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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Cheers on Castaways Isle!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jun 27, 2009
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2]Jun 27, 2009
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    It was a real treat to see Deoxys. Although a Filler and how much I hate them, this was one of those exceptions no doubt. Though I wish that Team Rocket was not always the troublemakers, it should have been some other villain(s) or a Character of the Day Villain(s). Other than that, good episode.
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [3]Jun 27, 2009
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    cool im the first person to post

    well i think this was a great episode and i thought that was a manaphy egg so when deoxys popped out i was pleasantly surprised the main thing that bothered me was how aerial ace seemed to be more effective than crabhammer :\ crabhammer shouldve at least dented the gold robotic hand. there are a few other rants i have but i wont bother typing them

    edit: never mind someone beat me by 12 seconds

    Edited on 06/27/2009 9:27am
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [4]Jun 27, 2009
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    This is a great episode.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [5]Jun 27, 2009
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    i love this episode.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [6]Jun 27, 2009
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    While not the greatest filler, it was a pretty good one nontheless. I have to say that this is probably's Deoxys best appearance, if not the best one (you couldn't do any worse than the 7th Movie). Other then that, everything else I have to say about the episode is in my review which just so happens to be right under this summery! Imagine that:

    Getting The Story Straight:
    * This looks to be a pleasent sight, and here's Pikachu and Piplup... alone... on an island in a middle of the ocean... uh oh...
    * They're stranded? Um, I think we started the episode a bit too late... oh good, the narrator is bring us back a few hours.
    * They're going to Chocovine Town (and then Snowpoint City) by boat? Why not take a blimp like they did when they went to Canalave City?
    * *sigh* Piplup... knowing you, if Pikachu hadn't tackeld off the gears you woudl have been grounded... umm, Jessie, Ash and co. aren't there so you don't really need a disguise.
    * Silly Meowth, Pikachu isn't a Shyguy, he's not wearing rec clothes and a hockey mask. Anyway off they go into Team Rocket's trap.
    * Didn' take Ash and co. too long to find Team Rocket and a trapped Pikachu and Piplup, I can see where this ties in Pikachu and Piplup getting standed.
    * I guess without Piplup, Ash is pretty much the only one you can follow Team Rocket with him having the only Water-type.
    * Looks like Team Rocket got themselves trapped in a strong current, and I have a feeling that container Pikachu and Piplup in isn't securily connected.
    * And like I said, the current pulls them off and breaks them free of the container. Oh brilliant Ash, surely by now you'd remember not to gasp underwater.
    * Oh, Officer Jenny, at least Brock and Dawn were able to get Ash some help (and quikcly too). It wouldn't be a Pokemon episode unless our heroes had to take a little detour from their route.

    SOPAP: Save Our Pikach And Piplup:
    * Like Ash was lucky to have Buizel swim him around, Pikachu was lucky to have Piplup swim it to the stranded island... though I think that is the least of Piplup's worries.
    * Oh, Nosepass and Probopass (and some Wingulls flying in the background), so I guess this is Pokemon's world Easter Island?
    * Well, at least there are apples Pikachu and Piplup can eat while they wait for Ash and co. to rescue them... hm, what was that shine? Oh well, doesn't matter... yet.
    * Piplup, don't you think you're being a bit selfish? I mean at least offer Pikachu one of the apples it so kindly found while you complained and did nothing.
    * And now we are back to the start of the episode (that wasn't a few hours, it was about 7 minutes ). So now what?
    * Looks like Pikachu had an idea. Oh, use its Thundershock as a flare... good idea but those dark clouds make me think otherwise. Um, Piplup, I think Pikachu can handle this as Bubblebeam really isn't going to...
    * ... OMG!!! Lesson of this episode: Don't shoot electricity and water up into dark clouds unless you want to make large blue lightning strike you. Though I'm sure Pikachu only got stunned, Piplup looked to have been knocked out.
    * But of course it starts to rain (but at least Piplup was revived). LOL, forgot Nosepass and Probopass are weak to Water-types and so probably don't like the rain.

    A Shocking Foreign Welcome:
    * Oh no, looks like that tropical storm is covering the island Pikachu and Piplup are on. Oh, even more great, the location is called Diablo's Ocean! And for those who don't know, "diablo" is Spanish for "the devil".
    * Strange unknown energy? Being that if effects electronic equipment and what Nosepass need to evolve into Probopass, I'm guessing this energy is probably magnetism?
    * Back on the island, Pikachu and Piplup wait around for Ash and co..., hey look, Mantyke's, and they are carrying rocks to where Pikachu saw the shiny... something...
    * Hmm? An egg? Um, I don't think rocks make a very nice nest -_-;... err... it's glowing green... and the rocks are all rainbow colored (well, for a split second).
    * Umm... now the egg is floating... which exact Pokemon does this egg belong too? Oh... guess it wasn't hatching, and it's pretty sturdy to land on rocks and not crack (maybe it isn't an egg?).
    * So Corphish is telling us what exactly we just saw. So it was running from the way (I understand the Probopass and Nosepass, but why are Water-types trying to get out of the rain?) when from the sky it saw a... wait a second...
    * That shape... IT'S A DEOXYS! Of course, that isn't an egg, that's Deoxys' crystal chest brain! It's body must have vaporize due to the lightning and the Pokemon on the island are trying to revive it.
    * Being the rocks responded to Deoxys as it's crystal chest brain fell, the Pokemon on the island figured that they could use the rocks to revive Deoxys (I guess it makes sense, the rocks do give off magnetic waves).
    * Revive a Deoxys, how can Pikachu and Piplup resist not helping? Time for some rescue music and they are off.
    * How can Pikachu talk and open its mouth underwater? It's not a Water-type! Oh, and this time Piplup stopped Pikachu from doing something stupid by almost shocking everyone.
    * But Pikachu makes up for it by knocking lose a pick rock! And with that good deed done, here's Staravia and Buizel! Um... you two could have at least told Pikachu and Piplup that Ash and co. are on their way.

    They Change Formes So Fast:
    * Looks like that giant rock Pikachu knocked loose is the boost Deoxys needed to revive, and Deoxys is even petting them to say thanks (at least I think that's what it's doing). Gah! Team Rocket!
    * Great, they stopped the revival process, though looks like Corphish is handling the situation... nervemind... scratch that Staravia and Buizel are here! Oh, and Ash and co. (+ Officer Jenny) too.
    * And just in time to save the day, Deoxys! Oh, so the rocks are meteors... and Deoxys is using them to lift Team Rocket's sub out of the water! And then a change to Attack Forme quickly launches them off.
    * And it keeps on using Attack Forme to knock away the rubble landng on the Mantyke, switched to Speed Forme to quickly get over Ash and co. (+ Corphish), and then Defense Forme to knock away the rubble landing on them. That's all of Deoxys' Formes!
    * Nice to have a Deoxys appearance which doesn't have it going crazy and attacking everything. Anyway that aurora means Deoxys gotta go, but gives off a quick nod of thanks before doing so.
    * So Deoxys uses that island to re-energize itself due to all the meteors that are around it (Good thing Team Galactic doesn't knows about that place ). Anyway they get to Chocovine Town as they originally planned, so tommorow is probably Dawn's Pokemon Contest.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [7]Jun 27, 2009
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    A pretty good filler, and it was fun to see Deoxys. Also a nice change of pace to have the episode focused more on the Pokemon themselves rather than Ash and/or Dawn.
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  • Avatar of jjsthekid


    [8]Jun 28, 2009
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    It was pretty good. I liked that we saw Deoxys again.
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  • Avatar of GrandCross21


    [9]Jun 28, 2009
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    It was alright, nothing special. Surprised to see not that many explosions
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [10]Jun 28, 2009
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    i thought it was an OK episode. Although, it was cool to see Deoxys
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [11]Jun 28, 2009
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    Yeah, seeing Deoxys was really cool, just like the other folks said. Great episode.
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [12]Jun 28, 2009
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    Good to see an episode focusing on Pikachu & Piplup, although really this was a stupid episode, kinda like "Steamboat Willies!". Anyway, I'm really disappointed at how Deoxys is getting treated in the show. Oh well, there's always a next week.

    Cheers on Castaways Isle! receives a 6.9

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [13]Jun 29, 2009
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    crzyazn_9399 wrote:

    Good to see an episode focusing on Pikachu & Piplup, although really this was a stupid episode, kinda like "Steamboat Willies!". Anyway, I'm really disappointed at how Deoxys is getting treated in the show. Oh well, there's always a next week.

    Cheers on Castaways Isle! receives a 6.9

    is there a reason u feel this way? (please elaborate)
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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [14]Jun 29, 2009
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    For me, anyways the episode got boring :p. But it was cool to see Dexoys again.
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  • Avatar of NYGBRIAN246


    [15]Jun 29, 2009
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    crzyazn_9399 wrote:
    Good to see an episode focusing on Pikachu & Piplup, although really this was a stupid episode, kinda like "Steamboat Willies!".
    For me it feels more like Shipboat Shipwreck. All that missing is subtitles since half of the esp is Pokemon blurting out their names. =/

    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    crzyazn_9399 wrote:

    Good to see an episode focusing on Pikachu & Piplup, although really this was a stupid episode, kinda like "Steamboat Willies!". Anyway, I'm really disappointed at how Deoxys is getting treated in the show. Oh well, there's always a next week.

    Cheers on Castaways Isle! receives a 6.9

    is there a reason u feel this way? (please elaborate)
    He means how often we see Deoxy. Personally I'm getting tired of it. -.-
    Edited on 06/29/2009 12:42pm
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [16]Jun 29, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    crzyazn_9399 wrote:

    Good to see an episode focusing on Pikachu & Piplup, although really this was a stupid episode, kinda like "Steamboat Willies!". Anyway, I'm really disappointed at how Deoxys is getting treated in the show. Oh well, there's always a next week.

    Cheers on Castaways Isle! receives a 6.9

    is there a reason u feel this way? (please elaborate)

    I don't understand your question. I just thought it was a dumb episode, that's all. And as for Deoxys, it's just disappointing because of the way it is portrayed: Movie 7 - Need a friend; Battle Frontier - Need a friend, for the most part; Cheers on Castaways Isle! - Idk, Some stupid plot to get rid of Team Rocket. Haha, not strong support, but still it is disappointing. (Someone please correct me if I've forgotten an appearance/messed up/etc.)

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  • Avatar of Yusei08


    [17]Jun 30, 2009
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    What I don't get is that, since this was an island, it is not on Mt. Coronet . . . so how was there Probopass?! It was even stated in an episode that Nosepass can only evolve within Mt. Coronet!!
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [18]Jun 30, 2009
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    Yusei08 wrote:
    What I don't get is that, since this was an island, it is not on Mt. Coronet . . . so how was there Probopass?! It was even stated in an episode that Nosepass can only evolve within Mt. Coronet!!

    Simple. They evolved at Mt. Coronet, then they came to the island. Plus, your overthinking it a bit.

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  • Avatar of Yusei08


    [19]Jun 30, 2009
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    crzyazn_9399 wrote:

    Yusei08 wrote:
    What I don't get is that, since this was an island, it is not on Mt. Coronet . . . so how was there Probopass?! It was even stated in an episode that Nosepass can only evolve within Mt. Coronet!!

    Simple. They evolved at Mt. Coronet, then they came to the island. Plus, your overthinking it a bit.

    How would they have got to the Island? They are wild, they couldn't just decide to catch a boat.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [20]Jun 30, 2009
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    Yusei08 wrote:
    crzyazn_9399 wrote:

    Yusei08 wrote:
    What I don't get is that, since this was an island, it is not on Mt. Coronet . . . so how was there Probopass?! It was even stated in an episode that Nosepass can only evolve within Mt. Coronet!!

    Simple. They evolved at Mt. Coronet, then they came to the island. Plus, your overthinking it a bit.

    How would they have got to the Island? They are wild, they couldn't just decide to catch a boat.

    Whether they are wild or taken, all u need is a good enough piece of wood and u got urself a raft. It is just an anime.

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