Metro said it Cilan, not me.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Metro said it Cilan, not me.
Awesome episode! Another train ride gone awry, obviously another Team Rocket plot! And the Subway Bosses Ingo and Emmet are really cool!
This was one exciting episode. Cilan shows yet another thing he's a connoisseur at, and Iris criticizes. It was cool that he and the subway bosses, Ingo and Emmett, knew each other. Yes, I knew they were good guys! As for Meowth, the truth was exactly what I feared. Oh god, it seems Team Rocket is becoming more and more of an actual threat...
Great episode! Can't wait til the next one.
Seems like a dark way to end the year, huh?
I got to admit, Team Rocket's really getting their act together. This has to be one of their most carefully thought up plans yet. By far one of the most interesting episodes in a while.
Now this is the kind of action and excitement I like to watch! Ash & co. have finally gotten to Nimbasa City when they decide to take the Nimbasa City Subway to the Pokemon Center before going to Ash's Gym Battle. However while on the train an emergency causes it to stop but luckily Ingo and Emmet gets the train going again and we find out their friends with Cilan. After hearing about a "Ghost Train" they go to the Pokemon Center where things are about to go horribly wrong. Could this "Ghost Train" be Team Rocket and if so what are they planning? What happens at the Pokemon Center which is about to start up a bad chain of events? Will Ash & co. be able to save the day as usual or are things going to get more complicated? And of course how will Meowth react to this if this is Team Rocket's doing? Get all aboard (sorry, but don't worry, this is the only train pun I'm doing) and read ahead to find the answers which you seek:
Stage 0: Betrayal:
Ash & co. have finally arrived to Nimbasa City! After Iris points out the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel, Cilan explains there are so many trainers in Nimbasa there are plenty of places to battle besides the Gym such as Big Stadium, Small Cour, Musical Theater... one of these things is not like the other (what, they forgot about the Battle Institute?). Ash wants to head to the Gym but Meowth is tired out and wants to go to the Pokemon Center to rest. Iris agrees with Meowth saying she's hungry but Ash says he wants his Gym Battle now... before his stomach starts to rumble and he too agrees. Cilan gets excited saying he knows where the Pokemon Center and leads everyone to... a subway entrance (this review is going to be full ellipsis, isn't it?). Ash points this out but Cilan says Nimbasa's City's subway system is fast and easy meaning they can get to the Pokemon Center quicker (oh come on, Nimbasa City isn't that big. In fact, no city in the Pokemon World is very big, which is why Nimbasa City having a subway system confuses me. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if most of Unova fit into New York meaning the subway system should really be able to take you to all the cities in the region, kind of like the Goldenrod Magnet Train). Ash and Iris are surprise of Cilan's interest in trains and Cilan... *sigh* calls himself a "Metro Connoisseur" (I don't think slapping Cilan is the appropriate punishment anymore, next time Cilan says he's a "Connoisseur" of anything I might just set him on fire (and it'll be double effective!)), oh opener and title card, thank you.
Now in the subway, Cilan freaks out about a train on display (better not take him to Anville Town or he'll never leave) and Ash says it just looks like subway cars which Cilan takes offense to and declares it "Subway Time" and pretty tells us a re-worded description of the Double Train you get in Anville Town. Ash, Iris, and Meowth aren't amused as Cilan starts going over what a "Metro Connoisseur" fully entails until Ash's stomach rumbles again and Meowth drags Cilan away from the display. On a train Cilan presses his face against the window full of giddy (I swear if he starts singing about trains taking him away I'm hitting him with a nunchuck) as a little kid laughs at him and Iris tells him he's embarrassing them. Cilan tells Iris he's looking at the controls which Ash takes a peak and finds no one is at them as Cilan explains it's ATO (automatic train operation) with a main computer controlling the trains (you know, I know technology in the Pokemon World is suppose to be very advance, but I would think you would still need a human operator just incase something happens which needs a manual override).
Oh, perfect timing, SOMETHING JUST HAPPENED! An error message appears on the controls and the train grinds to a halt which Cilan says is the emergency breaks kicking in and wonders if there may have been an accident. Cilan looks out the window to see the Team Rocket train speed-by (the Rocket "R" passing too fast for him to notice) wondering what train was that as everyone on the train starts to gossip about a "Ghost Train". Ash and Iris call Cilan over seeing two lights on the track coming up to the train though as you probably could guess it's just Ingo and Emmet which Cilan explains to Ash and Iris are the Subway Bosses and make an announcement they'll be resuming service and the trains starts moving again. At the next station we find that Cilan knows Ingo and Emmet (*GASP* you mean the important NPCs like Gym Leaders and (most likely) Frontier Brains actually know each other? Though I guess in defense for the anime there are technically more then 8 Gym Leaders in each region) and Iris ask if there is something wrong with the trains which Ingo says there have been strange train sightings they haven't been able to identify. Cilan asks if it's the "Ghost Train" they just saw which Ingo confirms saying the "Ghost Train" appeared at Drawbridge Station causing ATO to stop all the other trains but Emmet finishes saying the "Ghost Train" then just vanishes. Cilan get angry someone is messing with the Subway with flames in his eye though Meowth drags him off to calm down and head to the Pokemon Center.
At the Pokemon Center, Ash says he never saw one as big as this one (I'm sure this is wrong but I can't recall anyone off hand) and Nurse Joy says this is because of the many trainers coming to Nimbasa City and also telling them about their gourmet restaurant and Pokemon Vault. And before you can ask, Cilan explains the Pokemon Vault is where strong Pokemon can battle (I'm guessing this is their substitute for the Battle Institute?) and Meowth says they're Pokemon therapy machines (a chamber with green liquid) and massages from Audinos. Ash says Meowth sure knows about the Pokemon Vault which Meowth says it's famous in the Unova region and they should let the Pokemon Center take care of their Pokemon (though I can't stop snickering at how the Nurse Joy has this blank smiling expression on her face despite a Meowth is TALKING HUMAN SPEECH in front of her). Meowth convinces Ash & co. to let the Pokemon Center take their Pokemon as they go off for lunch but as the Audinos cart them away Meowth says he has something to do and he gets into a phone booth. Meowth picks up the phone and turns around giving a sinister looks as he tells Dr. Zager he's in position as Dr. Zager tells Jessie and James to proceed who send up a hose from their train.
Stage 1: Raid On City
We quickly go over to Ash & co. where Ash remembers he has to make a call to Professor Oak and though you'll think the writers are going to have him bump into Meowth we then see Meowth join back with Ash & co.'s Pokemon. They reach a door which the Audino goes over to a scanner to get scanned as Meowth explains about Nimbasa City's security system and that only Nurse Joy or Audino can get through which the door then opens and the Audino cart them through. Ash calls Professor Oak (which I think is the first time he does so, at least on screen) and tells him he's in Nimbasa City though doesn't know which Pokemon to use in his Gym Battle (okay, why are you talking to Professor Oak then? Juniper has your Unova Pokemon, unless you want to try to see if you can get Donphan, Gible, or Gliscor). Dr. Zager tells Jessie and James to cut connection to the Pokemon Center which goes back to Ash who gets cut off from Professor Oak who for some reason was going to get Tracey to give Ash some advice (what? why?). Back to their Pokemon, Pikachu and Axew are getting massaged but Meowth tells the Audino they can go leaving him alone with an evil grin and a sleeping Pikachu and Axew. Dr. Zager then hacks the Driftveil Drawbridge forcing it open (while the operator just stands and watches instead of trying to grab the controls, not that it would help) and short circuiting the controls.
Ash goes back to Iris and Cilan and tells them his call got cut off as we go over to Meowth who cut a wire turning off the security system and opening a hatch which is sucking air in which I'm assuming is the hose from Team Rocket's train. The Pokeballs in the Pokemon Vault are released and Meowth starts dropping them down the event including a caged Pikachu and Axew. Jessie and James watch the Pokeballs fall in mentioning Officer Jenny would be too busy with the drawbridge as we get a shot of police cars rushing down the street which Ash & co. see and decide to investigate. They get to Nurse Joy just as Officer Jenny leaves and she tells them there is something wrong with the drawbridge and with communication down there could be trouble. Cilan starts recalling all the strange occurrences ("Ghost Train", communications being shut off, the drawbridge) and says this must be part of a plan which Ash asks for what and Cilan concludes it must be to steal something and then realizing it could be the Pokemon. We cut to Meowth throwing the rest of the Pokeballs down the vent and then jumping down himself, and now for "Who's That Pokemon" (and they're REALLY late having Woobat be it considering it's been 46 episodes since it's debut!).
Nurse Joy scans herself (I thought Meowth turned off the Security System?) as she explains only her and the Audino can get in so the Pokemon should be safe but when they get into the vault they find all the Pokeballs gone and the vent opened and sucking in air. Ash & co. jump down with Cilan telling Nurse Joy to tell Officer Jenny what's happening as Meowth jumps down telling Jessie and James they got all the Pokemon with James saying Stage 1 is complete and Jessie saying they should proceed. Cilan notes the air flow has stopped and Iris says all they can do is keep going.
Ash: We got to save Pikachu and Meowth, we won't let them down!
Comment: You know, disregarding whether you thought Meowth turned good or not, Meowth's betrayal does still seem a bit sad especially when Ash & co. mention he's one of the Pokemon they're trying to "rescue" (Ash didn't even mention Axew!).
Dr. Zager hacks the ATO causing all the trains to stop shocking Ingo and Emmet while Ash & co. finally reached the subway and find Meowth in front of the "Ghost Train". They ask Meowth if he's following the thief and if he's alright but he turns around and starts laughing tell them he couldn't have done it without them confusing Ash & co. as Jessie and James jump down and they recite their motto. Ash & co. realize they've been tricked as Meowth tells them he needed them to pull an inside job (okay, besides from being able to catch Pikachu, Axew, and their other Pokemon, why did you exactly need Ash & co. to pull this off? I mean Jessie and James could have just sent you into the Pokemon Vault themselves, why did you need Ash & co. besides for getting their Pokemon too?). Jessie sends out Woobat who uses Air Slash which Ash & co. dodge but the train drives past them and they try to run after it but Ash trips causing the train to get away and Cilan says they should head to the control room where they'll see where it's going (um, Cilan, did you not remember Ingo and Emmet saying the train vanishes from their system, it's obvious Team Rocket can control when they can be tracked or not).
Stage 2: Knockout Evil Tasks:
Ash & co. tell Ingo and Emmet that Team Rocket is causing all the problems and Iris asks if all the trains are stopped wouldn't that mean the "Ghost Train" (why are they still calling it the "Ghost Train"?) can't get away but Ingo sadly says that isn't true and Cilan realizes Team Rocket are using the connecting lines. Ash asks if there is anyway to stop Team Rocket which Ingo says that though there is no way to know where Team Rocket are but because they're using the connecting lines they can't directly go where they want to. Emmet says they must be using a circular route and looks at a map of the connecting lines and finds that at some point they'll have to cross the D3 point which is where all the connecting lines intersect and go through. Iris says they should set up an ambush but Cilan says the lines are too far apart however Emmet says there is a mail cart connecting line which connects the Nimbasa Central Station to the Post Office and Ingo says there is a railcar there they can use. Ash says he want to go with them followed by Iris and Cilan but Ingo and Emmet tells them it's too dangerous, especially without their Pokemon, and they would slow them down and leave before Ash & co. could argue... NAH! Just kidding! Of course Ingo and Emmet let Ash & co. go along with them.
We cut to Team Rocket on the "Ghost Train" as they speed through the tunnels with Meowth saying Stage 2 is "rocking hard" and Jessie saying they have complete control on the Subway as in the back Pikachu is unable to shock itself free from the cage. Ash & co. (+ Ingo) reach the mail connecting line and open the door to find the railcar and everyone gets on... except for Ingo who let's Cilan in control as he has to go back to help get back control of the ATO and guide the passenger cars (I'm assuming that's why you left Emmet behind, so you can go and stop Team Rocket, especially since your probably have your Pokemon and Ash & co. don't). After being given a map, Cilan starts driving everyone and soon catches up to the "Ghost Train" (you'd think Team Rocket would have made their train faster then all the other trains just incase something like this happens) where Ash attempts to jump on it... and it bounces like rubber. Seems like Team Rocket did plan for this and set up a decoy which explodes releasing a purple smoke as Ash flies back landing on Iris and Cilan (convenient) and derails the railcar as the smoke fills the tunnel (I'll give Team Rocket kudos on this one, they even got me tricked).
Back in the control room, Ingo asks Emmet about the ATO and Emmet says they got the sensors working again and see Team Rocket heading toward the D3 point. Going over to Ash & co., they're perfectly fine (what, the purple smoke didn't knock them out or paralyze them (poison would probably be going overboard)? I'm thinking about taking half the kudos back now) and Iris asks if that wasn't the "Ghost Train" then where is it (I'll let you have gone guess...). Emmet calls for Ash & co. over a radio and asks how close are Ash & co. to the D3 point and Cilan tells them the railcar got derailed which surprises Emmet and asks what is heading toward the D3 point as Team Rocket speeds by them. Emmet tells them as long as the sensors are working they can keep track where Team Rocket is but when Team Rocket reaches the D3 point every line shows something travelling through them. Iris says they must be more decoys and Cilan asks which one do they go after which is where we end this episode. Will Ash & co. be able to find Team Rocket? Can they get their and the Pokemon Center's Pokemon back? Well being the next episode was already released in the UK you can probably go check no... I mean we'll have to wait till next time to find out!