And here we have the final battle between Ash and Paul and it is EPIC
More stupid TR Dialogue
And random exploding Electivires
and Yay, Paul is less of a jerk...less
On to the next round
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
And here we have the final battle between Ash and Paul and it is EPIC
More stupid TR Dialogue
And random exploding Electivires
and Yay, Paul is less of a jerk...less
On to the next round
So at last, Ash finally emerges victorious against Paul. I have to say, I'm glad in the end, it was due to Infernape. Gave a bit of a poetic justice feeling to have Paul beaten by the very Pokemon he had disgarded. Still, two things I kind of wish would've happenedwas that Paul's Torterra was part of that battle and that Pikachu was the one to beat Electivire.
Awesome episode! After an epic battle spanning three full episodes, Ash finally manages to defeat his long-time rival Paul and advances to the Top 4 of the Sinnoh League! This was a truly awesome battle!
Aaerni wrote: |
Awesome episode! After an epic battle spanning three full episodes, Ash finally manages to defeat his long-time rival Paul and advances to the Top 4 of the Sinnoh League! This was a truly awesome battle! |
I'd say Gary is more of a long-time rival than Paul. Anyway, cue Tobias and his "Screw you" response to the Sleep Clause next week. And it's not spoiling because anyone knows Darkrai with Dark Void is a pain to deal with unless you can predict it and set a counter.
Alas, my favorite pokemon of this gen fight and it is awesome. Infernape is just fueled by awesome and heroism isn't he? Alas, i am more than content with Paul's character here, his style though base-breaking was very enjoyable for me and i wish we see him once or twice after this. Though i sorta wished that Ninjask had been a Baton Passer so it would actually served more of a purpose.
I loved this episode! I was waiting and waiting and waiting for the EPIC CONCLUSION... and now we finally got it! (: I loved seeing the battle between Infernape and Electivire. Now I cant wait for the EPIC SEASON FINALE!!! (:
Why didn't Paul use Protect when Ape used Flare Blitz? Couldn've done serious damage
Weird seeing a smiling Ursuring
Brock said "So this is what Ash was waiting for". Ash was waiting for Inferape to get kicked his you know what kicked to activate Blaze? Aww, just what Paul would do
That was probably the greatest pokemon battle I've ever witnessed!
I'm just so glad that Ash FINALLY beat Paul in a full battle. Go Infernape!
Awesome episode! This was agreat battle!
That was epic , that will be a battle for the books.
Well, it's been a long wait but it's finally over, Ash and Paul have met and battled in the Sinnoh League and the winner is... well while it's probably obvious I'll just let you read my comments to find out (though then again the only reason you're reading this is probably because you already saw the episode so... yeah). Anyway about the battle, it was good and Paul showed he knew what he doing by saving Electivire last and having it fresh and ready to take down Ash's weakened Pokemon. I didn't expect to see much form Electivire vs. Gliscor, Gliscor got it's time in the limelight by defeating that Drapion which knocked out half of Ash's team. And though Pikachu had a good match against Electivire, it was Infernape vs. Electivire that obviously stole the show and with good reason. So get on to my comments, but wait, there's more! I have created a mini-comic for that one scene, you know which scene. So, get to reading:
That Last Pokemon Is Always A Shock:
00:18 - Well so much for that match-up.
00:52 - Wrapped in flames? Do you mean Burn? Though it doesn't really matter if it got burned or not as Drapion is finally down!
01:41 - Actually Barry you can't really say who has the advantage as Ash, though they're tired, still has 3 Pokemon. It all depends on what Paul's last Pokemon is.
01:51 - Electivire, honestly it was either going to be that or Torterra, though I think it's more fitting if it's Electivire for reasons I'll explain later.
02:08 - Ash, it probably was the better idea to give Gliscor a bit of a rest, it's not like between this battle and next Electivire will be able to hurt Ground-type with Electric attacks. Also we know it has Brick Break and Giga Impact.
02:48 - Gah, it's a makeshift Rock Slide!
03:08 - Well this wouldn't be the first time Paul copied on of Ash's battle techniques: Gastrodon using Counter Shield in part 1 of this battle (DP186 "Familiarity Breeds Strategy!") anyone?
03:41 - What... well there's Brick Break and Gliscor is down.
04:39 - Pikachu vs. Electivire, being this is Ash and Paul's final battle you can't help to think back to the first time Ash and Paul battled (DP003 "When Pokémon Worlds Collide!") with the last match-up was Pikachu vs. Elekid. Though back then that ended in a tie...
04:59 - Well then Brock, I guess Ash would have to stick with Iron Tail and Quick Attack, and being Electivire is resistant to Electric-type moves I don't see why Ash use an Electric-type attack in the first place.
05:50 - Reggie, it's Ash, also it's not like the same thing was done when Electivire caught Gliscor. Finally Ash's only options are Quick Attack and Iron Tail, all of Pikachu's special attacks are electrical which will boost Electivire's speed so for Ash it's choose your own poison.
06:49 - One problem with what you said Brock, Iron Tail is a Steel-type attack which is RESISTED by Electric-types. The only reason Ash is using it because otherwise he'll only have Quick Attack.
07:51 - Oh, we're getting flashbacks to Ash and Paul's first battle, specifically the Pikachu vs. Elekid match.
Taking This Battle To The Next Level:
08:08 - What's wrong with Ash's eye? I know that in anime when a character realized they made a major mistake their eyes go completely white, but here it looked like the did that with a black bold marker.
08:34 - Why is Dawn smiling? Okay, she says her usual "No need to worry!" line but at first she could at least look a bit concern about Pikachu being knocked out!
09:32 - And here is the other reason why Paul using Electivire was probably the most appropriate, Infernape vs. Electivire. When Infernape was a newly evolved Monferno and Electivire was an Electabuzz, Electabuzz defeated Monferno in Ash's & Paul's full battle (DP132 "Evolving Strategies!").
00:07 - Team Rocket, are you sure you should be eating the food you're trying to sell? Then again they're not even bothering to go around and being no one has asked them for any food I guess they might as well. Um, Jessie, Wobbuffet is eating the box...
01:07 - Surprised Paul didn't try to block that by Thundering the ground or using Protect, speaking of which if Electivire had Protect then why did it need to "block" Gliscor's Giga Impact and Pikachu's Volt Tackle with its hands?
01:23 - Dawn, you may want to try to call back to who Infernape's original trainer was to why this battle feels different from the others. Yay, for Infernape battles against Paul has always been a bit personal...
01:52 - Okay can you stop showing that stagnant shot of Cynthia? Once was fine, twice okay, but being it adds NOTHING I don't see the point in showing it every every 5 minutes or so.
02:12 - So... had Reggie gone from rooting for Paul to rooting for Ash?
02:59 - Oh, I don't think it's down... no way are they going to have a final battle with Infernape like this without Infernape doing one last thing, something it needs to be very hurt to do, such like now...
03:46 - I've been waiting for this moment to do this:
Ending It With A Bang And A Wave:
05:09 - Forget over 9,000! I think this is on the level of Captain Falcon's galaxy destroying FALCOn PWUANCH!!! O_O BTW, do all Pokemon battles involve large stadium high explosions occuring or just the ones Ash are in?
05:19 - ELECTIVIRE JUST EXPLODED!!! O_O Oh, nevermind, it's somehow still standing, wait, there's a silent standoff... and Electivire's down! ASH... no, INFERNAPE WON! Ash just so happens to be Infernape's trainer so he also wins by default.
06:21 - Oh, now Team Rocket realized they ate all their food.
06:50 - Ash, it has been beaten to a pulp, went berserk, caused a few explosions, and had to do a stand-off, I think Infernape is just the tiny bit tired, hmm.
07:02 - Out of the frying pan and into the fire, Ash is versing Tobias next round!
07:58 - Well about time they're having Cynthia do something after showing several still shots of her. Yay, I'd figure Ash would go looking for Paul, especially being it looked like Paul had something to say, and may I dare say it looked to have been something, nice?
09:38 - And thus we end Ash and Paul's rivalry with Ash having finally gained Paul's respect. In a way you can see this as almost a double book ends, one for the whole Sinnoh Arc with the Pikachu vs. Electivire battle, and another for Infernape personally in its battle against Electivire. Of course, though, we still have a few more episodes until the true end of the Sinnoh Arc.
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
BTW, do all Pokemon battles involve large stadium high explosions occuring or just the ones Ash is in? |
Just shows how strong Ash can raise his team.
Well, it's a little late for this, but I hope everyone had a great holiday. Now, onto the episode:
I'm actually surprised that I was sorta let-down by the battle. It seemed underwhelming, but then again, I can't see how it couldn't been better if it had been different. I will say that I loved Team Rocket in this episode and I actually ROFL when Wobbuffet popped out with food in its mouth. Really random, but still, it was funny. Well, I'm glad this feud between Ash and Paul has been settled.
Oh, and can somebody tell me what Cynthia meant? You know, when she said the "When1 life meets another life..." What I got from it was that a connection was born when the 2 met, but isn't that obvious?