Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
holy cats: Widescreen
wow candice is the oposite of her element
i definitely dont remember her bein this perky in the game.
that fat guy was so rude to ash i mean seriously how does knowing abra sleeps 18 hours a day help u win a battle? there is no way that anyone in real life could answer those questions before actually hearing the full thing.
well on the bright side the hd quality made this episode look reallyh cool now i wish i had a flatscreen lol
Today's episode wasn't anything interesting, but was good for what it was nontheless. Most importently, Ash and co. get to Snowpoint City and get introduced to Candice... unfortunely Zoey is also there and is in fact the first character we see in the start of the episode. However Zoey doesn't act like a SOB this time (though we do get reminded of some reason's why she is a SOB). Well with that you can eithe read my review or just wait till the next and more importent episode happens:
A Nice, Peaceful Tow... WATCH OUT:
* Gah! Zoey! We're starting off the episode with Zoey? Hopefully she won't be a SOB in this episode... probably not..
* Zoey, you're watch must be slow, Ash and co. are never on time.
* Oh right, Snowpoint is Zoey's hometown.Anyway Zeoy gives a tour and reveals that Snowpoint is peaceful and quiet... except for the occaisonal Abomisnow attack.
* Zozo? That's a very interesting nickname for her Candice... CANDICE! Well I guess it's time for an early Gym Leader introduction.
* Miss Senior? Zoey are you blind? Candice is like... 15?... well she's young. And apparently loves Dawn's jacket.
* Anyway she finally introduces herself as the Gym Leader and out of instinct Ash challenges her right on the spot which gets her excited being there has been a lack of challengers.
* Brock, being Pewter City is close by Pallet Town where trainer go to get their starter, I would think your Gym would get quite the amount of challengers, especially those who chose Bulbasaur or Squirtle.
* No Dawn, why Zoey calls Candice Ms. Senior still isn't known because Candice never stated she was a scholar or something like that which would give her a title as such.
* Ash, why are you surprised that Candice is a Gym Leader and teacher? Mst if not all the Gym Leaders have a second job, and in Hoenn you faced Roxanne who was a Gym Leader and teacher as well!
* And with her asking for Ash and co. (+ Zoey) to show the students their Pokemon, the Gym Battle will probably be next episode. Though why she doesn't have her Gym Battle with Ash with her students watching would be a better (and more exciting and push the plot along) experience.
Question Connecting Does Not Work That Way:
* So finally we get how schools in Pokemon kind of work (or at least Pokemon schools), kids learn all about Pokemon until they reach 10 where they could set off on their journey. They also have an adult course for those who had to stop their journey cause life got in the way. And look, there's Team Rocket.
* Yes Team Rocket, it's Ash (why you didn't react sooner until she introduced Ash I don't know). LOL, Meowth is having Wobbuffet acting as his Pokemon.
* Having Ash create a motto to use to win Gym Battles, this isn't going to end pretty... oh, it wasn't that bad, though everyone is acting like they never heard that phrase before.
* Anyway Ash and Dawn participate with Ash sitting next to a Poketch rep, Jeremiah I think it was, and his Skutank while Dawn sits down next to James and Mime Jr..
* Candice you're giving Ash too much credit in the realm of being knowledgable, he's only smart during battles but outside of that you might as well have Pikachu be leading the group. Anyway time for a quiz, game show-styIe!
* Jessie, this is a school, there won't be any prizes... oh the quiz started! Ash! Don't buzz in until you know the question! Sure it's about Pikachu but she didn't ask whether she wanted it's type, species, generation of Pokemon... okay she might not ask that, but you get the idea.
* Well it's not type, and Ash is told not to be too hasty by Jeremiah. In addition James also speaks up saying you need to know the end of the question and was the prince of answering questions when he was a kid (in addition to blinding Jessie and Meowth, though I do feel like the "item got" music should be playing with the light show he's giving off).
* Geez James, you gave that speech about not answering the question before you hear the enitre question and then you go right ahead and do what you said you're not suppose to! Besides, Pichu is the Tiny Mouse Pokemon...
* ... I'm sorry I'm lost here. How did you get Stunky's lasting aroma from Abra sleeping 18 hours? I'm calling cheater on that, it could be possible he knew Candice was going to talk about how long Abra sleeps, but not way can anyone guess it'll lead to Stunky.
* Powerful attack? Pay Day may be a special move Meowth, Persian (Generation III), and a Skitty from the Ruby and Sapphire Box may have but with a power of only 40 it's far from a "powerful move". And Meowth, how exactly would answering the question blow your cover?
* So the quiz was just to test everyone's reflexes? Anyway Ash, you do need to clam down, Brock is right that though your mind is usually empty, in battle you become a tactician expert.
Raising A Launch Off:
* Technically Jeremiah, to be a Pokemon Trainer all you need is a Pokemon, everything else is additional, with trivial knowledge being very, very additional.
* LOL! Piplup is running in and out of the cat door. So this must be where Zoey and Candice hung out when thye were kids. Stubborn? No Candice, we have another way to describe Zoey's attitude.
* Back to the story, apparently Zoey and Candice rose Glameow together. Zoey find it in a box in a back alley when she was a little girl while walking home from school, however her parents didn't want Zoey to have a Pokemon until she was a trainer.
* Candice involvement in this is that Mr. Honcho (I guess the teacher or principle at the Pokemon School) found out but Zoey refused to give Glameow up. Candice defended Zoey's decision and Mr. Honcho then told them if they wanted to keep Glameow it was both of their responsibility.
* Yay... we kind of know about Zoey's "you-can't-be-a-trainer-and-a-coordinator", which is the reason why she is a SOB and not stubborn. And Candice, being a trainer and coordintor isn't "doing too much", it's more like the trainer is trying to experience everything to its full extent.
* Gah! Calm down Candice! Sure Zoey is probably Dawn's biggest rival but she's not the antagonist kind (though it does seem it at times). Dawn's antagonist is... is... she really doesn't have a main antagonist in Pokemon Contests like May had with Harley.
* Okay, time to hear Team Rocket's plans on why they are here... and what a shock (not), it's to get the schools Pokemon. Oh, and here is the Mr. Honcho guy, and after some convincing, he gives them a tour of where the School's Pokemon are kept.
* Wow, Team Rocket took no time in stealing the Pokemon! Though Jeremiah stopped them, unfortunetly his Skutank didn't stand much of a chance against Jame's Carnivine despite type advtenage. Luckily before Serviper could strike Pikachu took it down.
* You know I think it's been quiet awhile until we had a new character point out that Meowth is a talking Pokemon. Anyway, after an interesting motto Candice throws out Abomisnow and Ash throws out Buizel. And as Abomisnow does Blizzard to freeze Team Rocket, Ash shows his battling smarts and pulls off an Ice Aqua Jet!
* And in a surprise its Zeoy's Glameow that does today's launch off while Piplup does a Whirlpool to catch the stolen Pokeballs. All in all, everything ends on the usual happy note, which is good for next episode is the Snowpoint Gym Battle!
animation_luver wrote: |
i definitely dont remember her bein this perky in the game. that fat guy was so rude to ash i mean seriously how does knowing abra sleeps 18 hours a day help u win a battle? there is no way that anyone in real life could answer those questions before actually hearing the full thing. well on the bright side the hd quality made this episode look reallyh cool now i wish i had a flatscreen lol |
that70sguy92 wrote: |
Wow. I was annoyed by this episode. Candice was too bubbly, not like she was in the game. And I was cringing every time Zoey said Miss Senior and Candice said Zozo... Oi. |
but candice is like that in the games
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
Zoey called Candice Sempai, as in superior (most commonly used in schoolars, like if your friend is the next year, he/she would be your sempai, but any friend you respect who is older qualifies actually) in the japanese, so Miss Senior is a technically accurate title, annoyingly so. |