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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Beating the Bustle and Hustle!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Dec 12, 2009
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    "Justice will be served!" Best part of the episode. Not as bad as I thought. I actually liked the episode.
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [2]Dec 12, 2009
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    wow im surprised this doesnt have any posts then again it does air at 7am anyways this was a very nce epsiode and i have to say team rocket impressed me. whether it was filler or not it was still awesome. its about time team rocket actually was a threat and served a purpose. a plan they had actually worked until they were out criminalized lol. as soon as jenny yelled at brock for hittin on her i knew right away who she was. at first i thought those duo were team galatic lol. well overall nice episode

    is it just me or does brock seem to be like a 3rd wheel? especially in the movies

    Edited on 12/12/2009 11:15am
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Dec 12, 2009
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    he's been a third wheel since this season began lately his role in the story is dwindling......soon he'll fade into existence.......man I sound depressing
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [4]Dec 12, 2009
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    Brock has been a third wheel since Johto ended.

    Anyway, the only thing I didn't like about this episode was the fact that Team Rocket actually has a decent plan, and they still ended up blasting off easily. Dang writers, at least give them some battle time.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [5]Dec 12, 2009
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    This was a pretty good episode. I do feel bad about Buizel being beat down like that. What are those writers doing to it? That Poke use to be primo fighter! Still, I am glad that Ash managed to help capture the bad guys (the non-Rocket and Galactic ones), from what I had read at Bulbapedia, it sounded like Officer Jenny beat the criminals all by herself. BTW, did anyone notice that Ash and the others knew which Pokeballs where their's when they all went flying? Looks like Ash has grown a bit wiser since his time at the Indigo Plateau, if anyone remembers what I mean.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [6]Dec 12, 2009
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    I like it.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [7]Dec 12, 2009
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    now jessie & james know what is like to have there pokemon stolen ha-haa good episode.
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [8]Dec 12, 2009
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    Poor Team Rocket. They never catch a break. Funny how they get dissed by the criminal duo. Onto the review:

    A fairly decent episode. Loving the idea of the Wipeout-esque "Sinnoh Pokemon Hustle". I only wish there was more focus on the obstacle courses. Anyway, one of the innumerable examples that good triumphs over evil. Oh and it was hilarious how Brock fell immediately.

    "Beating the Bustle and Hustle!" receives an 8.1.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [9]Dec 13, 2009
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    DOMOJITA wrote:
    now jessie & james know what is like to have there pokemon stolen ha-haa good episode.

    It's happened to them before, so it's not exactly new.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [10]Dec 13, 2009
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    finally I can see it today

    you know didnt those shadowed characters looked a little like hareta and mitsumi from pokemon DP?

    http://www.mangafox.com/manga/pok_mon_dp/ for all those unfimiliar with it

    wow poor croagunk.....had 2 chances to poison jab brock but missed luckily he got him on the third try

    Edited on 12/13/2009 4:58am
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [11]Dec 13, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    did anyone notice that Ash and the others knew which Pokeballs where their's when they all went flying? Looks like Ash has grown a bit wiser since his time at the Indigo Plateau, if anyone remembers what I mean.
    that happened to ash and co a couple of times this isnt the first time something oliek that happened and back then they knew which pokemon were theirs too. i always wodnered hwo though cause it seems like common knowledge to know which pokeball is yours O_O
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [12]Dec 13, 2009
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    http://www.mangafox.com/manga/pok_mon_dp/ for all those unfimiliar with it

    Why does platinum look so manly there? And why are diamond and pearl so freakin' bi-shonen? O_____O

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  • Avatar of chicamusica12


    [13]Dec 13, 2009
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    1. How can you tell which 1 your pokeball is? I never quite understood that...Like how during the indigo plateau, Ash had trouble, and Richie marked his.
    2. Ok, The way team Rocket blasted off defied the laws of physics so much that even I couldn't ignore it. O.O They bounced a few feet onto the ground, stayed there for 2 seconds, then flew into the sky?! How?!
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  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [14]Dec 13, 2009
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    lady_god wrote:

    wow im surprised this doesnt have any posts then again it does air at 7am anyways this was a very nce epsiode and i have to say team rocket impressed me. whether it was filler or not it was still awesome. its about time team rocket actually was a threat and served a purpose. a plan they had actually worked until they were out criminalized lol. as soon as jenny yelled at brock for hittin on her i knew right away who she was. at first i thought those duo were team galatic lol. well overall nice episode

    is it just me or does brock seem to be like a 3rd wheel? especially in the movies

    i actually liked this episode i agree that Team Rocket came up with a good plan just couldnt finish it at the end with a contest like those japanese game shows in my opinion is better than watching those beauty contests that dawn and her friends enter.

    i think the only way Jessie, James, and Meowth can succeed is if they work under helping them to do their goals with a easy job that they can succeed at. In other words the person in charge is smarter and just uses them as pawns. thats why i think pokemon should go back and go into detail with the other TR members.

    There was a change with new villians that were very good theives, finish their plans of course they are on a higher level than Jessie and James. I like how they battle maybe its just because its different from Jessie and James always losing to Ash and company. too bad they were filler vilians arrested and put away.

    Brock does seem like a 3rd wheel because his character is always trying to get hot girls (which isnt bad but something always gets him) or he is a nurse/breeder that doesnt really battle like ash or do whatever dawn does. hes more like the adult in the group yet he is still a little childish.

    pokemon movies usually focus on ash if im not mistaken which is crazy out of this world him meeting legendary pokemon and by his power he can stop the villian or crisis of the movie which usually is too big of a job for trainers that are better than him.

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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [15]Dec 13, 2009
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    chicamusica12 wrote:
    1. How can you tell which 1 your pokeball is? I never quite understood that...Like how during the indigo plateau, Ash had trouble, and Richie marked his. 2. Ok, The way team Rocket blasted off defied the laws of physics so much that even I couldn't ignore it. O.O They bounced a few feet onto the ground, stayed there for 2 seconds, then flew into the sky?! How?!
    whenever i see an episode liek this i just consider it filler and never give it a second thought

    Jinto11 wrote:
    lady_god wrote:

    wow im surprised this doesnt have any posts then again it does air at 7am anyways this was a very nce epsiode and i have to say team rocket impressed me. whether it was filler or not it was still awesome. its about time team rocket actually was a threat and served a purpose. a plan they had actually worked until they were out criminalized lol. as soon as jenny yelled at brock for hittin on her i knew right away who she was. at first i thought those duo were team galatic lol. well overall nice episode

    is it just me or does brock seem to be like a 3rd wheel? especially in the movies

    i actually liked this episode i agree that Team Rocket came up with a good plan just couldnt finish it at the end with a contest like those japanese game shows in my opinion is better than watching those beauty contests that dawn and her friends enter.

    i think the only way Jessie, James, and Meowth can succeed is if they work under helping them to do their goals with a easy job that they can succeed at. In other words the person in charge is smarter and just uses them as pawns. thats why i think pokemon should go back and go into detail with the other TR members.

    There was a change with new villians that were very good theives, finish their plans of course they are on a higher level than Jessie and James. I like how they battle maybe its just because its different from Jessie and James always losing to Ash and company. too bad they were filler vilians arrested and put away.

    Brock does seem like a 3rd wheel because his character is always trying to get hot girls (which isnt bad but something always gets him) or he is a nurse/breeder that doesnt really battle like ash or do whatever dawn does. hes more like the adult in the group yet he is still a little childish.

    pokemon movies usually focus on ash if im not mistaken which is crazy out of this world him meeting legendary pokemon and by his power he can stop the villian or crisis of the movie which usually is too big of a job for trainers that are better than him.

    now that you mention it this was liek a japanese game song i rememebr thinking that when i saw it

    as for jessie and james it was cool when they were the main threat of kanto and johot but honestly when they replaced misty and ash started all over team rcoket also shouldve left them alone. i mean honestly they werent needed in hoenn because we already have team aqua and magma, they also arent needed in sinnoh because we have team galatic and filler villains. all team rocket does now is pop up with some plan that backfires and results in them blasting off i mean iots always been liek thtat but they are just so easy to beat now

    not only that have you noticed that in the pokemon movies brock almosyt serves no purpose its almost like hes justa civilian that travels around witht hem he was really insignificant in the recent movies and even in the show the only purpose he ever serves is bein referee whichis lame because i dont see why you need someone to be there and state the obvious.. "PIKACHU IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!!! ASH LOSES!!" i mean no dur

    Edited on 12/13/2009 5:03pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [16]Dec 13, 2009
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    Hmm, it was a good episode, but still was nothing but a filler. Seeing a Team Rocket plan thay didn't only involve stealing and then having the Pokeballs they stole stolen from them by two other thieves was a nice change of pace. But overall I would rather Ash and co. to get to... to... where exactly are they heading to again? I don't remember anyone mentioning Sunyshore City. While I try to figure that out here is the episode review:

    All In The Details:
    * That's... an interesting way to start up an episode, two kids and their Pokemon getting pushed into a lake by gaint gobstoppers.
    * Yay Dawn, I got to agree with Ash here on explaining what is going on, especially since we apparently just viewed the end of the show.
    * Sinnoh Pokemon Hustle where a trainer and their Pokemon work together to clear difficult stages... Dawn, you just explained every single Pokemon activity. BE MORE SPECIFIC!
    * Oh, Team Rocket, you appeared before 1 minute of the episode this time around. And of course James is also watching Sinnoh Pokemon Hustle. He provides no more explanation then Dawn though.
    * I got a question, how exactly is anyone suppose to be able to dodge those two gaint gobstoppers? Were they suppose to use their Pokemon to knock them back or something because otherwise anyone would have been knocked off.
    * So looks like Team Rocket is planning their own Pokemon Hustle... Green Station Town? That's the actual name of the town? Ah, whatever, Ash and co. went straight for it like a Venomoth to a Flamethrower.

    Bring Out The Second Meaning Of Hustle:
    * Oh, a Team Rocket plan that doesn't involve stealing Pokemon! Apparently Jessie, James, & Meowth got recruitment duty somehow and are going to give the winner a chance to join Team Rocket... I hope they do realize that that plan can fall apart several ways, mostly with the person saying "no" to the offer.
    * Hm? What are with those two... oh, three with the glasses up to? But no time for that, Ash and co. come running up and Team Rocket realize one of the many ways their plan can fail. And being how Ash and co. got out of all of your traps before, I doubt you'll be able to trip them up.
    * Hey, Rhonda! Wait, she was air, shouldn't she had been smacked in the head by the boom before cutting to her talking with Team Rocket? Anyway way 2 Team Rocket's plan can fail. Also James and Meowth, last time I checked, you didn't tell any of the contestants about the "prize" of joining Team Rocket so what are you worry about?
    * There are those three in the glasses again, refusing to answer any questions... hmm, mysterious... and Brock just fallen for the the girl in the glasses... oh wait, the third one is a girl? Wait a moment... that hair color... Officer Jenny?
    * Yay, that was definietly an Officer Jenny, so what is she and those other two up to? Do they know this is a Team Rocket Recruitment scheme and they are forming a sting? Okay Croagunk, you weren't needed, but being there are multiple girls around I'd just put Poison Jab on hold instead of away.
    * Oh, spoke to soon about the stealing plan, looks like in addition to trying to recruit a new Team Rocket member they are also having everyone "store" their extra Pokeballs, and a few seconds later Meowth confirms my thoughts.
    * Free travel around Sinnoh huh? Jessie, James, Meowth, did Team Rocket even give you recruitment duty? I do remember Team Rocket actually having recruitment officers (like the old lady in Johto who had the Delibird and got Jessie, James, and Meowth back into Team Rocket... whatever happend to that Delibird anyway?). Jessie got him by the boom? Boom Operator, you're suppose to hit Rhonda in the head with the boom not... oh, okay, you just did.
    * So the first challenge it to cross a moving spinning log, which apparently that Oddish Guy didn't seem to remember. Anyway Ash and Dawn got through, Brock fell off, a bunch of other people fell off, and Officer Jenny and those other two people in the glasses just jumped over the spinning log.
    * Continuing on now we have the peopling needing to swing across a lake and ignore a spinning barrel drum. After a few random NPC fail, Ash (while screaming like Tarzen ), Dawn, Officer Jenny, and those two other people in the glasses complete the task which has Team Rocket calling a break.

    Drowzee Isn't The Only Psychic Thing Here:
    * The Pokeballs are gone! Hmm, maybe Officer Jenny isn't working with the people in the glasses but rather is following them... anyway Ash and co. plus every other contestant want to know what is happening and Team Rocket blow their cover and revealing they don't know what happened to everyone's Pokemon.
    * Ah ha! So Officer Jenny was following those two because they are Pokemon thieves. Their name is Azure and Crimson and... oh Brock, not while Officer Jenny is trying to arrest a couple of thieves! Oh, Pikachu and Piplup dragged him away, oh yay, Croagunk is in its Pokeball.
    * So Jessie and James help the Azure and Crimson escape by trying to knock everyone down with those gobstoppers which Officer Jenny jumps over and Ash and co. just grab onto the side until they passed (Oh, I guess that's how you pass them), but unfortunetly upon sliding down a rope Team Rocket cuts it sending them all falling to the ground.
    * Now you see Team Rocket, this is what I was talking about the "winner" saying "no" to the Team Rocket offer. Besides Azure and Crimson just showed they can steal from Team Rocket, they got they wanted. But upon defeating Team Rocket (Meowth, you're not a fighter) it gave Officer Jenny and Ash and co. enough time to recover from slamming into the ground.
    * And with one Flame Wheel from Growlithe the suitcase explodes and all the Pokeballs go spraying out... yet somehow Ash and co. managed to recognize which Pokeballs were theirs... how exactly? And upon the second suitcase exploding Team Rocket's Pokeballs fly straight to them as well!... Mind someone explaining how they know it's their Pokemon and how the Pokeball somehow knew who to fly over to?
    * Though Team Rocket tried to get back, they wind up blasting off from Azure's Drowzee's Shadow Ball, well Team Rocket, I think what you can learn from this is that before you can go recruiting new Team Rocket members you should probably talk with Team Rocket about you doing this AND form a back-up plan. Anyway back to the main battle.
    * Growlithe does a Fire Fang on Drowzee while Zangoose knocks Buizel down causing Ash to swtich in for Pikachu. Growlithe does a Hidden Power which looks pretty effective against Drowzee meaning it might have been high powered and either Dark- or Bug-type. And with Pikachu finishing off Zangoose Officer Jenny arrests Azure and Crimson. And finally, after two flirting attempts, Croagunk Poison Jabs Brock (does anyone except me find it kind of awkward where Croagunk is Poison Jabbing Brock?) meaning all is right once again.
    * And with Ash and co. posing in front of the camera after Rhonda thanked them for saving the day (um, boom operator, why didn't you hit Rhonda with the boom?) the episode finally ends.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [17]Dec 13, 2009
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    venemoth to a flame? do you come up with these while writing these reviews?

    and jack is the boom operator's name

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]Dec 13, 2009
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    venemoth to a flame? do you come up with these while writing these reviews?

    and jack is the boom operator's name

    Actually I believe that phrase at one point was said by Jessie but I don't remember what episode.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [19]Dec 13, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Actually I believe that phrase at one point was said by Jessie but I don't remember what episode

    Ironically it was from "Like a Meowth to a Flame".
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  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [20]Dec 14, 2009
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    lady_god wrote:

    chicamusica12 wrote:
    1. How can you tell which 1 your pokeball is? I never quite understood that...Like how during the indigo plateau, Ash had trouble, and Richie marked his. 2. Ok, The way team Rocket blasted off defied the laws of physics so much that even I couldn't ignore it. O.O They bounced a few feet onto the ground, stayed there for 2 seconds, then flew into the sky?! How?!
    whenever i see an episode liek this i just consider it filler and never give it a second thought

    Jinto11 wrote:
    lady_god wrote:

    wow im surprised this doesnt have any posts then again it does air at 7am anyways this was a very nce epsiode and i have to say team rocket impressed me. whether it was filler or not it was still awesome. its about time team rocket actually was a threat and served a purpose. a plan they had actually worked until they were out criminalized lol. as soon as jenny yelled at brock for hittin on her i knew right away who she was. at first i thought those duo were team galatic lol. well overall nice episode

    is it just me or does brock seem to be like a 3rd wheel? especially in the movies

    i actually liked this episode i agree that Team Rocket came up with a good plan just couldnt finish it at the end with a contest like those japanese game shows in my opinion is better than watching those beauty contests that dawn and her friends enter.

    i think the only way Jessie, James, and Meowth can succeed is if they work under helping them to do their goals with a easy job that they can succeed at. In other words the person in charge is smarter and just uses them as pawns. thats why i think pokemon should go back and go into detail with the other TR members.

    There was a change with new villians that were very good theives, finish their plans of course they are on a higher level than Jessie and James. I like how they battle maybe its just because its different from Jessie and James always losing to Ash and company. too bad they were filler vilians arrested and put away.

    Brock does seem like a 3rd wheel because his character is always trying to get hot girls (which isnt bad but something always gets him) or he is a nurse/breeder that doesnt really battle like ash or do whatever dawn does. hes more like the adult in the group yet he is still a little childish.

    pokemon movies usually focus on ash if im not mistaken which is crazy out of this world him meeting legendary pokemon and by his power he can stop the villian or crisis of the movie which usually is too big of a job for trainers that are better than him.

    now that you mention it this was liek a japanese game song i rememebr thinking that when i saw it

    as for jessie and james it was cool when they were the main threat of kanto and johot but honestly when they replaced misty and ash started all over team rcoket also shouldve left them alone. i mean honestly they werent needed in hoenn because we already have team aqua and magma, they also arent needed in sinnoh because we have team galatic and filler villains. all team rocket does now is pop up with some plan that backfires and results in them blasting off i mean iots always been liek thtat but they are just so easy to beat now

    not only that have you noticed that in the pokemon movies brock almosyt serves no purpose its almost like hes justa civilian that travels around witht hem he was really insignificant in the recent movies and even in the show the only purpose he ever serves is bein referee whichis lame because i dont see why you need someone to be there and state the obvious.. "PIKACHU IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!!! ASH LOSES!!" i mean no dur

    well they (as in the writers) have keep Jessie, James, and Meowth as stouges/villians so Ash can feel accomplished that he can beat them that he can take on the world because he can defeat them. I only wish that they maybe first bring back the old TR members that we havent seen since season 2 omg like for example Domino was a interesting character with no backstory so that always keep me wondering for an answer. Then make a new TR character to add something new to the season someone is very strong trainer and physically strong that if rank would be as good as league champions that Ash wouldnt want to interfere with without help.

    About the movies its just mindboggling to me that the focus is so much on Ash doing the impossible (even though i know he is the main character) still there should be limits to what he can do since he cant even defeat some of the gym leaders without trying twice and cant beat Paul.

    Brock his role has definely decreased dramastically since the first couple seasons now like you said is just an annoying annoucer and talks strategy and points out weaknesses in the battle styles of Ash and Dawn. i guess he doesnt want to be much since he was a former gym leader thats how he knows it but he wants to journey around to be a nurse and follow kids.

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