Hard to describe this episode. The tag battle was good though. As cool as it looked, the double fire attacks on Chikorita did seem like overkill.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Hard to describe this episode. The tag battle was good though. As cool as it looked, the double fire attacks on Chikorita did seem like overkill.
Yay Croconaw!
my friends will be pissed though.....
and nice combo attack too! and an epic win for monferno too
lyra's gonna learn about whitney's rollout and morty's dream eater....if morty used it that is
brock got a pokegear niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
she'll be back!
maybe...I dont know probably in the Grand festval?/ Sinnoh league...
Awesome episode! It was so cool to see Ash and Dawn have a tag battle against Lyra and Khoury! I also like how Khoury's Totodile evolved during the battle.
Not a bad episode. I liked seeing the double battle.
actually it was a multi battle...
pikastatic100 wrote: |
Lol, no... If you go by the anime's description, it was actually a tag battle. |
That battle was intense. I was surprised Monferno and Cyndaquil didn't do a double Flame Wheel. To be honest, I kind of wish that Chikorita and Cyndaquil knocked each other out and the battle was left to Monferno and Croconaw. After all, they were both stage 1 Poke's that could evolve again and....wait a minute. I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet. Does anyone besides me realize that the four Pokes in that battle were all starter types, three of which of were the three Johto starters? I can't believe no one seemed to notice that!
And we end this episode which has barely made itself rise from being a filler mainly for two things: Khoury's Totodile evolving into Croconaw and Brock getting a PokeGear (okay, only the last one is the reason which makes it a non-filler). To be honest, I have no idea why they had that Team Rocket part being hey didn't move the story along at all, which I guess is why they didn't appear again at the end. Anyway back to the focus of the episode, I kind of expected at one point for one of the starters battling to activate Blaze, Torrent, or Overgrow with Khoury constantly mentioning each side is recieving heavy damage and the Pokemon struggling to get back up. Anyway it's an okay episode overall. Here's what you want:
Wishing On A Time & Space Statue:
* Ash & co. (+ Lyra and Khoury) walk into a colosseum which apparently was used by the people of the past to determine the Sinnoh Champions.
* This is also Lyra and Khoury's last day in Sinnoh as Khoury's father will be meeting them at the air port so Ash & Dawn decide to have a battle with them.
* But before they begin a battle with a crumbling landmark around them Brock brings up they shoudl pay their respects to... to... oh, Dialga and Palkia!
* Why Breeders? This is a colosseum for battle, shouldn't it only bring trainers good luck and not breeders or coordinators? Though just in general, wouldn't a Breeder be considered a Pokemon Trainer anyway?
* Um, the legend says you need to touch the statues for good luck, you guys are just touching the statue's pedestals.
* No Lyra, Ash didn't make a wish even though he did what the myth said to to do to make one . And Ash, maybe you should have wished for luck in the Sinnoh League, better to take baby steps. Lyra has the idea.
* Dawn wished to win her next Pokemon Contest, but before Brock and Khoury could tell us their wish two giant claws come out and grab Pikachu and Piplup... gee, I wonder...
Team Rocket Intermission:
* KHOURY! I know you've been travelling wiht Ash & co. for only a day or two but you've been in enough episodes to know Team Rocket follows Ash & co. everywhere!
* So Team Rocket has a Drapion Mech (anyone notice Meowth holding what looks to be a Wii Remote with an antenna?) and digs an escape with Pikachu and Piplup in hand... I mean claw... now it's stomach...
* Ash sends Monferno out and they all follow behind (why send Monferno out exactly?) but upon detecting Monferno Team Rocket sends out a smaller Drapion robot to dig another tunnel which confuses Monferno which hole Team Rocket went down... even though the tunnel the Robot Drapion made is SMALLER then the tunnel it is currently running down which was made by Team Rocket's Drapion Mech.
* Even above ground you can tell one path is smaller then the other! Here's a hint Ash & co., FOLLOW THE PATH WHICH REMAIN CONSISTENT! But of course they need to split up.
* Khoury, you were just a few feet away from Dawn, you couldn't have just handed Dawn your PokeGear? Anyway Ash and Dawn follow the fake Drapion only to catch up to it, have Team Rocket explain it was a fake, and have it explode (though Ash and Dawn aren't hurt).
* As for Brock, Lyra, and Khoury, they come to a river and don't know if Team Rocket went up or down the stream (of course there is also the possibility of Team Rocket digging deeper and continuing straight forward past the river but we won't go into that).
* LYRA! YOU HAVE A MARILL! Not only can you send it into the river to see where the "tunnel" continues underwater but Marill could probably still hear Team Rocket digging with its super-sensitive hearing.
* ut Water Pokemon soon begin popping out of the ground from up river giving a pretty obvious clue Team Rocket went that way. Lyra calls Ash and Dawn (who are at the tunnel "fork" at the river) and tells them.
* As usual Team Rocket is down to their last peice of food (a cookie) and as Jessie eats it all after trying to "share" it, Brock, Lyra, and Khoury catch up to them. As Team Rocket were about to put away Pikachu and Piplup, Staraptor comes out and breaks the Drapion Mech's tail.
* With Pikachu & Piplup freed it doesn't take long after to send Team Rocket blasting off (but being it's in the middle of the episode, they'll probably be back). Also it's not that impressive Khoury knew Team Rocket went up stream, considering that they left a path of Water-type Pokemon SPRAYING UP FROM THE GROUND!
Sticking Together Doesn't Always Equal Winning:
* So we go back to the colosseum for the tag battle with Ash & Dawn choosing Monferno & Cyndaquil. Being two Fire-types out, Lyra & Khoury uses Totodile &... Chikorita? Um, Lyra, it's nice you trust Chikorita but the thing is that even against Piplup, a type it has an adventage over, it still LOST!
* But we all know why Lyra sent out Chikorita, so that we can have all the Johto starters out and battling (of course this kind of makes Monferno look like the odd one in the bunch)!
* Chikorita starts out with Light Screen shich seemed to have protected them all from damage despite it suppose to only reduce the damage by half and Chikortia took the buff of a Flamethrower and a Swift, Flamethrower a move Super Effective against it!
* With Chikorita on Light Screen duty, Totodile hits both Monferno and Cyndaquil hard with a Water Gun and Aqua Tail. Chikorita also hits Cyndaquil with a Razor Leaf.
* Chikorita begins a SolarBeam as Totodile runs in for a Bite, but Monferno picks Cyndaquil up to point its SmokeScreen in the right direction. But with the SolarBeam fired Monferno quickly digs and both it and Cyndaquil escapes with addition jumping and punching out Totodile.
* Monferno continues and does a Mach Punch on Chikorita and Cyndaquil does a Swift on Totodile.
* As Lyra gives Khoury a "don't give up speech" and Chikorita and Totodile get back up, Totodile evolves to a Croconaw! Khoury uses his Pokedex to also find that Croconaw has learned Hydro Pump in the place of Water Gun.
* After Croconaw does a Hydro Pump on Monferno and Cyndaquil, Chikorita goes in for a Tackle but a Flame Wheel and Flamethrower combo pretty much incinerates Chikorita (okay, it just knocks it out, guess Lyra forgot to put up another Light Screen).
* Croconaw tries to do an Aqua Tail on Cyndaquil but it dodges out of the way as Monferno does a Mach Punch... okay, for some reason the camera is doing a 360 degree spin around Monferno and Croconaw... and sends Croconaw spinning back knocking it out. Ash's Monferno & Dawn's Cyndaquil are the winners.
* After the battle they have a quick lunch but Khoury dad soon calls reminding everyone they need to get to the airport so Kyra and Khoury can fly back to Johto.
* They get to the aiport "just in time" (though they seem to have enough time to share a long goodbye with Lyra and Khoury deciding to go on a journey together). And Brock, Lyra's next opponent (game wise) would be Whitney (hey, why isn't Whitney and Morty in their Generation IV clothes, Clair was!) though technically in the anime they culd battle the Gym Leaders in any order they want.
* But not to make this episode a complete filler, Brock recieves a PokeGear from Khoury's dad to thank him for helping Khoury! And with that, Lyra and Khoury leave on a blimp (do they even have airplanes in the Pokemon world?).
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
(do they even have airplanes in the Pokemon world?). |
EddyBob15 wrote: |
That battle was intense. I was surprised Monferno and Cyndaquil didn't do a double Flame Wheel. To be honest, I kind of wish that Chikorita and Cyndaquil knocked each other out and the battle was left to Monferno and Croconaw. After all, they were both stage 1 Poke's that could evolve again and....wait a minute. I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet. Does anyone besides me realize that the four Pokes in that battle were all starter types, three of which of were the three Johto starters? I can't believe no one seemed to notice that! |
Oh I noticed this since it aired in Japan back in October 15th, 2009. Just don't see the need to point every single detail of every episode.
BAC510 wrote: | ||
Well, sometimes, its the little details that are the most surprising.
phonzee101 wrote: | ||
Technically, that was a trap set by Team Rocket.