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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Another One Gabites the Dust!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jul 11, 2009
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    Don't mess with Pachirisu's Poffins!
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [2]Jul 11, 2009
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    This is already one of the my favorite contest episodes in the D / P era, right up there with the Wallace Cup. So many things that I liked, first of all Jeselina aka Jessie has really improved and is on the same level as Dawn and the others. Second of all, great to hear the Battle Frontier music again.

    And finally Ursula, it is about time Dawn has a real rival. Someone that just wants to defeat her, and actully has some compedents to be a challenge, not be her friend like the other rivals. And I love how Ursula has pink hair and pink eyes, the exact opposite of Dawn's blue hair and blue eyes.

    BTW, Ursela reminds me of Barry, arrogant even in defeat, I like to see those two meet.

    I hope to see Ursula again, maybe the next time we see Team Galactic. That is when we saw Barry again.

    Edited on 07/11/2009 7:16am
    Edited 4 total times.
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [3]Jul 11, 2009
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    this was a good episode honestly i thought dawn might lose im glad they made this more realistic and it was nice to see jesse not be a sourpuss or destroy the contest because she lost. it looks like manoswine might compete in one of the next contests

    on a side note am i the only one who noticed how ursula said "im not going to compliment you" then she complimented dawn?

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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [4]Jul 11, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    on a side note am i the only one who noticed how ursula said "im not going to compliment you" then she complimented dawn?

    Yeah I did too. I wonder did she say something like that in the Japanese version? I thought that was kind of funny, but shows while she is not Dawn's friend like her other rivals, but she is not as bad as Paul or Harley.

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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [5]Jul 11, 2009
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    Ursula's personality also reminded me of Gary Oak's old personality since he was also overconfident thinking he would win the battle and didn't have much regard for Ash's skills especially in Season 1.
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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [6]Jul 11, 2009
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    Long battles tend to bore me, but I liked this contest. It's cool that they played the Battle Frontier song, I always liked it :3.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [7]Jul 11, 2009
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    Kauaimon wrote:
    Long battles tend to bore me, but I liked this contest. It's cool that they played the Battle Frontier song, I always liked it :3.

    Even though they took of the "It's the Battle Frontier" Part and put something: "Let the battle begin". I did like the episode and I am glad it finally aired here in the U.S.

    Edited on 07/11/2009 11:26am
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [8]Jul 11, 2009
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    Great episode.
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [9]Jul 11, 2009
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    Awsome ep
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [10]Jul 11, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:

    Kauaimon wrote:
    Long battles tend to bore me, but I liked this contest. It's cool that they played the Battle Frontier song, I always liked it :3.

    Even though they took of the "It's the Battle Frontier" Part and put something: "Let the battle begin". I did like the episode and I am glad it finally aired here in the U.S.

    They pretty much had to change the lyric since its a different season/saga from the Battle Frontier. I really enjoyed the episode, Jessie putting on a decent performance and a heated battle between trainers. And its about time that Pachirisu learned a new move and been in a contest. Seems like they've been neglecting in the contests lately.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [11]Jul 11, 2009
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    Good episode.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Jul 11, 2009
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    After a few fillers we finally come to Dawn's 4th Pokemon Contest! Amusing episode but got to say it didn't really clinch my interest. I think they were trying too hard to make Ursula some type of combination of Jessie and Harley that she really didn't seem like a unique character. Well I suppose we got to see Gabite, but now onto what matters; Did Dawn ger her 4th Ribbon? If you can't guess, read on (and if you can, read on still):

    No Sense In Biting Over Stepped-On Poffin:
    * Pikachu gave Pachirisu advise, huh? So does this include how to hurt Ground-type Pokemon or is Pikachu keeping that info to himself.
    * Pikachu! You're not one of Dawn's Pokemon, Pipulp is the only Pokemon that is allowed to be selfish (or maybe that is egotistical).
    * Should have seen that coming :roll;. Dawn, maybe you should return Mamoswine before pulling out an entire bag of Poffin?
    * A leftover Poffin! Quick Pachirisu! Get it before Mamoswine does... that doesn't look like Mamoswine's feet... Oh! A Gabite! Careful Pachirisu, I knwo you're mad but Gabite is part Ground-type.
    * Hm? Who is this? Well, besides Gabite's trainer. Hmm, if I recall, Cynthia has a little sister in the games and if she is the trainer of this Gabite... so maybe...?
    * Oh, Super Fang, I think it's the most powerful of the two fang moves (Hyper Fang does 80 Damage while Super Fang always cuts the foe's HP in half). Nice move for Pachirisu to have.
    * Eek! And I thought Mamoswine didn't like having Poffin being denied from it! And what do you mean they "soiled" Gabite, it very well meant to step on the Poffin on purpose!

    There's A New Big Ego, Easily Jealous, Female Coordinator In This Contest:
    * Oh I can tell right now Dawn is going to have a rivalery with this girl for in the Chocovine Contest, or at least Pachirisu and Gabite will.
    * Even more interesting, apparently this Ursula was in the Wallace Cup and was eliminated in Round 1, and with her ego she of course thinks Dawn didn't really win the Wallace Cup.
    * Good Arceus, this girl is like a mini-Jessie, especially with that "ego laugh". Though it wasn't Dawn who knocked her out, we saw all of Dawn's battles and none was against her.
    * So its a fight for the 4th Ribbon, and if things are already heating up with getting this Ribbon I'd hate to see the battle for the 5th Ribbon and who Dawn's "big challenge" would be for that!
    * Great, Jessie is joining in the Contest as well, so Dawn will basically have two big ego-ed coordinators to verse in this Contest.
    * North winds? Is Suicune somewhere? Don't know about that song and dances part, everytime we saw Suicune it always looked like it meant business. Anyway time to start the Chocovine Contest.
    * Why is Mamoswine even out then if all it wanted to do is sleep? Just return it into its Pokeball, don't leave Ash and Brock to handle it, not like they could even if they tried...

    A Past Season Themed Montage:
    * Lol, they put a pompom on top of Mamoswine's head (at least if it yawns it'll unknowingly be supporting Dawn). Oh, a spiral ice slide, pretty good, though I am getting tired of Buneary using its Ice Beam in every Performance Round it's in.
    * For goodness sake, even Jessie thinks Ursula has a big ego! Okay, so Jessie is up, has Yanmega out, let's see how Jessie tortures herself this time.
    * Oh, for once Jessie didn't hurt herself his time to get a good appeal. But the bonus we get from this is that we got to see Yanmega's Ability used, Speed Boost.
    * Ursula is up next and she's using a Sandy Cloak Wormadam, I'm going to take it that Ursula likes Ground-types. Whatever the case Ursula does know how to put on a show with it.
    * Yay Dawn, I think Mamoswine was at the edge of its seat (or maybe I should say sleep) during your performance, . I'm using a lot of the emoticon in this reveiw.
    * Ursula and Dawn battling in the finals? No way that would ever happen! Though of course one of them is going to have to first battle Jessie, my guess Ursula but we'll see.
    * Dawn, the surprise isn't you, Jessie, and Ursula got through the Performance Round (it's pretty much a garuntee nowadays), it's who's battling who the thing you got to pay attention too.
    * Hey, it's the Battle Frontier (Season 9) theme song! I guess they decided to give us a little treat with this montage... HEY! Don't skim through the Jessie and Ursula battle!
    * Apparently Jessie borrowed Jame's Carnivine to battle Ursula's Gabite. I wonder if it is because Jessie knew Serviper wouldn't be that good against Gabite (being part Ground-type)? Anyway looks like Ursula is off to the finals.

    Toot Toot Pachirisu Warrior:
    * Guess they wanted the Jessie and Ursula battle out of the way for the Dawn and Ursula battle. Hey, even Mamoswine is taking a peek at the battle... well was until Ash pointed out it was watching. *sigh*
    * Dawn's Pachirisu against Ursula's Gabite... this is bad, only attack Pachirisu knows that can hurt Gabite is Super Fang (though it also has Sweet Kiss which could help confuse Gabite)...
    * Looks like Pachirisu is having trouble with Gabite's speed, and Gabite pretty much blasting through Sweet Kiss.
    * I think Dawn's only hope is to counter Gabite's moves instead of taking it head on, though of course that'll only for for Special Attacks.
    * Oh, it caught Gabite's Dragon Claw with it's tail! I guess if you can't beat it with actual moves, improvise! And it just so happens improvising is the anime's specialty! Hey, even Mamoswine now has both eyes open!
    * Whoa! A Super Fang Spin Dash through Dragon Rage for a Direct hit! But will that last second contact be enough to get Dawn ahead in points?... Okay, I'm kidding, Dawn won of course !
    * Ash, stop argueing with Mamoswine, you're lucky it is now paying attention to Dawn's battle. Leave it alone and over time it and Dawn will be able to work together, you know, like how it was with you and Charizard.
    * 4th Ribbon down, just the 5th Ribbon to go. Ursula still holds some malice toward Dawn, though if she's like any other Character of the Day that malice will probably remain. But now it's time for Ash to get to his Snowpoint Gym Battle.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [13]Jul 12, 2009
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    Great episode, and the battle between Dawn and Ursula was definitely a good one. Ursula's personality kinda reminded me of Jessie's, especially when she laughed. Seeing Gabite's debut and Pachirisu learn Super Fang was awesome, but hearing a variation of the Battle Frontier theme song was the real treat to me (it's one of my favorite theme songs).
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  • Avatar of KollinNaples


    [14]Jul 12, 2009
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    This episode was really good. Looks like Amy Sorel(Soul Calibur fans will get this) looks to play the Harley role of Dawn. Dawn's one ribbon away from the GF. Pachirisu looks to be more useful as well.
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