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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Camping it Up!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jan 20, 2009
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    Posting a brand new version of this. Talk about if you want. No off-topic posting!
    Edited on 01/20/2009 8:37pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [2]Jan 20, 2009
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    Lucky I still have my preview in my Recycle Bin.

    Wow, this was certainly an episode episode full of surprises. Ash has gotten himself a new rival in Angie who looks to be a female copy of him, so I guess this means more arguements to come from one trying to out-do the other. We finally got to see Monferno but not the way I was hoping, and Ash finally has himself a Raichu, kinda. Now without dragging this any further:

    Late By The Bell:
    * They seem to be in a rush! Don't tell me, they're rushing to the Celestic Town's Pokemon Contest, aren't they?
    * Okay, maybe not, but where are they then... Professor Rowan?!
    * *Spits out drink* School?!?!? But the only schools in Pokemon are Pokemon Training Schools, right?
    * They're split into teams? A bit odd but... Conway! He must of heard me say odd. Dawn sounds thrilled he's here.
    * Jessie took no time to put on a disguise, but what's her disguise name, Jessilinda? And James and Meowth are disguised as Janitors.
    * Oh, this is a Pokemon Training School. And the first lesson is a Battle Factory-esque battle with a randomly chosen Pokemon.

    Meeting With Rivals & Partner:
    * Ah Ash, making friends whenever you go by first getting them peeved off... -_-; Though maybe Angie should get a more gender-specific haricut.
    * Oh, Monfenro. I was hoping that it would make its debut by Ash's Chimchar evolving but oh well. Looks like it doesn't like Angie much.
    * And Ash got a... Raichu?!?!? This episode is surely full of surprises. The thing seems to like hiding in holes.
    * Dawn got a Grimer which needed a little compassion. Though Dawn better becareful with those hugs, just ask Professor Oak about Ash's Muk.
    * Last but not least is Brock who gets a Magnetmite. Hmm, don't know whether that is a strange match-up or not, being Magnetmite is an Electric-type.
    * Oh yay, forgot about Jessie who got a Smoochum she's happy with and a quick shot showed us Conway got a Venonat.
    * Raichu is still hiding from Ash and Monferno has other plans besides from bonding with Angie. Plans like starting a fight with a Croconaw!
    * Eep... If Pikachu doesn't calm the situation down by negotiating it does so by shocking every Pokemon involved. And now Angie is getting out her Pokemon to rumble. -_-;
    * A Shinx huh, well Electric-attacks from either Shinx or Pikachu won't effect the other... of course Professor Rowan puts a stop to the fighting altogether.
    * Oh goodie, both Ash and Angie are on the Red Team, I guess the red in Red Team will soon stand for blood shed...

    School Days:
    * Dawn and Brock are getting along with Grimer and Magnetmite pretty well. Erm, I think Monferno has some kind of rivalry between it and Croconaw.
    * *Sigh* Dawn... you know Grimer's a pile of sludge, what did you think would happen if you rubbed it?
    * Ash isn't having an easy time with Raichu either. As for everyone else we know (Jessie and Conway) things are going smoothly for them it looks.
    * Wow, never saw a Grimer stretch that tall before, it kind of looked like the Statue of Liberty covered in sludge, lol!
    * And now the Monferno problems also involve Ash, Pikachu, and Raichu. Team Red is definietly the right team for them, red with anger *sigh*.
    * With trouble comes punishment, and with punishment comes running laps. While Ash and Angie starve and race each other, it looks like Team Rocket are actually enjoying themselves!
    * Dawn, you shouldn't kid about food like that around Ash and people who act like Ash, because if you show them food they might have taken your hand off as they grab for food.
    * A tug of war match which won by Green Team (Jessie's team), Ash and Angie still getting into trouble, and more eating until we reach lights out.
    * So Angie was bunked with Ash, Dawn, and Brock, who would have imagined it would end up like that? And Conway once again shows his how creepy he can really be. *sigh*
    * Now for some interesting background inforamtion on Angie. So her parents run a Pokemon Daycare and is too busy helping them. Well enough of that, LIGHTS OUT, lol!

    Determining House... I Mean Team Points:
    * Ash seems to be getting through to Raichu a bit, and the same with Angie and Monferno. Though they might want to bring some combs, wash cloths, and change of cloths next time.
    * Ah, what will an episdoe with Team Rocket be without them saying their motto, even if it is while they're over-sleeping?
    * And the battles begin! Brock and Jessie are up, but Jessie is too focused on hugging Smoochum that she gets struck with Magnetmite's Thunder. -_-;
    * Dawn VS. Conway next, and they go all out against each other though looks like it is eventually called a draw.
    * After a few more battles, its Ash VS. Angie (what a surprise ). This battle definietly has both of them running for their money, a nice action-packed battle nontheless.
    * End of part 1 and Dawn got an honorable mention for bonding with Grimer, I guess that Contest Training with it was worth it after all.
    * Team Point wise, Blue Team (Conway's team) is in first, Green Team (Jessie's team) is second, and Red Team (do I need to say who's team?) is dead last because of Ash's and Angie's antics. *sigh*

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [3]Jan 21, 2009
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    Monferno's VA isn't bad. The scene with Conway entering in Ash & Co.'s Dorm room was funny. When I first saw it in the Original Version, I was waiting to see it in English.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [4]Jan 21, 2009
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    Nothing like 4 preteens playing cards in pajamas....
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]Jan 21, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Nothing like 4 preteens playing cards in pajamas....

    ... And then having an adult barge in yelling at them to go to bed.

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