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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Coming Full Festival Circle!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Oct 2, 2010
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    Part 3 of the Grand Festival. Zoey vs. Nando was amazing......Dawn vs. Jessie.....yeah....

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [2]Oct 2, 2010
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    Awesome battles. But I wish I got to see more of Dawn v.s Jesse /:

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [3]Oct 2, 2010
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    Yeah, Zoey and Nando's battle was pretty awesome, but Dawn and Jessie's battle was rushed so much it wasn't that interesting. Then again, it's better than dedicating a whole other episode just for Dawn and Jessie's battle.

    Jessie sure made a creepy face when she lost to Dawn. I loled when Dawn told her how nice she was.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [4]Oct 2, 2010
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    Man, I can't believe Dawn has made it farther in her first Grand Festival than May did in her's. I wonder what that means. I also wonder what it'll mean for Ash's luck in the Sinnoh League.

    Well, I think we've seen the last of Jeesilina. I feel a little bad for her, considering we've been watching her journey as much as Dawn's. Still, I do kind of wish they could've given Dawn's battle with Jessie a little more time. I mean, hey, shouldn't the real focus they gave Nando and Zoey been on Dawn's battle? Oh, well, at least it's a sure thing they won't do the same with Dawn and Zoey's battle. The real questions for next episode are: 1) How long are they going to be able to stretch five minutes out in the next episode and 2) What will the remainder of the episode's time be used for?

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [5]Oct 2, 2010
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    Awesome episode! The Grand Festival is nearing its conclusion, with the final match revealed to be Dawn vs. Zoey! I'm so glad Dawn made it to the final round! But yes, just like the others said, I do wish that they had shown more of the Dawn vs. Jessie battle.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [6]Oct 2, 2010
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Jessie sure made a creepy face when she lost to Dawn. I loled when Dawn told her how nice she was.

    I'd say she was on the cusp of a Villainous Breakdown.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Oct 2, 2010
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    FINALLY the writers remembered the Point System was actually meant to matter in Pokemon Contests! Anyway the Zoey Vs. Nando battle was very nice, it was actually a battle I want to see with each side exchanging blows and getting advantage over the other only to have it then taken away and fight to get it back. Of course then we have the Dawn vs. Jessie which we didn't see fully, for a good portion we were focusing on Johanna, and really felt rushed despite both of the characters competing being MAIN CHARACTERS. Seriously, Dawn isn't getting any good battles, the Ursula match was broken and now we only saw clips of the Jessie match! Even Jessie snapping at the end, though hilarious in its own right, couldn't make up for this! Hopefully the Finals match will give Dawn a good battle, though it's up against Zoey and note I said it was the FINALS match... We'll cross that river next week, here's the comments:

    All Sinnoh Coordinators Must Be Newbies:
    00:17 - And the complete ignorance of the point system, that kind of played a small role in Dawn winning against Usrula too.
    01:37 - Once again James and Meowth aren't in a disguise despite them knowing Ash & co. are here too. Well at least they sold off the Jessilina cards, made no sense why they couldn't before.
    02:46 - That's right, the four coordinators going into the semi-finals are all ones that we know WAY before the Grand Festival... yay, think about the probability for that to happen for a second...
    03:16 - Well Ash, Dawn is about to participate in the semi-finals of an activity which she has been wanting to do her entire (10 years) of life like her mother did before her, I think she might have some stuff on her mind to think about.
    03:27 - Yup, out of over 100 coordinators only 4 got through, all who we know far before the Grand Festival...
    03:58 - Well Nando, that's an interesting collection of Pokemon you got there. I see a few Marill and Poliwags there, maybe you should catch it to help with your blaring Fire-type weakness your team has. Hold it, how is that Cherrim remaining in Sunshine Form, it's night!
    04:26 - You're not the only one who is surprised Nando. I mean while I think you'll be the one winning, technically you did just start being a coordinator, you're either lucky or all the Sinnoh coordinators have just began being coordinators.
    04:50 - Good god... Okay, now while I said before I had a hard time seeing James and Meowth selling the Jessie cards... I don't think they'll be able to sell all this!

    Don't Be Surprised This Is Long:
    06:02 - Um, thanks for that explanation Marian, it's not like you've been using Double-Battles throughout the Grand Festival, or wait... Though thank you for reminding us about the points, I think the judges forgot about those.
    06:32 - Actually Ash, unless you haven't been watching Zoey's matches you could clearly see in the beginning of this episode's recap that Zoey had used Mismagius in a previous battle. And Brock, being Nando's team is 90% either Grass- or Bug-type that goes without saying.
    06:58 - If you remember Brock, Altaria isn't a Bug- or Grass-type either (though it can learn Sing). It's not like Nando doesn't have other type of Pokemon or Pokemon that relating to song and music.
    07:02 - Energy Ball? Unless Zoey is aiming for Lopunny, Energy Ball isn't going to do a lot of damage to Kricketune.
    07:48 - On the reverse side of that Bug Buzz is very effective against Leafeon, which looks downright sick from the attack. And here we get an answer why Nando has Lopunny, along with song usually comes dancing.
    09:09 - That's right Zoey, the very thing which you originally considered Nando an unserious coordinator for (Gym battling) is being used right against you, pay back is a... well, it's what you are Zoey.
    09:50 - Blizzard too? Leafeon wasn't a very good choice for this battle. Yay, Zoey used the Blizzard to make Nando lose points, but if that Blizzard hits Leafeon it'll all be in vain. Of course as soon as it did what Zoey wanted Lopunny stopped using Blizzard despite both of Zoey's Pokemon now being wide open.
    00:32 - I was going to make a comment about why Zoey was using Lucky Chant against Sing but Brock already took care of that for me.
    00:50 - WHAT? No it doesn't! Just because they are both "sound" moves doesn't change their effects when both are used!
    01:57 - Zoey, tha'ts a bad move to make, X-Scissor is a Bug-type and Leaf Blade is Grass-type, X-Scissor should break through. But of course, it does.
    02:32 - Geez Dawn, it sounded like you were going to, pardon me for saying this, orgasm. Seriously, she was getting WAY too excited about this battle, and not in the same way Fantina does.
    03:22 - What...
    04:11 - Are Nando and Zoey having a battle or trying to recreate the Big Bang? Anyway Zoey wins, there goes my bet.
    05:49 - Wait, that's right, this was the semi-final Zoey won... oh please don't tell me she's going to... but being she'll be facing either Dawn or Jessilin... she'll be facing Dawn and we can't have the main character winning...

    However Do Be Surprised This Is Short:
    06:19 - Piplup, why are you in a cheerleading dress? YOUR MALE!... AND WHY ISN'T JAMES AND MEOWTH IN DISGUISE! Now before they could have used the excuse Ash & co. didn't watch Jessilina's battles... BUT HERE THEY ARE RIGHT ACROSS FROM EACH OTHER AND YELLING! JAMES EVEN CALLS JESSIE BY HER REAL NAME OUTLOUD!
    06:50 - Um, excuse me, I know Johanna is an importent character but we would like the see the battle... actually there is only 4 minutes left of the show, is this battle going into the next episode?
    07:28 - Wait, wasn't Serviper frozen?
    07:55 - The battle is all over already? Are you telling me for two side characters they spent 10 minutes on but for the battle between two MAIN characters they only showed bits of it and had it only last 2 minutes! What a rip!
    08:12 - Oh boy, looks like Jessie snapped... oh boy, she's charging at Dawn... oh boy, she's... encouraging Dawn? Yup, Jessie has snapped.
    09:40 - Well that's the end of the episode, guess next week will be... oh, I guess we'll have the intro here and have the actual battle begin next week.

    Edited on 10/02/2010 11:47pm
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [10]Oct 3, 2010
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    Awesome episode.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [11]Oct 3, 2010
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    They really threw Jessie under the bus. They spend time developing her as a coordinator, and even though see only won three ribbons on her own, what was the point of having her in the Grand Festival if she barely shined.

    Besides Dawn vs Jessie I only had one problem with the episode....OH MAI GAWD!!!!

    Edited on 10/03/2010 9:30am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Oct 3, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    They really threw Jessie under the bus. They spend time developing her as a coordinator, and even though see only won three ribbons on her own, what was the point of having her in the Grand Festival if she barely shined.

    Besides Dawn vs Jessie I only had one problem with the episode....OH MAI GAWD!!!!

    "OH MAI GAWD"?

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [13]Oct 3, 2010
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    In the Japanese version when Mismagius used Psywave to give Leafon wings Fantina screamed out Oh My God.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Oct 3, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    In the Japanese version when Mismagius used Psywave to give Leafon wings Fantina screamed out Oh My God.

    Ah yes, Japan and its Engrish.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [15]Oct 3, 2010
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    and all english becomes French (for some reason)in the English version

    why? I'll never know

    Edited on 10/03/2010 12:44pm
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [16]Oct 3, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Don't forget that the Grand Festival Stadium is probably more or less around the size of a major league baseball stadium; there's hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the stands, so I seriously doubt that Ash and co. would be able to see James and Meowth, let alone hear them. I also doubt that anyone even heard James and Meowth call Jessie's name except for the people directly around them, considering the uproar of the crowd and the battle.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [17]Oct 3, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    and all english becomes French (for some reason)in the English version

    why? I'll never know

    Well she's a foreigner from another country. In Japan I guess it's assumed she came from an English speaking country like the U.S. of England. However being this point probably wouldn't translate well in English speaking countries, they made her French. Now being the scripts the other countries translate from is the English script, all other languages except French make her speak French. What does the French games have Fantina speak? English, just like the Japanese games.

    Of course do remember we are technically hearing Fantina from the ears of a Sinnoh residence, so it's more the fact that she is speaking in a foreign language we should pay attention to and not what foreign language it is. If they were to make a game which takes place where Fantina is from and we play a character who speaks the same language and were to meet Fantina in the game, assuming she doesn't use any of the foreign language she picked up over in Sinnoh, in the English games she should speak perfect English as we're hearing it from a native from Fantina's home nation and speaks the same language she does.

    Which is why the former Team Rocket member from Isshu should be speaking perfectly fine in Black & White, being he is back in Isshu and we're hearing him from a native from Isshu.

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Don't forget that the Grand Festival Stadium is probably more or less around the size of a major league baseball stadium; there's hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the stands, so I seriously doubt that Ash and co. would be able to see James and Meowth, let alone hear them. I also doubt that anyone even heard James and Meowth call Jessie's name except for the people directly around them, considering the uproar of the crowd and the battle.

    Still, Ash & co., are around and if Jessie was to look back at them to say something that might direct Ash & co. to wonder who is Jessilina looking at and see she's talking to James and Meowth.

    Also, I doubt the people around James and Meowth would care about them calling "Jessilina" Jessie, but I'm surprised no on had noticed the TALKING MEOWTH. Meowth has someone in front, next, and behind him, shouldn't at least one of these people wonder why a voice is coming from the seat which has a Pokemon sitting in it?

    Edited on 10/03/2010 2:21pm
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [18]Oct 4, 2010
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    that battle between Zoey & Nando was amazing! this is what Pokemon should be all about. BATTLES. they should do more of that in B&W. it was so good I actually rewinded the battle twice. loved the part when Leafeon grew wings, & the last part when Leafeon & Kricketune collided, while Lopunny & Mismagius just watched. I also loved how all four Pokemon are generation 4 Poke'. Dawn & Jessieleena(sp)'s battle was crap, Dawn looked like a rookie. but still very funny the way Jessieleena got all hysterical, I lol'ed. I'm guessing Dawn's gonna lose, but I hope she wins! can't wait to see next week's. Dawn's battle better be epic
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  • Avatar of pokemon152


    [19]Oct 8, 2010
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    This episode was epic.

    I sure hope that Dawn wins.

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