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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Barry's Busting Out All Over!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Apr 11, 2009
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    Wow just wow. This has to be one of the funniest episodes in a long way. Barry is great, I'm glad that he is just as crazy in the dub. Loved the music during James' little Cacnea flashback. I was kind of surprised by the music played during Ash and Barry's conversation after Team Rocket battle. Yay for Gliscor battle!

    "Staraptor do something!" Good going Barry, how about telling it to dodge?

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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [2]Apr 11, 2009
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    I love Barry . Fantina's french accent still weirds me out....Oh look, Barry loves Paul. When I found out Ash and Fantina weren't going to battle, I was mad. I was all like "Oh Come on! We all know Ash will win, let him battle!" But this episode is epic.
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  • Avatar of tman7776


    [3]Apr 11, 2009
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    After Dawn had to remind Barry who she was, after she spelled out her name, I was expecting her to say "Got it Memorized?" (Kingdom Hearts reference lol).
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [5]Apr 11, 2009
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    Seeing Barry's Personality in this episode reminded me so much how his video game counterparts personality which was that of a very hasty trainer. While Barry was also critical of Ash to me he is the in between version of Ash and Paul since unlike Paul, Barry is not cruel to his Pokemon though he doesn't understand Ash's philosphy. But other than that it was a true comedic episode.

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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [6]Apr 11, 2009
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    a very funny ep i loved it! 10/10
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [7]Apr 11, 2009
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    We switched to Time Warner Cable, so now I have to be patient to watch the episode. I enjoyed Barry's VA, fits him quite perfectly. Empoleon's voice sucks, expected it to sound like the one from Rise of Darkrai. Overall, great episode. Miss Cacnea,
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [8]Apr 11, 2009
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    I like this episode.
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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [9]Apr 11, 2009
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    Seems sorta weird Barry's voice sounded like he was older than he looked. Oh great, he's an annoying fanboy . . . GAH! The Kaknewa scene was funny and cute! Looks like Ash has 2 rivals now. How will he deal with this?
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [10]Apr 11, 2009
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    barry was annoying and i cant beleave he thinks paul is so cool i bet if he saw the way paul trated chimchar he would think diffrently.
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [11]Apr 11, 2009
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Apr 12, 2009
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    Pretty amusing episode, and finally a main character from the game other then the female playable character makes more then a cameo appearance! So they did go with Barry as his name. Kind of disappointed they didn't have his battle theme (they did give him his own anime theme though). Glad to see his personality isn't that much different from the games, though he is a bit more jerkish now. Being a fanboy of Paul was kind of weird, though obviously doesn't really help him since even Paul knows power alone can't win you ever battle (though it does help).

    An Episode More Delay:
    * It's about time Ash went to get that Hearthome Gym Badge, I think this is the longest Gym Battle we had to wait for.
    * Ouch, well Ash, I believe you just experienced you first THUD!! What do I mean? You'll know in a few seconds.
    * If it isn't your rival from Daimond/Pearl/Platinum! And already he's charging Ash a fine and doing a countdown. Good old crazy Barry!
    * *Sigh* And he runs off while forgetting to take his stuff with him as well. So Barry has the Forest Badge, Mine Badge, and... a 3rd Badge I never seen before. First non-game badge for Sinnoh we've seen.
    * Oh well, they can give Barry his badge case later, it looks like now it is time to battle Fantina! And looks like Fantina gave Brock a quick dance: the brush off.
    * So Barry did battle Fantina and obviously lost, being he didn't have the Relic Badge. Oh yay, I wonder if Dawn knows Barry, maybe even go into the Deedee joke.
    * Wah!?!? Oh come on! Next episode Ash and Fantina better battle. Oh well, her Pokemon are probably exhausted from Barry's challenge. Might as well return his badge case now.

    Maybe The Quickest, But Not The Brightest:
    * ... Or Barry will find them, or should I say THUD!! them. Well badge case re-delivered, and they might as well do a full introduction too.
    * Dawn seems shocked to see Barry so she might know who he is. But now we have a bigger problem with him thinking Ash is a thief, though for the clutz part he should look in the mirror.
    * Barry certainly seems to be a fanboy of Paul, which makes him an obvious rival to Ash now. And Dawn does know him... but he doesn't know her (man, Dawn sure has a problem having people remember her).
    * A battle, well lets see if the Paul fanboy can keep up with his idle's record. And btw Barry, you did see Ash's Pokemon, in the tag battle and his Pikachu is right next to him.
    * Our first real sign of Platinum (unless you count Zapdos in DP094 "Doc Brock!", then it's the second), the new Poketch! And of course, Barry has the orange one (to match with his badge case, or is that the other way around?).
    * Okay Barry, just because Dawn was teamed up with Conway doesn't mean she's as geeky as him. Plus your countdowns other then for your blasts off pretty much don't mean anything.
    * Barry, if your going to idolize Paul you should at least know this: He ain't nice, and he'll release a Pokemon if he deems it weak. And numbers don't mean a thing? You're the one who keeps counting down!

    A Mentioning Brings Out Emotions:
    * Team Rocket up to their old tricks once more, and this time they are having a Pokemon Storage (I wonder why none of these trainer don't use the Pokemon Center one, and why did Barry "store" all of his Pokemon?).
    * Barry, do you even know how to count seconds? It's one Mississippi, two Mississippi, and etc. (or, to make it more Pokemon, replace Mississippi with Caterpie or anything else that has syllables).
    * Leave it to a Gym Leader to blow Team Rocket's operation (as no one can see through their pethetic disguises). At least Barry cut the motto short, that hasn't happened for awhile.
    * You would think by now Team Rocket would learn that a fast get away wouldn't have them worrying about Ash and co. popping their Meowth balloon. They lose because they don't know how to dance? Um, interesting observation Fantina, mine was because they were crooks.
    * Oh, Barry has an Empoleon! Yet he lost battling Fantina? It also kind of breaks the game pattern as hi mand Dawn should have a different Sinnoh starter with Lucas (if he ever shows up) having the third Sinnoh Starter.
    * Barry's Empoleon battled against a Drain Punching Cacnea? That has to be James' Cacnea! Glad to hear it is becoming stronger... oh James, I know you're the sensitive one of the group but have at least some criminal composture.
    * James, just because Cacnea is getting stronger doesn't mean you are, and the rest of Team Rocket. Hydro Cannon and Hyper Beam? Barry had to REALLY mess up if he lost against Fantina if he used his Empoleon agains her.
    * Hmm, Barry doesn't seem to understand that just sending out a strong Pokemon doesn't garuntee him a victory, now I'm seeing why he lost... :/
    * Now just mentiong Ash losing to Paul is enough to push Ash to a battle. Even when he's not there pushing Ash's button just gets easier and easier for Paul.

    A Battle Turns To Another:
    * Round 1: Ash's Chimchar VS. Barry's Staraptor. Okay, looks like Barry has no idea on how to defend or counter-attack, that could be a key point for Ash to win. Chimchar won this without much problem.
    * Round 2: Ash's Chimchar VS. Barry's Roserade. Unfortunetly it's hard to counter-attack if your opponent keeps doing Poison Jab and scoring hits one ever punch. Roserade won this, lucky for Barry as Chimchar would have probably roasted it if it got to attack.
    * Round 3: Ash's Gliscor VS. Barry's Roserade. Is this a boxing match or a Pokemon battle? Regardless it looks like a draw even though Poison Jab shouldn't have been very effective being Glicor is resistant to Poison-type attacks being half Ground-type.
    * Round 4: Ash's Pikachu VS. Barry's Empoleon. Dawn, you know that type weakness can easily be beaten out, Ash does it all the time. However Ash won by actually doing a strategy Paul sort of did against Cynthia (though the difference is that Paul lost). Pikachu wins and Ash wins the battle.
    * Ah yes, just like in the games Barry is a bit arrogant, though Ash better be careful on who he invites to watch his Gym Battles, last time he did he asked Paul and lost in the Oreburgh Gym. But looks like the next episode is finally Ash's battle with Fantina!

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [13]Apr 12, 2009
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    I knew this episode would be good considering that Barry makes his debut in it, but this was even better than I expected. A lot of action, a mention of Cacnea, and a full-force epic battle between Ash and Barry. I agree with Adv193, Barry's personality seems to consists of both Ash's and Paul's. I thought his VA was great, perfect for him. Anyway, yeah, awesome episode, and can't wait for the next one.
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  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [14]Apr 12, 2009
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    tman7776 wrote:
    After Dawn had to remind Barry who she was, after she spelled out her name, I was expecting her to say "Got it Memorized?" (Kingdom Hearts reference lol).

    actually i was expecting Barry to say oh you know how to spell good for you. lol. so Barry is a fan of Paul and he favors just a attack sytle. just like the last episode ash just attacks has no stategy if he had any smarts he would notice that Barry only attacks instead he tells his pokemon just to attack in the gliscor vs roserain battle. in the last battle i dont believe that just by the sound of ash's voice pikachu would revive and then have enough power left to beat empolon i though ash was gonna lose but the show's writers dont want to show ash losing all the time, after losing to Fantina of course he will win in the next episode because if he doesnt the show will be held up a major fault in the show not many exciting parts to expand on or to do anything with. team rocket blasts off what a surprise.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Apr 12, 2009
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    Jinto11 wrote:
    So Barry is a fan of Paul and he favors just a attack sytle. just like the last episode ash just attacks has no stategy if he had any smarts he would notice that Barry only attacks instead he tells his pokemon just to attack in the gliscor vs roserain battle. in the last battle i dont believe that just by the sound of ash's voice pikachu would revive and then have enough power left to beat empolon i though ash was gonna lose but the show's writers dont want to show ash losing all the time, after losing to Fantina of course he will win in the next episode because if he doesnt the show will be held up a major fault in the show not many exciting parts to expand on or to do anything with. team rocket blasts off what a surprise.

    The writers had Pikachu recover from being stunned because of Ash's voice is because they wanted to show that having a strong bond with your Pokemon (like Ash ahs with Pikachu) can beat any force of power they are facing. As for Pikachu defeating Empoleon, you very well know Pikachu has its own huge amount of power and being Empoleon is weak to Electric-type moves, a Thundershock and then Volt Tackle would really hurt it, especially if it couldn't move due to using Hyper Beam.

    However when Ash faces Fantina, he'll have to use strategy in order to get around Hypnosis.

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  • Avatar of Oathkeeperriku


    [16]Apr 13, 2009
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    Jinto11 wrote:

    tman7776 wrote:
    After Dawn had to remind Barry who she was, after she spelled out her name, I was expecting her to say "Got it Memorized?" (Kingdom Hearts reference lol).

    actually i was expecting Barry to say oh you know how to spell good for you. lol. so Barry is a fan of Paul and he favors just a attack sytle. just like the last episode ash just attacks has no stategy if he had any smarts he would notice that Barry only attacks instead he tells his pokemon just to attack in the gliscor vs roserain battle. in the last battle i dont believe that just by the sound of ash's voice pikachu would revive and then have enough power left to beat empolon i though ash was gonna lose but the show's writers dont want to show ash losing all the time, after losing to Fantina of course he will win in the next episode because if he doesnt the show will be held up a major fault in the show not many exciting parts to expand on or to do anything with. team rocket blasts off what a surprise.

    I agree. I'll laugh if Dawn said, "The name's Dawn, got it Memorized?
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  • Avatar of yugiohfan99


    [17]Apr 13, 2009
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    Anyone have a picture of Barry's badges? I new I saw the Forest Badge and the Mine badge, but I must of missed the anime only badge.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]Apr 13, 2009
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    yugiohfan99 wrote:
    Anyone have a picture of Barry's badges? I new I saw the Forest Badge and the Mine badge, but I must of missed the anime only badge.

    Here, don't know what Gym it could be for. My first guess (if I didn't know what any of the games Gym Leaders were) that it looked like a gem and therefore would be for a Rock-type Gym Leader. However being we have Roark and he hands out the Coal Badge which looks completely different then this one, I have no idea what Gym it could be for.

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  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [19]Apr 13, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Jinto11 wrote:
    So Barry is a fan of Paul and he favors just a attack sytle. just like the last episode ash just attacks has no stategy if he had any smarts he would notice that Barry only attacks instead he tells his pokemon just to attack in the gliscor vs roserain battle. in the last battle i dont believe that just by the sound of ash's voice pikachu would revive and then have enough power left to beat empolon i though ash was gonna lose but the show's writers dont want to show ash losing all the time, after losing to Fantina of course he will win in the next episode because if he doesnt the show will be held up a major fault in the show not many exciting parts to expand on or to do anything with. team rocket blasts off what a surprise.

    The writers had Pikachu recover from being stunned because of Ash's voice is because they wanted to show that having a strong bond with your Pokemon (like Ash ahs with Pikachu) can beat any force of power they are facing. As for Pikachu defeating Empoleon, you very well know Pikachu has its own huge amount of power and being Empoleon is weak to Electric-type moves, a Thundershock and then Volt Tackle would really hurt it, especially if it couldn't move due to using Hyper Beam.

    However when Ash faces Fantina, he'll have to use strategy in order to get around Hypnosis.

    come on i dont think he deserves to win and believe that hes the master trainer he thinks he is. even though the type disadvantage empoleon is a high level pokemon final evolution shouldnt faint after 2 attacks, the writers should introduce a new trainer who is very strong who is a TR agent cause i think TR needs a revival in reputation this person must be strong enough to complete missions.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [20]Apr 13, 2009
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    Jinto11 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Jinto11 wrote:
    So Barry is a fan of Paul and he favors just a attack sytle. just like the last episode ash just attacks has no stategy if he had any smarts he would notice that Barry only attacks instead he tells his pokemon just to attack in the gliscor vs roserain battle. in the last battle i dont believe that just by the sound of ash's voice pikachu would revive and then have enough power left to beat empolon i though ash was gonna lose but the show's writers dont want to show ash losing all the time, after losing to Fantina of course he will win in the next episode because if he doesnt the show will be held up a major fault in the show not many exciting parts to expand on or to do anything with. team rocket blasts off what a surprise.

    The writers had Pikachu recover from being stunned because of Ash's voice is because they wanted to show that having a strong bond with your Pokemon (like Ash ahs with Pikachu) can beat any force of power they are facing. As for Pikachu defeating Empoleon, you very well know Pikachu has its own huge amount of power and being Empoleon is weak to Electric-type moves, a Thundershock and then Volt Tackle would really hurt it, especially if it couldn't move due to using Hyper Beam.

    However when Ash faces Fantina, he'll have to use strategy in order to get around Hypnosis.

    come on i dont think he deserves to win and believe that hes the master trainer he thinks he is. even though the type disadvantage empoleon is a high level pokemon final evolution shouldnt faint after 2 attacks, the writers should introduce a new trainer who is very strong who is a TR agent cause i think TR needs a revival in reputation this person must be strong enough to complete missions.

    Pikachu isn't exactly a low level, it's pretty high level and Ho-Oh has bestowed upon it the power to hurt Ground-types (note that last part, except for hurting Ground-types, was obviously made up... at least I think). Plus do you expect Ash to win following the game mechanics? He has yet to win a major or important battle without breaking a game mechanic, otherwise he wouldn't be winning so much (last time I checked, my Diamond version never gave my Infernape the ability to dodge an attack by roll/spin jumping toward the attack). Ash won merely to show that without any true strategy you can't really keep blasting your way through to victory. Even Paul would agree that strategy is important (though in a more insulting way).

    As for Team Rocket, they are Generation I and II villians, all focus is on Team Galactic now. However if GSDS were to come true, we may be seeing more top Team Rocket agents.

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