Nimbasa's gonna be filled with fear and chaos...
50$ says nothing like that's gonna happen.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season Nimbasa's gonna be filled with fear and chaos...
50$ says nothing like that's gonna happen.
I thought it was a sweet episode, although it seems Meowth has retained some of his tendencies to steal. Oh well, he and the gang's Pokemon were starving. As for those subway bosses, they're pretty cool, if not evil-looking.
Awesome episode! The Meowth saga continues!
*GASP* I'm again posting on the day that's not Friday! Well I will like to point out I still need to do my review on the movie which I'm late for so don't get to thinking I'm actually improving on my posting time.
This episode was okay. Ash & co. find an injured Cubchoo which was blown away from its sleuth during a storm and Ash & co. decide to help it. But while looking for a Berry to feed it, they're attacked by Beartics who aren't too happy to see the Cubchoo. A Mountain Patrol named Cliff rescues Ash & co. and takes them back to his cabin where he explains that there are two groups of Beartics on this mountain, one at the summit which Cubchoo is from, and one at the foot which were the ones they met. Normally both groups get along just fine so he doesn't understand why the Beartics reacted as they did upon seeing Cubchoo. Can Ash & co. return Cubchoo to it's sleuth while not getting frozen solid by the foot of the mountain Beartics? Why are the foot of the mountain Beartics suddenly acting so hostile? What are Team Rocket plans for Nimbasa City and their subway system? Will Emmet and Ingo figure it out in time or will Ash & co. first have to get to Nimbasa City for anything to get started? Well I think the last question pretty much answers itself, but all the others are still valid and I'm sure at least two are answered below:
Not Mama Bear, But Just As Angry:
The episode starts with a group of Beartics and Cubchoos in a cave during a fierce storm when lightning strikes a turn putting it ablaze and toppling it over. The Beartics hear this and one goes out of the cave to see the fire is right above their cave so it gives out a cry and the Beartics start running out of the cave with Cubchoos on their back. However a fierce wind blows off one Cubchoo and sends it dangling over a cliff as a Beartic (which I'm presuming is its mother) tries running over to save it but it loses its grip and falls to the forest below as its mother roars.
Opener, title, we join Ash & co. as they cross a mountain path and Cilan tells them after going around the mountain they'll be in Nimbasa City which gets Ash excited about his Gym Battle. Iris notices a lot of trees have fallen down along the path and Meowth says it might be because of the storm which occured a few nights ago. Ash hears some moaning and looks over to see an injured Cubchoo and they retrieve it however it's not waking up as Cilan explains it's a Cubchoo and Ash scans it. Iris says it looks weak and Meowth suggests they should feed it however they can't find any Berries which Iris says might be because the storm blew them away (also it looks like Cubchoo is now awake). Meowth manages to find an Oran Berry however a Beartic leaps from the bushes and two more show up soon after as Pikachu, Meowth, and Axew run behind Ash, Iris, and Cilan and Iris starts freaking out because Beartic are Ice-types (wait, so is Cubchoo yet you didn't freak out when you guys found it). Meowth says they might be friends of Cubchoo which Cilan and Ash instantly believe is the truth so they put Cubchoo down to talk with the Beartic however the Beartic growl at the Cubchoo causing it to run back to Cilan. The Beartic start getting more angry so Meowth tries to talk to them to calm them down but the Beartic use Ice Wind to freeze Meowth. Meowth breaks free however and starts yelling at the Beartic causing them to warm up an attack but before they could Ash & co. (+ Cubchoo) gets saved by... the Tasmanian Devil?
Actually it's a Mienfoo, which Ash quickly scans, and it has knocked out the Beartics as Mienfoo's trainer, who looks to be a forest ranger, comes out telling Ash & co. to stay away from the Beartic. They retreat to the man's house and he introduces himself as Cliff and is part of Mountain Patrol as Ash & co. introduce themselves and thanks him for helping them escape. Meowth also opens his mouth and Cliff is amazed to see a talking Meowth (actually the trick is getting him to shut up ). Cubchoo finishes eating and is feeling better as Ash & co. ask why was it unconscious (what, the killer Beartics isn't enough of a reason?) and it explains it and its sleuth lives at the summit of the mountain. Cubchoo explains it was blown away during the swarm and fell off the mountain but that all it remembers as Cliff explains there are two Beartic groups, ones which live at the summit and another that lives near the foot of the mountain. Cilan figures they've must have encountered the Beartic at the foot of the mountain however Cliff says he never heard of the two Beartic groups not getting along. Iris and Cilan wonder what could have gotten the Beartics so angry without being provoked and Ash says they should get Cubchoo back with its friends which gets Cubchoo excited. Cliff asks if any of Ash & co. are Meowth's trainer which they say no and Cliff just tries catching Meowth saying it'll be helpful to have a talking Pokemon (that's a bit of a jerk move, I mean sure none of them own Meowth but still Meowth is obviously travelling with them so the least you could do is ask if it would like to be your Pokemon). Meowth pops out of the Pokeball saying this running gag is getting old (but Meowth, there only have been 3 attempts to catch you (at least in a Pokeball), it doesn't get old until the 10th time in a row) which surprises Cliff as Meowth says he's an "independent thinker" (*snicker*) and Cliff apologizes.
Outside, Cliff points out where the summit Beartics live and the route through the forest that should take them there without running into the foot of the mountain Beartics. However they soon have to stop walking as they see the foot of the mountain Beartics up ahead which Cliff wonders why they are this far up the mountain. But a Beartic appears behind them and soon they're surrounded by three Beartics (are these the same three from before?) and they start up an Icy Wind but before they do Ash sends out Tepig who uses Ember which gets through the Icy Wind and knocks back the Beartic. Oshawott decides to come out which Meowth tells Ash was telling good job to Tepig as Mienfoo takes down the other Beartic and Cliff tells them to get out of here which Iris is more than happy to do. However they run into a group of three more Beartics (so I guess there are more) and get surrounded though Meowth says he'll talk to them and pretty much things go as they did the first time (to the point that they even re-used footage ) but before Meowth could be frozen by Icy Wind he gracefully jumps away... only to be frozen by the other three Beartics and sent launching. The Beartics attack with more Icy Wind as Ash & co. try running away but they almost run off a cliff though in the process of the stopping they drop Axew and Cubchoo as Pikachu, Tepig, and Oshawott run down following but Meowth soon falls back down and hits Oshawott sending both rolling into the other 4 down the slope in a Katamari Damacy ball made of Pokemon.
Going over to Nimbasa City, more specifically the Gear Station, Emmet and Ingo are investigating a train that's been running and vanishing every night which people are calling the "ghost train" (so much for Team Rocket running the train at night to keep "unnoticed"). Emmet and Ingo says they need to solve this mystery and arrest whoever is doing this going into their Ken Sugimori artwork pose (except Ingo is smiling) saying their unstoppable (except when they are stopped). They see a silhouette of Jessie and James deeper in the tunnel and run after them but Jessie and James run to the side and vanish. Emmet and Ingo continue down the tracks as Jessie and James, who had jumped and hid in support beams, take note of them though Jessie says they're too late and all they need to do is wait for Dr. Zager.
A Beary, Berry Bad Misunderstanding:
Who's That Pokemon (if you can't figure out then I'm not tell-aah... Ahh... AHHH... CUBCHOO!) back to the rollaway Pokemon, Pikachu, Axew, Tepig, and Cubchoo are alright as Meowth and Oshawott get into an arguement on who's fault it is. Pikachu tells them to stop fighting as they try calling up to Ash & co. though there is no response which gets Cubchoo sad though Pikachu and Meowth said they'll keep their promise to get Cubchoo home. They first decide to find Ash & co. though Cubchoo is hungry so Pikachu, Meowth, and Oshawott go searching for food as Tepig stays behind with Cubchoo (and Axew though they don't say it).
Over to Ash & co. (+ Cliff), they're walking over a narrow path as Iris worries their missing Pokemon will run into any Beartic but Ash says they'll be fine but Cliff stops them pointing out the part of the forest where the foot of the mountain Beartics forage for food. Iris gets concerned though Cilan says they can't turn back so Cliff sends Mienfoo in to search for Beartics though it comes back and shows them that the Berries in the area have been destroyed in the storm.
We cut over to two foot of the mountain Beartics with Cubchoos guarding some Berries on a tree stump though some other Beartics arrive with Berries on their backs and they go to them just as Pikachu, Meowth, and Oshawott come from the otherside complaining about not find any food. They see the Berries on the tree stump and rush to it but Pikachu says they shouldn't take them as it looked like someone else gathered it but Meowth goes by the golden rule "finders keepers and losers weepers" as him and Oshawott start taking Berries. The foot of the mountain Beartics and Cubchoos come back to find their food taken and roar in anger as we cut to Cubchoo and Axew eating happily (and apparently Cubchoos are able to control their frozen mucus, odd). Pikachu and Tepig aren't happy about having taken the Berries despite Oshawott's efforts to shove some in their face as Meowth goes on saying if they stick with him everything will be okay while Oshawott tries to remind him that he saw the food first though their celebration is cut short as the foot of the mountain Beartics and Cubchoos have found them.
Back to Ash & co., they figure out that the foot of the mountain Beartics must be starving with their food gone and thought that since Ash & co. had Cubchoo that the summit Beartics were trying to take their food. Ash says they have to make the foot of the mountain Beartics understand but a rock falls down from above and they turn around to see a whole batch of Beartics and Cubchoos (though take a wild guess which group these are from ).
Back to the Berry Snacthers, Meowth says they didn't steal any food though soon realize the Berries they have were gathered by the Beartic as Pikachu thought and Oshawott runs behind Meowth and tells it to battle though Meowth tells it to battle if it wants. Oshawott pushes Meowth in front of the Beartics as he tries to ask if they can share and let "bygones be bygones" which the Beartics respond by freezing him with Icy Wind. Pikachu and Tepig tries calming the Beartics down though they keep getting angrier and angrier however more Beartics and Cubchoos show up but this time the lost Cubchoo is happy to see them. Indeed it's the summit Beartics and Cubchoos as Ash & co. (+ Cliff) also show up as Cliff explains to the foot of the mountains Beartics that the summit Beartics are only here to save their Cubchoo but the foot of the mountains Beartics start to attack with Icy Wind which Mienfoo blockes with Quick Guard (note that this shouldn't work as Icy Wind isn't an increased priority move, I think their getting it confused with Wide Guard which would block Icy Wind... unfortunetly only Mienfoo's evolution Mienshao can learn Wide Guard). Then two Beartics, one from either side, use Sheer Cold which collide and create an explosion knocking everyone back but more importantly knocked four boulders loose which are about to roll over the foot of the mountain Beartics and Pikachu's group.
Ash rushes over and tells Pikachu, Tepig, and Oshawott to use Thunderbolt, Ember, and Water Gun on the boulders but one still remains and is about the crush Meowth, Axew, and Cubchoo which both groups work together and use Icy Wind to freeze the boulder into place. With the situation under control and a scene fade late the summit Beartic start heading back up the mountain with the lost Cubchoo waving goodbye as Cliff says he's going to lead the foot of the mountain Beartic to a forest which wasn't damaged by the storm and with that Ash & co. run off to Nimbasa City.
Over to Team Rocket, Dr. Zager tells them over the computer not to be discovered by Emmet and Ingo which James says they won't but even if they did it wouldn't help as Jessie says Nimbasa City will soon be filled with fear and chaos "good times" as we end on a shot of their train.
Very nice to see people still trying to catch Meowth. Can't wait for the next episode though, I wonder what exactly TR is planning.