Ok overall, nothing to excited...say hello to Volt Tackle's replacement. New evolution scene is cool though. Ha, I was so tired this morning I almost thought they said Dugtrio instead of Ducklett Trio.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Ok overall, nothing to excited...say hello to Volt Tackle's replacement. New evolution scene is cool though. Ha, I was so tired this morning I almost thought they said Dugtrio instead of Ducklett Trio.
This episode was pretty good.
It seemed okay. Electro Ball was cool as was the evolution scene. I can't wait to see Krokorok again. By comparison, he seemed bigger than I thought he'd be.
It makes sense that Volt Tackle disappeared because unless they've got Light Balls in the Dream World, there's no way to get a Volt Tackle Pichu or it's evos in 5th gen.
I detest Ducklett. This episode only made that dislike deepen.
Awesome episode! Pikachu learns a new move, and the Sunglasses Sandile finally evolves into Krokorok!
Great Episodes!Those Ducklett's were annoying though. But glad to see Pikachu FINALLY learn a new move; and Sandile evolve! ;D
I thought this episode was hilarious, with those mischievous Duckletts! As for the Sandile and its evolved state, I could've sworn that Ash was going to catch it, so I was kind of disappointed when he didn't. Maybe when they meet again, he'll battle and then catch it.
This episode was entertaining though I am kind of annoyed it introduced something which has caused a massive debate: Pikachu learning Electro Ball. Okay, yes, so far in the anime after this episode we've only seen Pikachu use Thunderbolt, Iron Tail, Quick Attack, and Electro Ball but I don't think that means Pikachu forgot Volt Tackle. Remember the anime is bound by game rules meaning a Pokemon can know more then four moves BUT can only use four moves in a battle. Volt Tackle is a powerful attack which also hurts Pikachu so if Pikachu has an alternate attack to use which doesn't require the power Volt Tackle gives it now does in Electro Ball. Also, why would the writers get rid of Volt Tackle, Pikachu's SIGNATURE MOVE? Until someone in the anime specifically states Pikachu no longer knows Volt Tackle, past history says Pikachu still knows Volt Tackle though probably only in dire situations due to the recoil damage it causes.
Anyway, as Ash and Iris train Scraggy and Axew, Ash and Pikachu suddenly fall down a deep hole as a Ducklett steals Cilan's pan serving dome which Iris starts chasing as Cilan uses Pansage to help look for Ash. Ash falls out of the hole to find it was dug by the Sunglasses Sandile who wants to battle Pikachu but before they could get the battle fully going another Ducklett interrupts the battle and steals Sandile's sunglasses. Ash promises to help Sandile gets its sunglasses back but another Ducklett then steal Ash's hat! Why are these Ducklett stealing everyone's items? Can they be able to get their items back? How many episodes will it be before the writers remember they have a Team Rocket side plot going on? Will Sandile and Pikachu ever get to have a full battle? All but one of these questions gets answered, and if you want to find out which ones (like you can't figure out which one doesn't get answered already), just continue reading:
Getting Jacked By A Quack Pack:
We start the episode with Axew and Scraggy getting ready to battle as a flock of Pidove fly from the trees surprising Cilan who's preparing lunch. Ash and Iris tell their Pokemon their attacks and they perform them in their... unique way... with Scraggy using Headbutt and Axew using Scratch (though the Scratch looked to have missed) which causes Scraggy's "pants" to drop as Axew laughs. Ash and Iris give an awkward laugh too but go back to giving commands and Scraggy uses Leer which looked to make Axew feel a bit uncomfortable.
Ash: Huh? It worked! *nervously smiles and turns to Pikachu* Right?
Pikachu *also with a nervous grin*: Pik...
Comment: Well if Leer did work then that should mean Axew's Defense has been lowered... unfortunetly Axew has zero to no defense already so...
Iris tells Axew to use Dragon Rage which surprises Ash, Pikachu, and Cilan (who quickly rushes to cover the meal he prepared) but before it could release it Axew closes its mouth causing it to glow before it explodes (Axew learned Self-Destruct!). A big, billowing black cloud later (being it looks like we're near a town you'd think someone would have noticed the large explosion...) and we see that, despite a crater Axew is sitting in, no one was hurt and Iris picks up Axew saying that at least they tried. The narrator fills us in that they are indeed on an outskirts of a town and Cilan tells them lunch is ready and Ash and Iris tell Axew and Scraggy they did good work as a Ducklett watches them from the tall grass. Oshawott pops out of its Pokeball and rushes over to the table to eat and Ash decides they should let their Pokemon eat with them (so you originally weren't planning on feeding your Pokemon? Doesn't that mean Cilan doesn't have food ready for them?) when Ash and Pikachu suddenly fall into a very deep hole with Ash dropping his other Pokeballs behind! Iris and Cilan look down the hole which caves in closing it up and Cilan sends out Pansage to use Dig to follow them, but before it does Iris says she wants to help too and takes out Excadrill's Pokeball saying in a situation like this it has to listen.
Ash and Pikachu continue to slide down the hole when we switch to a side of a cliff which a hole is made revealing that it was the Sunglasses Sandile which dug the hole! Hearing Ash and Pikachu coming, Sandile does a huge leap down to the forest below as Ash and Pikachu slide out right behind it and faceplants. Ash checks it Pikachu is alright when Sandile starts yelling at them and Ash recognizes the Sandile and asking if it dug the hole and why. Sandile starts stomping its foot and Ash asks if it brought them there to battle Pikachu which it stomps its foot in agreement and Ash and Pikachu accept its challenge (I mean it only almost killed you ). Back to Iris and Cilan, Iris sends out Excadrill and ask it to help but it does nothing and Iris quickly gives up and returns it and Cilan tells Pansage to use Dig but he hears Ducklett behind him and when he looks he sees Ducklett is walking away with a pan serving dome on its head. Cilan tells Ducklett to stop and it responds with a Scald which misses them and instead hits Oshawott who uses its Scalchop to redirect it to Iris before slipping and having its face burned. Oshawott gets angry and throws down its Scalchop before quickly picking it back up and putting it back on its stomach and turns its anger toward Ducklett who laughs and runs off. Oshawott, Scraggy, Axew, and Iris chase after it and Cilan tells Pansage that Iris will take care of Ducklett and they should start looking for Ash.
Back to the Pikachu vs. Sandile battle, we see another Ducklett is watching them and Ash and Pikachu make the first move with Thunderbolt and after it does nothing Ash remembers that Sandile is part Ground-type (since when did that stop Pikachu's Electric-type attacks?). Sandile charges at Pikachu with a Bite but Pikachu smacks it back with an Iron Tail, but the battle is soon interupted by the watching Ducklett who walks between the two. Ash checks his Pokedex and then tells Ducklett they're in a middle of a battle and Sandile pushes it to aside and after it gives it some strange looks Sandile tries to intimidate by opening its mouth wide which the Ducklett then sticks its head in (well, looks like Sandile found some lunch ) and gets stuck. Sandile and Ducklett start struggling but soon get Ducklett free as Sandile yells at it but Ducklett tickles Snadile's nose causing it to sneeze which sends it sunglasses flying onto Ducklett's face. Sandile starts to panic a bit seemingly asking Ducklett for its sunglasses back and Ducklett looked like it was going to do it... before putting it back on and sending Sandile flying back into Ash with a Scald and flies off as Ash wonders what's with that Ducklett as we zoom in on a fainted Sandile.
Ash, Pikachu, and Sandile start looking for Ducklett with Ash promising Sandile that they'll get its glasses back when a sudden swarm of Woobat flies by scaring Sandile having it cling to Ash who tells it to calm down (recurring Pokemon, helping it, wants to battle Ash and Pikachu, should we even bet whether Ash is going to catch Sandile or not? ). Up in the trees a third Ducklett watches them (if you haven't guessed from the title) and after Ash puts Sandile down it flies down and grabs Ash's hat and puts it on. Ash says its back again but sounded like he was about to change that assumption before Sandile grabbed onto his leg and they had to dodge this Ducklett's Ice Beam. The Ducklett starts to fly off and Ash yells that that's his hat and picks up Sandile as they chase the Ducklett to a river where it joins back up with the Ducklett that stole Sandile's sunglasses. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt shocking both Duckletts causing them to fall down but before they could get their stuff back the Ducklett that stole Cilan's pan serving dome uses Steel Wing to knock them down and it rejoins with the other two Duckletts as Ash says they now have to deal with three. Pan Serving Dome Ducklett uses Scald which Ash was able to throw Sandile out of the way but takes the attack in the face before the Hat Ducklett uses Ice Beam to freeze Ash in a block of ice. The Ducklett Trio laugh as Sandile uses Bite to break Ash free and Pikachu tries to use Thunderbolt but the Ducklett Trio fly off into a hole in a tree trunk and start throwing junk at them before flying out with a soccer ball and an unbrella. Pikachu tries to user Thunderbolt but the Ducklett dropped the soccer ball on Ash's head and the umbrella over Pikachu which somehow is able to contain its Thunderbolt (remind you that Pikachu's Thunderbolt has destroyed giant mechs...).
"Who's That Pokemon" later, for some reason Pikachu seems to be unable to stop using Thunderbolt as Ash tries to take the umbrella off it but gets shocked in the process (you mean he isn't immune yet? ) until Sandile uses Bite to get the umbrella off. Pikachu looks to have become paralyzed from taking its own Thunderbolt as Ash picks it up but the Ducklett Trio start using Scald on Sandile who panically dodges them and Ash tell it to run away into the forest. Meanwhile Oshawott, Scraggy, and Axew get to a clearing in the forest and Iris swings down and tells them to stop and they shouldn't run off on their own. Iris tells them they should go back and help look for Ash but Cilan tells them that isn't necessary as they climb down the hole in the cliff saying the hole Ash fell down led them here and Iris concludes that means Ash is somewhere around here.
We Need To Fill Our "Blast Off" Quota Somewhere:
Back to Ash, Pikachu, and Sandile, the Ducklett Trio start playing around with the items they have "acquired" throughout the years and laugh at Ash, Pikachu, and Sandile who are watching from the trees. Ash tells Sandile that they'll get their stuff back but without his other Pokemon will have to do it on thier own as Pikachu, who turns out isn't paralyzed, starts sparking but is feeling okay and they confront the Ducklett Trio. At first Ash tries to explain to them that Sandile liked to wear its sunglasses (anyone else notice "Emotion" is playing in the background?) and the Ducklett wearing the sunglasses takes them off and walks up to them but before Ash could take them they all get blasted with a Scald (what a surprise ). The Dukclett Trio start laughing and Pikachu tries to use a Thunderbolt but is unable to and Ash thinks it's because of the umbrella. With Pikachu unable to battle Sandile decides to fight despite Ash telling it has a type disadvantage and the Ducklett Trio throw their items in the corner getting ready to battle. Sandile uses a Stone Edge but the Ducklett Trio fly through it and start using Ice Beam and Scald but Ash tells Sandile to dodge it which it does. However the third Ducklett has gotten close and uses a Scald but Pikachu quickly uses an Iron Tail to deflect the attack and protect Sandile. The Ducklett Trio huddle up and then start flying toward Pikachu and Sandile as Pikachu charges at them only for them to fly pass it and use Steel Wing on Sandile. Ash runs in saying ganging up isn't fair with Pikachu also rushing in and all of them get into a scuffle which only result in Ash, Pikachu, and Sandile being thrown back a bit and the Ducklett Trio re-grouping.
Pikachu has had enough of all this and starts sending out elecricity which start to scare the Ducklett Trio as all the electricity goes toward Pikachu's tail forming a ball which Pikachu swings at the Ducklett Trio and blasts them off. Ash asks what was that and Cilan says it was Electro Ball as him and Iris walk up and Ash says "Electro Ball" in a bit of confusion.
Iris: You don't know Electro Ball? What a little kid.
Comment: Oh come on, that's a fifth Generation move! Technically if Pikachu knows Thunderbolt it should have already learned Electro Ball according to Pikachu's Generation V movelist.
As Oshawott stops Scraggy from Headbutting Sandile, Ash tells them it's the Sunglasses Sandile and Iris asks what's it doing here when the Ducklett Trio come flying back and start using Scald and Ice Beam as they all start dodging. Oshawott gets hit with another Scald in the face which burns it, runs around for a short while, throws down its Scalchop in anger, and quickly picks it back up and puts it back on its stomach as the Ducklett Trio start laughing.
Iris: What's wrong with you guys?
Cilan: Such behavior is hard to understand.
Comment: No it isn't, they're jerks, nothing hard to understand about that.
The Ducklett Trio start to charge at them but Pikachu ends things with a Thunderbolt and sends them blasting off in a Team Rocket-style "performance" before flying off on their own (I have a feeling we'll be seeing them again...). With the Ducklett Trio defeated Sandile reclaims its sunglasses, Scraggy gives Ash his hat back, and Cilan is glad to see his pan... oh, I mean serving dome is safe (um, yeah, I knew it was a serving dome all along...). Later at a Pokemon Center, Pikachu and Sandile are healed and Nurse Joy tells them that the Ducklett Trio is well known around town and can cause trouble but Ash says if it wasn't for the Ducklett Trio Pikachu wouldn't have learned a new move. Later (again), Iris and Cilan watch as Pikachu and Sandile get ready to battle surprised Sandile would travel this far to battle them. Iris notes that Pikachu is at a disadvantage and Cilan says Ash probably knows this and is interested to see what sort of "ingrediants" this battle will be made up of and it should be "delicious". Sandile starts off with a Stone Edge which hits Pikachu bit it recovers and hits with a Quick Attack followed by an Iron Tail as Cilan says Ash's strategy looks to not use an Electric-type attacks (well I think that was kind of obvious if Ash plans on damaging Sandile ). Sandile uses Dig and surfaces right under Pikachu sending it flying into the air and does the same thing again causing massive damage to Pikachu, but as it starts walking toward them Sandile begins to glow and... WHOA! NEW EVOLUTION ANIMATION!
That's right! Sandile evolves into Krokorok! Krokorok immidietly uses a Stone Edge but Pikachu uses a Electro Ball which confuses Iris before seeing the Electro Ball deflecting Stone Edge right back at Krokorok which sends it blasting off (... so Ash isn't catching Krokorok? I guess Krokorok is going to be like the Unova Jigglypuff)! Iris compliments Pikachu's Electro Ball and Cilan says the though the match was a draw Pikachu now has a rival in Krokorok as Ash says the next time they meet Krokorok they'll win (or send it blasting off again) and they continue toward Castelia City.
In the Japanese version of the episode when Infernape learned Flare Blitz they said that he forgot Flame Wheel. The Four Move limit has now been retconned into existence.
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
In the Japanese version of the episode when Infernape learned Flare Blitz they said that he forgot Flame Wheel. The Four Move limit has now been retconned into existence. |
Really? Okay, though being Pokemon moves has always been an iffy matter don't be surprised if later on in the series Pikachu uses Volt Tackle.
Though as I said it seems strange they would get rid of Pikachu's Signature move being Electro Ball (though technically can be just or more powerful then Volt Tackle) will most of the time be weaker then Thunderbolt. Also it would have made more sense for Thunderbolt to be replaces as it was the move which caused Pikachu to become "supercharged" and was the move it was trying to use when Ash realized that the umbrella had caused something to happen to Pikachu's attacks. But oh well, I guess they wanted Pikachu to have another Electric-type attack which didn't hinder it.
pichu121 wrote: |
"you don't know electro ball? what a kid!" or you know MAYBE ash is from Kanto where electro ball doesn't freaking EXIST! honestly Iris....you better check yourself before you wreck yourself yo! know what i'm sayin dawg? ...i am never saying that again....but i still stand by my previous statement....Iris should learn to THINK BEFORE SHE SPEAKS! |
And who said Electro Ball doesn't exist there?
Shiny_missingno wrote: | ||
And who said Electro Ball doesn't exist there? |
And here we have the problems the anime faces, having to retcon stuff. While not readily apparent, every time a new generation is introduced the anime treats it as if it has always existed. Now while this is technically the logical way to treat it, sometimes things occur which makes you do a double take and question "if that was always there then how come we didn't see it before?". This comes BLARING obvious during the Gen III Battle Frontier where Ash traveled around Kanto again and suddenly there is a whole batch of Johto and Hoenn Pokemon in the wild!
However that's with Pokemon, it's slightly easier to hide the introduction of new moves as long as no one points them out. As I mentioned in my review technically Pikachu should have known Electro Ball already as in Gen V it learns it at Level 18 and it learns Thunderbolt at Level 29 (and yes, I know it can learn Thunderbolt via TM24 but being Pikachu learned Thunderbolt without Ash having to specifically train it like Iron Tail (which is oddly off Pikachu's TM list in Gen V) I'm assuming Pikachu learned Thunderbolt naturally through experience alone). Though honestly no one would have cared about this... until Iris opened her mouth.
My only answer to this is that Electro Ball was a move discovered/invented in Unova and besides in the regions nearby Unova probably isn't well known in far off regions like Kanto. Though how Pikachu suddenly is able to learn it without even knowing about the move remains unanswered unless you want to go the route that a Pokemon's sensitivity to nature that upon going to different regions it causes slight mutations within itself concerning attacks and stats (like how a Pikachu in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh can learn Iron Tail through TM but a Unova Pikachu cannot).