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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Casting a Paul on Barry

  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [1]Dec 4, 2010
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    I can't believe that no one has started this thread. Anyway, the battle between Paul and Barry was good, though I kind of wish that Barry had managed to knockout at least one of Paul's Pokemon.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]Dec 4, 2010
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    Great episode. The battle was awesome.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Dec 4, 2010
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    Must've been to make lighting post more than two words for once Just kidding

    So Takuto is Tobias eh? Kind of a better name

    and since this isn't 4kids his name doesn't need to end in "Son"

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Dec 4, 2010
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    Awesome episode! The battle between Barry and Paul was great, despite the fact that Barry didn't manage to knock out a single one of Paul's Pokemon. And we here in the US now know that the Darkrai trainer's name is Tobias.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [5]Dec 5, 2010
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    Barry should've known he wouldn't win. Not because of Paul being better, but that he used 2 Steels, Skarmory of which did nothing, and when will the writers remember that Hydro Cannon has the same flaw as Frenzy Plant? Super powerful, but leaves the user vunerable.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [6]Dec 7, 2010
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    I just remembered I forgot to post my review... (especially the three I have for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds...)

    Today's episode was nice but mostly build-up for the Ash vs. Paul battle that is inevitable to happen... unless they decide to have Debious defeat Paul to further build that guy up. The battle was good even though Barry got curb stomped by Paul. Though I just found it very odd/convenient that Barry just had the right "counter" for Paul's Ursaring, despite him complaining about the "data" on Paul being outdated (and how does he know this?). But eitherway before we can get to Ash vs. Paul, we need Ash to face Conway next episodes and Paul to defeat Barry in this:

    Studying Up On The Past Data:
    00:14 - Ash is versing Conway next? How things are going the writers probably won't need to introduce any more new characters, Ash can just keep battling his rivals!
    00:15 - ... scratch that, then again we still do have that Darkrai trainer.
    00:32 - Oh come on Dawn, you haven't gotten use to Conway sneaking up behind you yet... that sounded SO wrong...
    00:58 - This must be the first time someone CRASHed into Barry.
    01:07 - Actually Barry is right, Dawn did back into Barry, though considering she was trying to get away from Conway I think we can overlook it.
    02:56 - So maybe you should wait for the next day when everyone is coming back IN for tomorrow battles to try and sell them things.
    03:29 - What's wrong Ash? Paul is giving you his usual cold stare, why are you acting surprised at that?
    04:04 - Unless the data is updated after ever battles that take place, so that would mean the data Paul is looking up IS the up-to-date data.
    05:00 - That doesn't make sense, unless Paul catches new Pokemon before tomorrow every Pokemon he has should be in there or otherwise he would have an unfair adventage... wait a second if that was Paul's data then does mean Electabuzz evolved into Electivire?!
    06:14 - A run? Why not a Pokemon Battle? Your both versing rivals so a battle with another rival would be helpful training.

    Whatever You Can Choose I Have A Counter:
    07:01 - Hey, um, you're kind of missing the platform the Pokemon trainers are suppose to be standing on... oh the trainer rises on the platform, very clever.
    08:21 - ... Well that was quick! Then again Magmortar did have the type adventage... like Brock just said.
    08:59 - Yes, because if it's one thing we know about Paul is that he would NEVER hurt his one Pokemon if he could ignore it.
    10:13 - Liar, you used Carbos, didn't you.
    01:12 - Oops, maybe Barry should have stuck with a Fighting-type attack, I mean Ursaring was probably ready to go down, just a one or two STAB Fighting-type attacks would have been a better choice.
    01:20 - Why Blaze Kick? That's a Fire-type move, Ursaring is weak to Fighting-type moves you showed Hitmonlee knows. You were doing good up till this point!
    01:53 - ... or a Murkrow crowing... that was kind of random... BTW Where are the other vendors?
    03:47 - YOU DIDN'T FIGURE OUT THAT BEFORE WHEN BARRY WAS LOOKING UP PAUL'S DATA! Electivire's picture was the biggest one!

    Withstanding A Loss:
    04:36 - Barry is there a Pokemon of yours you didn't stuff with Carbos?
    04:51 - Why Giga Impact? Yay it's a strong move but Empoleon is part Steel-type, it's resistant to Normal-type attacks. Once again it would have been better to use a STAB move here!
    05:25 - Ah yes, Torrent, kind of keep forgetting the Starters have Abilities which only activate when they're low on health.
    06:06 - What do you think is the big idea of using Protect? Besides, being you used Hydro Cannon all Paul had to do was stall until after Empoleon's attack...
    06:36 - Um, what just happened? I mean it was kind of obvious Empoleon wasn't going to withstand the attack, but it just stood there with its eyes wide open as Barry ran onto the field, I mean at least have its eyes close or something because as far as the viewer is concerned Empoleon looked alright.
    08:05 - *GASP* Paul complimenting someone! Though really it's only Ash that Paul likes to push buttons with.
    08:50 - See Dawn, Ash has gotten use to Conway popping up out of no where.

    Edited on 12/07/2010 11:00pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [7]Dec 7, 2010
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    LOL, his name is Tobias.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [8]Dec 7, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    LOL, his name is Tobias.

    Well that kills that joke.

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [9]Dec 9, 2010
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    Is the title supposed to reference to something? Aside from the obvious. They usually have great puns. They should've used the old nammes with Soooooooooooon.

    Toy....whatever sounds weird but its better than Takutp

    Edited on 12/09/2010 12:34am
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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [10]Dec 11, 2010
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    It wasn't a bad episode, wish we could've seen more battling. But oh well.

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