodile is right there. Totodile stop biting on Ash's head, that's Gible's job now.
    08:45 - How did Snorlax get into a kitchen? Why is Snorlax picking up Pikachu... okay it's just licking it, I thought for a moment there Snorlax was going to try and eat Pikachu...
    09:17 - Wait if you didn't ask for Snorlax then how did you know the Snorlax in this kitchen was yours?
    09:30 - Heracross stop assaulting Bulbasaur, no means no. And I guess Professor Oak is finally showing his age as Heracross was meant to be sent no Snorlax... wonder if this means there are other mistakes ... Heracross just becuase Oak is named after a tree doesn't mean he has sap in him.
    10:10 - Barry! Well that's one of Ash's rivals down, that only leaves Paul for Ash to meet. Apparently Barry got attacked before... so which of Ash's Pokemon is it?
    10:43 - Ash why would one of your Pokemon smell spicy and how would you know this? Did Professor Oak tell you he's trying an experiment with your Pokemon that'll have them smell spicy? Sorry Barry, if you want to seek help for your head I'm sure they have a psychologist somewhere...
    00:21 - OH, Bayleef! Okay, now that spicy comment now makes sense... though why didn't Ash just call out for Bayleef if he knew who is was? And of course, Bayleef is glomping Ash.
    01:12 - Cyndaquil!... Ash chose all of his Johto Starters... REMEMBER FOLKS TO BUY HEARTGOLD AND SOULSILVER! Wait, Ash didn't ask for Muk? Then what was that scene for earlier!
    02:30 - Wait, tongs? *checks full shot of mech's "weapons"* Plunger? Flyswatter? Scissors? The only thing there that makes sense is a net, the empty arm even makes more sense!
    02:43 - Really Brock, you're just worried about the fire and not the TEAM ROCKET MECHA TRYING TO CAPTURE CYNDAQUIL! Then again it is Team Rocket...
    03:31 - ... Were Team Rocket not even trying in this episode? Well atleast they made the mecha electric-proof.
    04:00 - Well at least it has a few more weapons that is actually harmful, but then again it also has a fan, scraper?, triangular protractor, and a bopping hammer.
    04:28 - Ash, Snorlax just fed, it won't be up for a few hours unless Team Rocket actually tries to attack it... then again Snorlax never needed to be awake for Ash to use its weight... where is it rolling off to?
    05:53 - Cyndaquil why are your panicing, you're a Fire-type, if anything those falling flames should soothe you.

    Fired Up And Ready To Finish:
    06:19 - OH YES! CYNDAQUIL IS EVOLVING TO QUILAVA! And being it is Ash's Quilava I'll skip over commenting Ash already had scanned a Quilava before.
    07:05 - And not only did it evolve, it also learned Eruption! And for a fun fact, though levels don't exist in the anime, in the games Quilava learns Eruption at level 68... and Cyndaquil evolves into Quilava at level 14 and Typhlosion at level 36... you think the writers were trying to tell us something about how long Quilava was a Cyndaquil?
    07:47 - Already? Unless Ash did some off screen training and made this call later he's switching out pretty quickly! Anyway montage of:
    07:51 - Glalie freezing Ash, Torkoal melting Ash, Noctowl just flying, Muk glomping Ash like Professor Oak, Donphan smashing a rock, and... thats it? Ash you have 6 (counting only one Tauros) others at Oaks, where is there montage/cameo!
    08:25 - I like how the screen with the badges actually uses that "X" Badge Barry has instead of the Beacon Badge, it actually shows the artists realize in the anime there are more then the game's 8 badges.
    08:59 - Mr. Goodshow and Cynthia! forgot Mr. Goodshow always appeared during the opening ceremonies. Yet for some reason Ash decided to note only Cynthia watching.
    09:05 - NANDO! I completely forgot about you! Okay, that's two of three of Ash's rivals, only one more left and the most important one... there he is, Mr. Smiley himself, Paul!
    09:26 - Hey, another one of the anime only badges (the one that looks like a red gem)! Ash if first up against Nando in the first battle! Well there goes my bet that Nando was going to win the Sinnoh League, then again that idea was shot down as soon as Nando lost the Sinnoh Grand Festival.

    Edited on 11/25/2010 6:50am
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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [13]Nov 25, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    04:36 - Wait a second, Dawn, didn't you once see Ash's Cyndaquil after having gotten yours? Shouldn't you already have known about Ash's reserves, or after only seeing Cyndaquil you didn't bother asking?
    Actually Dawn has never seen any of Ash's reserves. Though I think Dawn was a bit more stupid than Hikari on this. If I remember correctly Hikari asks "what kinds does Ash have." Dawn on the other hand seems to imply she didn't know Ash has Pokemon at all (which contradicts the Oreburgh training episode). Well okay maybe not implied but Dawn's tone of voice was incredibly different than Hikari's which gave off two different meanings.


    05:27 - Why only one Pokeball at a time? Shouldn't the Transport Machines, at least the Sinnoh League ones, be able to handle a transport of an entire team of 6? There is probably a line of trainers waiting to use the machine.
    Probably for safety, if you sent six at a time, we might get something like venustoise or something. It's probably highly volatile technology.


    06:30 - ... Team Rocket actually waited for Ash & co. to realize they stole Ash's Pokemon... WHY? You have 5 of Ash's Pokemon, are you trying to catch Pikachu too? Repeat after me: 5 in the hand for 1 extra on the shoulder.

    If I had to guess it was just a little messed up time compression. I'm sure what really happened was right when Team Rocket got into the Golf Kart, that's when Ash and co came out. I know that's not what it looks like but it's possible they screwed up the editing there.


    06:57 - In addition to that Meowth didn't give them any protection for Pikachu's electrical attacks! What, did the episode go out of its way to have my prediction be wrong no matter how much it doesn't make sense?

    It was a last minute golf kart, I'm not sure how much protection would've been possible. Especially since there was no "roof" of the kart to provide protection from electricity. It seems obvious that a lot of this was last minute. Yes I know it contradicts later in the episode, but still, Team Rocket aren't the brightest bulbs.


    07:24 - How do you know? I mean, yeah, it's probable Ash's, but unless you release what Pokemon is inside you can't be 100% positive. And guys, instead of pointing and looking at them why don't you go grab them?

    If you remember later, Ash is able to identify a normal Poke ball as being different than the others and something he didn't send over. Not to mention how many random Poke balls do trainers drop just lying behind the bushes. It really was obvious they were Ash's. Otherwise, hey Ash gets free Pokemon.


    07:47 - Corphish! Oh, and Totodile is right there. Totodile stop biting on Ash's head, that's Gible's job now.

    Gible's schtick is hardly a brand new thing, and if you remember in Totodile's capture it bit onto Jessie's hair, very similar to Ash's Gible's debut episode. So Totodile biting Ash in the head is nothing really new.


    09:17 - Wait if you didn't ask for Snorlax then how did you know the Snorlax in this kitchen was yours?

    Some people got this wrong when it first aired. But it was actually Bayleef who Ash didn't ask for. And because Bayleef really likes Ash, Bayleef wedged itself into the Poke ball. This is evidenced by two things. 1. After recalling Snorlax he has two Poke balls. It really would make no sense if one of them was Snorlax, since Ash did have two more Pokemon to get. Secondly Ash says it when Bayleef was rubbing on him later. Maybe not Ash per se, cause I can't quite remember exactly what he said. But Satoshi just goes ahead and says that it was Bayleef he didn't send over.


    00:21 - OH, Bayleef! Okay, now that spicy comment now makes sense... though why didn't Ash just call out for Bayleef if he knew who is was? And of course, Bayleef is glomping Ash.

    Actually he sort of does but Bayleef glomps him before he has a chance to finish her name. He just manages to say "Bay" right before being glomped.


    04:28 - Ash, Snorlax just fed, it won't be up for a few hours unless Team Rocket actually tries to attack it... then again Snorlax never needed to be awake for Ash to use its weight... where is it rolling off to?
    It was likely last minute comic relief. Besides had Snorlax been awake and Ash ordered it to defeat Team Rocket, Cyndaquil wouldn't have been able to evolve.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Nov 26, 2010
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    What happened to links? SPDShadowRanger, are you back to getting rid of Youtube videos again? Mind tell us so we don't keep on putting up youtube videos (and then again letting us know when you're going to let us post Youtube videos again). Anyway to what I want to say:

    You have to know by now that a lot of things I say is really just me pointing out some fridge logic or me being nitpicky. I do often know all the jokes that or going on, though those quick notes on what happened in the Japanese version (or original if you want to be nitpicky) was nice to know. Anyway here is somethings I have to say about some of the things you brought up:

    Cyndaquil Meeting & Dawn's Meaning:
    I could have sworn there was one episode where Ash was talking with Professor Oak which Dawn decided to show her Cyndaquil to and suddenly Ash's Cydaquil jumped up or something like that (Ash's Cyndaquil could have jumped up first then Dawn showed Professor Oak her Cyndaquil).

    And as I said before, I don't know whether it was bad directions or maybe they only did one take but the talking in this episode wasn't smoothe and at times just sounded strange. Though for this it goes more along the line of them having to alter the script to match lips movement and maybe they got the translation a bit wrong.

    Fragile Teleportation:
    True, though being the Sinnoh League they should probably have more machines to serve more trainers (unless each machine has its own room... though I don't know why there was enough room to have put two machines).

    Time Edit Is Of The Essence:
    Even if the scenes took place at the same time, by the time Ash & co. burst through the door Team Rocket should have either been or starting to drive off if they weren't waiting. When Team Rocket were talking to each other and Meowth drove up on the bike Ash & co. didn't burst through the door through door meaning Ash & co. either haven't or just realized Ash's Pokeballs were stolen. When Ash & co. then burst through the door not only was Team Rocket sitting on the bike but Ash & co. all first went through the door, them and Team Rocket shared a quick word, then Team Rocket drove off. So even if it was only for a few mere seconds, it does seem that Team Rocket waited for Ash & co..

    Not So Quick Work Team Rocket:
    But still the one problem here is that they didn't go after Pikachu. Going back to the previous topic, if they had waited so they could catch Pikachu then it would make sense why they waited and didn't protect themselves for electric attacks. But hey didn't bother catching Pikachu, thus they should have known they were vulnerable to an electric attack and should have had been ready for it, if not having an electric-proof vehicle then maybe a "Thunder Rod" gadget to absorb the attack. Also we still had all of Dawn's and Brock's Pokemon, meaning Team Rocket would have probably been better off with a vehicle they made or the Meowth Balloon, especially if they decided they were going to wait for Ash & co..

    You'd Think They'd Mark Them By Now:
    Though technically you shouldn't be able to do this as a Pokeball is a Pokeball, unless you put a marking on it or they're a different type of Pokeball there is really no way to tell them apart. Now if you had them with you then you could tell them apart as you'd know which Pokemon you places where on your belt, bag (if they weren't loose), jacket, etc., however Ash's Pokeballs were blasted away so, even though they're most likely Ash's, you still don't know if another trainer accidentally dropped that Pokeball unless you saw what Pokemon was inside and if it was the same species of Ash's the Pokemon reacted to Ash.

    And This Season's "Head Biter" Role Goes To:
    I know, I was more or less making a joke, Turtwig also used to like biting Ash's head until it evolved and couldn't do that anymore less it gives Ash a broken back and neck. Then Ash got Gible which continued on with that, along with biting and possibly eating anything it sees, oh and Draco Meteoring Piplup.

    Gotta Get a Squirt Bottle For Bayleef:
    Okay, that makes sense, though look back to my Pokeball argument to how was Ash able to tell Bayleef's Pokeball was different from Heracross's?

    The Glomping Pokemon That Shall Not Be Named:
    Yay, Ash did say "Bay" before being glomped. Though normally if you were looking for someone wouldn't you say their name first then "Come out wherever you are" or something to that effect?

    Oh That Snorlax:
    I know it was comic relief, though Ash should know by now that Snorlax + Food = Sleep. Besides all of Ash's Pokemon were sort of fighting (yah, don't worry Brock and Dawn, no need for you to help Ash from keeping his Pokemon from being stolen from Team Rocket), I'm sure Cyndaquil would have evolved anyway, plus Cyndaquil was the one Team Rocket was chasing before so it had to give them payback.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [15]Nov 27, 2010
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    I really liked this episode; it definitely brought about a lot of nostalgia. I'm glad that Ash decided to use his reserves in the league this time, and Cyndaquil evolving gave the episode even more flavor.

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    What happened to links? SPDShadowRanger, are you back to getting rid of Youtube videos again? Mind tell us so we don't keep on putting up youtube videos (and then again letting us know when you're going to let us post Youtube videos again).

    It's not exactly up to SPD whether video links are allowed or not... it's against TV.com rules in the first place to post links to videos.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [16]Nov 28, 2010
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    ^ That. And you guys were told months ago not to do it.
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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [17]Nov 29, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    You have to know by now that a lot of things I say is really just me pointing out some fridge logic or me being nitpicky. I do often know all the jokes that or going on, though those quick notes on what happened in the Japanese version (or original if you want to be nitpicky) was nice to know. Anyway here is somethings I have to say about some of the things you brought up:

    I'm not actually going to quote you completely (since it was complicated last time), I'm just going to respond your bolded titles with numbers.

    1. It's possible you may have misread an earlier post from a long time ago, because I remember, people wanted to Dawn's Cyndaquil to meet Ash's but like I said that didn't happen, because people were "upset" that Dawn didn't use Cynadaquil in this episode. Though as I will later point in a different part of this post, it would've detracted from the episode.

    2. Perhaps it's not the league itself that's at fault. Remember, Professor Oak only has one of these machines (or can only do one at a time), perhaps that's why, the league was being courteous with one at a time. And there actually may be multiple stations, Ash and Co, just happened to go to Professor Oak's machine. While other people might've had other means. And chances are even if that's not the case that it's still a very short process. I'd say maybe 15 or so seconds per Poke ball, assuming the "teleporter" people aren't being slow. So I doubt you'd really have to wait very long, maybe 5 minutes at most per person.

    3. Well remember, Team Rocket really like to gloat or can't help it but stay for a short bit, so if we assume that they weren't waiting for Ash, the reason they didn't start driving off is because it's totally in-character for Team Rocket to stay when Ash and co were "yelling" at them. Like I said, Team Rocket aren't very competent "crooks" but if they did wait for Ash and Co, I honestly doubt it was to catch Pikachu since they didn't even try to catch Pikachu and just sped off. Like I said they really like to gloat, which is one of the reason why they are so incompetent.

    4. Well like I mentioned earlier, this whole thing seemed last minute. If only because I don't even know how Team Rocket got to be "fake teleporter people" in the first place, when that lady could've came in at any point. And Jessie didn't realize it was Ash and co until they used their voices, if I'm not mistaken it was something like "Is that the twerps" or something like that. I think the whole Team Rocket stealing Pokemon from the transporter plot was completely flawed when you look at all the things wrong with it. But I guess time wasn't on the writer's side so they took the quickest, and most easiest way they knew.

    5. Perhaps they are marked, after all Barry was able to recognize his Poke balls in his debut episode in a "giant" bag filled with Poke balls. They just don't bother animating the marks. And with at least the Lure Ball, it made sense it was Ash's Totodile's Poke ball, because how many Sinnoh League participants use Lure Balls. I know that recognizing Poke balls contradicts earlier series, but maybe after Hoenn or something, Ash had Oak mark his Poke balls in some way (or the writer's realized that there should be some Poke ball identifier in case this sort of situation happened) . I'm pretty sure it's not the name that's on there, since Ash didn't know his "unsent" Pokemon was Bayleef until talking with Barry. Chances are they actually might be marked like Pikachu, with the Pokemon's type on the Poke ball. So Ash knows which is a normal type, or fighting type, etc, etc. And chances are because Heracross is dual typed it has two marks on it's Poke ball which is maybe why Ash knew something was wrong. Though you could argue, Dawn and Brock wouldn't be able to identify Ash's Poke balls. since they aren't as familiar to them as Ash is. But I go back to my previous comment on how likely is it that a random Poke ball on the ground belongs to anyone other than Ash, especially since the Poke balls were in close proximity to each other.

    7. Skipping six, since there's really not much to discuss. Like I said in 5, maybe Heracross's Poke ball has two markings because Heracross is dual typed, unlike Bayleef which is only pure typed. We know that Ash didn't know it was Bayleef until he talked with Barry, so chances are the markings themselves are vague to probably just typing or notches.

    8. I think that was a small joke on the writers. I don't know how they accomplished this in the Japanese version like they did, since I know in other languages, their order of words is quite different than in English, which makes translations I'm sure a pain in the butt. But like I said I think it was a joke, I think they wanted Bayleef to "glomp" Ash before Ash could fully say "Bayleef" probably an indication of how much Bayleef likes Ash.

    9. Well like I mentioned in 1, certain things would detract from this episode, and episodes are only 22 minutes, so they have to be careful how they do things. And with the way this episode was written, Cyndaquil could not have evolved in any way then what happened, if in fact Snorlax was awake and did destroy Team Rocket's machine. Since you have to remember, they had a montage and a league opening to go through. One of the things I will argue is if an episode was written in a different way then yes, I can really see some of people's arguments/complaints/notices actually working, but with episodes written the way they are they don't allow very much "wiggle" room. As for Ash "not remembering" it probably had to do with the fact that Ash wanted Team Rocket to go "bye-bye" and it was in the heat of the moment. In fact I think the Japanese version really pointed out that Ash was using Snorlax as a last resort sort of way. Just the tone of "Satoshi" saying "Kabigon!" really makes it seem like "Okay I have no choice, I'm not sure what's going to happen but go Snorlax" since he seemed frustrated and desperate. It was just when Snorlax was sleeping Ash was like "Oh right, as expected." But that didn't stop Ash as he tried to wake up Snorlax, it really was a desperate situation.

    Edit: Whoops forgot to cut off a lot of your post (was only using the whole quote as a guide).

    Edited on 11/29/2010 3:28am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]Dec 1, 2010
    • member since: 06/27/07
    • level: 27
    • rank: Shark Jumper
    • posts: 9,508

    1. I suppose that could be it. I guess I could have also mixed it up with the episode where Ash's Bulbasaur met May's Bulbasaur and though the writers did the samething again like they sometimes do.

    2. True, I did mention about the multiple station thing though I doubt each station is for a specific professor or whoever if holding a person's Pokemon. And I guess if it gets crowded they could do a sort of thing where trainers who are about to battle gets first dibs as they need to have their Pokemon pretty much that second.

    3. Team Rocket's incompetance is always to blame for these sort of things, however I still don't think that's an excuse of why they didn't have anything planned for Pikachu, even if it's just a machine to absorb Pikachu's electric attacks so they can make a clean get away (they're definitely not afraid of Brock and Dawn doing anything ).

    4. And as I said, this scheme of Team Rocket's could only work once, as soon as they stole someone's Pokemon the League officials would be on alert and they also wouldn't know what Pokemon they would be getting unless they planned to "skip" a trainer who Pokemon they didn't like (though of course that brings up your point of the League Official coming at any moment). Though now thinking about it, Team Rocket could have stolen 10 of Ash's Pokemon if they switched the Pokemon going to Oak with empty Pokeballs.

    5. No, the Pokeballs aren't mark, I think we're suppose to take it as a "trainer's sense" and the trainer just knows what Pokeball is theirs and which Pokemon is in it. But in actuality they shouldn't be able to do that but we need to keep the plot moving so it's forgivable.

    7. I settled this arguement in #5 so moving on.

    8. I think they just wanted to keep Bayleef's identity a secret until it finally glomped Ash, that's all. Running gag and all that.

    9. Well obviously my (and others) ideas would have only worked if some re-writing was done, so that's really goes without saying. And besides just because Snorlax would be helping doesn't mean Cyndaquil wouldn't be battling and evolve. Snorlax would just knock over the mech (like it pretty much did in the episode) and Cyndaquil would attack it. It would fail to do any damage, Team Rocket would knock away Snorlax and go after Cyndaquil, and Cyndaquil will then evolve into Quilava and blast them off.

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