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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Battling a Cute Drama!

What Is Your Opinion On This Episode?

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Sep 26, 2009
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    I'm surprised, this episode was better then I thought it would be.

    Yay for Platinum clothes!

    Edited on 09/26/2009 6:33am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]Sep 26, 2009
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    Dawn's new outfit look's awsome.

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [3]Sep 26, 2009
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    Shellder FTW!
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [4]Sep 26, 2009
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    i loved brocks attitude he was finally acting his age in this episode.

    the new clothes are good too

    as for that girl her attitude about cute pokemon was annoying beyond belief but holy smokes her pokemon are powerful O_O at least it changed at the end

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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [5]Sep 26, 2009
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    Marilyn was really annoying, but I like her anyways =) I liked Brock's attitude also. And Mime Jr. not cute? Pshhaw
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [6]Sep 26, 2009
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    i was surprised to find that the episode was pretty good.

    - i thought there would be more focus on Cherubi ..
    - winter clothes = winter fresh for Ash & co.
    - the surprise Shellder cuteness thing was a thumbs up

    simple, yet decent. TR didn't annoy me this time around
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Sep 26, 2009
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    Hmm... nothing perticularly happened in this episode makign it a filler HOWEVER Ash and co. got the Platinum clothing and changed into them which I suppose has a bit or plot importance in at least why are they suddenly in different clothing, I'll just call it an optional episode. Anyway the plot for this episode seemed kind of weak to me, basically it has a "don't judge a book by its cover" moral but then they had this strange "valiant" thing going on which makes no sense among slight other things. In addition Marylin's "cute" Pokemon description also left out Pokemon many consider to be cute such as, oh let's say, PIKACHU! Come on, sure Pichu might be cuter but Pikachu in its own right is also cute (even in Pikachu's Super Smash Bros. Brawl Codec call Mei Ling calls Pikachu cute (Snake didn't exactly agree, but he was probably wondering more about what Pikachu tasted like...)). Anyway, onto the review:

    Define Cute:
    * A man-made tunnel? Where did this come from? Anyway next stop is Shelter Town... good news is that it's the town before Snowpoint City so next stop IS Snowpoint City!
    * Yay, the nother part of Sinnoh is actually quite snowy... maybe if you were in your Platinum clothes Dawn you wouldn't be too cold... or at least the top part of you.
    * Hm? What package are you waiting for Dawn? And don't you know it's the Pokemart where you have to go and meet with a guy in a green suit in order to get packages?
    * ... Okay... are you the Character-of-the-day for this episode? Either way, while I suppose Buneary is cute, can you stop trying to squeeze the stuffing out of it?
    * Marylin huh? Apparently she's obsessed with "cute" Pokemon... so does tha mean she's a coordinator?
    * So in order for a Pokemon to be cute (in Marylin's eyes): they must be basic stage (can't be evolved), must be 2 feet or smaller, and look cute. So according to the first two descriptions (being different people have different definitions for "cute") here are the Pokemon that are under 2 feet yet are evolved Pokemon which means thay "can't be cute":

    Roselia, PIKACHU, Bellossom, Marill, Jigglypuff, Linoone, Wormadam, Cherrim, Kakuna, Clefairy, Togetic, Skiploom, Porygon2, Silcoon, Chimecho, Staravia, Metapod, Raticate, Dugtrio, Marshtomp, Cascoon, Swellow, Raichu, Nidorina, Gloom, Jolteon, Flaaffy, Azumarill, Jumpluff, Sunflora, Magcargo, Kirlia, Masquerain, Ninjask, Shedinja, Prinplup, Glaceon, Nidorino, Flareon, Quilava, Espeon, Octillery, Frovyle, Combusken, Lairon, Grumpig, Whiscash, Monferno, Luxio, Roserade, Mothim, Gastrodon, Mismagius, Honchkrow, and Porygon-Z... and maybe Manaphy if you consider Phione to be it's un-evolved form.

    While some of the Pokemon on the list don't have you wanting to hug them, Pokemon like PIKACHU, Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Marill, Cherrim and Bellossom have often been described being cute... who is this little girl to say which Pokemon are cute or not?
    * Hey! Piplup fits your first two descriptions, you can't say it isn't cute because of that! Then again, according to her first two descriptions Grimer too could be considered cute...
    * Whoa, whoa, whoa, now saying whether a Pokemon is cute or not depends on personal opinion so you can't argue with her on her opinions, however YOU CAN'T GO AROUND RE-NAMING PEOPLE!
    * Good, a battle, hopefully Dawn can knock some sense into that girl. Oh, there's Team Rocket, let's here their stealing plan for this episode.

    Define Valiant:
    * Should of figured, they plan on stealing Marylin's "Cute" Pokemon. Anyway onto the battle! Dawn has her Buneary and Maryling (after going through a whole "So cute" scene, she sends out Cherubi.
    * Okay, Cherubi is a Grass-type meaning Buneary has the upperhand with its Ice Beam attack.
    * You know, I kind of liked the Chibi-Boss Fantasies a bit better then how Mewoth does the boss fantasies now since the normal anime Giovanni artwork looks kind of silly when Meowth invisions him in the fantasies.
    * Wow, you're so obsessed with your Pokemon's "cuteness" that your letting guard down and allowing your opponent to attack first... Dawn, have Buneary give it a nice Ice Beam.
    * Or Dizzy Punch works too... YOUR CHEERING YOUR POKEMON GETTING KNOCKED FLAT ON ITS BACK?... Excuse me, weren't YOU the one who challenged Dawn to a Pokemon battle?
    * Ah, now we have Ice Beam but Cherubi put up a Protect... but looks to still be feeling it while Marylin pays it no mind... oh, this is all an act. Marylin, being you made the challenge at least battle properly!
    * Valiant? YOU PUT UP A PROTECT! There nothing valieant there as Cherubi isn't enduring the attack, it's blocking it! Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but it kind of sounds like you LIKE IT when your POKEMON GETS HURT...WHAT?!?!
    * Cherubi, you can drop the act now... LOL! Go and tell her what for Brock!... "Brocky"? She better not call Ash "Ashy", only Gary can call Ash "Ashy... boy"!

    A Not-So-Cute Surprise:
    * Whoa, that Cherubi can actually battle... and knocked out Buneary! She maybe nuts but she does seem to know about battling.
    * While most challenger's main goals are to knock out there opponent's Pokemon, Maryin would rather prolong a Pokemon's suffering to see it's "valiance"... I can't believe I'm saying this, but she's worse than Paul!
    * Of course it isn't right! It would be alright if she just thought that certain Pokemon were cute or not (it's not hurting anyone), but when she says she goes out of her way to make her and her opponent's "cute" Pokemon suffer... that's drawing the line.
    * Erm... sorry James... but unfortunetly Carnivine is over 2 feet. However you can use Meowth or Mime Jr., they are udner 2 feet and are un-evolved... and they decide to go with Mime Jr..
    * Jessie... why didn't you just use your Jessalina disguise (or your numerous other Jess(name suffix here))? It's not like Ash or co. is there watching you try and steal Marylin's Pokemon.
    * WHAT! First Piplup and now Mime Jr.! Okay Marylin, why don't you give us an exact list of which Pokemon you think are "cute".
    * Back with Ash and co., Dawn is still confused about Marylin's "cute Pokemon" obsession (as we all are I'm sure). But she's now gone so let's forget her and focus on getting ot Snowpoin... oh, Brock is still angry with Marylin.
    * Ah, sounds like Brock inner Pokebreeder is telling him to show Marylin that it's what inside a Pokemon and the bond it has with its trainer that counts, not its outer appearance (you know, the whole "you can't judge a book by its cover" moral).

    Teaching The Wrong Lesson:
    * Oh, apparently Marylin didn't leave and Brock is giving her a choice to battle against Sudowoodo or Croagunk. Unfortunely both are over 2 feet and Sudowoodo is an evolved Pokemon. Hey, Brock, don't you have Happiny... oh wait, Brock is trying to teahc her it's a Pokemon's inner beauty and bond with its trainer that counts.
    * Nevermind, Happiny is going to be battling afterall. And don't worry Brock, if you remember the fact Happiny can LIFT AND JUGGLE YOU, I think it can hold its own in battle.
    * Nevermidn again, it's going to be a 3-vs.-3 single battle with Croagunk and Sudowoodo going in to battle too. And just in time James comes by dressed as a referee and is asked to judge the battle.
    * Yay, and also having your Pokemon GET HURT is also something which might be looked down upon.
    * Hm? Well this is... odd... apparently after using mimic to copy Cherubi's "in pain" movements as well as Fake Tears, Marylin had dubbed it being valiant but not cute... which means Marylin is still missing the whole point in more ways than one.
    * James calls the match a tie being it was getting no where so next up is Brock's Croagunk and Marylin's Chingling. Being Psychic Croagunk might be in a bit of trouble... or not... yay, it got hit with a Confusion and struggling to stay in there.
    * Brock, I thought we were suppose to teach her that she shouldn't be judging a Pokemon on its beauty, not that all Pokemon look good when they are getting hurt! I don't even know where this "valiant" thing even came from.

    The Right Lesson Taught:
    * So apparently Marylin's description of a cute Pokemon didn't come from her own opinion but rather she though one certain Pokemon was cute but nobody else did. But now that she learned cuteness is in the eye of the trainer, her next cute Pokemon is... Shellder.
    * Oh come on Team Rocket, you're treating Shellder as if she through out a Grimer... but than again Dawn showed us how awesome Grimers are (or at least the one she trained in the Summer School Arc) I guess this isn't really fair to say either.
    * Don't worry Brock, being Happiny has massive strength, if Shellder does use Withdraw you can have Happiny do what Ash's Kingler did when it was battling a Cloyster: keep bashing on it until it opens up or gets knocked out.
    * Actually Jessie, we did see Giovanni sorta using a Shellder... except it was evolved into a CLOYSTER because that's what Giovanni only cares out: Powerful Pokemon. Any Pokemon you would have given him would go right to battling, not those strange uses you had him use them for in Meowth's fantasies.
    * Um, Team Rocket, being there was THREE Pokeballs in Marylin's purse... why did you only snatch TWO? Sure you don't know what the other one held, but being thieves I would think you would steal as much as you can instead of what you know.
    * And with Shellder defeating Team Rocket, Marylin learns her lesson that any Pokemon can be "cute"... which is good because that other "lesson" about any Pokemon can look good while getting hurt... oh, sorry, being "valiant" wasn't exactly a good lesson in my opinion.
    * Oh, Dawn's package came, I totally forgot about that. So it's from Dawn's mother and it's... THE PLATINUM CLOTHS! Ash and Brock got Lucas's Jacket and Dawn got her "full" Platinum clothing... and note I use "full" loosely being I think only Dawn's upper body is properly protected.
    * No Marylin, let's stick with puns here, being they are dressed for the cold (at least Ash and Brock fully and Dawn halfway dressed) and they are heading to Snowpoint City which Gym Leader is an Ice-type, the proper term here is "cool".

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [8]Sep 26, 2009
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    Why did I let my DVR use up 30 minutes! I honestly didnt like the episode, seemed kinda stupid, in a stupid way, not in a funny-stupid way. The only good thing from this is that Ash and Co. got their Platinum clothes, everything else sucked but there was a scene which made a realize something. The girl called Dawn "Dawny", or "Hikarin" in Japanese. Since I cant mention anything from the future, you guys that crave spoilers will know what I am referring to this name.

    So basically bad episode, not the worst though.

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  • Avatar of BTRAV


    [9]Sep 26, 2009
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    Hey, Brock's actually going to do something. When Sudowoodo used mimic and fake tears, it made me wonder what Marilyn would have thought about Bonsly. I feel kind of sorry for Marilyn - what kind of people does she have for friends? Her standards of cute seem like they were groupthink- or cult-induced. She was probably made to feel so bad about Shellder that she had to go along with the group to make it stop. So lame. I didn't like this one for the most part.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [10]Sep 26, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Hmm... nothing perticularly happened in this episode makign it a filler HOWEVER Ash and co. got the Platinum clothing and changed into them which I suppose has a bit or plot importance in at least why are they suddenly in different clothing, I'll just call it an optional episode. Anyway the plot for this episode seemed kind of weak to me, basically it has a "don't judge a book by its cover" moral but then they had this strange "valiant" thing going on which makes no sense among slight other things. In addition Marylin's "cute" Pokemon description also left out Pokemon many consider to be cute such as, oh let's say, PIKACHU! Come on, sure Pichu might be cuter but Pikachu in its own right is also cute (even in Pikachu's Super Smash Bros. Brawl Codec call Mei Ling calls Pikachu cute (Snake didn't exactly agree, but he was probably wondering more about what Pikachu tasted like...)). Anyway, onto the review:

    Define Cute:
    * A man-made tunnel? Where did this come from? Anyway next stop is Shelter Town... good news is that it's the town before Snowpoint City so next stop IS Snowpoint City!
    * Yay, the nother part of Sinnoh is actually quite snowy... maybe if you were in your Platinum clothes Dawn you wouldn't be too cold... or at least the top part of you.
    * Hm? What package are you waiting for Dawn? And don't you know it's the Pokemart where you have to go and meet with a guy in a green suit in order to get packages?
    * ... Okay... are you the Character-of-the-day for this episode? Either way, while I suppose Buneary is cute, can you stop trying to squeeze the stuffing out of it?
    * Marylin huh? Apparently she's obsessed with "cute" Pokemon... so does tha mean she's a coordinator?
    * So in order for a Pokemon to be cute (in Marylin's eyes): they must be basic stage (can't be evolved), must be 2 feet or smaller, and look cute. So according to the first two descriptions (being different people have different definitions for "cute") here are the Pokemon that are under 2 feet yet are evolved Pokemon which means thay "can't be cute":

    Roselia, PIKACHU, Bellossom, Marill, Jigglypuff, Linoone, Wormadam, Cherrim, Kakuna, Clefairy, Togetic, Skiploom, Porygon2, Silcoon, Chimecho, Staravia, Metapod, Raticate, Dugtrio, Marshtomp, Cascoon, Swellow, Raichu, Nidorina, Gloom, Jolteon, Flaaffy, Azumarill, Jumpluff, Sunflora, Magcargo, Kirlia, Masquerain, Ninjask, Shedinja, Prinplup, Glaceon, Nidorino, Flareon, Quilava, Espeon, Octillery, Frovyle, Combusken, Lairon, Grumpig, Whiscash, Monferno, Luxio, Roserade, Mothim, Gastrodon, Mismagius, Honchkrow, and Porygon-Z... and maybe Manaphy if you consider Phione to be it's un-evolved form.

    While some of the Pokemon on the list don't have you wanting to hug them, Pokemon like PIKACHU, Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Marill, Cherrim and Bellossom have often been described being cute... who is this little girl to say which Pokemon are cute or not?
    * Hey! Piplup fits your first two descriptions, you can't say it isn't cute because of that! Then again, according to her first two descriptions Grimer too could be considered cute...
    * Whoa, whoa, whoa, now saying whether a Pokemon is cute or not depends on personal opinion so you can't argue with her on her opinions, however YOU CAN'T GO AROUND RE-NAMING PEOPLE!
    * Good, a battle, hopefully Dawn can knock some sense into that girl. Oh, there's Team Rocket, let's here their stealing plan for this episode.

    Define Valiant:
    * Should of figured, they plan on stealing Marylin's "Cute" Pokemon. Anyway onto the battle! Dawn has her Buneary and Maryling (after going through a whole "So cute" scene, she sends out Cherubi.
    * Okay, Cherubi is a Grass-type meaning Buneary has the upperhand with its Ice Beam attack.
    * You know, I kind of liked the Chibi-Boss Fantasies a bit better then how Mewoth does the boss fantasies now since the normal anime Giovanni artwork looks kind of silly when Meowth invisions him in the fantasies.
    * Wow, you're so obsessed with your Pokemon's "cuteness" that your letting guard down and allowing your opponent to attack first... Dawn, have Buneary give it a nice Ice Beam.
    * Or Dizzy Punch works too... YOUR CHEERING YOUR POKEMON GETTING KNOCKED FLAT ON ITS BACK?... Excuse me, weren't YOU the one who challenged Dawn to a Pokemon battle?
    * Ah, now we have Ice Beam but Cherubi put up a Protect... but looks to still be feeling it while Marylin pays it no mind... oh, this is all an act. Marylin, being you made the challenge at least battle properly!
    * Valiant? YOU PUT UP A PROTECT! There nothing valieant there as Cherubi isn't enduring the attack, it's blocking it! Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but it kind of sounds like you LIKE IT when your POKEMON GETS HURT...WHAT?!?!
    * Cherubi, you can drop the act now... LOL! Go and tell her what for Brock!... "Brocky"? She better not call Ash "Ashy", only Gary can call Ash "Ashy... boy"!

    A Not-So-Cute Surprise:
    * Whoa, that Cherubi can actually battle... and knocked out Buneary! She maybe nuts but she does seem to know about battling.
    * While most challenger's main goals are to knock out there opponent's Pokemon, Maryin would rather prolong a Pokemon's suffering to see it's "valiance"... I can't believe I'm saying this, but she's worse than Paul!
    * Of course it isn't right! It would be alright if she just thought that certain Pokemon were cute or not (it's not hurting anyone), but when she says she goes out of her way to make her and her opponent's "cute" Pokemon suffer... that's drawing the line.
    * Erm... sorry James... but unfortunetly Carnivine is over 2 feet. However you can use Meowth or Mime Jr., they are udner 2 feet and are un-evolved... and they decide to go with Mime Jr..
    * Jessie... why didn't you just use your Jessalina disguise (or your numerous other Jess(name suffix here))? It's not like Ash or co. is there watching you try and steal Marylin's Pokemon.
    * WHAT! First Piplup and now Mime Jr.! Okay Marylin, why don't you give us an exact list of which Pokemon you think are "cute".
    * Back with Ash and co., Dawn is still confused about Marylin's "cute Pokemon" obsession (as we all are I'm sure). But she's now gone so let's forget her and focus on getting ot Snowpoin... oh, Brock is still angry with Marylin.
    * Ah, sounds like Brock inner Pokebreeder is telling him to show Marylin that it's what inside a Pokemon and the bond it has with its trainer that counts, not its outer appearance (you know, the whole "you can't judge a book by its cover" moral).

    Teaching The Wrong Lesson:
    * Oh, apparently Marylin didn't leave and Brock is giving her a choice to battle against Sudowoodo or Croagunk. Unfortunely both are over 2 feet and Sudowoodo is an evolved Pokemon. Hey, Brock, don't you have Happiny... oh wait, Brock is trying to teahc her it's a Pokemon's inner beauty and bond with its trainer that counts.
    * Nevermind, Happiny is going to be battling afterall. And don't worry Brock, if you remember the fact Happiny can LIFT AND JUGGLE YOU, I think it can hold its own in battle.
    * Nevermidn again, it's going to be a 3-vs.-3 single battle with Croagunk and Sudowoodo going in to battle too. And just in time James comes by dressed as a referee and is asked to judge the battle.
    * Yay, and also having your Pokemon GET HURT is also something which might be looked down upon.
    * Hm? Well this is... odd... apparently after using mimic to copy Cherubi's "in pain" movements as well as Fake Tears, Marylin had dubbed it being valiant but not cute... which means Marylin is still missing the whole point in more ways than one.
    * James calls the match a tie being it was getting no where so next up is Brock's Croagunk and Marylin's Chingling. Being Psychic Croagunk might be in a bit of trouble... or not... yay, it got hit with a Confusion and struggling to stay in there.
    * Brock, I thought we were suppose to teach her that she shouldn't be judging a Pokemon on its beauty, not that all Pokemon look good when they are getting hurt! I don't even know where this "valiant" thing even came from.

    The Right Lesson Taught:
    * So apparently Marylin's description of a cute Pokemon didn't come from her own opinion but rather she though one certain Pokemon was cute but nobody else did. But now that she learned cuteness is in the eye of the trainer, her next cute Pokemon is... Shellder.
    * Oh come on Team Rocket, you're treating Shellder as if she through out a Grimer... but than again Dawn showed us how awesome Grimers are (or at least the one she trained in the Summer School Arc) I guess this isn't really fair to say either.
    * Don't worry Brock, being Happiny has massive strength, if Shellder does use Withdraw you can have Happiny do what Ash's Kingler did when it was battling a Cloyster: keep bashing on it until it opens up or gets knocked out.
    * Actually Jessie, we did see Giovanni sorta using a Shellder... except it was evolved into a CLOYSTER because that's what Giovanni only cares out: Powerful Pokemon. Any Pokemon you would have given him would go right to battling, not those strange uses you had him use them for in Meowth's fantasies.
    * Um, Team Rocket, being there was THREE Pokeballs in Marylin's purse... why did you only snatch TWO? Sure you don't know what the other one held, but being thieves I would think you would steal as much as you can instead of what you know.
    * And with Shellder defeating Team Rocket, Marylin learns her lesson that any Pokemon can be "cute"... which is good because that other "lesson" about any Pokemon can look good while getting hurt... oh, sorry, being "valiant" wasn't exactly a good lesson in my opinion.
    * Oh, Dawn's package came, I totally forgot about that. So it's from Dawn's mother and it's... THE PLATINUM CLOTHS! Ash and Brock got Lucas's Jacket and Dawn got her "full" Platinum clothing... and note I use "full" loosely being I think only Dawn's upper body is properly protected.
    * No Marylin, let's stick with puns here, being they are dressed for the cold (at least Ash and Brock fully and Dawn halfway dressed) and they are heading to Snowpoint City which Gym Leader is an Ice-type, the proper term here is "cool".

    how strange the pokemon she thought was the cutest was shellder and shellder is the pokemon I think is the cutest


    and happy b-day to me

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [11]Sep 26, 2009
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    One thing that I really liked was how at the end of the episode she called Shellder cute. It proves that its opinion on what makes a pokemon cute. For instance, I think Mamoswine is cute.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [12]Sep 26, 2009
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    i thot she was annoying at first but hearing how her friends were being mean to her for thinking shelder was cute made me feel sorry for her i like this episode.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [13]Sep 26, 2009
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    I agree with SPD, this episode was better than I expected. Marylin was certainly a "unique" character of the day; annoying at first, but Brock got some sense into her at the end. Speaking of which, it was nice that Brock got some more focus. Overall, I thought the episode as a whole was... unique.
    Edited on 09/26/2009 9:35pm
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  • Avatar of Vixenmon


    [14]Sep 27, 2009
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    Was there any chance that Marylin was based off of Azusa Shiratori from Ranma 1/2? Azusa was another anime girl who was obsessed with cute things, hugging and snuggling them, and gave out cute French nicknames.

    Also, Brock's bishi side met its match in Marylin. Hyper Bishi mode meets overly cute shojo = "Battling a Cute Drama!"

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [15]Sep 27, 2009
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    oh yea one more thing i dont know why everyone overreatced to shellder it really isnt that ugly like honestly
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  • Avatar of that70sguy92


    [16]Sep 27, 2009
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    This episode was just kind of weird. One of Sinnoh's weaker episodes. Was "valiant" Marilyn's Word of the Day or something? It really got annoying.... And I thought that Mimic could only be used to copy a Pokemon's moves, not make the Pokemon using Mimic in pain as well....
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [17]Sep 27, 2009
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    i laughed when she threw out shellder as the pokemon she thought was cute because i thought that too! shellder was the highlight of the ep seeing as how its my favorite pokemon.
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [18]Sep 27, 2009
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    Pretty good ep. Although, Marylin was really annoying in the beginning.
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  • Avatar of osciel_ben


    [19]Sep 28, 2009
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    Yes at first I hated Marylin but in the end she turned out okay. I'm also happy that Ash and the gang got their Platinum clothes.
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